From Here
Assume we have a binary tree below:
/ \
10 20
/ / \
50 45 35
Using pre-order traversal, the algorithm should write the following to a file:
30 10 50 # # # 20 45 # # 35 # #
/*SERIALIZE: The pre-order traversal code below does all the job to serialize a binary tree, believe it or not!*/
void writeBinaryTree(BinaryTree *p, ostream &out) {
if (!p) {
out << "# ";
} else {
out << p->data << " ";
writeBinaryTree(p->left, out);
writeBinaryTree(p->right, out);
void readBinaryTree(BinaryTree *&p, ifstream &fin) {
int token;
bool isNumber;
if (!readNextToken(token, fin, isNumber))
if (isNumber) {
p = new BinaryTree(token);
readBinaryTree(p->left, fin);
readBinaryTree(p->right, fin);