Create Hot Selling Video Info Products In 20 Minutes!

Quick Profits Could be Yours Within a Few Hours From Now…

Discover the Amazing Push-Button Software
 That Creates Hot Selling Video Info-
Products in as Little as Twenty 
Minutes that People WANT
To Buy...
Regardless of Experience!

Read on and see how a product made with this software that I GIVE AWAY FOR FREE 
Makes Over $500 a Month with Virtually No Promotion!

One FREE download and your entire outlook of 
Product Creation will be forever altered.

January 27, 2014

From: Andy Brocklehurst
Somerset, UK

Dear Internet friend,

There's a good reason why all the 'gurus' have their own products - it's where the big money is.

But for many the prospect of creating their own products is a daunting task.  They think its going to take far too much time or that they don't have the right tools or knowlege.  

But if they knew about this software they'd change their mind.

"boggles my mind with possibilities"

Wow, I got this program a few minutes ago and installed it quickly and without any issues on the first try! I found Andy's tutorial video excellent and the instructions are very clear. I have no doubt that experienced users and even newbies will have this up and running without too much difficulty.

I can really see the potential of this. Very few would question the fact that video marketing is the BEST way to present or promote your products or business these days. The statistics for video usage are staggering and I believe that most internet users these days would prefer (and are willing to pay more for) video based products as opposed to plain old text or pdf files. As such, I can quite confidently say that this program should pay for itself right away with the additional income it can generate.

Suffice it to say that I was IMPRESSED! Popups, pop-unders, text links, and on and on. Andy has really included some excellent ideas for promoting your products in this program. Using any or all of them is quite easy to install. The potential for distributing videos for free, but having portions being password protected boggles my mind with possibilities.

Great Job Andy!
Phil G
Phil G

SEVEN Facts About Product Creation Using 
Video Product Magic.

Fact #1:  In as little as 20 minutes you could have your very own hot video information 

Fact #2:  You don't have to speak on the video if you are concerned about a strong accent
or are just a bit shy.

Fact #3:  You don't even have to make the video yourself. I can show you where to get 
fresh PLR video content that you simply package with Video Product Magic and apply the 
special profit pulling formula

Fact #4:  These video products can virtually sell themselves.  You don't have to be able to
write sales copy - I'll show you how to make a video and distribute it through free channels and 
have people pay you to unlock parts of it.

Fact #5:  There are MULTIPLE ways to profit from products created with Video Product 
Magic.  Read on and I'll tell you EXACTLY what they are and how easy they are to apply.

Fact #6:  You can start profiting from this system with a totally FREE version of the 
software.  No catch.

Fact #7:  No Special Equipment Needed.  If you have a modest Windows based PC
you can use this software to make products. You don't need a camera or any expensive 
software (I'll hook you up with free software that does the business).

Imagine all the ways you will make money with your own products...

There are so many ways to profit from your own products.  Here are few to think about; You can sell that product, give it away free to build a list, use it as an incentive for someone to buy a high-ticket item through your affiliate link, drive someone to complete a CPA offersell resell rights to it and more!

Plus I'll show you how to use these products as traffic generators and more.

In fact when you see what Video Product Magic can do you'll think of a ton of ways to make money from your virtually instant info-products.

And if you already have video products then Video Product Magic will enhance them and make them even more profitable with just a few mouse clicks.  

What exactly is Video Product Magic?

Video Product Magic is a really clever way of packaging up video products so that you can control a number of thingswhile your customer/prospect watches the videos.

You can make the video pause at key moments, put up a links to a sites, save copies of accompanying files (pdf's, doc's, txt files, etc) to the users hard drive, lock parts of the presentation with passwords and more.

bulelt2At any point in your video if you mention a web site you can pop up a clickable link or button.  This could be a direct link or an affiliate link.

bulelt2Choose whether or not the video pauses if the viewer clicks on a link.

bulelt2Extract accompanying files to the viewers hard drive as they are mentioned.  The viewer can choose where to save them.  This could be PDF's, Images, Simple text files or even software or zip files.

bulelt2Password Protect Sections of the presentation.  To get the password the viewer is directed to a web page.  This could be a squeeze page, a payment process, CPA offer, e-zine signup - anything you like!

bulelt2AutoLink and AutoLink Pop-unders - Two new features that let you automatically open a page in their web browser with the option to pop open the page behind the video

bulelt2Make your video products look more professional. No more just sending a file full of AVI's or WMV files that mean nothing to many users. This integrates your videos with the player making it easy for your customer.

