[转载]一个简洁的 latex 模板 (我常用的操作记录)

  1. Latex中的伪代码怎么搞: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/266241159
    伪代码 中指令的大小写问题:

  2. TexStudio 中的快捷键: https://www.cnblogs.com/tsingke/p/5827767.html
    Ctrl+T/U 搞成注释/取消注释

  3. Latex中插入图片 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/32925549
    (注意:可能插入图片失效, 可能是图片中存在中文的问题)

  4. Latex中插入表格 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41519463/article/details/103737464

  5. Latex 文字颜色 https://www.cnblogs.com/tsingke/p/7457236.html

E \mathbb{E} E\mathbb{E}多用来指方差 (这个要 \usepackage{amsfonts}
\textsc{Hello world!}\textsc converts text to small caps font, with capital letters but of usual size.


mathbb:blackboard bold,黑板粗体,那就是画两条,期望什么的都用
mathbf:math boldface,表示矩阵,向量,都有B,这两种字体差别很大,用的都比较多
mathrm:math roman, 罗马字体,罗马大教堂,方正
mathnormal: 正常字体,$A$和$\mathnormal{A}$相同
mathit: 斜体, italic,意大利(Italy)因为有比萨斜塔,所以导致了italic字体是这么个称呼?
mathsf:sf 影魔字体?(dota游戏中,sf 是一个英雄,名字叫Shadow Fiend)。基本上不用
# 用法摘自上边那个链接

# 第一种
# 其中textcolor{...}中包含的是系统定义好的颜色

# 第二种
# 其中{r,g,b}代表red、green和blue三种颜色的组合,取值范围为[0-1]
# 其中{R,G,B}代表red、green和blue三种颜色的组合,取值范围为[0-255]

# 这里留下一个疑问哈,xcolor 这个包和 color 这个包是肾么关系??
  1. latex 的 sty 文件更改尝试

  2. latex 中加入引用文献

# 开头加上

# 结尾加上这个你的 mybibfile.bib 文件的名字

# 记录一个小问题:
\cite{} 这个给我报错:
			! Paragraph ended before \@citex was complete.
			<to be read again> 
			I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this
			control sequence to too much text. How can we recover?
			My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best.
\citep{} 才不报错,不知道为啥



这是 sty 文件 neurips_2022.sty

% partial rewrite of the LaTeX2e package for submissions to the
% Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS):
% - uses more LaTeX conventions
% - line numbers at submission time replaced with aligned numbers from
%   lineno package
% - \nipsfinalcopy replaced with [final] package option
% - automatically loads times package for authors
% - loads natbib automatically; this can be suppressed with the
%   [nonatbib] package option
% - adds foot line to first page identifying the conference
% - adds preprint option for submission to e.g. arXiv
% - conference acronym modified
% Roman Garnett (garnett@wustl.edu) and the many authors of
% nips15submit_e.sty, including MK and drstrip@sandia
% last revision: March 2022

\ProvidesPackage{neurips_2022}[2022/03/31 NeurIPS 2022 submission/camera-ready style file]

% declare final option, which creates camera-ready copy

% declare nonatbib option, which does not load natbib in case of
% package clash (users can pass options to natbib via
% \PassOptionsToPackage)

% declare preprint option, which creates a preprint version ready for
% upload to, e.g., arXiv


% determine whether this is an anonymized submission

% fonts

% change this every year for notice string at bottom
\newcommand{\@neuripslocation}{New Orleans}

% acknowledgments
\newcommand{\acksection}{\section*{Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding}}

% load natbib unless told otherwise

% set page geometry
    {\PackageWarning{neurips_2022}{fullpage package not allowed! Overwriting formatting.}}


% font sizes with reduced leading
  \abovedisplayskip      7\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 5\p@
  \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus 3\p@
  \belowdisplayskip      \abovedisplayskip
  \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus 3\p@ \@minus 3\p@
  \abovedisplayskip      6\p@ \@plus 1.5\p@ \@minus 4\p@
  \abovedisplayshortskip \z@  \@plus 2\p@
  \belowdisplayskip      \abovedisplayskip
  \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ \@plus 2\p@   \@minus 2\p@

