The Bikini Model Cookbook

Do you get frustrated that there’s a new fat loss secret–a pill, a powder, or a magical program–every time you turn on the TV?

Are you fed up with the promises from experts that never seem to help you get rid of that annoying muffintop?

Is your wallet the only thing that’s actually getting thinner?

In this short letter, I’ll reveal to you the problems with most low calorie foods and the secrets to making the healthiest foods TASTE GREAT. No more binging, no more cheating, and no more feeling tired, bloated, and moody.

caithleen heffernan bikini model

From Caithleen Heffernan,

Professional bikini model, nutritionist, and trainer

Hey ladies,

I’m here to tell you that there are no secrets to getting your best bikini bodybut there is one constant — a constant the “experts” and “gurus” don’t want you to know. A constant that just might just be the secret you’re missing to get that lean, toned body you’ve always dreamed of.

The secret isn’t a pill, a powder, or a potion; it’s eating clean food. Until now clean eating used to mean plain tasteless chicken breasts or piles of artificial sweetener or flavoring.

What I’m going to tell you in this short article may surprise you because a lot of the “clean eating” you’ve been exposed to could be causing you nasty side effects like bloating, headaches, irritability and others that stem from a DAMAGED REGION OF THE BRAIN CALLED THE HYPOTHALAMUS.

Before I get into that, allow me to tell you a bit about my journey: how I suffered from some of these symptoms, sought out the best medical care in North America, and finally found the solution.

Aside from being a full time pilot, I’m a professional bikini model, personal trainer, and nutritionist. My pictures have appeared on the covers of multiple fitness magazines includingFitness GurlsUltra Fit, and even my home town mag, Mcmurray Girl.

But it wasn’t always like this. In fact, I had to drop out of what was supposed to be my first competition because I got sick–very very sick. I felt lifeless, numbness, and, for the first time in my life, became antisocial.

I could hardly get myself out of bed in the morning and spent months traveling all over North America visiting medical experts to find out what was wrong.

For months I was miserable. My social life, training, and physique all suffered. And all the while I was eating what I was told was clean…

…But I wasn’t eating clean at all

Since I was young, I’ve always loved to cook and bake.

In my attempt to eat clean, I added artificial sweeteners in everything I ate. According to my trainer at the time, it tasted like sugar but had no calories. So, for almost 3 years, I made, what I thought was healthy: muffins, pancakes, cookies, salads, sauces–you name it–all with artificial sweeteners.

Something was off with me. My thoughts were scattered. My memory was bad and I had a hard time focusing.

I was eating about 200g of carbs and 2000 kcals per day so it wasn’t that I was starving. At a loss and worried that I might be suffering from some disease, I had blood work done.

The symptoms got worse and doctors couldn’t seem to figure out what was wrong. According to a Naturopathic Doctor I had to cut out all the artificial crap out of my diet even if it meant I could never compete again.

I Had Been Poisoned

As it turns out, I wasn’t the only one suffering from these symptoms. In fact, there’s a lot of research to show just how harmful artificial sweetener and flavoring is in foods.

According to Dr. Blaylock, there’s a family of chemicals called excitotoxins (one example is MSG) that’s present in a lot more food than we think. Even cartoons of almond milk could contain damaging trace elements of it. These excitotoxins poison us largely by damaging a valuable region of our brain called the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus regulates a host of important functions including:

  • Helps control mood and emotions
  • Controls heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature
  • Links the nervous and endocrine systems
  • Helps to control weight and appetite

You read that right. These additives that I was adding to my food in an attempt to avoid sugar was actually damaging the region in my brain that helps regulate weight.

During the time I was dieting for my first competition I felt bloated and retained excess weight. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t lose that extra bit of fat.

Fortunately, many of the symptoms I was experiencing (and you might be experiencing right now) are reversible.

I stopped cooking with artificial sweetener/flavor since and none of them have come back. Most of all, I was able to get lean and sexy and eventually earn my pro card as a bikini model.

I urge you to cook with real food. But it can be expensive and time-consuming, that’s why, for the past 10 years, I’ve been testing out yummy recipes using ONLY WHOLE FOODS.

