SQL Server 2008 function types in T-SQL

SQL Server 2008 function types in T-SQL

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Transact-SQL Functions

Transact-SQL functions can be either aggregate functions or scalar functions. The following sections describe these function types.

Aggregate functions

Aggregate functions are applied to a group of data values from a column. Aggregate functions always return a single value. Transact-SQL supports several groups of aggregate functions:

  • You are reading part 3 from "The basic objects of T-SQL in SQL Server 2008," excerpted from Microsoft SQL Server 2008: A Beginner's Guide, by Dusan Petkovic, copyright 2008, printed with permission from McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.
  • Convenient aggregate functions
  • Statistical aggregate functions
  • User-defined aggregate functions
  • Analytic aggregate functions

Statistical and analytic aggregates are discussed in Chapter 24. User-defined aggregates are beyond the scope of this book. That leaves the convenient aggregate functions, described next:

  • AVG - Calculates the arithmetic mean (average) of the data values contained within a column. The column must contain numeric values.
  • MAX and MIN - Calculate the maximum and minimum data value of the column, respectively. The column can contain numeric, string, and date/time values.
  • SUM - Calculates the total of all data values in a column. The column must contain numeric values.
  • COUNT - Calculates the number of (non-null) data values in a column. The only aggregate function not being applied to columns is COUNT(*). This function returns the number of rows (whether or not particular columns have NULL values).
  • COUNT_BIG - Analogous to COUNT, the only difference being that COUNT_BIG returns a value of the BIGINT data type.

The use of convenient aggregate functions with the SELECT statement are described in detail in Chapter 6.

Scalar functions

In addition to aggregate functions, Transact-SQL provides several scalar functions that are used in the construction of scalar expressions. (A scalar function operates on a single value or list of values, as opposed to aggregate functions, which operate on the data from multiple rows.) Scalar functions can be categorized as follows:

  • Numeric functions
  • Date functions
  • String functions
  • System functions
  • Metadata functions

The following sections describe these function types.

Numeric functions

Numeric functions within Transact-SQL are mathematical functions for modifying numeric values. The following numeric functions are available:

ABS(n)Returns the absolute value (i.e., negative values are returned as positive) of the numeric expression n. Example:
SELECT ABS(–5.767) = 5.767, SELECT ABS(6.384) = 6.384
ACOS(n)Calculates arc cosine of n. n and the resulting value belong to the FLOAT data type.
ASIN(n)Calculates the arc sine of n. n and the resulting value belong to the FLOAT data type.
ATAN(n)Calculates the arc tangent of n. n and the resulting value belong to the FLOAT data type.
ATN2(n,m)Calculates the arc tangent of n/m. n, m, and the resulting value belong to the FLOAT data type.
CEILING(n)Returns the smallest integer value greater or equal to the specified parameter. Examples:
SELECT CEILING(–4.88) = –4
COS(n)Calculates the cosine of n. n and the resulting value belong to the FLOAT data type.
COT(n)Calculates the cotangent of n. n and the resulting value belong to the FLOAT data type.
DEGREES(n)Converts radians to degrees. Examples:
SELECT DEGREES(0.75) = 42.97
EXP(n)Calculates the value e^n. Example: SELECT EXP(1) = 2.7183
FLOOR(n)Calculates the largest integer value less than or equal to the specified value n. Example:
SELECT FLOOR(4.88) = 4
LOG(n)Calculates the natural (i.e., base e) logarithm of n. Examples:
SELECT LOG(4.67) = 1.54
SELECT LOG(0.12) = –2.12
LOG10(n)Calculates the logarithm (base 10) for n. Examples:
SELECT LOG10(4.67) = 0.67
SELECT LOG10(0.12) = –0.92
PI()Returns the value of the number pi (3.14).
POWER(x,y)Calculates the value x^y. Examples: SELECT POWER(3.12,5) = 295.65
SELECT POWER(81,0.5) = 9
RADIANS(n)Converts degrees to radians. Examples:
SELECT RADIANS(90.0) = 1.57
SELECT RADIANS(42.97) = 0.75
RANDReturns a random number between 0 and 1 with a FLOAT data type.
ROUND(n, p,[t])Rounds the value of the number n by using the precision p. Use positive values of p to round on the right side of the decimal point and use negative values to round on the left side. An optional parameter t causes n to be truncated. Examples:
SELECT ROUND(5.4567,3) = 5.4570
SELECT ROUND(345.4567,–1) = 350.0000
SELECT ROUND(345.4567,–1,1) = 340.0000
ROWCOUNT_BIGReturns the number of rows that have been affected by the last Transact-SQL statement executed by the system. The return value of this function has the BIGINT data type.
SIGN(n)Returns the sign of the value n as a number (+1 for positive, –1 for negative, and 0 for zero).
SELECT SIGN(0.88) = 1
SIN(n)Calculates the sine of n. n and the resulting value belong to the FLOAT data type.
SQRT(n)Calculates the square root of n. Example:
SQUARE(n)Returns the square of the given expression. Example:
TAN(n)Calculates the tangent of n. n and the resulting value belong to the FLOAT data type.

