ffprobe文档 4-5

4 Writers 输出器


A writer defines the output format adopted by ffprobe, and will be used for printing all the parts of the output.

输出器可以接受一个或者多个参数,以启用某些选项。选项以一系列 键值对(“key=value”) 的形式描述,并用':'分割多个选项。

A writer may accept one or more arguments, which specify the options to adopt. The options are specified as a list of key=value pairs, separated by “:”.


All writers support the following options:

  • string_validation, sv


    Set string validation mode.


    The following values are accepted.

    • ‘fail’


      The writer will fail immediately in case an invalid string (UTF-8) sequence or code point is found in the input. This is especially useful to validate input metadata.

    • ‘ignore’


      Any validation error will be ignored. This will result in possibly broken output, especially with the json or xml writer.

    • ‘replace’

      输出器会使用string_validation_replacement替换所有非法字符串或其他错误。这也是 默认 的字符串验证模式。

      The writer will substitute invalid UTF-8 sequences or code points with the string specified with the string_validation_replacement.Default value is ‘replace’.

  • string_validation_replacement, svr


    Set replacement string to use in case string_validation is set to ‘replace’.In case the option is not specified, the writer will assume the empty string, that is it will remove the invalid sequences from the input strings.


A description of the currently available writers follows.

4.1 default


Default format.


Print each section in the form:


FORMAT, STREAM, PROGRAM_STREAM所对应的 元数据标签(Metadata tag) 会在各自 分段(section) 下以TAG为前缀打印。

Metadata tags are printed as a line in the corresponding FORMAT, STREAM or PROGRAM_STREAM section, and are prefixed by the string “TAG:”.


A description of the accepted options follows.

  • nokey, nk

    该选项设为1则不打印key部分 (即只有val部分)。该选项默认为0。

    If set to 1 specify not to print the key of each field. Default value is 0.

  • noprint_wrappers, nw

    该选项设为1则不打印段落的首部和尾部 (即[SECTION][/SECTION]部分)。该选项默认为0.

    If set to 1 specify not to print the section header and footer. Default value is 0.

4.2 compact, csv


Compact and CSV format.


The csv writer is equivalent to compact, but supports different defaults.


Each section is printed on a single line. If no option is specified, the output has the form:

section|key1=val1| ... |keyN=valN

format, stream, 所对应的 元数据标签(Metadata tag) 会在各自 分段(section) 下以tag:为前缀打印。

Metadata tags are printed in the corresponding “format” or “stream” section. A metadata tag key, if printed, is prefixed by the string “tag:”.


The description of the accepted options follows.

  • item_sep, s

    指定用于分割输出 字段(field) 的字符。其只能为单个可见字符 (换行等格式控制字符为不可见字符),默认是'|'csv默认为’,’`)。

    Specify the character to use for separating fields in the output line. It must be a single printable character, it is “|” by default ("," for the csv writer).

  • nokey, nk


    If set to 1 specify not to print the key of each field. Its default value is 0 (1 for the csv writer).

  • escape, e


    Set the escape mode to use, default to “c” (“csv” for the csv writer).


    It can assume one of the following values:

    • c


      Perform C-like escaping. Strings containing a newline (‘\n’), carriage return (‘\r’), a tab (‘\t’), a form feed (‘\f’), the escaping character (‘\’) or the item separator character SEP are escaped using C-like fashioned escaping, so that a newline is converted to the sequence ‘\n’, a carriage return to ‘\r’, ‘\’ to ‘\’ and the separator SEP is converted to ‘\SEP’.

    • csv


      Perform CSV-like escaping, as described in RFC4180. Strings containing a newline (‘\n’), a carriage return (‘\r’), a double quote (‘"’), or SEP are enclosed in double-quotes.

    • none


      Perform no escaping.

  • print_section, p


    Print the section name at the beginning of each line if the value is 1, disable it with value set to 0. Default value is 1.

4.3 flat


Flat format.


A free-form output where each line contains an explicit key=value, such as “streams.stream.3.tags.foo=bar”. The output is shell escaped, so it can be directly embedded in sh scripts as long as the separator character is an alphanumeric character or an underscore (see sep_char option).