% sections with less space
                {-2.0ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}%
                { 1.5ex \@plus  0.3ex \@minus  0.2ex}%
                {-1.8ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}%
                { 0.8ex \@plus  0.2ex}%
                {-1.5ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}%
                { 0.5ex \@plus  0.2ex}%
                {1.5ex \@plus 0.5ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
                {1.5ex \@plus 0.5ex \@minus 0.2ex}%

% float placement
\renewcommand{\topfraction      }{0.85}
\renewcommand{\bottomfraction   }{0.4}
\renewcommand{\textfraction     }{0.1}



% swap above/belowcaptionskip lengths for tables

% footnote formatting
\setlength{\footnotesep }{6.65\p@}
\setlength{\skip\footins}{9\p@ \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 2\p@}
\renewcommand{\footnoterule}{\kern-3\p@ \hrule width 12pc \kern 2.6\p@}

% paragraph formatting
\setlength{\parskip  }{5.5\p@}

% list formatting
\setlength{\topsep       }{4\p@ \@plus 1\p@   \@minus 2\p@}
\setlength{\partopsep    }{1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@}
\setlength{\itemsep      }{2\p@ \@plus 1\p@   \@minus 0.5\p@}
\setlength{\parsep       }{2\p@ \@plus 1\p@   \@minus 0.5\p@}
\setlength{\leftmargin   }{3pc}
\setlength{\leftmargini  }{\leftmargin}
\setlength{\leftmarginii }{2em}
\setlength{\leftmarginiv }{1.0em}
\setlength{\leftmarginv  }{0.5em}
\def\@listi  {\leftmargin\leftmargini}
\def\@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii
              \topsep  2\p@ \@plus 1\p@    \@minus 0.5\p@
              \parsep  1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@
              \itemsep \parsep}
              \topsep    1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@
              \parsep    \z@
              \partopsep 0.5\p@ \@plus 0\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@
              \itemsep \topsep}
\def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
\def\@listv  {\leftmargin\leftmarginv
\def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi

% create title
    % for perfect author name centering
    \renewcommand{\@makefnmark}{\hbox to \z@{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
    % The footnote-mark was overlapping the footnote-text,
    % added the following to fix this problem               (MK)
      \parindent 1em\noindent
      \hbox to 1.8em{\hss $\m@th ^{\@thefnmark}$}##1

% rules for title box at top of first page
  \hrule height 4\p@
  \vskip 0.25in
  \vskip -\parskip%
  \vskip 0.29in
  \vskip -\parskip
  \hrule height 1\p@
  \vskip 0.09in%

% create title (includes both anonymized and non-anonymized versions)
    \vskip 0.1in
    {\LARGE\bf \@title\par}
        Anonymous Author(s) \\
        Affiliation \\
        Address \\
        \texttt{email} \\
    \vskip 0.3in \@minus 0.1in

% add conference notice to bottom of first page
  % give a bit of extra room back to authors on first page

% abstract styling
  \vskip 0.075in%
  {\large\bf Abstract}%
  \vskip 1ex%

% For the paper checklist
\newcommand{\answerYes}[1][]{\textcolor{blue}{[Yes] #1}}
\newcommand{\answerNo}[1][]{\textcolor{orange}{[No] #1}}
\newcommand{\answerNA}[1][]{\textcolor{gray}{[N/A] #1}}
\newcommand{\answerTODO}[1][]{\textcolor{red}{\bf [TODO]}}

% handle tweaks for camera-ready copy vs. submission copy
    Preprint. Under review.%
      \@neuripsordinal\/ Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
      (NeurIPS \@neuripsyear).%, \@neuripslocation.%
      Submitted to \@neuripsordinal\/ Conference on Neural Information
      Processing Systems (NeurIPS \@neuripsyear). Do not distribute.%

    % hide the acknowledgements

    % line numbers for submission

    % fix incompatibilities between lineno and amsmath, if required, by
    % transparently wrapping linenomath environments around amsmath
    % environments
          \expandafter\let\csname old#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname #1\endcsname
          \expandafter\let\csname oldend#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname end#1\endcsname
                          {\linenomath\csname old#1\endcsname}%
                          {\csname oldend#1\endcsname\endlinenomath}%




