MySQL stored procedures with Ruby

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Ruby's getting an incredible amount of attention recently, largely as the result of Ruby on Rails.  I've played a little with Ruby on Rails and it certainly is the easiest way I've seen so far to develop  web interfaces to a back-end database.

At the same time,  I've been shifting from perl to Java as my language of choice for any serious database utility development.  But I still feel the need for something dynamic and hyper-productive when I'm writing something one-off or for my own use.  I've been playing with Python, but if Ruby has the upper ground as a web platform then maybe I should try Ruby. 

So seeing as how I've just finished the MySQL stored procedure book, first thing is to see if I can use Ruby for MySQL stored procedures.

Database - and MySQL - support for Ruby is kind of all over the place.  There's a DBI option (similar to perl) which provides a consistent interface and there's also native drivers.  For MySQL there are pure-ruby native drivers and drivers written in C.  Since the DBI is based on the native driver, I thought I'd try the native driver first.  The pure-ruby driver gave me some problems so I started with the C driver on Linux (RHAS4). 

Retrieving multiple result sets

The main trick with stored procedures is that they might return multiple result sets. OUT or INOUT parameters can be an issue too, but you can always work around that using session variables. 

If you try to call a stored procedure that returns a result set, you'll at first get a "procedure foo() can't return a result set in the given context error".  This is because the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS flag is not set by default when the connection is created.  Luckily we can set that in our own code:

dbh.real_connect("", "root", "secret", "prod",3306,nil,Mysql::CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS)

The "query" method returns a result set as soon as it is called, but I found it easier to retrieve each result set manually, so i set the query_with_result attribute to false:


The next_result and more_results methods are implemented in the Ruby MySql driver, but there's some weird things about the more_results C API call that causes problems in python and PHP.  In Ruby, the more_results call returns true whether or not there is an additional result.   The only reliable way I found to determine if there is another result set is to try and grab the results and bail out if an exception fires (the exception doesn't generate an error code, btw);
    dbh.query("CALL foo()")
    rescue Mysql::Error => e 

We can then call more_results at the end of each rowset loop.  So here's a method that dumps all the result sets from a stored procedure call as XML using this approach (I'm know the Ruby is probably crap, it's like my 3rd Ruby program):

def procXML(dbh,sql)
  printf("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n");
  printf("<proc sql=\"%s\">\n",sql)
  until no_more_results
    rescue Mysql::Error => e 
     if no_more_results==false
      printf("\t<resultset id=%d columns=%s>\n",result_no,colcount)
      rs.each do |row|
        printf "\t\t<row no=%d>\n",rowno
        rs.fetch_fields.each_with_index do |col,i|
          printf("\t\t\t<colvalue column=\"%s\">%s</colvalue>\n",,row[i])

No C programming required!

Whew!  No need to hack into the C code.  So you can use MySQL stored procedures in Ruby with the existing native C driver. The problem is that the C driver is not yet available as a binary on Windows yet and trying to compile it turns out to be beyond my old brain (and yes, I used minGW and all the other "right" things).   Hopefully a copy of the MySQL binary driver it will be available in the one-click installer Ruby installer eventually.

The above code doesn't work using the pure-Ruby driver on windows by the way -  there's an "out of sequence" error when trying to execute the stored proc.  I might hack around on that later (at the moment I'm 35,000 ft with 15 minutes of battery left on the way to the MySQL UC).  For now if you want to use MySQL stored procedures in a ruby program on windows I can't help.

Note that ruby seems to hit a bug that causes MySQL to go away if there are two calls to the same stored proc in the same session and the stored proc is created using server-side prepared statements.  Fixed soon hopefully, but for now if you get a "MySQL server has gone away error" you might be hitting the same problem.   Wez posted on this problem here.

I suppose the end of this investigation will probably be to see if there's any way to use stored procedure calls to maintain a Rails AcitveRecord object.  Not that I think you'd necessarily want to, but it would probably be a good learning exercise.

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MySQL存储过程是在MySQL数据库中创建的一段可重复使用的代码块。它可以接收参数并执行一系列的操作,比如查询数据、插入数据、更新数据等。通过使用存储过程,可以将复杂的逻辑封装起来,使得代码更加模块化和可维护。 要创建一个存储过程,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 步骤一:创建一个用于测试的数据库。 首先,创建一个名为`storedprocedure_test`的数据库,可以使用以下命令: ```sql create database `storedprocedure_test`; ``` 步骤二:选择使用所创建的数据库。 接下来,选择使用`storedprocedure_test`数据库,使用以下命令: ```sql use storedprocedure_test; ``` 步骤三:创建存储过程。 然后,使用`CREATE PROCEDURE`语句创建存储过程。在创建存储过程时,需要指定存储过程的名称、参数以及要执行的代码。例如,创建一个名为`selectUser`的存储过程,用于查询`user`表中的`u_id`和`username`字段,并返回结果。可以使用以下命令: ```sql DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE selectUser() BEGIN SELECT u_id, username FROM user; END // DELIMITER ; ``` 步骤四:调用存储过程。 最后,可以使用`CALL`语句调用存储过程,以执行其中的代码并返回结果。例如,调用名为`selectUser`的存储过程,可以使用以下命令: ```sql CALL selectUser(); ``` 该命令将返回`u_id`和`username`字段的查询结果。 总结起来,创建和调用MySQL存储过程的步骤如下: 1. 创建用于测试的数据库(步骤一); 2. 选择使用创建的数据库(步骤二); 3. 创建存储过程,并定义参数和执行的代码(步骤三); 4. 调用存储过程,执行其中的代码并返回结果(步骤四)。 引用内容: 步骤四:创建存储过程并调用 步骤一:创建一个 storedprocedure_test 数据库进行测试<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* *3* [MySQL —— Stored Procedure (MySQL存储过程的快速上手与使用 囊括应用案例)]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v92^chatsearchT0_1"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 100%"] [ .reference_list ]


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