Date Functions

Date functions calculate the respective date or time portion of an expression or return the value from a time interval. Transact-SQL supports the following date functions:

GETDATE()Returns the current system date and time. Example:
SELECT GETDATE() = 2008-01-01 13:03:31.390
DATEPART(item,date)Returns the specified part item of a date date as an integer. Examples:
SELECT DATEPART(month, '01.01.2005') = 1 (1 = January)
SELECT DATEPART(weekday, '01.01.2005') = 7 (7 = Sunday)
DATENAME(item,date)Returns the specified part item of the date date as a character string. Example:
SELECT DATENAME(weekday, '01.01.2005') = Saturday
DATEDIFF(item,dat1,dat2)Calculates the difference between the two date parts dat1 and dat2 and returns the result as an integer in units specified by the value item. Example:
SELECT DATEDIFF(year, BirthDate, GETDATE()) AS age FROM employee; -> returns the age of each employee.
DATEADD(i,n,d)Adds the number n of units specified by the value i to the given date d. Example:
SELECT DATEADD(DAY,3,HireDate) AS age FROM employee; -> adds three days to the starting date of employment of every employee (see the sample database).

String Functions

String functions are used to manipulate data values in a column, usually of a character data type. Transact-SQL supports the following string functions:

ASCII(character)Converts the specified character to the equivalent integer (ASCII) code. Returns an integer. Example:
CHAR(integer)Converts the ASCII code to the equivalent character. Example:
SELECT CHAR(65) = 'A'.
CHARINDEX(z1,z2)Returns the starting position where the partial string z1 first occurs in the string z2. Returns 0 if z1 does not occur in z2. Example:
SELECT CHARINDEX('bl', 'table') = 3.
DIFFERENCE(z1,z2)Returns an integer, 0 through 4, that is the difference of SOUNDEX values of two strings z1 and z2. (SOUNDEX returns a number that specifies the sound of a string. With this method, strings with similar sounds can be determined.) Example:
SELECT DIFFERENCE('spelling', 'telling') = 2 (sounds a little bit similar, 0 = doesn't sound similar)
LEFT(z, length)Returns the first length characters from the string z.
LEN(z)Returns the number of characters, instead of the number of bytes, of the specified string expression, excluding trailing blanks.
LOWER(z1)Converts all uppercase letters of the string z1 to lowercase letters. Lowercase letters and numbers, and other characters, do not change. Example:
SELECT LOWER('BiG') = 'big'
LTRIM(z)Removes leading blanks in the string z. Example:
SELECT LTRIM(' String') = 'String'
NCHAR(i)Returns the Unicode character with the specified integer code, as defined by the Unicode standard.
QUOTENAME(char_string)Returns a Unicode string with the delimiters added to make the input string a valid delimited identifier.
PATINDEX(%p%,expr)Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a pattern p in a specified expression expr, or zeros if the pattern is not found. Examples:
1) SELECT PATINDEX('%gs%', 'longstring') = 4;
2) SELECT RIGHT(ContactName, LEN(ContactName)-PATINDEX('% %',ContactName)) AS First_name FROM Customers;
(The second query returns all first names from the customers column.)
REPLACE(str1,str2,str3)Replaces all occurrences of the str2 in the str1 with the str3. Example:
SELECT REPLACE('shave' , 's' , 'be') = behave
REPLICATE(z,i)Repeats string z i times. Example:
SELECT REPLICATE('a',10) = 'aaaaaaaaaa'
REVERSE(z)Displays the string z in the reverse order. Example:
SELECT REVERSE('calculate') = 'etaluclac'
RIGHT(z,length)Returns the last length characters from the string z. Example:
SELECT RIGHT('Notebook',4) = 'book'
RTRIM(z)Removes trailing blanks of the string z. Example:
SELECT RTRIM('Notebook ') = 'Notebook'
SOUNDEX(a)Returns a four-character SOUNDEX code to determine the similarity between two strings.
SELECT SOUNDEX('spelling') = S145
SPACE(length)Returns a string with spaces of length specified by length. Example:
STR(f,[len [,d]])Converts the specified float expression f into a string. len is the length of the string including decimal point, sign, digits, and spaces (10 by default), and d is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to be returned. Example:
SELECT STR(3.45678,4,2) = '3.46'
STUFF(z1,a,length,z2)Replaces the partial string z1 with the partial string z2 starting at position a, replacing length characters of z1. Examples:
SELECT STUFF('Notebook',5,0, ' in a ') = 'Note in a book'
SELECT STUFF('Notebook',1,4, 'Hand') = 'Handbook'
SUBSTRING(z,a,length)Creates a partial string from string z starting at the position a with a length of length.
SELECT SUBSTRING('wardrobe',1,4) = 'ward'
UNICODEReturns the integer value, as defined by the Unicode standard, for the first character of the input expression.
UPPER(z)Converts all lowercase letters of string z to uppercase letters. Uppercase letters and numbers do not change. Example:

