Listening Comprehension
Section A

  1. 0次播放机会
    A) A Father’s Day card.
    B) A Father’s Day card and a new wallet.
    C) Some family photos.
    D) A card and a digital photo frame.
  2. 0次播放机会
    A) Out of job.
    B) An employee.
    C) A pilot.
    D) A self-employed person.
  3. 0次播放机会
    A) Some time in July.
    B) August the fifth.
    C) The exact date will be announced in June.
    D) The exact date is yet to be announced.
  4. 0次播放机会
    A) It is with brighter color and less noise.
    B) It is with light weight and large screen.
    C) It is with big screen and with better resolution.
    D) It is with less noise and better picture.
  5. 0次播放机会
    A) Because the salary is not good.
    B) Because he prefers to stay at university.
    C) Because he is so busy that he does not have time to enjoy life.
    D) Because he does not like his current job.
  6. 0次播放机会
    A) Fish and meat.
    B) Tea and alcohol.
    C) Sugar and fish.
    D) Fish, tea and coffee.
  7. 0次播放机会
    A) Co-workers.
    B) Researchers.
    C) Lawyers.
    D) Boss and employee.
  8. 0次播放机会
    A) She wants the man to meet her brother.
    B) She’s going to Chicago with her brother.
    C) She won’t be able to prepare lunch.
    D) She can’t accept the man’s invitation.
    Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  9. 0次播放机会
    A) She should decide on her dissertation topic right away.
    B) She should travel around for a while.
    C) She should think about general subject area that she is interested in.
    D) She should think about her major.
  10. 0次播放机会
    A) She thinks the theories are interesting.
    B) She would like to ask the professor to explain the theories for her.
    C) She does not always agree with these theories.
    D) She cannot understand some of these theories.
  11. 0次播放机会
    A) Her interest.
    B) Her future job.
    C) Her finances.
    D) Her health.

Questions 12 to 14 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1. 0次播放机会
    A) The chemistry quiz.
    B) The chemistry class.
    C) The physics quiz.
    D) The physics class.
  2. 0次播放机会
    A) he wants to make up for the loss
    B) he is always a good student
    C) he wants to ask for a sick leave
    D) he is still very ill
  3. 0次播放机会
    A) he was very sick
    B) he was doing homework till late last night
    C) he forgot he had class
    D) he surfed the Internet till late last night

Section B
Passage One

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  1. 0次播放机会
    A) Loneliness has become a matter of public concern.
    B) Loneliness is seen as a social problem.
    C) Loneliness has little to do with closeness.
    D) Loneliness is a public health crisis.
  2. 0次播放机会
    A) About 10%.
    B) About 20%.
    C) About 30%.
    D) About 50%.
  3. 0次播放机会
    A) They should be given more care.
    B) They should exercise more.
    C) They should find proof for loneliness.
    D) They should do as the poets and movie directors.

Passage Two

Questions 18 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  1. 0次播放机会
    A) Nodding head.
    B) Shaking head.
    C) Waving hands.
    D) Waving arms.
  2. 0次播放机会
    A) Talking with folded arms.
    B) Shaking hands with them.
    C) Waving or pointing to them.
    D) Making bows to them.
  3. 0次播放机会
    A) Using a lot of gestures.
    B) Keeping knees together when sitting.
    C) Touching their left hands.
    D) Showing the sole of the foot to others.
  4. 0次播放机会
    A) Making eye contact is not very important in America.
    B) Italians love to look somebody in the eye to show they are healthy.
    C) Latin Americans do not care about making eye contact.
    D) Japanese prefer to keep their eyes lowered to show respect.

Passage Three

Questions 22 to 24 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  1. 0次播放机会
    A) You can choose your family.
    B) You can choose your friends.
    C) Family will always be with you.
    D) Family may come and go.
  2. 0次播放机会
    A) 3,500.
    B) 5,000.
    C) 7,000.
    D) 7,500.
  3. 0次播放机会
    A) Family is more important than friends when we are young.
    B) Friendship is more important than family when we are young.
    C) Family is more important than friends as we age.
    D) Friendship is more important than family as we age.
1-5:       DADCC 
5-10:      DADCC 
11-15:     CACDC 
16-20:     *A*CD 
21-24:     D*DD

Reading Comprehension
Section A
Passage One
Questions 25 to 29 are based on the following passage.

