微软Visual C++是Win32最广泛使用的编译器,因此Win32反向器对其内部工作非常熟悉。能够识别编译器生成的粘合代码有助于快速集中于程序员编写的实际代码。它还有助于恢复程序的高级结构。我将集中讨论MSVC编译程序中的堆栈布局、异常处理和相关结构。假设对汇编程序、寄存器、调用约定等有一定的了解。
- Stack frame — 堆栈帧,函数使用的堆栈段的片段。通常包含函数参数、返回调用方地址、保存的寄存器、局部变量和其他特定于此函数的数据。在x86(和大多数其他架构)上,调用者和被调用者堆栈帧是连续的。
- Frame pointer — 帧指针,指向堆栈帧内固定位置的寄存器或其他变量。通常堆栈帧中的所有数据都是相对于帧指针寻址的。在x86上,它通常是ebp,通常指向返回地址的正下方。
- Object — 对象,(C++)类的一个实例。
- Unwindable Object — 不可逆转的对象,具有自动存储类说明符的本地对象,在堆栈上分配,超出范围时需要销毁。
- Stack UInwinding — 堆栈展开:当控制由于异常而离开作用域时,自动销毁此类对象。
- SEH异常(来自“结构化异常处理”)。也称为Win32或系统异常。著名的Matt Pietrek文章[1]详尽地介绍了这些内容。它们是C程序唯一可用的例外。编译器级别的支持包括关键字try、except、finally和其他一些关键字。
- C++异常(有时称为“EH”)。在SEH之上实现,C++异常允许任意类型的抛出和捕获。C++的一个非常重要的特点是在异常处理过程中自动堆栈展开,而MSVC使用一个非常复杂的底层框架来保证它在所有情况下都能正常工作。
在下图中,内存地址从上到下递增,因此堆栈“向上”增长这是在IDA中表示堆栈的方式,与大多数其他出版物相反。 最基本的堆栈帧如下所示:
Local variables
Other saved registers
Saved ebp
Return address
Function arguments
DWORD EnclosingLevel;
void* FilterFunc;
void* HandlerFunc;
要恢复try块,请查看try level变量的更新方式。它为每个try块分配一个唯一的数字,嵌套由scopetable
。函数体被认为具有try level-1
Whidbey(MSVC 2005)编译器为SEH帧添加了一些缓冲区溢出保护。其中的完整堆栈帧布局如下所示:
只有使用/GS开关编译函数时,才存在GS cookie。EHcookie总是存在的。SEH4 scopetable与SEH3基本相同,只是添加了头:
struct _EH4_SCOPETABLE {
DWORD GSCookieOffset;
DWORD GSCookieXOROffset;
DWORD EHCookieOffset;
DWORD EHCookieXOROffset;
DWORD EnclosingLevel;
long (*FilterFunc)();
union {
void (*HandlerAddress)();
void (*FinallyFunc)();
GSCookieOffset=-2表示不使用GS cookie。EH cookie总是存在的。偏移具有相对ebp。检查方式如下:(ebp+CookieXOROffset) ^ [ebp+CookieOffset]==
mov eax, OFFSET __ehfuncinfo
jmp ___CxxFrameHandler
__ehfuncinfo is a structure of type FuncInfo which fully describes all try/catch blocks and unwindable objects in the function.
struct FuncInfo {
// compiler version.
// 0x19930520: up to VC6, 0x19930521: VC7.x(2002-2003), 0x19930522: VC8 (2005)
DWORD magicNumber;
// number of entries in unwind table
int maxState;
// table of unwind destructors
UnwindMapEntry* pUnwindMap;
// number of try blocks in the function
DWORD nTryBlocks;
// mapping of catch blocks to try blocks
TryBlockMapEntry* pTryBlockMap;
// not used on x86
DWORD nIPMapEntries;
// not used on x86
void* pIPtoStateMap;
// VC7+ only, expected exceptions list (function "throw" specifier)
ESTypeList* pESTypeList;
// VC8+ only, bit 0 set if function was compiled with /EHs
int EHFlags;
Unwind map is similar to the SEH scopetable, only without filter functions:
struct UnwindMapEntry {
int toState; // target state
void (*action)(); // action to perform (unwind funclet address)
Try block descriptor. Describes a try{} block with associated catches.
struct TryBlockMapEntry {
int tryLow;
int tryHigh; // this try {} covers states ranging from tryLow to tryHigh
int catchHigh; // highest state inside catch handlers of this try
int nCatches; // number of catch handlers
HandlerType* pHandlerArray; //catch handlers table
Catch block descriptor. Describes a single catch() of a try block.
struct HandlerType {
// 0x01: const, 0x02: volatile, 0x08: reference
DWORD adjectives;
// RTTI descriptor of the exception type. 0=any (ellipsis)
TypeDescriptor* pType;
// ebp-based offset of the exception object in the function stack.
// 0 = no object (catch by type)
int dispCatchObj;
// address of the catch handler code.