Which started my journey

I became obsessed.

My whole life I have loved to cook so I figured I would mesh my love for tasty cuisine with healthy eating. I found that I was able to make delicious healthy meals with all natural ingrediants.

Supplements are just that, supplements. Most of the time they aren’t needed and often they do more harm than good. You might look great but you will feel horrible. Don’t make the same mistakes I did because I wouldn’t wish my symptoms on my worst enemy.

bikini model cookbookEating clean should taste good morning to night. Which is why I opened my massive filing cabinet full and put together 150+ of my best.

The result of my ten years of experimentation is the Bikini Model Cookbook. In fact, I even took my families best recipes handed down from generations and made them healthy. So some of these recipes are over 100 years tried and tested!

To be honest I had more than 1,000 recipes and most of them had to be cut. I didn’t want to overwhelm you and only included the best of the best.

In order to make the cut, each recipe included had to fulfill the following 3 criteria:

  • They must be easy to cook with minimal preparation and cleanup.
  • They are filled with nutrients and must be bikini body tested.
  • There are no artificial sweeteners or supplements… Not one.
What still surprises me is how much money I save cooking from this cookbook. Eating clean and cooking real foods is cheaper than buying artificial junk if you know how to do it.
What You Get In the Bikini Model Cookbook
caithleen heffernan bikini model, healthy cookbook“I bought this book the first day it came out. I’ve traveled many times with Caithleen for shows and shoots and she always is pulling something interesting out of her cooler. This girl can cook! I love her recipes for staying in shape. Now there’s never a dull moment!” –  Claire Rae
“I love food and love to cook! Caithleens recipes are not only clean and nutritious, but they were easy to make and even easier to eat  ;) I love being able to eat food that tastes so good and knowing that it is good for me too!” –  Courtney Adams

bikini model cookbook, healthy tasty foods“When i heard of “The Bikini Model Cookbook” I wasn’t too sure what to expect. You always hear the crazy diets some of the fitness models are on and they seem pretty boring and bland.

I was pleasantly surprised when i started flipping through the recipes! They are the complete opposite of boring and bland! And to make things even better they are all natural and so healthy.

I would make any one of the recipes for my family and children:) And if my kids enjoy them and they are healthy that says a lot! Thanks Caithleen for sharing your amazing recipes and can’t wait for “the bikini model cookbook II” – Mandy Lee Jarvis

“The Bikini Model Cookbook is amazing! I love cooking and preparing things in the kitchen. Whenever I tried cooking healthy before, it always seemed like healthy things were boring to prepare and also to eat. Not a lot of ingredients were used and everything was bland. Now I can eat healthy, have fun in the kitchen using different, fresh ingredients and create great dishes. I also love how it inspired me to incorporate some of Caithleen’s ingredients in my own recipes. I am having fun in the kitchen without spending hours at it and we are having delicious and healthy meals! Thanks Caithleen :)” –  Nathalie Jaind
caithleen heffernan biki model “The book is great, easy to read, packed with healthy and delicious recipes. I founds so many new tricks I am going to use while cooking, especially for the competition season. Great job, Caithleen! Waiting for the second one! The book is great, i really like it, there are so many great recipes for the contest preparation, I am def gonna use those while getting ready for my next contest. It’s always hard to be creative while your food choice es are so limited, so you did a great job.” –  Anna Starodubtseva
caithleen heffernan bikini model cookbook“WOW! What an amazing cookbook! Healthy recipes that actually taste great and help me stay lean. Love love love!” –  Dana Aucoin
“Being a fitness model means you have to live, look and EAT a certain way. After competing twice in one year, I found myself quickly becoming bored with the same food day in and day out. There were days I would literally choke it down.. plain fish, asparagus, plain chicken.. that seemed to be my life. 
Caithleen helped me with my prep for my second show, and introduced to me a way of eating that I still follow. She showed me recipes to spice up my meals but still allowing my abs to come out to play! The Bikini model cookbook is such a great reference to clean eating with easy to follow recipes from breakfast to dinners! Caithleen has even made it as easy to show which recipes are competition friendly which is always a breath of fresh air when you are in prep!
 This cookbook has made the transition from on season to off season a breeze, not to mention keeping the booty tight while following it!
 My fav recipes are all the protein pancakes, lets you indulge without the guilt..sooo many to choose from!!
 The easiest way to describe this book is simply delicious!” –  Veronica King

