
Java is application layer programming language and is not very difficult to learn. It does not require any prior programming experince to learn java coding. Learning Java can be really easy if you already know a programming language. The fastest way to learn java is to start learning by doing it.


Step 1: Make Up Your Mind – Ignore the Critics


Not every person loves Java programming and hence, they will try their level best to deter you from learning the language. It is true that the world of programming is flooded with different competing languages and it is not really possible to pick the one which is the best. A language which works perfectly for you might not serve the same purpose for someone else.


Hence, instead of paying attention to what the critics of Java have to say, you must focus all your attention on learning the language you picked.


Step 2: Install Java and Eclipse IDE

第二步:安装java 和 Eclipse 开发环境

Although, it is very much possible to learn Java simply by installing the Java SDK but the learning curve in this case is bound to be real slow. When Java SDK is combined with an IDE, it provides for an integrated development environment which will take care of all your needs and will help you learn quickly and more effectively. And among the different IDEs, Eclipse is undoubtedly the best and can be downloaded for free.

虽然简单地安装java SDK可以学习java,但是这样学习java是非常慢的。java SDK结合IDE就能提供一个集成开发环境来帮助你快速,高效编程。在众多的IDE中,Eclipse无疑是最好的而且还可以免费下载。

Steps to install Java SDK
安装java SDK

Steps to install Eclipse

Step 3: Learn Java Fundamentals


The most logical way in which you can start learning Java is to start with the fundamental concepts. In order to learn the basics of this programming language, you can make use of a free tutorial or can simply download a good e-book. The whole idea is to understand what core Java is all about before moving on to the advanced levels.


Some of the key concepts you must learn are
Object Oriented Programming Concepts including encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, containment and polymorphism.
Why Java is Platform Independent? Why it can be easily run on all operating systems like Unix, Windows or Mac?
What is Java Virtual Machine? How Java Virtual Machine works?
Understanding of Java Collection framework
Good understanding of data types and few java.lang classes like String, Math, System, http://java.io stream concepts etc.
Try coding competition to evaluate your programming skils.

  1. 面向对象编程概念,包括封装,抽象,继承,containment和多态。
  2. 为什么java平台是独立的?为什么它可以再简单的运行在所有的操作系统上?
  3. 什么是java虚拟机?java虚拟机如何工作?
  4. 理解java集合框架
  5. 深入理解数据类型和一些java.lang 下的类,例如String,Math, System,io流概念等。
  6. 尝试参加编程比赛来评估您的编程技巧

Step 4: Read Some Good Books from Experts


Although, the online e-books as well as tutorials will help you learn Java in a very effective manner, looking at the language from the point of view of an expert will help you a great deal. For this, start reading books which have been penned down by expert Java programmers and professionals. This will help you gain an insight on the process of coding, as is done by experienced programmers. My choice of Free book is Thinking in Java You can also buy a printed copy of Thinking in Java on amazon. In case you are looking for different good options, here are few awesome java books that I recommend.

尽管网上电子书一样可以帮助你高效的学习java,看一看高手的观点可以给你更多的帮助。因此,尝试去读一些来袭java开发人员或者教授的书。这将有助你深入了解编码过程,正如经验丰富的程序员所做的那样。 Thinking in java 这本书很nice。你也可以去找一写更好的书,这里我推荐了一些书。

Step 5: Start Creating a Simple Application Using Your Knowledge


Learning only the theoretical concepts of Java will not help you become a programming expert. For this, you will be required to put the theory into practice as well. So, make use of the knowledge acquired by you and start creating a simple application. You can go for some simple coding exercises which will keep your motivation levels high. By simple I do not mean a “Hello World”. I would recommend some exercises like below

仅仅学习理论知识并不能让你成为一个编程高手。你需要将理论付诸于实践。所以,利用你学习的知识去创建一个应用,你可以在这简单的编程联系中保持高水平的学习动力。当然我说的不是“hello world”.我将推荐以下几个练习:

Try some logic exercises like
Compute factorial of a number.
Create a Fibonacci series.
Find all prime numbers between 1 to 1000
Print number in word (e.g. 123 = One Hundred Twenty Three)
Try file input/output exercises like

Read a file and display its content on console.
List all files in a directory.
Create a file with some content.
Read input from user on console.

Try String manipulation exercises like
find a string in large text.
replace a part of string
parse numbers from strings





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