Oracle 10G dataguard 主库诊断脚本

分享一个Oracle官方的10g Dataguard主库诊断SQL脚本,此脚本可以诊断出DG的相关配置,日志应用相关信息

-- NAME: new_dg_prim_diag.sql  (Run from sqlplus on PRIMARY with a LOGICAL or PHYSICAL STANDBY as SYS)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
-- Copyright 2002, Oracle Corporation       
-- LAST UPDATED: 15-Apr-2013
-- Usage: @new_dg_prim_diag
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
--    This script is to be used to assist in the collection of information to help
--    troubleshoot Data Guard issues with a Primary Database
--    This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is NOT   
--    supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support.  
--    The script has been tested and appears to work as intended.  
--    You should always run new scripts on a test instance initially.  
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
-- Script output is as follows: 

set echo off 
set feedback off 
column timecol new_value timestamp 
column spool_extension new_value suffix 
SELECT TO_CHAR(sysdate,'Mondd_hhmi') timecol, '.html' spool_extension FROM dual; 
column output new_value dbname 
SELECT value || '_' output FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'db_unique_name'; 
spool new_dg_prim_diag_&&dbname&×tamp&&suffix
set linesize 2000
set pagesize 50000
set numformat 999999999999999
set trim on 
set trims on 
set markup html on
set markup html entmap off

ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'; 
SELECT TO_CHAR(sysdate) time FROM dual; 

SELECT 'In the following output the DATABASE_ROLE should be PRIMARY as that is what this script is intended to be run on.<br>PLATFORM_ID should match the PLATFORM_ID of the standby(s) or conform to the supported options in<br>Note: 413484.1 Data Guard Support for Heterogeneous Primary and Physical Standbys in Same Data Guard Configuration<br>Note: 1085687.1 Data Guard Support for Heterogeneous Primary and Logical Standbys in Same Data Guard Configuration<br>OPEN_MODE should be READ WRITE.<br>LOG_MODE should be ARCHIVELOG.<br>FLASHBACK can be YES (recommended) or NO.<br>If PROTECTION_LEVEL is different from PROTECTION_MODE then for some reason the mode listed in PROTECTION_MODE experienced a need to downgrade.<br>Once the error condition has been corrected the PROTECTION_LEVEL should match the PROTECTION_MODE after the next log switch.' "Database 1" FROM dual;

SELECT database_role role, name, db_unique_name, platform_id, open_mode, log_mode, flashback_on, protection_mode, protection_level FROM v$database;

SELECT 'FORCE_LOGGING is not mandatory but is recommended.<br>REMOTE_ARCHIVE should be ENABLE.<br>SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_PK and SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_UI must be enabled if the standby associated with this primary is a logical standby.<br>During normal operations it is acceptable for SWITCHOVER_STATUS to be SESSIONS ACTIVE or TO STANDBY.<br>DG_BROKER can be ENABLED (recommended) or DISABLED.' "Database 2" FROM dual;

column force_logging format a13 tru
column remote_archive format a14 tru 
column supplemental_log_data_pk format a24 tru
column supplemental_log_data_ui format a24 tru
column dataguard_broker format a16 tru

SELECT force_logging, remote_archive, supplemental_log_data_pk, supplemental_log_data_ui, switchover_status, dataguard_broker FROM v$database;  

SELECT 'The following query gives us information about catpatch. From this we can tell if the catalog version doesn''t match the image version it was started with.' "Database 3" FROM dual;

column version format a10 tru 

SELECT version, modified, status FROM dba_registry WHERE comp_id = 'CATPROC';

SELECT 'Check how many threads are enabled and started for this database. If the number of instances below does not match then not all instances are up.' "Threads" FROM dual;

SELECT thread#, instance, status FROM v$thread;