% if you need to pass options to natbib, use, e.g.:
%     \PassOptionsToPackage{numbers, compress}{natbib}
% before loading neurips_2022

% ready for submission

% to compile a preprint version, e.g., for submission to arXiv, add add the
% [preprint] option:
%     \usepackage[preprint]{neurips_2022}

% to compile a camera-ready version, add the [final] option, e.g.:
%     \usepackage[final]{neurips_2022}

% to avoid loading the natbib package, add option nonatbib:
%    \usepackage[nonatbib]{neurips_2022}

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % allow utf-8 input
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}    % use 8-bit T1 fonts
\usepackage{hyperref}       % hyperlinks
\usepackage{url}            % simple URL typesetting
\usepackage{booktabs}       % professional-quality tables
\usepackage{amsfonts}       % blackboard math symbols
\usepackage{nicefrac}       % compact symbols for 1/2, etc.
\usepackage{microtype}      % microtypography
\usepackage{xcolor}         % colors

\title{Formatting Instructions For NeurIPS 2022}

% The \author macro works with any number of authors. There are two commands
% used to separate the names and addresses of multiple authors: \And and \AND.
% Using \And between authors leaves it to LaTeX to determine where to break the
% lines. Using \AND forces a line break at that point. So, if LaTeX puts 3 of 4
% authors names on the first line, and the last on the second line, try using
% \AND instead of \And before the third author name.

  David S.~Hippocampus\thanks{Use footnote for providing further information
    about author (webpage, alternative address)---\emph{not} for acknowledging
    funding agencies.} \\
  Department of Computer Science\\
  Cranberry-Lemon University\\
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213 \\
  \texttt{hippo@cs.cranberry-lemon.edu} \\
  % examples of more authors
  % \And
  % Coauthor \\
  % Affiliation \\
  % Address \\
  % \texttt{email} \\
  % \AND
  % Coauthor \\
  % Affiliation \\
  % Address \\
  % \texttt{email} \\
  % \And
  % Coauthor \\
  % Affiliation \\
  % Address \\
  % \texttt{email} \\
  % \And
  % Coauthor \\
  % Affiliation \\
  % Address \\
  % \texttt{email} \\



  The abstract paragraph should be indented \nicefrac{1}{2}~inch (3~picas) on
  both the left- and right-hand margins. Use 10~point type, with a vertical
  spacing (leading) of 11~points.  The word \textbf{Abstract} must be centered,
  bold, and in point size 12. Two line spaces precede the abstract. The abstract
  must be limited to one paragraph.

\section{Submission of papers to NeurIPS 2022}

Please read the instructions below carefully and follow them faithfully.


Papers to be submitted to NeurIPS 2022 must be prepared according to the
instructions presented here. Papers may only be up to {\bf nine} pages long,
including figures. Additional pages \emph{containing only acknowledgments and
references} are allowed. Papers that exceed the page limit will not be
reviewed, or in any other way considered for presentation at the conference.

The margins in 2022 are the same as those in 2007, which allow for $\sim$$15\%$
more words in the paper compared to earlier years.

Authors are required to use the NeurIPS \LaTeX{} style files obtainable at the
NeurIPS website as indicated below. Please make sure you use the current files
and not previous versions. Tweaking the style files may be grounds for

\subsection{Retrieval of style files}

The style files for NeurIPS and other conference information are available on
the World Wide Web at
The file \verb+neurips_2022.pdf+ contains these instructions and illustrates the
various formatting requirements your NeurIPS paper must satisfy.

The only supported style file for NeurIPS 2022 is \verb+neurips_2022.sty+,
rewritten for \LaTeXe{}.  \textbf{Previous style files for \LaTeX{} 2.09,
  Microsoft Word, and RTF are no longer supported!}

The \LaTeX{} style file contains three optional arguments: \verb+final+, which
creates a camera-ready copy, \verb+preprint+, which creates a preprint for
submission to, e.g., arXiv, and \verb+nonatbib+, which will not load the
\verb+natbib+ package for you in case of package clash.