The description of the accepted options follows.

  • sep_char, s


    Separator character used to separate the chapter, the section name, IDs and potential tags in the printed field key.Default value is ‘.’.

  • hierarchical, h


    Specify if the section name specification should be hierarchical. If set to 1, and if there is more than one section in the current chapter, the section name will be prefixed by the name of the chapter. A value of 0 will disable this behavior.Default value is 1.

4.4 ini


INI format output.


Print output in an INI based format.

The following conventions are adopted:

  • 所有的键值都以UTF-8描述

    all key and values are UTF-8

  • '.'用于子分组分隔符

    ‘.’ is the subgroup separator

  • 换行符,'\t', '\f', '\b'与如下字符已转义。

    newline, ‘\t’, ‘\f’, ‘\b’ and the following characters are escaped

    • '\'用于转义其他字符

      ‘\’ is the escape character

    • '#'表示注释

      ‘#’ is the comment indicator

    • '='用于分隔键/值

      ‘=’ is the key/value separator

    • ':'不使用,但也常见于分隔键/值用

      ‘:’ is not used but usually parsed as key/value separator


This writer accepts options as a list of key=value pairs, separated by ‘:’.


The description of the accepted options follows.

  • hierarchical, h

    选项设置为1时,如多个分段是均位于同 章节**(chapter)** 下,则这些分段都会以章节名作为前缀。设为0时则会关闭该项功能。默认为1。

    Specify if the section name specification should be hierarchical. If set to 1, and if there is more than one section in the current chapter, the section name will be prefixed by the name of the chapter. A value of 0 will disable this behavior.Default value is 1.

4.5 json

JSON 格式,分段均以JSON格式打印。

JSON based format.

Each section is printed using JSON notation.


The description of the accepted options follows.

  • compact, c


    If set to 1 enable compact output, that is each section will be printed on a single line. Default value is 0.

For more information about JSON, see http://www.json.org/.

4.6 xml


XML based format.

The XML output is described in the XML schema description file ffprobe.xsd installed in the FFmpeg datadir.


An updated version of the schema can be retrieved at the url http://www.ffmpeg.org/schema/ffprobe.xsd, which redirects to the latest schema committed into the FFmpeg development source code tree.

但是描述文件仅在没有打开特殊全局输出选项时起效,如(unit, prefix, byte_binary_prefix, sexagesimal等)。

Note that the output issued will be compliant to the ffprobe.xsd schema only when no special global output options (unit, prefix, byte_binary_prefix, sexagesimal etc.) are specified.


The description of the accepted options follows.

  • fully_qualified, q


    If set to 1 specify if the output should be fully qualified. Default value is 0. This is required for generating an XML file which can be validated through an XSD file.

  • xsd_strict, x


    If set to 1 perform more checks for ensuring that the output is XSD compliant. Default value is 0. This option automatically sets fully_qualified to 1.

更多关于XML格式的信息参照 https://www.w3.org/XML

For more information about the XML format, see https://www.w3.org/XML/.

5 Timecode

ffmpeg支持提取 时间码(Timecode)

ffprobe supports Timecode extraction:

  • MPEG1/2的时间码会从GOP中提取,它也会出现在stream分段中。

    MPEG1/2 timecode is extracted from the GOP, and is available in the video stream details (-show_streams, see timecode).

  • MOV的时间码通过tmcd轨道提取,因此它也出现在tmcd流的元数据中。

    MOV timecode is extracted from tmcd track, so is available in the tmcd stream metadata (-show_streams, see TAG:timecode).

  • DV, GXF, AVI的时间码则可在format分段的元数据中提取。

EG1/2 timecode is extracted from the GOP, and is available in the video stream details (-show_streams, see timecode).

  • MOV的时间码通过tmcd轨道提取,因此它也出现在tmcd流的元数据中。

    MOV timecode is extracted from tmcd track, so is available in the tmcd stream metadata (-show_streams, see TAG:timecode).

  • DV, GXF, AVI的时间码则可在format分段的元数据中提取。

    DV, GXF and AVI timecodes are available in format metadata (-show_format, see TAG:timecode).





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