
select count(*)人数 from tb_student where sage having sage<23;

select *from tb_student;             ( 按关键字排序)
selcet * from tb_student order by sage desc;                (按年龄排序)

select sname NAME,2010-sage 出生年月 from tb_student;
select sname 姓名,'出生:',2010-sage 出生年,lower(sdept) from tb_student;

select distinct username 姓名 from tb_user;                          //消除姓名相同的行

select username,sdept,sage from tb_student where sage<22;
select username,sdept,sage from tb_student where not sage>=22;

select sname,sage from tb_student where sage between 20 and 23;
select sname,sage from tb_student where sdept in('部门名','部门名');
select snmae,sage sdept from tb_student where sdept='部门名' or sdept='部门名';

select sname,sage,sdept from tb_student where sname like '王%';  
                   ==select sname,sage,sdept from tb_student where sname = '王%';
select sname,sage,sdept from tb_student where sname like '%王%';
select sname,sage,sdept from tb_student where sname like '_青%';

select * from tb_course where cname like 'DB\_%' escape '\';                //查询以‘DB'开头
select * from tb_course where cname like 'DB\_%i_ _' escape '\';           //查询以‘DB'开头,且倒数第3个字符为i
select * from tb_course where cname like 'DB\_%i____' escape '\';       //查询以‘DB'开头,且倒数第四个字符为i

select sno,cno,grade from tb_sc where grade is not null; 

select sno,sname from tb_student where sno in(select sno from tb_sc);           //两张表合起来使用

select * from tb_student where sname='胡毅' and ssex='男' ;                             //and的使用方法

select * from tb_student order by sdept asc, sage desc;

select count(sno) 记录数 from tb_student;                                              //求sno总数量,,,count   计算非空列值
select count(sno) 记录数 ,sum(grade) 分数总和,min(grade) 最低分,max(grade) 最高分,avg(grade) 平均分
         from tb_sc 

         where grade is not null;

select tb_student.*,tb_sc.*     from tb_student,tb_sc;                                 //广义笛卡尔积,不带连接词
select tb_student.*,tb_sc.*     from tb_student,tb_sc       where tb_student.sno=tb_sc.sno;

select a.*,b.* from tb_student a,tb_sc b where a.sno=b.sno;
select tb_student.sno,tb_student.ssex,tb_student.sname,tb_student.sdept,tb_student.scome,tb_sc.cno,tb_sc.grade
           from tb_student,tb_sc

          where tb_student.sno=tb_sc.sno;
select a.sno 编号,a.ssex 姓名,a.sname,a.sdept,a.scome,b.cno,b.grade

          from tb_student a,tb_sc b 

          where a.sno=b.sno;
select a.sno 编号,a.ssex 姓名,a.sname,a.sdept,a.scome,b.cno,b.grade
         from tb_student a,tb_sc b 

         where a.sno=b.sno and grade is not null;                                     //多表进行连接
select first.cno,second.cpno 

         from tb_course first,tb_course second 

         where first.cpno=second.cno ;                                                      //自身连接必须新建别名
select a.sno,a.sname,a.ssex,a.sage,a.sdept,b.cno,b.grade 

        from tb_student a left join tb_sc b on a.sno=b.sno
        and b.grade is not null;                                                                    //左连接,left join ... on...
select a.sno,a.sname,a.ssex,a.sage,a.sdept,b.cno,b.grade

        from tb_student a right join tb_sc b on a.sno=b.sno
        and b.grade is not null;                                                                    //右连接 right join ...on
select tb_student.sno,tb_student.sname 

        from tb_student,tb_sc 

        where tb_student.sno=tb_sc.sno 

       and  tb_sc.cno='200806003' and tb_sc.grade>80;

select a.sno 编号,a.sname 姓名 

       from tb_student a where a.sno in(

                                   select sno 

                                   from tb_sc b 

                                   where  cno='200806001' and b.grade>80);                               //对上条语句 的优化
select sname from tb_student where sno in(

                                                 select sno from tb_sc where cno='200806003');

                                           //嵌套查询,将一个select ..from..where 语句嵌套在另一个select..from ..where 中须用到in
select sno,sname from tb_student where sno in(
                      select sno from tb_sc where cno in(
                                      select cno from tb_course where tb_course.cname='数学'));
select sname,sno,sdept from tb_student where sdept>all

                                                    select sdept from tb_student where sname='张飞' );

select sname,sno,sdept from tb_student where sdept>any(

                                                     select sdept from tb_student where sname='张飞' );

select sname,sage from tb_student where sage<any(

                                                                                    select sage from tb_student where sdept='数学')

                                                          and sdept<>'数学'; 
select sname from tb_student where exists(
                          select sno from tb_sc where sno=tb_student.sno and cno='200806001');

select sname from tb_student where not exists (

                         select * from tb_sc where sno=tb_student.sno and cno='200806001');               //not exists
select * from tb_student where sdept='数学'
select * from tb_student where sage<22;                       //union的用法,联合类型,可用or来取代,即求并集

select * from tb_student where sdept='数学'
select * from tb_student where sage<23;                    //intersect的用法,取两条select 语句的交集,可用and来取代,

select * from tb_student where sdept='数学'
select * from tb_student where sage<23;                           //minus的用法,差集的用法
                              //order by子句只能用于对最终查询结果排序,不能对中间结果进行排序
--desc dual;
select 18*27 from dual;                        //Dual表是一个实际存在的表,任何用户均可操作,主要用于测试、

select sname ||'出生年份是' ||sage from tb_student where sdept like '%数学%';

                                                              // 将多个文本段合并起来,显示结果是sname的出生年份是sage
select * from tb_student where scome=to_date('2008-9-1','yyyy-mm-dd');                   

select tb_student.sname,tb_sc.cno from tb_student natural join tb_sc;

                                                              //自然连接(natural join)会把重复的字段去掉
select sysdate from dual;                         //查询系统默认时间
select systimestamp from dual;                   //查询详细时间
select current_date from dual;                      //当前时间
select current_timestamp from dual;                 //当前详细时间
select user from dual;                                     //当前用户
select trunc(sysdate) from dual;                      //只查询日期
select last_day(sysdate)+10 from dual;
select months_between(sysdate,to_date('1989-03-19','yyyy-mm-dd')) from dual;              //查询自己出生了多少个月
select sname,to_char(2011-sage,'9999.99') from tb_student;                                   //数据类型转换
select sno,sname,decode(ssex,'男',1,'女',0),sdept from tb_student;
create table tb_sc1 as(

                            select * from tb_sc where grade is not null);                        //在当前表上创建新表,注意as 关键





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