\paragraph{Preprint option}
If you wish to post a preprint of your work online, e.g., on arXiv, using the
NeurIPS style, please use the \verb+preprint+ option. This will create a
nonanonymized version of your work with the text ``Preprint. Work in progress.''
in the footer. This version may be distributed as you see fit. Please \textbf{do
  not} use the \verb+final+ option, which should \textbf{only} be used for
papers accepted to NeurIPS.

At submission time, please omit the \verb+final+ and \verb+preprint+
options. This will anonymize your submission and add line numbers to aid
review. Please do \emph{not} refer to these line numbers in your paper as they
will be removed during generation of camera-ready copies.

The file \verb+neurips_2022.tex+ may be used as a ``shell'' for writing your
paper. All you have to do is replace the author, title, abstract, and text of
the paper with your own.

The formatting instructions contained in these style files are summarized in
Sections \ref{gen_inst}, \ref{headings}, and \ref{others} below.

\section{General formatting instructions}

The text must be confined within a rectangle 5.5~inches (33~picas) wide and
9~inches (54~picas) long. The left margin is 1.5~inch (9~picas).  Use 10~point
type with a vertical spacing (leading) of 11~points.  Times New Roman is the
preferred typeface throughout, and will be selected for you by default.
Paragraphs are separated by \nicefrac{1}{2}~line space (5.5 points), with no

The paper title should be 17~point, initial caps/lower case, bold, centered
between two horizontal rules. The top rule should be 4~points thick and the
bottom rule should be 1~point thick. Allow \nicefrac{1}{4}~inch space above and
below the title to rules. All pages should start at 1~inch (6~picas) from the
top of the page.

For the final version, authors' names are set in boldface, and each name is
centered above the corresponding address. The lead author's name is to be listed
first (left-most), and the co-authors' names (if different address) are set to
follow. If there is only one co-author, list both author and co-author side by

Please pay special attention to the instructions in Section \ref{others}
regarding figures, tables, acknowledgments, and references.

\section{Headings: first level}

All headings should be lower case (except for first word and proper nouns),
flush left, and bold.

First-level headings should be in 12-point type.

\subsection{Headings: second level}

Second-level headings should be in 10-point type.

\subsubsection{Headings: third level}

Third-level headings should be in 10-point type.


There is also a \verb+\paragraph+ command available, which sets the heading in
bold, flush left, and inline with the text, with the heading followed by 1\,em
of space.

\section{Citations, figures, tables, references}

These instructions apply to everyone.

\subsection{Citations within the text}

The \verb+natbib+ package will be loaded for you by default.  Citations may be
author/year or numeric, as long as you maintain internal consistency.  As to the
format of the references themselves, any style is acceptable as long as it is
used consistently.

The documentation for \verb+natbib+ may be found at
Of note is the command \verb+\citet+, which produces citations appropriate for
use in inline text.  For example,
   \citet{hasselmo} investigated\dots
  Hasselmo, et al.\ (1995) investigated\dots

If you wish to load the \verb+natbib+ package with options, you may add the
following before loading the \verb+neurips_2022+ package:

If \verb+natbib+ clashes with another package you load, you can add the optional
argument \verb+nonatbib+ when loading the style file:

As submission is double blind, refer to your own published work in the third
person. That is, use ``In the previous work of Jones et al.\ [4],'' not ``In our
previous work [4].'' If you cite your other papers that are not widely available
(e.g., a journal paper under review), use anonymous author names in the
citation, e.g., an author of the form ``A.\ Anonymous.''


Footnotes should be used sparingly.  If you do require a footnote, indicate
footnotes with a number\footnote{Sample of the first footnote.} in the
text. Place the footnotes at the bottom of the page on which they appear.
Precede the footnote with a horizontal rule of 2~inches (12~picas).