Charles Johnson was a real writer. I had always wanted to meet one. I had always wanted to be one. His classes were everything I had hoped college would have. He worked us hard. We had big, challenging assignments every day. On Monday we would have to describe a single event through the eyes of five radically different people; Tuesday we’d have to write a thousand word sentence without using the word “and.” Crazy stuff (东西), fun stuff, difficult stuff. I saved the assignment sheets and, to this day, hand out copies to people who ask how I became a writer.
Over the years I spent at the University of Washington, Johnson’s classes took on a familiar pattern. The first week the class would meet in a regular classroom, where the 30 to 40 people would learn what the workload would be. Within a week we’d be down to five people and class would be held in a little meeting room that he kept reserved for the right time. Then the real class would begin. He had the mixture of humor and dedication necessary to deal with students like us: a collection of conceited, deadly serious little bastards (家伙) who thought they were going to be the next Charles Bukowski or Kathy Acker. His direction was gentle but firm.
It turned out that I was better at writing humor for television. But every now and then, I see Charles Johnson in a magazine getting a literary (文学的) award or the critical praise that he richly deserves. I hold up the magazine and tell everybody within hearing distance that I used to study with this guy. It’s great to remember a time when I thought all things were possible and I was one of the good guys.

  1. Charles Johnson was __________.
    A) an unpopular teacher because few students took his class
    B) a professional writer for a magazine
    C) a part-time teacher and a part-time writer
    D) an ideal teacher for the author
  2. Why did Professor Johnson switch his classroom from a regular one to a small meeting room in the second week?
    A) Because most of the students were not qualified for taking his course.
    B) Because most of the students dropped out of the course.
    C) Because most of the students found his course dull.
    D) Because most of the students found him humorous.
  3. What does the author think of the assignment of writing a thousand word sentence without using “and”?
    A) It helps a great deal to improve one’s writing competence.
    B) It produces something full of crazy and fun stuff.
    C) It is difficult.
    D) It is stupid.
  4. Which of the following is NOT true about the students who took Professor Johnson’s class?
    A) They included Charles Bukowski and Kathy Acker.
    B) They thought they would be great writers some day.
    C) They were ambitious.
    D) They were crazy about writing.
  5. The author feels __________.
    A) respectful to Professor Johnson’s instructions
    B) conceited for having studied at the University of Washington
    C) proud for having studied with Professor Johnson
    D) amazed at the dreams he once had as a college student

Passage Two
Questions 30 to 34 are based on the following passage.

“I’ve never met a human worth cloning,” says cloning expert Mark Westhusin from the cramped confines of his lab at Texas A&M University. “It’s a stupid endeavor.” That’s an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy. So far, he and his team have not succeeded, though they have cloned two calves and expect to clone a cat soon. They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year — or perhaps not for another five years. It seems the reproductive system of man’s best friend is one of the mysteries of modern science.
Westhusin’s experience with cloning animals leaves him vexed by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missyplicity project, using hundreds upon hundreds of canine eggs, the A&M team has produced only a dozen or so embryos carrying Missy’s DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate mother. The wastage of eggs and the many spontaneously aborted fetuses may be acceptable when you’re dealing with cats or bulls, he argues, but not with humans. “Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous,” he says.
Even so, dog cloning is a commercial opportunity, with a nice research payoff. Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin’s phone at A&M College of Veterinary Medicine has been ringing busily. Cost is no obstacle for customers like Missy’s mysterious owner, who wishes to remain unknown to protect his privacy. He’s plopped down $3.7 million so far to fund the research because he wants a twin to carry on Missy’s fine qualities after she dies. But he knows her clone may not have her temperament. In a statement of purpose, Missy’s owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”
The fate of the dog samples will depend on Westhusin’s work. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems. “Why would you ever want to clone humans,” Westhusin asks, “when we’re not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?”

  1. Mr. Westhusin thinks cloning is dangerous because _____.
    A) animals are tortured to death in the experiments
    B) the public has expressed strong disapproval
    C) too many lives are wasted for laboratory use
    D) cloning becomes a quest only for profit
  2. What is the problem confronting the Missyplicity project?
    A) The client holds a suspicious view toward it.
    B) There is a lack of funds to support the research.
    C) The owner is unwilling to disclose the information.
    D) Cloning dogs is a difficult biological problem.
  3. Which of the following is true about animal cloning?
    A) Few private cloning companies could afford it.
    B) Few people have realized its significance.
    C) An exact copy of a cat or bull can be made.
    D) It is becoming a prosperous industry.
  4. From the passage we can infer that _____.
    A) Mr. Westhusin is going to clone a dog soon
    B) scientists are pessimistic about human cloning
    C) human reproductive system has not been understood
    D) rich people are only interested in cloning animals
  5. Mr. Westhusin seems to believe that cloning ______.
    A) is stupid and should be abandoned
    B) has been close to success
    C) should be taken cautiously
    D) is now in a dilemma

Passage Three
Questions 35 to 39 are based on the following passage.