// returns address where to continues execution (i.e. code after the try block)
void* addressOfHandler;
List of expected exceptions (implemented but not enabled in MSVC by default, use /d1ESrt to enable).
struct ESTypeList {
// number of entries in the list
int nCount;
// list of exceptions; it seems only pType field in HandlerType is used
HandlerType* pTypeArray;
RTTI type descriptor. Describes a single C++ type. Used here to match the thrown exception type with catch type.
struct TypeDescriptor {
// vtable of type_info class
const void * pVFTable;
// used to keep the demangled name returned by type_info::name()
void* spare;
// mangled type name, e.g. ".H" = "int", ".?AUA@@" = "struct A", ".?AVA@@" = "class A"
char name[0];
throw语句被转换为_CxxThrowException()的调用,这实际上引发了一个Win32(SEH)异常,代码为0xE06D7363(‘msc’| 0xe000000)。Win32异常的自定义参数包括指向异常对象及其ThrowInfo结构的指针,使用这些指针,异常处理程序可以将抛出的异常类型与catch处理程序所期望的类型相匹配。
struct ThrowInfo {
// 0x01: const, 0x02: volatile
DWORD attributes;
// exception destructor
void (*pmfnUnwind)();
// forward compatibility handler
int (*pForwardCompat)();
// list of types that can catch this exception.
// i.e. the actual type and all its ancestors.
CatchableTypeArray* pCatchableTypeArray;
struct CatchableTypeArray {
// number of entries in the following array
int nCatchableTypes;
CatchableType* arrayOfCatchableTypes[0];
Describes a type that can catch this exception.
struct CatchableType {
// 0x01: simple type (can be copied by memmove), 0x02: can be caught by reference only, 0x04: has virtual bases
DWORD properties;
// see above
TypeDescriptor* pType;
// how to cast the thrown object to this type
PMD thisDisplacement;
// object size
int sizeOrOffset;
// copy constructor address
void (*copyFunction)();
// Pointer-to-member descriptor.
struct PMD {
// member offset
int mdisp;
// offset of the vbtable (-1 if not a virtual base)
int pdisp;
// offset to the displacement value inside the vbtable
int vdisp;
Prologs and Epilogs
Name Type EH Cookie GS Cookie Catch Handlers
_SEH_prolog/_SEH_epilog SEH3 - -
_SEH_prolog4/_SEH_epilog4 S EH4 + -
_SEH_prolog4_GS/_SEH_epilog4_GS SEH4 + +
_EH_prolog C++ EH - - +/-
_EH_prolog3/_EH_epilog3 C++ EH + - -
_EH_prolog3_catch/_EH_epilog3 C++ EH + - +
_EH_prolog3_GS/_EH_epilog3_GS C++ EH + + -
_EH_prolog3_catch_GS/_EH_epilog3_catch_GS C++ EH + + +
显然是由MSVC 1.XX(由crtdll.dll导出)使用的。在一些旧的NT程序中遇到。
Saved edi
Saved esi
Saved ebx
Next SEH frame
Current SEH handler (__except_handler2)
Pointer to the scopetable
Try level
Saved ebp (of this function)
Exception pointers
Local variables
Saved ESP
Local variables
Callee EBP
Return address
Function arguments
func1 proc near
_excCode = dword ptr -28h
buf = byte ptr -24h
_saved_esp = dword ptr -18h
_exception_info = dword ptr -14h
_next = dword ptr -10h
_handler = dword ptr -0Ch
_scopetable = dword ptr -8
_trylevel = dword ptr -4
str = dword ptr 8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push -1
push offset _func1_scopetable
push offset _except_handler3
mov eax, large fs:0
push eax
mov large fs:0, esp
add esp, -18h
push ebx
push esi
push edi
; --- end of prolog ---
mov [ebp+_trylevel], 0 ;trylevel -1 -> 0: beginning of try block 0
mov [ebp+_trylevel], 1 ;trylevel 0 -> 1: beginning of try block 1
mov large dword ptr ds:123, 456
mov [ebp+_trylevel], 0 ;trylevel 1 -> 0: end of try block 1
jmp short _endoftry1
_func1_filter1: ; __except() filter of try block 1
mov ecx, [ebp+_exception_info]
mov edx, [ecx+EXCEPTION_POINTERS.ExceptionRecord]
mov eax, [edx+EXCEPTION_RECORD.ExceptionCode]
mov [ebp+_excCode], eax
mov ecx, [ebp+_excCode]
xor eax, eax
setz al
_func1_handler1: ; beginning of handler for try block 1
mov esp, [ebp+_saved_esp]
push offset aAccessViolatio ; "Access violation"
call _printf
add esp, 4
mov [ebp+_trylevel], 0 ;trylevel 1 -> 0: end of try block 1
mov edx, [ebp+str]
push edx
lea eax, [ebp+buf]
push eax
call _strcpy