Note that footnotes are properly typeset \emph{after} punctuation
marks.\footnote{As in this example.}


  \fbox{\rule[-.5cm]{0cm}{4cm} \rule[-.5cm]{4cm}{0cm}}
  \caption{Sample figure caption.}

All artwork must be neat, clean, and legible. Lines should be dark enough for
purposes of reproduction. The figure number and caption always appear after the
figure. Place one line space before the figure caption and one line space after
the figure. The figure caption should be lower case (except for first word and
proper nouns); figures are numbered consecutively.

You may use color figures.  However, it is best for the figure captions and the
paper body to be legible if the paper is printed in either black/white or in


All tables must be centered, neat, clean and legible.  The table number and
title always appear before the table.  See Table~\ref{sample-table}.

Place one line space before the table title, one line space after the
table title, and one line space after the table. The table title must
be lower case (except for first word and proper nouns); tables are
numbered consecutively.

Note that publication-quality tables \emph{do not contain vertical rules.} We
strongly suggest the use of the \verb+booktabs+ package, which allows for
typesetting high-quality, professional tables:
This package was used to typeset Table~\ref{sample-table}.

  \caption{Sample table title}
    \multicolumn{2}{c}{Part}                   \\
    Name     & Description     & Size ($\mu$m) \\
    Dendrite & Input terminal  & $\sim$100     \\
    Axon     & Output terminal & $\sim$10      \\
    Soma     & Cell body       & up to $10^6$  \\

\section{Final instructions}

Do not change any aspects of the formatting parameters in the style files.  In
particular, do not modify the width or length of the rectangle the text should
fit into, and do not change font sizes (except perhaps in the
\textbf{References} section; see below). Please note that pages should be

\section{Preparing PDF files}

Please prepare submission files with paper size ``US Letter,'' and not, for
example, ``A4.''

Fonts were the main cause of problems in the past years. Your PDF file must only
contain Type 1 or Embedded TrueType fonts. Here are a few instructions to
achieve this.


\item You should directly generate PDF files using \verb+pdflatex+.

\item You can check which fonts a PDF files uses.  In Acrobat Reader, select the
  menu Files$>$Document Properties$>$Fonts and select Show All Fonts. You can
  also use the program \verb+pdffonts+ which comes with \verb+xpdf+ and is
  available out-of-the-box on most Linux machines.

\item The IEEE has recommendations for generating PDF files whose fonts are also
  acceptable for NeurIPS. Please see

\item \verb+xfig+ "patterned" shapes are implemented with bitmap fonts.  Use
  "solid" shapes instead.

\item The \verb+\bbold+ package almost always uses bitmap fonts.  You should use
  the equivalent AMS Fonts:
followed by, e.g., \verb+\mathbb{R}+, \verb+\mathbb{N}+, or \verb+\mathbb{C}+
for $\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{N}$ or $\mathbb{C}$.  You can also use the following
workaround for reals, natural and complex:
   \newcommand{\RR}{I\!\!R} %real numbers
   \newcommand{\Nat}{I\!\!N} %natural numbers
   \newcommand{\CC}{I\!\!\!\!C} %complex numbers
Note that \verb+amsfonts+ is automatically loaded by the \verb+amssymb+ package.


If your file contains type 3 fonts or non embedded TrueType fonts, we will ask
you to fix it.

\subsection{Margins in \LaTeX{}}

Most of the margin problems come from figures positioned by hand using
\verb+\special+ or other commands. We suggest using the command
\verb+\includegraphics+ from the \verb+graphicx+ package. Always specify the
figure width as a multiple of the line width as in the example below:
   \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} ...
See Section 4.4 in the graphics bundle documentation

A number of width problems arise when \LaTeX{} cannot properly hyphenate a
line. Please give LaTeX hyphenation hints using the \verb+\-+ command when

Use unnumbered first level headings for the acknowledgments. All acknowledgments
go at the end of the paper before the list of references. Moreover, you are required to declare
funding (financial activities supporting the submitted work) and competing interests (related financial activities outside the submitted work).
More information about this disclosure can be found at: \url{https://neurips.cc/Conferences/2022/PaperInformation/FundingDisclosure}.

Do {\bf not} include this section in the anonymized submission, only in the final paper. You can use the \texttt{ack} environment provided in the style file to autmoatically hide this section in the anonymized submission.