Words are very important for communication. Unfortunately, words don’t always mean the same thing to the speakers or writers as they do to the hearers or readers. That’s because words have the power to cause emotional responses. Those stirred up emotions color our understanding of what has been communicated.
Since the emotions excited by words greatly influence our understanding, those who have studied the use of words in presenting their arguments can make the fullest use of them, and easily operate listeners and readers.
When we unknowingly make choices and decisions based on our internal emotional response to particular words and phrases instead of clear logical thinking, we have been operated. When we learn to separate our emotional responses to words being used to talk us into accepting some facts being discussed, then we can make effective and powerful decisions based upon the reality.
Now study the example below to see how words appeal to our emotions.
“Please give to this charity (慈善机构) so that millions of children worldwide won’t starve to death.”
Not stated is the implication that you will be responsible for the death of millions of children if you don’t give money to that charity. Compassion is stirred up and guilt consumes you as you reach for your checkbook.
But what about all the other charities that want your money for the same cause? What’s so special about this one that you willfully turn your back on all the others? So when the next appeal comes from another charity, you don’t even think twice before reaching for your checkbook. Then you have to cut back on your grocery spending so you can feed your own children …

  1. Writing the passage, the author intends __________.
    A) to prove that words can stir up emotions
    B) to explain why communication fails sometimes
    C) to show how to make full use of emotional words in writing and speaking
    D) to warn us against being misled by words while reading or listening
  2. Which of the following cannot be learned from the passage?
    A) The same sentence may vary greatly in meaning to different readers.
    B) Some writers may use words in such a way as to mislead readers.
    C) Emotions stirred up by words may lead listeners and readers to a wrong choice.
    D) Without emotions, we cannot respond to good words with excitement.
  3. According to the author’s analysis, after you read the example about giving money to that charity, you will __________.
    A) cut back on your grocery spending
    B) turn your back on all the other charities
    C) feel as though you had committed some crime if you don’t offer some money
    D) feel you can be a great man who saves numerous children
  4. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the example about giving money to that charity?
    A) You have the duty to help those starving children.
    B) You are able to help those starving children.
    C) Millions of children may die soon for short of food.
    D) This charity is the best one in the world.
  5. The phrase “color our understanding” in the first paragraph means “__________”.
    A) make our understanding colorful
    B) have a special effect on our understanding
    C) cause various kinds of misunderstanding
    D) enable us to have a deep understanding

Vocabulary and Structure
Section A

  1. What is so impressive about their society is the ____ of the public services.
    A) proficiency
    B) sufficiency
    C) efficiency
    D) productivity
  2. The manager’s arguments are rather _________ to criticism.
    A) sensitive
    B) vulnerable
    C) opposed
    D) exposed
  3. The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural __________.
    A) tradition
    B) transportation
    C) transmission
    D) transformation
  4. It is so exciting to think what’s ________ our great-grandchildren over the next 100 years.
    A) in exchange for
    B) in store for
    C) in parallel with
    D) in sight of
  5. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth ________ covered by sea.
    A) is
    B) are
    C) has
    D) have
  6. It is difficult to________ to changing reality.
    A) readjust
    B) adept
    C) resort
    D) suit
  7. He is quite a good officer, but I doubt he will ever __________ a general.
    A) take
    B) make
    C) have
    D) create
  8. White has always been a symbol ____ purity in Western cultures.
    A) of
    B) to
    C) for
    D) in
  9. After perhaps a seventh attempt the moth slipped from the wooden ledge and fell, ______ his wings, on to his back on the windowsill.
    A) snatching
    B) fluttering
    C) enhancing
    D) inheriting
  10. At the conference, the scholars had a ______ debate on how to control the noise pollution from the construction sites.
    A) spirit
    B) spiriting
    C) spiritual
    D) spirited
  11. Government has the obligation to _________ the culture of a country in a proper way.
    A) preserve
    B) reserve
    C) conserve
    D) maintain
  12. When boundaries between countries are not clearly _______, there is usually trouble.
    A) differed
    B) defined
    C) made clear
    D) distinguished
  13. Look at the photo and you’ll find Diana _________ her father.
    A) takes to
    B) takes after
    C) takes for
    D) takes over
  14. I was speaking to Jane on the phone when suddenly we were __________.
    A) cut off
    B) cut down
    C) cut back
    D) cut out
  15. The PICC charges __________ at lower rates, so it is to your advantage to have your orders insured with the PICC.
    A) premium
    B) account
    C) insurance
    D) profit
  16. The aircraft came down in flames, and the heat __________ most of the parts together into a solid mass.
    A) joined
    B) held
    C) fused
    D) mingled
  17. We tried to _____ the fact that it was just a school ball hall by putting up coloured lights and balloons.
    A) impress
    B) diminish
    C) disguise
    D) tolerate
  18. The book New Concept English has been well received by learners of English ________ it helps them to develop their basic English skills.
    A) so that
    B) in which
    C) now that
    D) in that
  19. He pointed out that the living standard of urban and ______ people continued to improve.
    A) remote
    B) municipal
    C) rural
    D) provincial
  20. As the mountains were covered with a ________ of cloud, we couldn’t see their tops.
    A) coating
    B) film
    C) veil
    D) shade