SELECT 'The number of instances returned below is the number currently running.  If it does not match the number returned in Threads above then not all instances are up.<br>VERSION should match the version from CATPROC above.<br>ARCHIVER can be (STOPPED | STARTED | FAILED). FAILED means that the archiver failed to archive a log last time, but will try again within 5 minutes.<br>LOG_SWITCH_WAIT the ARCHIVE LOG/CLEAR LOG/CHECKPOINT event log switching is waiting for.<br>Note that if ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE is hung, but there is room in the current online redo log, then the value is NULL.' "Instances" FROM dual;

column host_name format a32 wrap

SELECT thread#, instance_name, host_name, version, archiver, log_switch_wait FROM gv$instance ORDER BY thread#;

SELECT 'Check how often logs are switching. Log switches should not regularly be occuring in < 20 mins.<br>Excessive log switching is a performance overhead. Whilst rapid log switching is not in itself a Data Guard issue it can affect Data guard. It may also indicate a problem with log shipping.<br>Use redo log size = 4GB or redo log size >= peak redo rate x 20 minutes.' "Log Switches" FROM dual;

SELECT fs.log_switches_under_20_mins, ss.log_switches_over_20_mins FROM (SELECT  SUM(COUNT (ROUND((b.first_time - a.first_time) * 1440) )) "LOG_SWITCHES_UNDER_20_MINS"  FROM v$archived_log a, v$archived_log b WHERE a.sequence# + 1 = b.sequence# AND a.dest_id = 1 AND a.thread# = b.thread#  AND a.dest_id = b.dest_id AND a.dest_id = (SELECT MIN(dest_id) FROM gv$archive_dest WHERE target='PRIMARY' AND destination IS NOT NULL) AND ROUND((b.first_time - a.first_time) * 1440)  < 20 GROUP BY ROUND((b.first_time - a.first_time) * 1440))  fs, (SELECT  SUM(COUNT (ROUND((b.first_time - a.first_time) * 1440) )) "LOG_SWITCHES_OVER_20_MINS"  FROM v$archived_log a, v$archived_log b WHERE a.sequence# + 1 = b.sequence# AND a.dest_id = 1 AND a.thread# = b.thread#  AND a.dest_id = b.dest_id AND a.dest_id = (SELECT MIN(dest_id) FROM gv$archive_dest WHERE target='PRIMARY' AND destination IS NOT NULL) AND ROUND((b.first_time - a.first_time) * 1440)  > 19 GROUP BY ROUND((b.first_time - a.first_time) * 1440)) ss;

column  minutes  format a12

SELECT (CASE WHEN bucket = 1 THEN '<= ' || TO_CHAR(bucket* 5) WHEN (bucket >1 AND bucket < 9) THEN TO_CHAR(bucket * 5 - 4) || ' TO ' || TO_CHAR(bucket * 5) WHEN bucket > 8 THEN '>= ' || TO_CHAR(bucket * 5 - 4) END) "MINUTES", switches "LOG_SWITCHES" FROM (SELECT bucket , COUNT(b.bucket) SWITCHES FROM (SELECT WIDTH_BUCKET(ROUND((b.first_time - a.first_time) * 1440), 0, 40, 8) bucket FROM v$archived_log a, v$archived_log b WHERE a.sequence# + 1 = b.sequence# AND a.dest_id = b.dest_id  AND a.thread# = b.thread#  AND a.dest_id = (SELECT MIN(dest_id) FROM gv$archive_dest WHERE target = 'PRIMARY' AND destination IS NOT NULL)) b GROUP BY bucket ORDER BY bucket);

SELECT 'Check the number and size of online redo logs on each thread.' "Online Redo Logs" FROM dual;

set feedback on

SELECT thread#, group#, sequence#, bytes, archived ,status FROM v$log ORDER BY thread#, group#; 

set feedback off

SELECT 'The following query is run to see if standby redo logs have been created in preparation for switchover.<br>The standby redo logs should be the same size as the online redo logs.<br>There should be (( # of online logs per thread + 1) * # of threads) standby redo logs.<br>A value of 0 for the thread# means the log has never been allocated.' "Standby Redo Logs" FROM dual;

set feedback on

SELECT thread#, group#, sequence#, bytes, archived, status FROM v$standby_log order by thread#, group#; 

set feedback off

SELECT 'This query produces a list of defined archive destinations. It shows if they are enabled, what process is servicing that destination, if the destination is local or remote, and if remote what the current mount ID is.' "Archive Destinations" FROM dual;

column destination format a35 wrap 
column process format a7 
column ID format 99 
column mid format 99
SELECT thread#, dest_id, destination, gvad.status, target, schedule, process, mountid mid FROM gv$archive_dest gvad, gv$instance gvi WHERE gvad.inst_id = gvi.inst_id AND destination is NOT NULL ORDER BY thread#, dest_id; 