References follow the acknowledgments. Use unnumbered first-level heading for
the references. Any choice of citation style is acceptable as long as you are
consistent. It is permissible to reduce the font size to \verb+small+ (9 point)
when listing the references.
Note that the Reference section does not count towards the page limit.


[1] Alexander, J.A.\ \& Mozer, M.C.\ (1995) Template-based algorithms for
connectionist rule extraction. In G.\ Tesauro, D.S.\ Touretzky and T.K.\ Leen
(eds.), {\it Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7},
pp.\ 609--616. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

[2] Bower, J.M.\ \& Beeman, D.\ (1995) {\it The Book of GENESIS: Exploring
  Realistic Neural Models with the GEneral NEural SImulation System.}  New York:

[3] Hasselmo, M.E., Schnell, E.\ \& Barkai, E.\ (1995) Dynamics of learning and
recall at excitatory recurrent synapses and cholinergic modulation in rat
hippocampal region CA3. {\it Journal of Neuroscience} {\bf 15}(7):5249-5262.


The checklist follows the references.  Please
read the checklist guidelines carefully for information on how to answer these
questions.  For each question, change the default \answerTODO{} to \answerYes{},
\answerNo{}, or \answerNA{}.  You are strongly encouraged to include a {\bf
justification to your answer}, either by referencing the appropriate section of
your paper or providing a brief inline description.  For example:
  \item Did you include the license to the code and datasets? \answerYes{See Section~\ref{gen_inst}.}
  \item Did you include the license to the code and datasets? \answerNo{The code and the data are proprietary.}
  \item Did you include the license to the code and datasets? \answerNA{}
Please do not modify the questions and only use the provided macros for your
answers.  Note that the Checklist section does not count towards the page
limit.  In your paper, please delete this instructions block and only keep the
Checklist section heading above along with the questions/answers below.


\item For all authors...
  \item Do the main claims made in the abstract and introduction accurately reflect the paper's contributions and scope?
  \item Did you describe the limitations of your work?
  \item Did you discuss any potential negative societal impacts of your work?
  \item Have you read the ethics review guidelines and ensured that your paper conforms to them?

\item If you are including theoretical results...
  \item Did you state the full set of assumptions of all theoretical results?
        \item Did you include complete proofs of all theoretical results?

\item If you ran experiments...
  \item Did you include the code, data, and instructions needed to reproduce the main experimental results (either in the supplemental material or as a URL)?
  \item Did you specify all the training details (e.g., data splits, hyperparameters, how they were chosen)?
        \item Did you report error bars (e.g., with respect to the random seed after running experiments multiple times)?
        \item Did you include the total amount of compute and the type of resources used (e.g., type of GPUs, internal cluster, or cloud provider)?

\item If you are using existing assets (e.g., code, data, models) or curating/releasing new assets...
  \item If your work uses existing assets, did you cite the creators?
  \item Did you mention the license of the assets?
  \item Did you include any new assets either in the supplemental material or as a URL?
  \item Did you discuss whether and how consent was obtained from people whose data you're using/curating?
  \item Did you discuss whether the data you are using/curating contains personally identifiable information or offensive content?

\item If you used crowdsourcing or conducted research with human subjects...
  \item Did you include the full text of instructions given to participants and screenshots, if applicable?
  \item Did you describe any potential participant risks, with links to Institutional Review Board (IRB) approvals, if applicable?
  \item Did you include the estimated hourly wage paid to participants and the total amount spent on participant compensation?