The Problem with Most Video Products
(and how to avoid making the same mistake)

If you're anything like me you've seen your fair share of 'video products'.  

In most cases you get a zip file or folder full of files that have to be loaded into a media player.  Although this looks a little unprofessional it isn't an issue for most users, but for some its a total nightmare.

We should never assume that our customers are computer savvy and know what an avi or a wmv file is. 

Nor should we assume that their computer is configured properly and will load the video clips into a suitable player just by double clicking on them.

I've seen computers where a tool that lacks necessary codecs has been installed and even though they have a suitable player on their computer, when they double click a video file it opens in a different player and they get sound but no pictures.

If any stage of buying and using your information product frustrates a customer you are not only running the risk of losing them as a repeat customer but at best you're making a shed load of support work for yourself. 

How You Solve this with Video Product Magic...

Your customer gets an 
easy to install package, they run an executable program file which automatically loads up all the video files in order and can even auto-play them.

Not only do you keep your customer happy, you get an automatic sales machine that sucks in even more money on the back-end.

In fact you don't even have to sell these products to make money.  You can profit even from giving them away!

Here's How to Make Money by GIVING AWAY 
Video Products Built with Video Product Magic!

Method One:  A prospect is offered a totally free download with no opt-in for a video based training course on how to do something really neat.  Because there's no squeeze page or opt-in process its really easy to get the visitor to download the package and check it out.

They watch the first three segments of the video and are now really drawn in, you've given them some really useful tips and ideas and maybe even included a pdf resources document.  

They are really getting into this.  They are eating it up and are hungry for more.

The fourth segment is about to start and they are asked for a passcode to continue.

But its OK - the passcode is FREE!  They eagerly click the link and now you've built trust and delivered some useful advice you easily hit them up for their email address to get the passcode.  They fill in the form, get their passcode and continue to watch.

You have successfully got them to opt-in to your list when they may well not have bothered if you'd used the traditional squeeze page method.

They finish watching and at the end are linked to a kick-ass one time offer and even if they don't go for it - you have them in your auto responder process with a reallygood chance of generating sales.

And if you don't have a product to offer on a one time offer that final link could be to your affiliate link for a product you earn commission from.

Or How About This Method That Made $500 a 
Month Virtually on Auto-Pilot...

Method Two:  Imagine a very similar process to the one above, but this time when they reach the part where they need to enter a passcode they are directed to a CPA offer type page.  

You've delivered some useful ideas and they're really getting something out of the video.  Surely its worth five minutes of their time to fill in a quick survey or download a free app so they can see what else you have to offer?

Last year I launched a video using this exact method and got it distributed using no-cost methods and within a few weeks it was getting passed about and linked to virally and making $500+ a month from Sharecash. 

sharecash payouts

After January 2011 I stopped using Sharecash and switched to a higher paying CPA network.   I used Sharecash to start with as they take anyone with no CPA experience and there is no long winded approval process. 

Since then the same video product is making almost double with the new CPA network, but you'll have to take my word for that as its against their TOS to show screen shots of earnings.

Plus these results are from only ONE video products that took me less than half an hour to set up.  Imagine your CPA profits when you have five, ten, or fifty of these in circulation!

You don't even have to create
the videos yourself!

Private Label Rights videos are becoming more popular but so far those who buy such rights merely resell them as-is and they are missing a big trick.

There are some amazing quality PLR video products that can be bought real cheap and packaged up with Video Product Magic to turn them into killer profit machines. 

Many of these products make mention of products or services that commissions can be earnt from.  Imagine how much easier you make it for your customer by popping up the links as the video plays and at the same time make it far more likely that you will get the commission when they buy.

"Highly Recommended! A Fantastic Product."
I've bought a few of Andy's products and they're all good. I got hold of Video Product Magic and this is one of his best yet - a fantastic product.

It has huge potential both in terms of creating downloadable video products & you can use it to create video support for IM products. It has numerous features which make it a stand-out product for Internet Marketers including being able to password protect certain parts of videos and bring up links during the video. 

This product will open up new opportunities. There are loads of possibilities and opportunities with Video Product Magic, and one thing I will say is that Andy offers first class customer support. Highly recommended!
Adam Jackson

Which Version of Video Product Magic
is Right For You?

In a word - the PRO version.  Because there is zero risk thanks to our no quibble money back guarantee.

While you could start with the free version, the special discount (details below) will end any day now and you will be gutted when you come back and have to pay more!

Of course if you want to be sure this will work on your PC... grab the free one, load it up and give it a quick test first.

Look at the power features you get in the Pro version compared to the free one...

