
@see http://www.aosabook.org/en/eclipse.html

1.Eclipse was described as "an integrated development environment (IDE) for anything and nothing in particular.

2.The first committers who worked on this open source project were employees of an IBM subsidiary called Object Technology International (OTI).

3.Each of these projects is included in a top-level project (TLP) which is managed by a project management committee (PMC) consisting of senior members of the project nominated for the responsibility of setting technical direction and release goals.

4.Early versions of the Eclipse SDK architecture had three major elements, which corresponded to three major sub-projects: the Platform, the JDT (Java Development Tools) and the PDE (Plug-in Development Environment).

5.The Eclipse platform is written using Java and a Java VM is required to run it. It is built from small units of functionality called plugins. 

6.One of the most important concepts about Eclipse is that everything is a plugin. Whether the plugin is included in the Eclipse platform, or you write it yourself, plugins are all first class components of the assembled application.

7.The workbench is the most familiar UI element to users of the Eclipse platform, as it provides the structures that organize how Eclipse appears to the user on the desktop. The workbench consists of perspectives, views, and editors.

8.The Eclipse workbench is built on the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) and JFace.

9.Unlike other computer languages such as C and C++, the first versions of Java came with a native widget toolkit library called the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). 

10.JFace is a layer on top of SWT that provides tools for common UI programming tasks, such as frameworks for preferences and wizards. Like SWT, it was designed to work with many windowing systems. However, it is pure Java code and doesn't contain any native platform code.

11.Around 1999, OTI was using Java to implement a product called VisualAge Micro Edition.

12.JFace is a layer on top of SWT that provides tools for common UI programming tasks, such as frameworks for preferences and wizards. Like SWT, it was designed to work with many windowing systems. However, it is pure Java code and doesn't contain any native platform code.

13.The platform also provided an integrated help system based upon small units of information called topics.

14.One of the goals of the Eclipse project was to encourage open source and commercial consumers of this technology to extend the platform to meet their needs, and one way to encourage this adoption is to provide a stable API. 

15.The JDT provides Java editors, wizards, refactoring support, debugger, compiler and an incremental builder.

16.The Equinox project was created as a new incubator project at Eclipse. The goal of the Equinox project was to replace the Eclipse component model with one that already existed, as well as provide support for dynamic plugins. The solutions under consideration included JMX, Jakarta Avalon and OSGi.

17.With the switch to OSGi, Eclipse plugins became known as bundles. A plugin and a bundle are the same thing: They both provide a modular subset of functionality that describes itself with metadata in a manifest.

18.With the OSGi version numbering scheme, each bundle has a unique identifier consisting of a name and a four part version number.

19.Equinox p2 is all about installation units (IU). An IU is a description of the name and id of the artifact you are installing.

20.Both the Eclipse extensions registry and OSGi services are examples of service programming models. By convention, a service programming model contains service producers and consumers. The broker is responsible for managing the relationship between producers and consumers.

21.The component-based architecture of Eclipse has evolved to incorporate new technology while maintaining backward compatibility. This has been costly, but the reward is the growth of the Eclipse community because of the trust established that consumers can continue to ship products based on a stable API.
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activiti-eclipse-plugin是一个用于在Eclipse中集成和使用Activiti工作流引擎的插件。Activiti是一个开源的Java工作流引擎,它提供了一个完整的工作流管理解决方案,用于在企业应用中设计、执行和管理各种类型的工作流程。 使用activiti-eclipse-plugin,开发人员可以在Eclipse中方便地创建、编辑和部署Activiti的流程定义文件。该插件提供了一个可视化的图形编辑器,可以通过拖拽和连接不同的活动元素(如任务、网关、事件等)来定义工作流程。开发人员还可以在插件中设置和配置各种属性,如任务分配、流程变量、事件监听器等。 activiti-eclipse-plugin还提供了与Activiti引擎的无缝集成。开发人员可以在Eclipse中运行和调试Activiti的流程实例,查看流程执行的状态和变量。通过插件中的任务列表,开发人员可以管理和处理工作流程中的各种任务,并与其他系统进行集成。 此外,activiti-eclipse-plugin还提供了一些辅助工具和功能,如流程图导出、流程定义验证、任务候选人管理等。这些功能可以帮助开发人员更好地使用Activiti引擎,并提高工作流程的开发效率和质量。 总而言之,activiti-eclipse-plugin是一个强大的工具,可以帮助开发人员在Eclipse中使用Activiti工作流引擎,快速开发和管理各种类型的工作流程。它提供了方便的图形编辑器、流程运行调试功能和其他辅助工具,使开发人员能够更加轻松地使用Activiti来实现复杂的工作流应用。




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