SELECT 'This select will give further detail on the destinations as to what options have been set.<br>Register indicates whether or not the archived redo log is registered in the remote destination control file.' "Archive Destination Options" FROM dual;

set numwidth 8
column archiver format a8 
column ID format 99 
column error format a55 wrap

SELECT thread#, dest_id, gvad.archiver, transmit_mode, affirm, async_blocks, net_timeout, delay_mins, reopen_secs reopen, register, binding FROM gv$archive_dest gvad, gv$instance gvi WHERE gvad.inst_id = gvi.inst_id AND destination is NOT NULL ORDER BY thread#, dest_id; 

SELECT 'The following select will show any errors that occured the last time an attempt to archive to the destination was attempted.<br>If ERROR is blank and status is VALID then the archive completed correctly.' "Archive Destination Errors" FROM dual;

SELECT thread#, dest_id, gvad.status, error FROM gv$archive_dest gvad, gv$instance gvi WHERE gvad.inst_id = gvi.inst_id AND destination is NOT NULL ORDER BY thread#, dest_id; 

SELECT 'The query below will determine if any error conditions have been reached by querying the v$dataguard_status view (view only available in 9.2.0 and above).' "Data Guard Status" FROM dual;

column message format a80 

set feedback on

SELECT gvi.thread#, timestamp, message FROM gv$dataguard_status gvds, gv$instance gvi WHERE gvds.inst_id = gvi.inst_id AND severity in ('Error','Fatal') ORDER BY timestamp, thread#;

set feedback off

SELECT 'Query v$managed_standby to see the status of processes involved in the shipping redo on this system.<br>Does not include processes needed to apply redo.' "Managed Standby Status" FROM dual;

SELECT inst_id, thread#, process, pid, status, client_process, client_pid, sequence#, block#, active_agents, known_agents FROM gv$managed_standby ORDER BY thread#, pid;

SELECT 'The following query will determine the current sequence number and the last sequence archived.<br>If you are remotely archiving using the LGWR process then the archived sequence should be one higher than the current sequence.<br>If remotely archiving using the ARCH process then the archived sequence should be equal to the current sequence.<br>The applied sequence information is updated at log switch time.' "Archived Sequences" FROM dual;

SELECT la.thread#, la.dest_id, currentsequence "Current Sequence", lastarchived  "Last Archived" FROM (SELECT gval.thread#, gvad.dest_id, MAX(gvad.log_sequence) lastarchived FROM gv$archive_dest gvad, gv$archived_log gval where gvad.inst_id = gval.inst_id AND gvad.dest_id = gval.dest_id AND thread# = gval.inst_id GROUP BY gval.thread#, gvad.dest_id) la, (SELECT thread#, dest_id, MAX(sequence#) currentsequence FROM  gv$archived_log WHERE resetlogs_change# = (SELECT MAX(resetlogs_change#) FROM v$archived_log) AND thread# = inst_id GROUP BY  thread#, dest_id) cs WHERE cs.thread# = la.thread# and cs.dest_id = la.dest_id ORDER BY thread#, dest_id;