Optionally include extra information (complete proofs, additional experiments and plots) in the appendix.
This section will often be part of the supplemental material.


latex 模板 原地址

分享一个可以直接拿来用的简洁的 latex 模板



\title{\textbf{TITLE OF THE MANUSCRIPT}}



	\textbf{Type of Contribution }
	(Theoretical Essay, Pilot Study, Project Registration, Experience Report, Research Report, Literature Review, Tutorial, according to the \href{https://cadernos.abralin.org/index.php/cadernos/about/submissions}{Journal Guidelines}  ).
	\vspace{0.5cm}  % 和下一行的距离多空 0.5 cm
	%this for manual spacing; feel free to change the number per your needs
	\textbf{Author’s Full Name}\footnote{The first author is the lead author. The author’s footnote must have: degree, affiliation, e-mail, ORCID ID, and the roles of each author according to \href{http://www.abralin.org/circulares/cadlin/CRediT-CadLin.pdf}{CRediT} taxonomy in case of co-authorship.}
	\textbf{Author’s Full Name} \footnote{From the second author on, all of the other contributors are co-authors. The co-authors’ footnote must have: degree, affiliation, e-mail, ORCID ID, and the role of each author according to  \href{http://www.abralin.org/circulares/cadlin/CRediT-CadLin.pdf}{CRediT}  taxonomy.}
	%this for manual spacing; feel free to change the number per your needs
	\textbf{ABSTRACT}: The text of the ABSTRACT must be typed in the same font and size as the text, written in the language of the manuscript, with only the first letter capitalized, without bold, in only one paragraph of text, containing 150 to 250 words. When appropriate, it should present the objective(s) of the research, the methodology, and the main results. 
	%this for manual spacing; feel free to change the number per your needs
	\textbf{KEYWORDS}: There must be 3 to 5 keywords separated by a dot, written in the language of the manuscript, and typed in the same font and size as the text, with only the first letter capi-talized.
	%this for manual spacing; feel free to change the number per your needs
	\textbf{ABSTRACT}: ABSTRACT in a different language of the manuscript, following the same characteristics described above for the abstract in the language of the manuscript. The Bra-zilian Association of Linguistics is a signatory of the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scientific Communication. The signatories of this initiative support the promotion of lin-guistic diversity through the publication of research results in all languages. 
	%this for manual spacing; feel free to change the number per your needs
	\textbf{KEYWORDS}: KEYWORDS in a different language from the manuscript, following the same characteristics described above for the keywords in the language of the manuscript.
	\setstretch{1.5} % 设置行距?
	\section{Main text} 
	The manuscript must be typed in Word (or a compatible program), must have be-tween 12 and 30 pages, including references, and must be formatted as follows: A4 page layout, no line/page number, 2.5cm margins; the text must be in one column, in 12pt Times New Roman font, with a 1.5cm space between lines (except for the References, which should have a 1cm space between lines) and with a 1.25cm first line indentation (except in the Ref-erences and in the headings of the sections, which must be left-justified and have no indenta-tion).
	Italics (\textit{itálico}) should be used only to indicate words or phrases in a language differ-ent from the manuscript. “Quotation marks” should be used only for short quotations (up to three lines) and to highlight words or phrases, example sentences, titles, slang, or neolo-gisms. 
	Notes must be written as footnotes in 10pt font and should only be restricted to in-formation relevant to the text. They should not contain references.\footnote{The notes should be placed as footnotes rather than endnotes and must be restricted to content, not to citations. Times New Roman font, size 10.}
	CadLin receives submissions in any language. In the case of texts written in lan-guages other than Portuguese and English, authors should indicate a list of at least five pos-sible referees. Before submitting the manuscripts to CadLin, the authors should make a care-ful textual revision. The editors and/or reviewers of the Journal will not make any textual revision.
	Authors who submit their paper to CadLin will automatically declare that ethical principles have been observed, as well as the legal requirements related to ethics in research, both in the country where they maintain their institutional bond and in the country where the people participating in the research live.
	Papers accepted for publication in CadLin may be accompanied by badges from the Center for Open Science that recognize open scientific practice: (a) publicly available data, (b) publicly available materials, and (c) pre-registered research plans. If you would like more information on how to obtain an open science practice badge, please refer to the fol-lowing: http://www.abralin.org/circulares/cadlin/badges-cadlin.pdf. To request the inclusion of one of these badges, authors should complete the Application for Open Scientific Practic-es Badges, available here: http://www.abralin.org/circulares/cadlin/badges-form-cadlin.pdf.
