DAEMON Tools Pro 试用期破解

Daemon tools pro 官网下载



两种破解方法:第一种:使用Generic Trial Starter,破解试用期限制。第二种使用DT_Loader破解。


Generic Trial Starter 通用试用软件启动器 介绍


Generic Trial Program Starter serves for the start of the programs, having limitation on the term of the use. Many programs renounce correctly to work, if a system date on Your computer goes beyond set borders. This utility allows briefly to change a system date and start capricious application.

Often happens so, that some programs on quite incomprehensible reasons stop to work, requiring, that a system date was translated forward or back.To the number such programs the row of electronic dictionaries, programs, belong with a trial period and others like that dim software.The executable module is produced by the start of the required program with the changed system date.

After proshestviya of time, indicated in the field of Virtual Time Interval Configurator, the executable module returns a system date into place (in the actual state). A virtual time domain must be little more than time, required for the start of the trial'noy program.


1. Install Deamon Tools Pro , Restart if it asks and follow screen wizard.
2. Then Open Deamon Tools Pro, When it asks for Trial or purchase, Select Trial License with Advanced Version.
3. It asks to enter mail Address, their use Valid mail address of yours and Proceed .It opens Deamon tools pro Page asking you to check activation mail in your mail
4. Go to your mail Box and open Daemon tools mail and click activation mail there. After activation succeed page , Again Click Proceed in software wizard. It installs successful.

5. Now Copy files from Crack(Generic Trial Starter) which is "Confgurer.exe, Options.dat, Starter.exe" to your Deamon tools pro installed folder.
6. First Open Configurer, Their set "Virtual Day= Current Day ,ex: 22" , Virtual Month= Present Month, Virtual Year=2009. Dates must match "Actual Date" just below mentioned.
7. Now Press "Set EXEcutable Program" ,in dialog box select "DTPro.exe" and select Apply down below.
8. Then Press "Test" to check whether Deamon Tools Pro opening without any Error. If it opened then Everything is working Good. If not you screwed up the procedure.
9. Finally Create Shortcut of "Starter.exe"(Which is in Installed Folder) to your Desktop.

NOTE: U MUST STOP "AUTOSTART ON" in DTpro options. Or else It won't work after trial Days.
And also Open with Starter.exe only not with Exe of Deamon Pro or shortcut of Pro.


Generic Trial Starter 1.01 OEM1

Generic Trial Starter 1.01 OEM2

Generic Trial Starter 1.01 OEM3



1. To start checking in here http://www.disc-soft.com/register After registering your inbox will reply email with a link to activate your account on the site, referrals, and proceed to install the program

2. Install the program strictly in C: / Program Files / DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced version by selecting a study, write-your mailbox in the appropriate column

3. Start the animation, will wait until the virtual drives. If not, click "Tools" and create a virtual IDE device. We go to Settings - General ", remove the check mark from" check for updates "and" use of the agent. "Closes the program.

4. Now you need to close the program access to the Internet. To do this, do the following: Go to C: / WINDOWS / system32 / drivers / etc / hosts file opens Notepad and inside at the end appends the line secure.disc-soft.com

5. Throw DT_Loader.exe file in the folder with the installed program, run it through the program.

6. All now run the program using a file DT_Loader.exe, making him the label.

P.S. You can never run the program, and mount the images from the context menu, to avoid the risk not to run the program with the original files, do not run the main window of Daemon Tools Pro Tray Agent Pro, and the agent can be!

To completely remove Daemon Tools Pro is needed (for those with the time of the trial period has expired and the program does not want to) you must remove the program uninstaller Daemon Tools Pro. Run the SPTD-driver 1.58, choose Uninstall (ie remove), reboot the computer.

After you restart your computer to open the specified branch of the registry: Start / Run / command prompt, type - regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Spdt.Right-click the folder "Spdt" and on the shortcut menu, choose the line "authorization" / security / Groups and users: in each line to choose - full access. Further, the bottom line "Creator Vdladelets" go to the section - in addition.The line - "Inherit from parent object that apply to child objects permission these with entries explicitly defined here check box" - uncheck the bottom to click - OK.Select the line "Creator Vdladelets" to establish a tick in boksik "full access" at the bottom to click - OK. After this folder "Spdt", right-click, and click - delete! Everything is ready! Daemon Tools Pro completely removed! If not, then remove in stages, first all the files in the folder, then the folder itself.










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