
论坛中大家经常讨论如何撰写英文简历以及应付英语面试的问题。毫无疑问,一个具有震撼效果的英文简历对你的求职经历起着非常重要的作用,甚至是对你的职业生涯产生深远的影响。 面试那就更不用说了。网上有很多介绍如何写英文简历的中文文章,按照这些文章所介绍的套路当然可以写出很好的英文简历。但是要写出独具风格和个性且不拘一格的英文简历却不是那么容易,需要要花一定功夫。国外甚至有很多网站提供专门服务,为有需要的人写英文简历。只要你用“Resumes”作为关键字搜索一下,你会得到大把大把提供这种服务的站点。

请大家不要误解,这一期的栏目并不是要告诉大家要如何如何写英文简历,因为我们还没有达到这个层次。本期为大家提供两个与软件开发技术有关的英文简历样本,这是两个原汁原味的地道的英文简历, 其写作风格迥然不同,从简历中可以看出,他们的经历丰富,技能超群,因此也非常具有典型性,对于那些将要求职的人来说具有很高的参考学 习价值。简历一是一个在国内已经有过工作经历的人到国外留学攻读研究生,毕业后找工作的简历。另一个是一个老外在网上找工作写的电子简历,也就是给招聘单位贴子的回复。


英文简历的译文仅供学习和参考,希望能对大家有所帮助,并找到一个 good-pay job(到时别忘了搓一顿啊,呵呵)。




作者:Jin Zhang



Master Degree, Computer Science, University of Oregon (Sep. 2000 - Present).


Bachelor Degree, Computer Science, University of Sci. & Tech. Of China (Sep. 1992 - July 1997).


TECHNICAL SKILLS:(技能) Extensive knowledge of networking routing protocols including DVMRP, BGMP, MBGP,CBT, PIM-SM(DM), RIP, OSPF, BGP,

1.TCP/IP protocol stack including ARP,IP,ICMP,IGMP, UDP and TCP.


2.Experience with software development using C/C++, Java and Visual Basic under Unix and Windows platform.

Unix 和 Windows 平台下使用 C/C++, Java 和 Visual Basic 的软件开发经历。

3.Experience with socket and multithread software development on UNIX and Windows platform.

Unix 和 Windows 平台 socket 和多线程软件开发经历。

4.Experience with networking application protocols development including SMTP and HTTP.

使用 SMTP 和 HTTP 协议开发网络应用程序经历。

5.Experience with website design and programming using Javascript, CGI, ASP, and HTML.

网站设计以及使用 Javascript, CGI, ASP 和 HTML 编程经历。

6.Experience with database software development using Oracle Developer 2000 and PowerBuilder on Oracle server.

在 Oracle 服务器上使用 Oracle Developer 2000 和 PowerBuilder 进行数据库软件开发的经历。

7.Experience with database software development on MS SQL Server and Access using ODBC.

在 MS SQL Server 和 Access 上用 ODBC 进行数据库软件开发的经验。

8.Experience with website setup and configure of the Webserver(Windows NT) and the Database server ( SQL Server , Oracle, or Access)

具有建立网站与配置 Web 服务器以及数据库服务器(SQL Server , Oracle 或 Access)经验。

9.Advanced Linux, Windows NT system administration and Cisco router serials configuration.

高级 Linux,Windows NT 系统管理以及 Cisco 路由器配置经验。

Graduate student in CIS Dept. of University of Oregon(Sep. 2000 to present)


1.Indepth learning of networking protocols and networking knowledge of DVMRP, BGMP, MBGP,CBT, PIM-SM(DM), RIP, OSPF, BGP and TCP/IP protocol stack including ARP, IP, ICMP, IGMP, UDP and TCP.

深入学习了网络协议和有关 DVMRP, BGMP, MBGP,CBT, PIM-SM(DM), RIP, OSPF, BGP以及TCP/IP协议栈(包括 ARP, IP, ICMP, IGMP, UDP 和 TCP)的网络知识。

2.Using socket in C and Java to implement the HTTP server on UNIX.


3.Using socket in C and Java to implement the TCP client/server on UNIX.