add esp, 8
mov [ebp+_trylevel], -1 ; trylevel 0 -> -1: end of try block 0
call _func1_handler0 ; execute __finally of try block 0
jmp short _endoftry0
_func1_handler0: ; __finally handler of try block 0
push offset aInFinally ; "in finally"
call _puts
add esp, 4
; --- epilog ---
mov ecx, [ebp+_next]
mov large fs:0, ecx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
func1 endp
;try block 0
dd -1 ;EnclosingLevel
dd 0 ;FilterFunc
dd offset _func1_handler0 ;HandlerFunc
;try block 1
dd 0 ;EnclosingLevel
dd offset _func1_filter1 ;FilterFunc
dd offset _func1_handler1 ;HandlerFunc
void func1 (char* str)
char buf[12];
__try // try block 0
__try // try block 1
__except(GetExceptCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
printf("Access violation");
puts("in finally");
func1 proc near
_a1 = dword ptr -24h
_exc = dword ptr -20h
e = dword ptr -1Ch
a2 = dword ptr -18h
a1 = dword ptr -14h
_saved_esp = dword ptr -10h
_next = dword ptr -0Ch
_handler = dword ptr -8
_state = dword ptr -4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push offset func1_ehhandler
mov eax, large fs:0
push eax
mov large fs:0, esp
push ecx
sub esp, 14h
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov [ebp+_saved_esp], esp
; --- end of prolog ---
lea ecx, [ebp+a1]
call A::A(void)
mov [ebp+_state], 0 ; state -1 -> 0: a1 constructed
mov [ebp+a1], 1 ; a1.m1 = 1
mov byte ptr [ebp+_state], 1 ; state 0 -> 1: try {
lea ecx, [ebp+a2]
call A::A(void)
mov [ebp+_a1], eax
mov byte ptr [ebp+_state], 2 ; state 2: a2 constructed
mov [ebp+a2], 2 ; a2.m1 = 2
mov eax, [ebp+a1]
cmp eax, [ebp+a2] ; a1.m1 == a2.m1?
jnz short loc_40109F
mov [ebp+_exc], offset aAbc ; _exc = "abc"
push offset __TI1?PAD ; char *
lea ecx, [ebp+_exc]
push ecx
call _CxxThrowException ; throw "abc";
mov byte ptr [ebp+_state], 1 ; state 2 -> 1: destruct a2
lea ecx, [ebp+a2]
call A::~A(void)
jmp short func1_try0end
; catch (char * e)
mov edx, [ebp+e]
push edx
push offset aCaughtS ; "Caught %s\\n"
call ds:printf ;
add esp, 8
mov eax, offset func1_try0end
; catch (...)
push offset aCaught___ ; "Caught ...\\n"
call ds:printf
add esp, 4
mov eax, offset func1_try0end
mov [ebp+_state], 0 ; state 1 -> 0: }//try
push offset aAfterTry ; "after try\\n"
call ds:printf
add esp, 4
mov [ebp+_state], -1 ; state 0 -> -1: destruct a1
lea ecx, [ebp+a1]
call A::~A(void)
; --- epilog ---
mov ecx, [ebp+_next]
mov large fs:0, ecx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
func1 endp
func1_ehhandler proc near
mov eax, offset func1_funcinfo
jmp __CxxFrameHandler
func1_ehhandler endp
dd 19930520h ; magicNumber
dd 4 ; maxState
dd offset func1_unwindmap ; pUnwindMap
dd 1 ; nTryBlocks
dd offset func1_trymap ; pTryBlockMap
dd 0 ; nIPMapEntries
dd 0 ; pIPtoStateMap
dd 0 ; pESTypeList
dd -1
dd offset func1_unwind_1tobase ; action
dd 0 ; toState
dd 0 ; action
dd 1 ; toState
dd offset func1_unwind_2to1 ; action
dd 0 ; toState
dd 0 ; action
dd 1 ; tryLow
dd 2 ; tryHigh
dd 3 ; catchHigh
dd 2 ; nCatches
dd offset func1_tryhandlers_0 ; pHandlerArray
dd 0
dd 0 ; adjectives
dd offset char * `RTTI Type Descriptor\' ; pType
dd -1Ch ; dispCatchObj
dd offset func1_try0handler_pchar ; addressOfHandler
dd 0 ; adjectives
dd 0 ; pType
dd 0 ; dispCatchObj
dd offset func1_try0handler_ellipsis ; addressOfHandler
func1_unwind_1tobase proc near
a1 = byte ptr -14h
lea ecx, [ebp+a1]
call A::~A(void)
func1_unwind_1tobase endp
func1_unwind_2to1 proc near
a2 = byte ptr -18h
lea ecx, [ebp+a2]
call A::~A(void)
func1_unwind_2to1 endp
- 状态3->状态0(无操作)
- 状态2->状态1(销毁a2)
- 状态1->状态0(无操作)
- 状态0->状态-1(析构函数a1)
检查try map,我们可以推断状态1和2对应于try块体,状态3对应于catch块体。因此,从状态0更改为状态1表示try块的开始,从1更改为0表示try块的结束。从函数代码中我们还可以看到-1->0是a1的构造,1->2是a2的构造。所以状态图如下:
void func1 ()
A a1;
a1.m1 = 1;
try {
A a2;
a2.m1 = 2;
if (a1.m1 == a1.m2) throw "abc";
catch(char* e)
printf("Caught %s\\n",e);
printf("Caught ...\\n");
printf("after try\\n");