 Smoking Hot, Fast and Easy Cash Making FeaturesFree VersionProfessional Version
Unlimited number of clips.  A project can contain as many seperate video clips as you like. Think of each one as a chapter as it would be on a DVD.  bulelt2bulelt2
Built in library of graphical buttons to entice the user to click when you ask them to.  These buttons invite the user to visit a web page, download something, or take some other action.bulelt2bulelt2
Controlled Pause feature.  You can set points where the video will automatically pause.  Ideal to assist in getting someone to take action during a presentation.bulelt2bulelt2
Encrypted video files.  You won't be sending your unencrypted, easily stolen and edited videos around.  The built package you send a customer encrypts the video files so they can only be viewed in the VPM Player.bulelt2bulelt2
Full tutorial video.  Although this software is super simple to use I don't want anyone not understanding the  features and how to get the most out of them so I've included a step by step tutorial on how to use Video Product Magic.bulelt2bulelt2
No Powered By Links or Advertising Pop-ups.  The free version of the software has a "Created with the Free Version of Video Product Magic" message underneath the currently playing video.  It also opens a browser window to this site upon exit.  This advertising does not appear in the Pro version.Xbulelt2
Video Track Bar Control.  If you want to be sure your customer watches a clip all the way through then you can elect to turn the video track bar on and off whenever you like.Xbulelt2
Password Protect Your Source.  Lets you set an 'edit mode' password so that if someone does get access to your source files they won't be able to use them.Xbulelt2
Project Auto Play.  Create presentations that start as soon as they've loaded.  No need for the user to hit the play button. An ideal way to grab attention!Xbulelt2
Free Commissions.  All versions have a small about box on the Help Menu.  You can set this to link with your refereral ID so you get paid if someone buys Video Product Magic.Xbulelt2
Deliver additional files on the fly.  As the video plays you can have it extract a file to the users hard drive (to a location of their choice).  This might be a supplementary pdf, etc.Xbulelt2
Password Protect Parts of the Presentation.  You can have up to three passwords and you can lock multiple videos with a single password.  You can define the link they go to to get a password, this might be a squeeze page, a CPA offer or a payment page.  This is a powerful feature.Xbulelt2
Custom Buttons.  Although the software has a large selection of buttons to choose from when popping up a link, what if you want to use your own custom button or graphic?  No problem as this version includes customizable resources.Xbulelt2
Auto Link - Why rely on the viewer to click the button to open a web page with your offer on it?  Auto Link enables you to automatically open a web browser window and navigate to any site you choose automatically as they watch the video.Xbulelt2
NEW!  Auto Pop Under - Just like the auto link feature but this one opens a browser behind the video so it doesn't obstruct things as they watch.  Can also be used to sneakily boost Alexa rankings!Xbulelt2
Price:FREE  $197

Limited Time Special Launch Discount...

For a limited time you can get the Pro version for just $127. That's a saving of $70 just for acting quickly! 

All I ask in return is you take the time to give me some feedback, which if positive I can use as a testimonial on this site.

WARNING:  This special discount will vanish without notice.  As soon as I've sold enough copies at the discount to be sure of getting enough feedback that I can use I will put the price up.  This might be next month, next week or tonight. Pleasedo not email me asking for the discount if you leave it too late as the refusal often offends.  If you want the special price - hit the order button right now.

Order Now!


Money back guarantee

Click Here Right Now to Get $70 Off the Professional Version!

Act Now and Also Get These TWO
Amazing Bonuses Free!

At the special price this is already an insane deal and I'm certainly not going to sit here and pile up a mountain of apparently valuable bonuses to entice you to buy.  

Instead, for those who act right now I'll include TWO genuine valuable and exclusive bonus items at no charge.

CPA Bullseye

EXCLUSIVE Bonus #1:  CPA Bullseye with Private Label Rights. (Value $297) 

This is a video product created with Video Product Magic.

It explains a killer technique that you can do with CPA networks and Video Product Magic to pull in cash virtually on auto-pilot.

But not only will you learn something from this, you are also getting Private Label Rights which are not available anywhere else at any price.

You can brand this as your own, resell it, even sell master resell rights (you just can't resell the PLR) .  

I'll even give you the box and disk graphics I had my graphic artist do (I paid $37 for these alone).

It is easily worth AT LEAST $297, but if you act RIGHT NOWyou will get it included FREE with your copy of Video Product Magic Professional.

Important Note: Purchasers of the Basic edition will recieve this with master resell rights but not PLR.  Another great reason to go Pro! 