使用C语言和Java语言中的socket实现UNIX上的 TCP 客户端/服务器应用。

4.Using socket in Java to implement the SMTP mail agent on UNIX.

使用 Java 语言中的 socket 实现 UNIX上 的 SMTP 邮件代理。

5.Using C++ to do the projects on UNIX: Multicycle CPU Simulator , Pipelined CPU Simulator, Cache Simulation.

使用 C++ 开发 UNIX 项目:Multicycle CPU Simulator(多周期 CPU 仿真器),Pipelined CPU Simulator(管道CUP仿真器), Cache Simulation(缓冲仿真器)。

6.Using Java Servlet to implement an online Management System of the University on UNIX Based on Oracle server Using SQL.

使用 Java Servlet 实现 UNIX 系统上基于 Oracle 服务器并使用 SQL 的大学在线管理系统。

7.Using Java to do the Simulation of Processes Scheduling of Operating System on UNIX.

使用 Java 进行 UNIX 上操作系统进程调度仿真。


1.Technical Manager of Network Department of Beijing YiDa Time Education Technology Co. Ltd. (Mar. 2000 to Sep. 2000)

2000年3月――2000年9月:Beijing YiDa Time Education Technology Co. Ltd.网络技术部经理。

2.Design,develop and set up the total Remote Distance Education System for the Medical College of Peking University.


3. Team Leader and Software Engineer of Data Communication Technology Research Institute (July 1997 to Feb. 2000)


4. Team leader of the Project of the Mail Service for Business Transaction of Guangdong Province. Using the tool of Power Builder on Windows98 to operate the Oracle DataBase installed in UNIX.

广东省企业事务处理系统邮件服务项目经理。在 Windows98 使用 Power Builder 操作安装在 UNIX 上的 Oracle 数据库。

5. Software Engineer of the project of Video Conference System. Using multithread and socket in VC to implement the T.120 series and H.323 Protocol.

视频会议系统项目软件工程师。用多线程和socket在VC中实现 T.120 系列和 H.323 协议。

6. Software Engineer of Application Server of Video on Demand System Using socket and multithread in VC on Windows 95.

VOD系统应用服务器软件工程师,在 Windows 95 中使用VC开发的 socket 和多线程应用。

7. Software Engineer of Management Terminal of Video on Demand System Using VB on Windows 95.

VOD 系统的管理终端软件工程师。在Windows 95中使用 VB 开发。

Internship in China(国内实习经历)

8. Computer Software Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Feb. 1997 to June 1997), Project of Office Automation System for Stock Exchange of Hainan Province,Using Lotus Notes on Windows 95.

1997年2月――1997年6月:在中国科学教育学院软件院,使用 Lotus Notes 在 Windows 95 中开发海南省股票交易所办公自动化系统项目。

9. Project of Hefei Telephone Rates System(July 1996 to Oct. 1996), Using Developer 2000 of the Oracle.

1996年7月――1996年10月:使用 Oracle Developer 2000 开发合肥电话收费系统项目。


1. "A Detailed Description of OSPF Routing Protocol", Accepted by Journal of Data Communication, Sep. 2000.

“OSPF 路由协议详解”,2000年7月被《数据通讯》杂志采纳。

2. "A Simple Description of PIM-SM Multicast Routing Protoco"l, Journal of Data Communication, Jun. 2000.

“PIM-SM 多播路由协议简述”,2000年6月在《数据通讯》杂志上发表。

Reference: (证明/或介绍信)

References are available if required.



1555 Garfield PL,
Eugene OR 97402
Tel: 541-4846943
Des 229 
Computer & Information Science Dep.
University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97403
Tel: 541-3461382





C++ Software Engineer Win32, MFC, ATL, COM, STL


My expertise is in C++ and C programming on a Windows Platform with experience in many of Microsoft''s technologies, including Visual Studio, COM/DCOM, MFC, ATL, and WIN32 API, Visual Basic, and MS Source Safe. I also have Sybase, SQL, STL, and UNIX experience and an exposure to Java. I have a good understanding of object-oriented design and analysis techniques as well as common Internet protocols. I am a fast learner with attention for detail, and could quickly pick up any other technologies I might need.