Are you ready to join the beautiful and strong women who have already benefited from the Bikini Model Cookbook to feel great AND get their best bikini body. Click the “Add to Cart” button below to get your copy today for only $67.


bikini model cookbook Click HERE to Add to Cart

NOTE: The Bikini Model Cookbook is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will be sent an email with a link to download the book directly to your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

The 3 Reasons WHY MOST PEOPLE FAIL with their diets.
  • yo yo dieting
  • Pressure from friends to eat unhealthy
  • Boring, bland, tasteless foods.

To make sure that you get your best bikini body, I decided not to stop at merely giving you my best recipes. I’ve also included a bunch of valuable bonuses available for a LIMITED TIME to give you all the direction and support you need.

Bonus #1 – The Bikini Model Food Myths: DEBUNKED. Value $27

bikini model food mythsThis is a short book I put together to finally debunk some myths that plague the nutrition industry.You’ll learn that fruit isn’t necessarily your enemy, you should NEVER starve yourself, and that carbs can actually be beneficial to getting your best bikini body.

Bonus #2 – Unlimited Recipe Updates Value $47/month

I’m constantly experimenting in the kitchen both improving upon existing recipes and coming up with new ones. As I come up with new tasty and healthy recipes, I’ll make sure you get them free of charge.

Bonus #3 – Grocery Shopping Guide Value $47

bikini model grocery shoppingEating healthy food is important and in the book you’ll get all the recipes you need. But what’s the point of having recipes if you can’t figure out the best and most cost effective way to get the food?As you can imagine, I go grocery shopping often and have figured out some great strategies for being efficient in the grocery store. I’ll also show you how to spend less money buying healthy food than you would purchasing artificial crap. You may be surprised to hear that I actually save money by eating healthy.

Bonus #4 – Fitness Model Lifestyles  Value $97 bikini model interviewKnowing what to eat is one thing but without understanding how to implement it and include it into a healthy lifestyle it’s useless. In these interviews I ask all the hard question of some of the top bikini models out there.


I decided to write this book because I know how much of an immediate impact it will have on how you look and feel. However, it’s important to me that you feel 100% safe in your decision to act now and grab your copy today.

That’s why I want to make the decision easy for you by extending a no-questions asked, money-back, guarantee for 60 days.

For 8 whole weeks you can cook and bake the recipes from the book and if, for some reason, you’re not 100% satisfied, you can return it at any time and get all of your money back but keep the bonuses as a gift.

The recipes in this book have changed my life and I know that they will do the same for you. You’ve seen the other REAL WOMEN and bikini models that already use and love the book and I want you to test it for yourself. If it isn’t what you expected, I’ll give you a full refund. Sound like a fail deal?

Test it for yourself. Experience the results for yourself. And if it’s not everything I’ve told you it is, I’ll give you a full refund. That’s as simple as that…

bree lind bikini model“I use “The Bikini Model Cookbook” to stay lean all year around. There’s so many recipes I never get bored! I have to be ready to shoot on short notice and it’s been so great because the food doesn’t even make me feel like I’m dieting. I would recommend this book to my clients and anyone who wants to get into fitness model shape. Thanks Cat looking forward to more recipes!” – Bree Lind
“Eating clean is just life for my son and I, there’s nothing better than hearing your 4year old ask for chicken,rice and broccoli for dinner. The bikini model cookbook has completely spiced up our lives with fabulous recipes and meal ideas. For everyday and all the way through competition prep!!” – Kristin Robinson

Get your copy of the Bikini Model Cookbook today for only $67. Simply click the “Add to Cart” button below.

bikini model cookbook

Click HERE to Add to Cart

NOTE: The Bikini Model Cookbook is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will be immediately sent an email with a link to download all the files directly to your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

Cheers to the love of delicious and healthy food!



