异常:Error resolving template "xxx", template might not exist or might not be accessible...解决办法...

简单表述:控制台出现了这个异常:Error resolving template "xxx", template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers


讲一下个人理解:这个注解就是用来区别 方法的返回值字符串 和 视图解析器解析的页面名字字符串 的冲突的,举个例子:方法A返回的字符串success,如果和ajax的回调函数里的msg匹配,就弹出一个“执行成功”,因为success只是普通的字符串,所以要在方法上边加上@ResponseBody。 方法B的返回值是“/contextList”,而这个就是一个页面contextList.jsp或者是contextList.html(具体是什么看配置,反正是个页面)。

@ResponseBody 这个注解, 就表明该方法的返回值直接写入到 HTTP Response Body 中。 这就是说,如果返回的是JSON, 就得必须添加 @ResponseBody 这个注解,一般在异步获取数据时使用,在使用@RequestMapping后,返回值通常解析为跳转路径,加上@responsebody后返回结果不会被解析为跳转路径,而是直接写入HTTP response body中。比如异步获取json数据,加上@responsebody后,会直接返回json数据。


controller层加注解@Controller 和@RestController都可以在前端调通接口,但是二者的区别在于,当用前者的时候在方法上必须添加注解@ResponseBody,如果不添加@ResponseBody,就会报上面错误,因为当使用@Controller 注解时,spring默认方法返回的是view对象(页面)。而加上@ResponseBody,则方法返回的就是具体对象了。@RestController的作用就相当于@Controller+@ResponseBody的结合体


spring.thymeleaf.mode=HTML5 spring.thymeleaf.encoding=UTF-8 spring.thymeleaf.content-type=text/html spring.thymeleaf.prefix=classpath:/templates

根据评论的兄弟说的一种可能情况:spring.thymeleaf.prefix=classpath:/templates/ 最后是没有符号 / 的

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英文原版,无水印,数字版,有目录。 Node.js in Practice 1st Edition Summary Node.js in Practice is a collection of fully tested examples that offer solutions to the common and not-so-common issues you face when you roll out Node. You'll dig into important topics like the ins and outs of event-based programming, how and why to use closures, how to structure applications to take advantage of end-to-end JavaScript apps, and more. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Book You've decided to use Node.js for your next project and you need the skills to implement Node in production. It would be great to have Node experts Alex Young and Marc Harter at your side to help you tackle those day-to-day challenges. With this book, you can! Node.js in Practice is a collection of 115 thoroughly tested examples and instantly useful techniques guaranteed to make any Node application go more smoothly. Following a common-sense Problem/Solution format, these experience-fueled techniques cover important topics like event-based programming, streams, integrating external applications, and deployment. The abundantly annotated code makes the examples easy to follow, and techniques are organized into logical clusters, so it's a snap to find what you're looking for. Written for readers who have a practical knowledge of JavaScript and the basics of Node.js. What's Inside Common usage examples, from basic to advanced Designing and writing modules Testing and debugging Node apps Integrating Node into existing systems About the Authors Alex Young is a seasoned JavaScript developer who blogs regularly at DailyJS. Marc Harter works daily on large-scale projects including high-availability real-time applications, streaming interfaces, and other data-intensive systems. Table of Contents PART 1 NODE FUNDAMENTALS Getting started Globals: Node's environment Buffers: Working with bits, bytes, and encodings Events: Mastering EventEmitter and beyond Streams: Node's most powerful and misunderstood feature File system: Synchronous and asynchronous approaches Networking: Node's true "Hello, World" Child processes: Integrating external applications with Node PART 2 REAL-WORLD RECIPES The Web: Build leaner and meaner web applications Tests: The key to confident code Debugging: Designing for introspection and resolving issues Node in production: Deploying applications safely PART 3 WRITING MODULES Writing modules: Mastering what Node is all about


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