I lived in Austin in the early 90''s and would like to move back. I started my career at IBM, and since then I have worked mainly for small start-ups. I am looking for a stable long-term position. Thanks for your consideration.



(415) 824-6937

专门从事 Windows 平台上 C/C++ 编程,具备丰富的微软技术经验(或背景),包括:Visual Studio, COM/DCOM, MFC, ATL, 以及 WIN32 API, Visual Basic 和 MS Source Safe。同时还具备Sybase, SQL, STL 和 UNIX 开发经历,今后发展方向是Java。对面向对象设计和分析技术以及常见的 Internet 协议具有良好的认识和理解。我能很快专注于学习新事物,并且能快速掌握可能要用到的任何其它技术。

九十年代初期,我住在 Austin 并乐意搬回那里。我的职业生涯开始于 IBM,此后主要为一些小型创业公司工作。我正在寻找一个长期稳定的职位。感谢您的青睐。


To further use and build upon my skills in computer programming and software design applied to state-of-the-art multimedia, Internet technologies, and object-oriented systems.

为了进一步发挥我在计算机编程以及被应用于最先进的多媒体,Internet 技术和面向对象系统的软件设计专业技能。


Gig.com, San Francisco, California

Designed and developed the web client GigArchive COM-interface DLL using MS Visual C++ 6.0, ATL, STL, and the WIN32 SDK to provide access to Gig.com Internet-based online-media-storage-and-distribution services. Also created an MFC GUI .exe to demonstrate using the GigArchive DLL to manage, store, and retrieve media files.

加利福尼亚,旧金山 Gig.com

使用 MS Visual C++ 6.0, ATL, STL 和 WIN32 SDK 设计和开发了Web客户端的 GigArchive COM 接口 DLL,用于存取 Gig.com 基于 Internet 的在线媒体存储和分布式服务。此外还创建了一个 MFC 图形用户界面程序来示范用 GigArchive DLL 管理,存储和获取媒体文件。

idrive.com, San Francisco, California

Enhanced desktop web client software products Filo and Sync used with the idrive.com web-based file storage. Added SSL security layer to the web clients by replacing MS Winsock implementation with MS WinInet. Also added proxy support to web clients. All development was done using the MS Visual C++ 6.0 and the WIN32 SDK.

加利福尼亚,旧金山 idrive.com

增强的桌面 Web 客户端软件产品 Filo 和 Sync,与 idrive.com 基于 Web 的文件存储系统一同使用。使用 MS WinInet 实现 MS Winsock 从而为 Web 客户端添加 SSL 安全套接字层。此外还为 Web 客户端添加了代理支持。所有开发均使用 MS Visual C++ 6.0 和 WIN32 SDK。

Diamond Multimedia, San Jose, California

Developed and enhanced the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Diamond Multimedia''s In-Control Tools 99 extension DLLs; property pages added to the Windows Operating System Property Sheet specifying operational parameters for Diamond Multimedia''s 3D Graphics hardware acceleratorproducts. In-Control Tools 99 was developed in MS Visual C++ 6.0 using MFC and the WIN32 SDK.

加利福尼亚,圣何塞 Diamond Multimedia 公司

为 Diamond Multimedia 公司的 In-Control Tools 99 扩展 DLLs 开发和增强了图形用户界面特性,包括向 Windows 操作系统属性页添加属性页以指定 Diamond Multimedia''s 3D 图形硬件加速产品的操作参数。In-Control Tools 99 使用 MFC 和 WIN32 SDK 在 MS Visual C++ 6.0 中开发的。

Instill Corporation, Palo Alto, California

Created an Internet-based service enabling restaurants to order and track supplies through major food service distributors. The service runs on Windows NT 4.0 utilizing the Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS) and an ISAPI extension DLL which routes service requests to the appropriate custom DCOM NT Services. The DCOM Services and the ISAPI extension DLL were created using MS Visual C++ 5.0, the ActiveX Template Library(ATL 2.0), the Standard Template Library(STL), and the Microsoft Foundation Class Library(MFC). Sybase Dblib and SQL stored procedures used to access SQL Server; also designed a wrapper class to abstract Sybase Dblib.