EXCLUSIVE Bonus #2: Fast Product Creation Notebook. (Value $47) 

This is information taken from my personal notebooks that covers the methods you can use to create products and get product ideas super-fast.

This INCLUDES my 20 minute info product methods (which you can replicate).

If after reading this you don't believe you can create valuable info products in record time (even if you've never done it before) then I'll send you a photo of myself eating my hat!

The ideas given in this notebook are worth hundreds.  But if you act RIGHT NOW you will get it included FREE with your copy of Video Product Magic.

Risk Free Acceptance Form:

To start cranking out my own hot video products in record time.  I understand that your Video Product Magic software will help me achieve just that.

I understand that my purchase is fully protected by your iron clad, no quibble, no questions, money back guarantee and that I can try the Professional version of Video Product Magic myself for a full sixty days.

I also understand that by acting right now I'm one of few lucky people who will ever be able to get their hands on this cutting edge software at the lowest possible price.

I will also recieve BOTH of the incredible exclusive bonuses worth $344 by acting right now.

It is on that basis that I am clicking the secure order button below and buying my copy of the Pro Version now!

Buy Now!

" offers all sorts of marketing opportunities "
OK, been playing with this for a bit now and I have to say I find it refreshingly different.

Whilst most video players are concentrating on delivering videos online, this one is out-of-the-box and falls squarely in the offline / download area.

Love the options for adding buttons, opening web pages on the fly, pausing the video until buttons are clicked etc. Excellent ways to get the user involved in the video and keep their attention.

I can imagine offline people giving mini-cds to potential customers which autorun, display a company logo and video then, during the video, a web page automatically opens either to the main website or a special offer site for people who view the video. 

Videos bundled as exe files offers all sorts of marketing opportunities for offliners and membership sites that once you put your thinking cap on, can be fully explored.

Love the program, it's easy and does exactly what it says on the tin. 


Jeff Usher

If you are not ordering and would just like to download the free version of video product magic then please  click here .

System Requirements:  Video Product Magic and the products created with it require Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8.  DirectX must also be installed (usually is by default and free if you don't have it installed already).

Wishing you every success with your own video products,

Andy Brocklehurst
Andy Brocklehurst

P.S.  The special price on the professional version really will end with no warning. I could be tomorrow, next week or in 5 minutes from now.  Do yourself a favour - if you think the Pro version might be for youbuy it now.  Your purchase is totally risk free and protected by my no questions asked guarantee.

P.P.S.  Important: The order process does not have any one time offers, upsells, downsells or any normal marketing malarky.  Nor is there any exit page pop-up begging you to buy and offering a further discount.  Although those ploys work, I hate them. This page contains the very best offer and the best possible price.  Do not miss out.  Click here now.

P.P.P.S Just want the free version?  No problem -  click here to download free edition.

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在C#中使用OpenCV库时,如果遇到"Failed to create VideoWriter"的错误,这通常意味着在尝试创建视频文件写入器时出现了问题。视频写入器通常用于将视频帧保存到文件中。这个错误可能由多种原因引起,以下是一些可能的原因和相应的解决方法: 1. 无法找到正确的编码器:确保你使用的编码器名称是系统支持的,可以通过OpenCV库中提供的方法查询支持的编码器列表。 2. 指定的输出文件已经存在:确保你尝试写入的文件名不存在,如果文件已存在,尝试删除它或者更换一个文件名。 3. 权限问题:检查你的程序是否有权限写入指定的文件路径,尤其是当路径位于受保护的系统目录时。 4. 视频写入器初始化参数错误:确保你提供的视频写入器构造函数中的参数是正确的,包括视频编码格式、帧尺寸、帧率以及输出文件名等。 5. OpenCV库与你的应用程序版本不兼容:确保你使用的OpenCV库版本与你的应用程序兼容,可能需要更新或降级OpenCV库。 6. 系统或硬件限制:在某些情况下,系统资源不足或者硬件不支持视频编码可能会导致问题。 为了解决这个问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查: - 检查OpenCV库版本和安装状态。 - 确认视频文件路径和名称没有问题。 - 检查程序是否有足够的权限写入文件。 - 确保编码器名称和参数设置正确。 下面是使用C#调用OpenCV创建VideoWriter对象的简单示例代码: ```csharp // 引入OpenCV的命名空间 using OpenCvSharp; // 创建VideoWriter对象 var videoWriter = new VideoWriter("output.avi", VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 30, new Size(640, 480)); // 检查VideoWriter是否成功创建 if (!videoWriter.IsOpened()) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create VideoWriter"); } // ... 其他代码,例如写入帧 ... ```




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