P.S. I want to give you a huge discount today, but you are the one that has to decide to take action. Right now, you can get the entire cookbook with all 4 bonuses at the LOWEST Price it will ever be. Click here to order it right now.

P.P.S. Remember that you’ve got 60 days or 8 weeks to try out the book and sample as many recipes as you want. If, for some reason you’re not happy, I’ve got a full money-back guarantee. Grab it RISK-FREE today.

P.P.P.S. If you don’t think this is the best deal to be found ANYWHERE… check out what Veronica said… “The Bikini model cookbook is such a great reference to clean eating with easy to follow recipes from breakfast to dinners! ” — Veronica King, bikini model


Krissy-Rae bikini model“In the midst of prepping for a bikini or fitness competition the diet can be very dry, it can feel boring and mundane. I would argue it to be a factor in giving up before you have reached your goals. Being able to switch things up really kept my spirits up during my last competition- especially when I knew I was still consuming healthy, beneficial foods for the goals that I had. “The Bikini Model Cookbook” has become a must have for me now- I just love it!” – Krissy Rae

Monique-Kabel bikini model“Caithleen is a wonderful chef and this book just proves it! I have tried almost all of the recipes in here, and was blown away by how great they all taste!

Knowing that she is always on the run, being a full time pilot, I know that her intention is to spend her time in the kitchen efficiently, which is exactly what this cook book helps with. I don’t have the time to spend being a slave to my stove, but I do enjoy a variety of foods, besides the mundan chicken and green beans. This book provides quick, tasty recipes! EVERYONE needs this cookbook in their collection!

Thanks Cat for compiling such a great book! Xoxo” – Monique Kabel

caithleen heffernan bikini model

bikini model cookbook

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NOTE: The Bikini Model Cookbook is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will be sent an email that contains a link to download all the files directly to your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

Got Questions? I’ve Probably Answered Them Below

Can my husband/boyfriend use these recipes for his training/diet? Will he turn into a Bikini model?

Yes the serving sizes are suggestions for women. If you wish to share your meal with your man I suggest about 1 ½ to 1 ¼ of the womens sizes for men.

How often should I eat?

I recommend eating 5-7 meals per day depending on your training schedule and goals. I would suggest eating a meal and gauging how hungry you are after about 2-4 hours.

Can I eat anything in the cookbook while I’m competing?

You could but unless you are naturally a genetic freak you should probably talk with your trainer about the Cookbook and recipes. I have used many of these while I was competing. There is a legend at the beginning of the Cookbook describing if it’s competition worthy or not. But to be safe definitely chat with your trainer for approval as diets vary by the individual. There are a few “Treat” only recipes that I added to the Cookbook that use all natural ingredients, and have taken for an after show celebration treat, like my mom’s Date squares (which you will love).

What if I don’t compete or ever want to. Will these recipes still work for me?

These recipes are a compilation of the many sides of my diet on and off season. In order to get into great shape most people need to simply eat healthy and workout. By sticking to the recipes in the cookbook that have the competition symbol you would be eating in line with a fitness model diet. You should start to develop that type of body as long as you combine your meals with some good hard training!

Why should I use this book over any other healthy eating cookbook?

You know the old saying “the proof is in the pudding”? Have you ever actually seen any really fit people sitting around eating pudding? I haven’t.

I have seen great results personally from using these recipes over and over again. I feel good knowing that the ingredients in this cookbook are from whole real food. These recipes are easy to make and delicious with a full money back guarantee it’s totally risk free!

How long do I have to eat these recipes before I will see visible results?

If this is a drastic change in diet for you then you could start to see changes in as little as couple of days. You will feel leaner and lighter and notice your whole body starting to tighten up. For faster results I’d stick mainly to the competition recipes and avoid extra treats.

caithleen heffernan bikini model

bikini model cookbook

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NOTE: The Bikini Model Cookbook is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will be immediately taken to a page to download all the files directly to your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

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