加利福尼亚,帕洛阿尔托,Instill Corporation

创建了一个基于 Internet 的服务,使得餐厅能跟踪主要服务分发商的预订和供应。该服务运行在 Windows NT 4.0 上,使用 IIS 和 ISAPI 扩展 DLL,将服务请求路由到相应的客户 DCOM NT 服务。该 DCOM 服务和 ISAPI 扩展 DLL 是用 MS Visual C++ 5.0,ATL 2.0,STL 以及 MFC 创建的。Sybase Dblib 和 SQL 存储过程用于存取 SQL Server;同时还设计了一个包装类来抽象 Sybase Dblib。

Millennia Software, Saratoga, California

Designed and programmed the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of a new commercial software product for the computer telephony market. This product runs on Windows 95 and was created using the Microsoft Visual C++ Development Environment and SDKs, including MFC, ODBC, SAPI, OLE, and the Help Workshop utility, and incorporating HTML, and Stingray Software''s Objective Grid.

加利福尼亚,萨拉托加,Millennia Software

为计算机电话市场设计并编写了一个新的商业软件产品图形用户界面。该产品在 Windows 95 上运行,用 Visual C++ 和 SDK 开发,涉及技术包括:MFC, ODBC, SAPI, OLE 和 Help Workshop 实用工具以及 HTML 和 Stingray Software 的 Objective Grid。

Crystal Semiconductor Corporation, Austin, Texas

Modeled Digital Signal Processing algorithms such as reverb and 3-D sound in C and C++, and evaluated the General Midi and General Synthesizer specifications and the underlying wavetable synthesis algorithms. These algorithms were programmed using Microsoft Visual C++ Development Environment under Windows 95 and the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library.

得克萨斯,奥斯汀,Crystal Semiconductor Corporation

用 C/C++ 建模数字信号处理算法,如混响和 3-D 声音,评测通用 Midi 和通用合成器规范以及底层波表合成算法。这些算法都是用在 Windows 95 下用 Visual C++ 和 MFC 开发而成。

IBM Advanced Workstations Division, Kingston, New York - Austin, Texas

Developed the hardware simulation and microcode development environment for a next-generation high-end graphics system. This assignment required expertise in C programming on RS/6000 under AIX, detailed knowledge of rasterization algorithms, and cross-functional coordination with the VLSI designers. Designed a CMOS chip for the communications subsystem of the 6095 Graphics Terminal.

纽约,金斯顿――得克萨斯,奥斯汀 IBM 高级工作站开发部

为下一代高端图形系统开发硬件仿真和微码开发环境。这项任务需要在运行 AIX 操作系统的 RS/6000 上用 C 语言编程的技能,了解光栅算法的具体细节以及与 VLSI(超大规模集成电路) 设计器协调工作。为 6095 图形终端的通讯子系统设计了一个 CMOS 芯片。

AT&T Network Systems, Columbus, Ohio

Performed integration testing on a voice response system based on the AT&T 6386 Work Group Station. Developed a speech-coding software package. Designed a pulse-width measurement circuit based on an Intel 8051 microcontroller. Assisted engineers in the programming and maintenance of computer-controlled circuit board test equipment.

俄亥俄,哥伦布,AT&T Network Systems

完成基于 AT&T 6386 Work Group Station 语音响应系统的集成测试。开发了一个语音编码软件包。设计了一个基于 Intel 8051 微型控制器的脉冲宽度测量电路。协助工程师编程并作计算机控制电路板测试设备的维护工作。

IBM Entry Systems Division, Boca Raton, Florida

Developed a power-supply life-test system. Performed failure analysis on power supplies.

佛罗里达,伯克莱屯,IBM Entry Systems Division



Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

BSEE 12/88, Cum Laude, 3.61 / 4.00 GPA

Honor Societies

Phi Eta Sigma

Alpha Lambda Delta


Multimedia, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Audio, Object-Oriented Design and Programming,Musical Applications of Computer Technology,Jazz Guitar



C++; C; Java; Pascal; Basic; Cobol; FORTRAN; Assembler.

Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 3.1, RS/6000, AIX (UNIX)



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