SELECT 'The following select will attempt to gather as much information as possible from the standby.<br>Standby redo logs are not supported with Logical Standby until Version 10.1.<br>The ARCHIVED_SEQUENCE# from a logical standby is the sequence# created by the apply, not the sequence# sent from the primary.' "Archive Destination Status" FROM dual;

set numwidth 8
column dest_id format 99 
column Active format 99

SELECT dest_id, database_mode, recovery_mode, protection_mode, standby_logfile_count, standby_logfile_active, archived_seq# FROM v$archive_dest_status WHERE destination IS NOT NULL; 
SELECT 'Non-default init parameters.<br>For a RAC DB Thread# = * means the value is the same for all threads (SID=*)<br>Threads with different values are shown with their individual thread# and values.' "Non Default init Parameters" FROM dual;

column num noprint

SELECT num, '*' "THREAD#", name, value FROM v$PARAMETER WHERE NUM IN (SELECT num FROM v$parameter WHERE isdefault = 'FALSE'
SELECT num FROM gv$parameter gvp, gv$instance gvi WHERE num IN (SELECT DISTINCT gvpa.num FROM gv$parameter gvpa, gv$parameter gvpb WHERE gvpa.num = gvpb.num AND  gvpa.value <> gvpb.value AND gvpa.isdefault = 'FALSE') AND gvi.inst_id = gvp.inst_id  AND gvp.isdefault = 'FALSE')
SELECT num, TO_CHAR(thread#) "THREAD#", name, value FROM gv$parameter gvp, gv$instance gvi WHERE num IN (SELECT DISTINCT gvpa.num FROM gv$parameter gvpa, gv$parameter gvpb WHERE gvpa.num = gvpb.num AND  gvpa.value <> gvpb.value AND gvpa.isdefault = 'FALSE') AND gvi.inst_id = gvp.inst_id  AND gvp.isdefault = 'FALSE' ORDER BY 1, 2;

spool off
set markup html off entmap on
set feedback on
set echo on

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东南亚位于我国倡导推进的“一带一路”海陆交汇地带,作为当今全球发展最为迅速的地区之一,近年来区域内生产总值实现了显著且稳定的增长。根据东盟主要经济体公布的最新数据,印度尼西亚2023年国内生产总值(GDP)增长5.05%;越南2023年经济增长5.05%;马来西亚2023年经济增速为3.7%;泰国2023年经济增长1.9%;新加坡2023年经济增长1.1%;柬埔寨2023年经济增速预计为5.6%。 东盟国家在“一带一路”沿线国家中的总体GDP经济规模、贸易总额与国外直接投资均为最大,因此有着举足轻重的地位和作用。当前,东盟与中国已互相成为双方最大的交易伙伴。中国-东盟贸易总额已从2013年的443亿元增长至 2023年合计超逾6.4万亿元,占中国外贸总值的15.4%。在过去20余年中,东盟国家不断在全球多变的格局里面临挑战并寻求机遇。2023东盟国家主要经济体受到国内消费、国外投资、货币政策、旅游业复苏、和大宗商品出口价企稳等方面的提振,经济显现出稳步增长态势和强韧性的潜能。 本调研报告旨在深度挖掘东南亚市场的增长潜力与发展机会,分析东南亚市场竞争态势、销售模式、客户偏好、整体市场营商环境,为国内企业出海开展业务提供客观参考意见。 本文核心内容: 市场空间:全球行业市场空间、东南亚市场发展空间。 竞争态势:全球份额,东南亚市场企业份额。 销售模式:东南亚市场销售模式、本地代理商 客户情况:东南亚本地客户及偏好分析 营商环境:东南亚营商环境分析 本文纳入的企业包括国外及印尼本土企业,以及相关上下游企业等,部分名单 QYResearch是全球知名的大型咨询公司,行业涵盖各高科技行业产业链细分市场,横跨如半导体产业链(半导体设备及零部件、半导体材料、集成电路、制造、封测、分立器件、传感器、光电器件)、光伏产业链(设备、硅料/硅片、电池片、组件、辅料支架、逆变器、电站终端)、新能源汽车产业链(动力电池及材料、电驱电控、汽车半导体/电子、整车、充电桩)、通信产业链(通信系统设备、终端设备、电子元器件、射频前端、光模块、4G/5G/6G、宽带、IoT、数字经济、AI)、先进材料产业链(金属材料、高分子材料、陶瓷材料、纳米材料等)、机械制造产业链(数控机床、工程机械、电气机械、3C自动化、工业机器人、激光、工控、无人机)、食品药品、医疗器械、农业等。邮箱


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