	\section{About the sections} 
	Section headings must be numbered (except for the Acknowledgments, if any, and the References). They must be in bold with just the first letters of the heading and any prop-er nouns capitalized. They should be followed by a blank line.
	\section{Illustrations (Tables, Graphs, Figures, Boxes)} 
	The illustrations (Tables, Graphs, Figures, Tables) will have their legends and con-tents typed in the text font, size 10, without bold. The legend (title) of each illustration should begin with the name of the illustration to which it refers (in bold), numbered sequen-tially (for example: \textbf{Table 1., Table 2., Graph 1., Graph 2.}), and inserted below the illustra-tion. The source should be cited (in case of previously published illustrations). All illustra-tions should be inserted in the body of the text immediately after the paragraph in which they were cited, and not in the form of annexes. Please try to use grayscale illustrations whenever possible. If you have to use colored illustrations, please make sure that they are \href{https://jfly.uni-koeln.de/color/index.html}{friendly to colorblind people.} 
	Quotations must follow the ABNT NBR 10520 guidelines. In indirect citations (para-phrases), the author should be cited in parentheses by last name, in all capital letters, sepa-rated by a comma from the year of publication (SWERTS, 1997). If the name of the author is cited in the text, only the year should be indicated in parentheses: According to Oliveira Jr (2000), [].
	Whenever the indication of the page is necessary, as in a direct quotation, the number of the page must be placed right after the year, separated from it by a comma and preceded by “p., for example, (OLIVEIRA JR, 2000, p. 95). Direct quotations of up to three lines are made inside the text in double quotation marks, while direct quotations of more than three lines should be separated from the text with a 4cm indentation to the left, font size 10, with-out quotation marks and without indentation of the first line.
	The citations of several works by the same author published in the same year should be distinguished by lower case letters after the date, without spacing (FERREIRA, 2007a).
	When the work has two or three authors, all may be indicated, separated by semico-lons (HUETTIG; ROMMERS; MEYER, 2011); when there are more than three authors, the first name is indicated, followed by \textbf{et al.} (ALMEIDA \textbf{et al.}, 2013). In this case, it is advisa-ble to indicate all authors in the References.
	The References at the end of the text must also comply with ABNT norms. The con-tent of the articles and the accuracy of the references are the sole responsibility of the au-thors. The Editors and the Brazilian Association of Linguistics do not assume any responsi-bility for the opinions or statements of the authors. All and only the works of authors cited in the text should appear in the References, which are typed with single spacing between lines, separated by a simple space, and listed in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author. Where available, the authors should include the URLs and DOIs of the refer-ences used. 
	Acknowledgments and mention of research funding (scholarships, financial aid, and the respective funding agencies) that enabled the research should not be included in a foot-note but in an Acknowledgments section at the end of the article, before the References.
	%this command ensures that there is no tab spacing in the References section
	\textbf{References: (according to ABNT NBR 6023 (2018), the DOI must be referenced when-ever possible). 
	BRAYNER, A. R. A.; MEDEIROS, C. B. Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. \textit{In}: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Anais [...]. São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29. (\textbf{Example of a work published in Proceedings})
	LUCK, Heloisa. \textbf{Liderança em gestão escolar.} 4. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2010. (\textbf{Example of a book})
	MORAES, João Antônio de; RILLIARD, Albert. “Prosody and Emotion in Brazilian Portu-guese”. \textit{In}: ARMSTRONG, Meghan E.; HENRIKSEN, Nicholas; VANRELL, Maria del Mar. \textbf{Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance}: Approaches across linguistic subfields. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016, p. 135-152. (Example of a book chapter)
	RODRIGUES, Ana Lúcia Aquilas. \textbf{Impacto de um programa de exercícios no local de trabalho sobre o nível de atividade física e o estágio de prontidão para a mudança de comportamento}. 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fisiopatologia Experimental) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009. (\textbf{Example of an aca-demic work – thesis, dissertation, etc.})
	SEKEFF, Gisela. O emprego dos sonhos. \textbf{Domingo}, Rio de Janeiro, ano 26, n. 1344, p. 30-36, 3 fev. 2002. (\textbf{Example of a journal article without URL or DOI})
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