计算机专业英语教程第2版 第10期:搜索工具

Search Engines

Search engines are specialized programs that assist you in locating information on the Web and the Internet. To find information, you go to the search service's Web site and use their search engine. Yahoo’s search engine, like most others, provides two different search approaches.



Keyword Search

In a keyword search, you enter a keyword or phrase reflecting the information you want. The search engine compares your entry against its database and returns a list of hits or sites that contain the keywords. Each hit includes a hyperlink to the referenced Web page (or other resource) along with a brief discussion of the information contained at that location. Many searches result in a large number of hits. For example, if you were to enter the keyword travel, you would get over a thousand hits. Search engines order the hits according to those sites that most likely contain the information requested and present the list to you in that order, usually in groups of ten.



Directory Search

Most search engines also provide a directory or list of categories or topics such as Arts &Humanities, Business & Economics, Computers & Internet. In a directory search, also known as index search. You select a category that fits the information that you want. Another list of subtopics relates to the topic you selected appears. You select the subtopic that best relates to your topic and another subtopic list appears. You continue to narrow your search in this manner until a list of Web sites appears. This list corresponds to the hit list previously discussed.

As a general rule, if you are searching for general information, use the directory search approach. For example, to find general information about music, use a directory search beginning with the category Arts &Humanities. If you are searching for specific information, use the key word approach. For example, if you were looking for a specific MP3 file, use a key word search entering the album title and/or the artist’s name in the text selection box.

A recent study by the NEC Research Institute found that any one search engine includes only a fraction of the informational sources on the Web. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you use more than one search engine when researching important topics. Or, you could use a special type of search engine called a metasearch engine.



Metasearch Engines

One way to research a topic is to visit the Web site for several individual search engines. At each site, enter the search instructions, wait for the hits to appear, review the list, and visit selected sites. This process can be quite time-consuming and duplicate responses from different search engines are inevitable. Metasearch engines offer an alternative.

Metasearch engines are programs that automatically submit your search request to several search engines simultaneously. The metasearch engine receives the results, eliminates duplicates, orders the hits, and then provides the edited list to you. There are several metasearch sites available on the Web. One of the best known is Metacrawler.


有一种搜寻某一主题的方法是访问包含多个独立的搜索引擎Web站点。在每个站点输入搜索指令,等待反馈的热点链接信息,这样会占用很多时间,并且不同的搜索引擎返回重复的信息也是不可避免的。Metasearch搜索引擎是一个自动同时提交搜索信息给多个搜索引擎的程序,可以接收搜索结果,去除多余部分并且将热点链接排序,最后将编辑好的结果提交给用户。在Web上有多个Metasearch站点,其中最著名的一个是 Metacrawler。

Specialized Search Englines

Specialized search engines focus on subject-specific Web sites. Specialized sites can potentially save you time by narrowing your search. For example, let's say you are researching a paper about the fashion industry. You could begin with a general search engine like Yahoo! Or, you could go to a search engine that specialized specifically in fashion.



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