System Functions

System functions of Transact-SQL provide extensive information about database objects. Most system functions use an internal numeric identifier (ID), which is assigned to each database object by the system at its creation. Using this identifier, the system can uniquely identify each database object. System functions provide information about the database system. The following table describes several system functions. (For the complete list of all system functions, please see Books Online.)

CAST(a AS type [(length)]Converts an expression a into the specified data type type (if possible). a could be any valid expression. Example:
SELECT CAST(3000000000 AS BIGINT) = 3000000000
COALESCE(a1,a2,…)Returns for a given list of expressions a1, a2,... the value of the first expression that is not NULL.
COL_LENGTH(obj,col)Returns the length of the column col belonging to the database object (table or view) obj. Example:
SELECT COL_LENGTH('customers', 'cust_ID') = 10
CONVERT(type[(length)],a)Equivalent to CAST, but the arguments are specified differently. CONVERT can be used with any data type.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMPReturns the current date and time. Example:
SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = '2008-01-01 17:22:55.670'
CURRENT_USERReturns the name of the current user.
DATALENGTH(z)Calculates the length (in bytes) of the result of the expression z. Example:
SELECT DATALENGTH(ProductName) FROM products. (This query returns the length of each field.)
GETANSINULL('dbname')Returns 1 if the use of NULL values in the database dbname complies with the ANSI SQL standard. (See also the explanation of NULL values at the end of this chapter.) Example:
SELECT GETANSINULL('AdventureWorks') = 1
ISNULL(expr, value)Returns the value of expr if that value is not null; otherwise, it returns value (see Example 5.22).
ISNUMERIC(expression)Determines whether an expression is a valid numeric type.
NEWID()Creates a unique ID number that consists of a 16-byte binary string intended to store values of the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type.
NEWSEQUENTIALID()Creates a GUID that is greater than any GUID previously generated by this function on a specified computer. (This function can only be used as a default value for a column.)
NULLIF(expr1,expr2)Returns the NULL value if the expressions expr1 and expr2 are equal. Example:
SELECT NULLIF(project_no, 'p1') FROM projects. (The query returns NULL for the project with the project_no = 'p1').
SERVERPROPERTY(propertyname)Returns the property information about the database server.
SYSTEM_USERReturns the login ID of the current user. Example:
USER_ID([user_name])Returns the identifier of the user user_name. If no name is specified, the identifier of the current user is retrieved. Example:
SELECT USER_ID('guest') = 2
USER_NAME([id])Returns the name of the user with the identifier id. If no name is specified, the name of the current user is retrieved. Example:

All string functions can be nested in any order; for example, REVERSE(CURRENT_USER).

Metadata Functions

Generally, metadata functions return information concerning the specified database and database objects. The following table describes several metadata functions. (For the complete list of all metadata functions, please see Books Online.)

COL_NAME(tab_id, col_id)Returns the name of a column belonging to the table with the ID tab_id and column ID col_id. Example:
SELECT COL_NAME(OBJECT_ID('employee') , 3) = 'emp_lname'
COLUMNPROPERTY(id, col, property)Returns the information about the specified column. Example:
SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(object_id('project'), 'project_no', 'PRECISION') = 4
DATABASEPROPERTY(database, property)Returns the named database property value for the specified database and property. Example:
SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY('sample', 'IsNullConcat') = 0. (The IsNullConcat property corresponds to the option CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, which is described at the end of this chapter.)
DB_ID([db_name])Returns the identifier of the database db_name. If no name is specified, the identifier of the current database is returned. Example:
SELECT DB_ID('AdventureWorks') = 6
DB_NAME([db_id])Returns the name of the database with the identifier db_id. If no identifier is specified, the name of the current database is displayed. Example:
SELECT DB_NAME(6) = 'AdventureWorks'
INDEX_COL(table, i, no)Returns the name of the indexed column in the table table, defined by the index identifier i and the position no of the column in the index.
INDEXPROPERTY(obj_id, index_name, property)Returns the named index or statistics property value of a specified table identification number, index or statistics name, and property name.
OBJECT_NAME(obj_id)Returns the name of the database object with the identifier obj_id. Example:
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(453576654) = 'products'
OBJECT_ID(obj_name)Returns the identifier of the database object obj_name. Example:
SELECT OBJECT_ID('products') = 453576654
OBJECTPROPERTY(obj_id,property)Returns the information about the objects from the current database.





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