
1、So far as change request , because of    defined field   being changed ,entity (实体) is changed accordingly ,when test , add or modify   function must test . for example:
Change Request OF SRE : 17982
“The tenant charge is changed as specified in Tenant Charge entity.
On Tenant Charge Adjustment Entry page, Building list shows buildings instead of sites.
Since tenant charge entity is changed, Tenant Charge Definition page will be changed accordingly. See the user interface prototype and the description of Tenant Charge Definition page in SRS”.
2、when regression test ,a user with searching or creating privilege, need thinking of privilege problem.
3、在查询时,需要输入在数据库存在的字段在中间加上title:’1’ ,注:1在数据库中存在。
4、安全性验证:管理员具有的权限的ip address,验证普通用户是否能访问功能!!如ISDMS Project ,login the system with normal user ,input the 'http://localhost/ISDMS/Admin/User/UserList.aspx?MenuId=Administrator' in address bar , the user list page will be shown.
5、when update a document ,if the web address is "http://www.sohu.com",after save and open it , an error message is shown :Failed in open the document file/web address. 
6、for report, select date ,start date should be earlier than end date,for this test point,should be think of start date having value and end date being null.
7、Test change request of    adding   a field in generated report, must   verify   format with bordering upon added field .
7(2) 对于变更假若添加异常,应该对相关流程进行测试。包括正常和异常测试。
8、For a module such as user
增加 ——> 增加 ——> 增加 连续 增加测试)
增加 ——> 删除
增加 ——> 删除 ——> 增加 (新增加的内容与删除内容一致)
增加 ——> 修改 ——> 删除
修改 ——> 修改 ——> 修改 (连续修改测试)
修改 ——> 增加 (新增加的内容与修改前内容一致)
修改 ——> 删除
修改 ——> 删除 ——> 增加 (新增加的内容与删除内容一致)
删除 ——> 删除 ——> 删除 (连续删除测试)
9 Test custom for a complete module such as user module : create a user two times continually, then modify their data, then   delete user twice continually.
10 、写 bug 报告的注意事项
1   写一个 bug 报告时,应该用简短的句子描述。例如:
when create a new user ,if the privilege is "tenant charge", the assigned SRE Regions is "East", when update it, an warning message will be shown," The assigned SRE region is not useful but it will be saved",
after  click the "ok" button another error message will be shown, "Please assign the BU/CDs---"
2) 写一个 bug 报告时,应该写清楚将要产生的预期结果和当前现象。 For example
when create a new user ,after input GID, press "Enter" Key, the page will be refreshed, but there is change and no data will be saved.
3) 经典描述:
When create a new user, the account is blank, the data should not be saved and show an exception.,for the account is mandatory.
3) 写一个 bug 报告对于报表类型的描述: for example
I)when generate the SAP report for tenant charge , in the exported file, at local sheet, the group by cost object (WBS code) has some problem, if the cost center of two tenant charges are all 80240020,one location is locaton1,other is location2,then the cost object are(28OCI00077700100000    ,28OCI00055500100000 ),
so it should be separated into two groups,but here it in one group and cost object is 28OCI00077700100000
H report,    the summary page, the 3). H  provincial  performance  table, Under Preparation column, there is one project which status is UP , but the value is not listed in these column.
4)当重现bug 报告时,需要数据库才能重现,必须指定保存的数据库路经。
After generate the tenant charge for SAP report, generate the tenant charge, sometimes, if not save the export file, and open it , the report will be generate as SAP report .
II)after create a new housing contract, click the back  button, the page back to the define page, click the update button, an error message is shown:
Failed during a transaction.
2)对于日期范围的查询,要考虑开始日期和结束日期的先后顺序,开始日期有值和 结束日期无值的情况,日期格式的验证 (input 20050611)such as:
When show the usage report, if choose the date from 2005-03-16 to 2005-03-01,an error message will be show,
"The start login date can not be later than the end login date."
but if choose 2005-05-06 and not choose the end date ,the report will be shown, and the date range will be displayed on the page from2005-05-06 to 2005-03-10.
When export housing contract, select the first sort by city, second sort by Contract Code, and select these two fields for export, in the exported file, these two fields will be displayed twice.
11 项目日期的估计:
Test Case 25%, Install Used Time   0.5Day
Test Time 50-70%, Regression Test: 20-25%
If more than 10-15% defects in project, Testers have right to stop project test.
12 Time of writing case contain time of reading SRS 25% of time of writing case.
13 、先看需求。再写测试用例。
14 、特殊字符“ & 需要测试。对数字需要对多的小数点测试。
14 Security:
The following aspects shall be tested.
      Only access in session (每一页)
      Data permission 输入IP Address, 对于没权限的用户definition page and list page 能否显示。
15、For SRS, for updating means contain creating and modifying.
16、write test case according to one big module.
17、write test result,对test case 进行跟踪。
18、 当重现缺陷时,找到图片,要进行抓图。这种情况需要注意:关闭 Function Module 不进行任何操作,然后再次打开 Function Module ,选择 Function Module after add function module ,an error is shown.
 19、MySQL backup(in dos):    mysqldump -u root -p --default-character-set=utf8 --databases coinExchange>coinExchange.sql




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