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Segregation was an (60)________ by white Southerners to separate the races in every sphere of life and to achieve supremacy over blacks. Segregation was often called the Jim Crow system, after a character from the 1830s who was an old, crippled, black slave who embodied (61)________ stereotypes of blacks. Segregation became (62)________ in Southern states following the end of Reconstruction in 1877.During Reconstruction, which followed Civil War (1861-1865), Republican governments in the Southern states were (63)________ by blacks, Northerners, and some sympathetic Southerners. The reconstruction governments had (64)________ laws opening up economic and political (65)________ for blacks. By 1877 the Democratic Party had gained control of government in the Southern states, and these Southern Democrats wanted to (66)________ black advances made during Reconstruction. (67)________ , they began to pass local and state laws that specified certain places " For Whites Only" and others for “Colored.” Blacks had (68)________ schools, transportation, restaurants, and parks, many of which were poorly funded and inferior to (69)________ of whites. Over the next 75 years, Jim Crow signs went up to separate the races in every (70)________ place.
The system of segregation also included the (71)________ of voting rights, known as disfranchisement. Between 1890 and 1910 all Southern states passed laws (72)________ requirements for voting that were used to prevent blacks from voting, (73)________ the 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which had been designed to protect black voting rights. These requirements included: the ability to read and write, which disqualified the many blacks who had not had the (74)________ to education; property ownership, something few blacks were able to acquire; and paying a poll tax (人头税), which was too great a (75)________ on most Southern blacks, who were very poor.
Because blacks could not vote, they were (76)________ powerless to prevent whites from segregating all aspects of Southern life. They could do little to stop (77)________ in public accommodations, education, economic opportunities, or housing. The ability to struggle for equality was even undermined by the (78)________ Jim Crow signs, which constantly reminded blacks of their (79)________ status in Southern society.

  1. A) attempt
    B) objective
    C) substitution
    D) subjective
  2. A) positive
    B) strange
    C) negative
    D) good
  3. A) often
    B) common
    C) rare
    D) little
  4. A) involved
    B) operate
    C) run
    D) controlled
  5. A) affect
    B) passed
    C) changed
    D) issue
  6. A) opportunities
    B) risks
    C) challenges
    D) improve
  7. A) follow
    B) agree
    C) reverse
    D) converse
  8. A) Despite of it
    B) To that end
    C) As it were
    D) To this point
  9. A) separate
    B) same
    C) equal
    D) superior
  10. A) this
    B) those
    C) that
    D) such
  11. A) possible
    B) ready
    C) corner
    D) alive
  12. A) acceptance
    B) promotion
    C) denial
    D) advocating
  13. A) classifying
    B) imposing
    C) practicing
    D) granting
  14. A) in spite of
    B) because of
    C) owing to
    D) considering
  15. A) access
    B) power
    C) money
    D) brains
  16. A) chance
    B) inclination
    C) burden
    D) complication
  17. A) deliberately
    B) elaborately
    C) barely
    D) virtually
  18. A) discrimination
    B) demonstration
    C) parade
    D) outcry
  19. A) rare
    B) little
    C) few
    D) numerous
  20. A) equal
    B) same
    C) inferior
    D) superior




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