【OpenCV 学习】自带示例:随机数发生器&绘制文字 代码注释解析


市面上的书基本上都是关于OpenCV 1.0版本的,包括《学习OpenCV》等,不过考虑到2.0+版本更方(sha)便(gua),我就没有去搞1.0版本,所以那个什么IplImage的,我是真的不懂,看着那么复杂的代码就头大,相较而言Mat就亲切多了。






Point pt;
pt.x = 10;
pt.y = 8;


Scalar( a, b, c )





#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace cv;

/// Global Variables
const int NUMBER = 100; 
const int DELAY = 5;

const int window_width = 900;
const int window_height = 600;
int x_1 = -window_width/2;
int x_2 = window_width*3/2;
int y_1 = -window_width/2;
int y_2 = window_width*3/2;

/// Function headers
static Scalar randomColor( RNG& rng );
int Drawing_Random_Lines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Rectangles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Ellipses( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Polylines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Circles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Displaying_Random_Text( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Displaying_Big_End( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );



 * @function randomColor
 * @brief Produces a random color given a random object
static Scalar randomColor( RNG& rng )	//这里rng是一个随机数发生器
  int icolor = (unsigned) rng;		//将随机数以无符号形式赋给icolor
  return Scalar( icolor&255, (icolor>>8)&255, (icolor>>16)&255 );//随机的颜色



icolor&255是与操作,事实上将icolor的低8位保留了下来,作为B channel的值

(icolor >> 8) & 255是右移再与的操作,将随机数icolor右移8位之后,保留现在的低8位

(icolor >> 16) & 255是右移再与的操作,将随机数icolor右移16位之后,保留现在的低8位



 * @function Drawing_Random_Lines
int Drawing_Random_Lines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )//输入参数:要画直线的图像、画直线窗口的名字、随机数
  int lineType = 8;
  Point pt1, pt2;

  for( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )//NUMBER 定义为 100,表示的是要随机画的直线条数
    pt1.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
    pt1.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );
    pt2.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
    pt2.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );

    line( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), 8 );
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey( DELAY ) >= 0 )
      { return -1; }

  return 0;



const int window_width = 900;
const int window_height = 600;
int x_1 = -window_width/2;
int x_2 = window_width*3/2;
int y_1 = -window_width/2;
int y_2 = window_width*3/2;

另外,代码中调用了rng.uniform(a, b),这里实质上就是产生了一个[a, b)的随机值


line( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), 8 );

  • 画一条从点 pt1 到点 pt2 的直线段
  • 此线段将被画到图像 img 上
  • 线的颜色由 randomColor(rng) 来定义(这里是随机颜色)
  • 线的粗细由 rng.uniform(1,10) 设定(这里是随机粗细)
  • 此线为8联通 (lineType = 8)



 * @function Drawing_Rectangles
int Drawing_Random_Rectangles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  Point pt1, pt2;
  int lineType = 8;
  int thickness = rng.uniform( -3, 10 );

  for( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    pt1.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
    pt1.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );
    pt2.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
    pt2.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );

    rectangle( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), MAX( thickness, -1 ), lineType );

    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey( DELAY ) >= 0 )
      { return -1; } 

  return 0;


rectangle( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), MAX( thickness, -1 ), lineType );

  • 矩形将被画到图像 image 上
  • 矩形两个对角顶点为 pt1 和 pt2
  • 矩形的颜色为 randomColor(rng),这里是随机颜色 
  • 线条的粗细是MAX(thickness, -1),取得二者较大值,如果最后结果不是-1,就表示的是线条的粗细,如果线粗为 -1, 此矩形将被填充


 * @function Drawing_Random_Ellipses
int Drawing_Random_Ellipses( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    Point center;<span style="white-space:pre">				</span>//定义了一个中心点
    center.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    center.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    Size axes;<span style="white-space:pre">					</span>//定义了一个长方形
    axes.width = rng.uniform(0, 200);
    axes.height = rng.uniform(0, 200);

    double angle = rng.uniform(0, 180);

    ellipse( image, center, axes, angle, angle - 100, angle + 200,
             randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(-1,9), lineType );
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 ) 
      { return -1; }

  return 0;


    ellipse( image, center, axes, angle, angle - 100, angle + 200,
             randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(-1,9), lineType );

  • 椭圆将被画到图像 image 上
  • 椭圆中心为点 center 并且大小位于矩形 axes 内
  • 椭圆旋转角度为 angle
  • 椭圆扩展的弧度从 angle - 100 度到 angle + 100 度
  • 图形颜色为 randomColor(rng) ,即随机颜色
  • 椭圆的线粗为rng.uniform(-1, 9)


 * @function Drawing_Random_Polylines
int Drawing_Random_Polylines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for( int i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++ )
    Point pt[2][3];
    pt[0][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    pt[0][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[0][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[0][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2); 
    pt[0][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    pt[0][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);

    const Point* ppt[2] = {pt[0], pt[1]};
    int npt[] = {3, 3};
    polylines(image, ppt, npt, 2, true, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType);
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
      { return -1; }
  return 0;



polylines(image, ppt, npt, 2, true, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType);

  • 多边形将被画到图像 image 上
  • 多边形的顶点集为 ppt
  • 要绘制的多边形顶点数目为 npt
  • 要绘制的多边形数量为 2
  • 该多边形是封闭的
  • 多边形的颜色定义为 randomColor(rng)
  • 多边形的线条粗细是rng.uniform(1, 10)


 * @function Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons
int Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    Point pt[2][3];
    pt[0][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    pt[0][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[0][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[0][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2); 
    pt[0][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    pt[0][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);

    const Point* ppt[2] = {pt[0], pt[1]};
    int npt[] = {3, 3};
    fillPoly( image, ppt, npt, 2, randomColor(rng), lineType );
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
       { return -1; }
  return 0;


fillPoly( image, ppt, npt, 2, randomColor(rng), lineType );

  • 多边形将被画到图像 iamge 上
  • 多边形的顶点集为 ppt
  • 要绘制的多边形顶点数目为 npt
  • 要绘制的多边形数量为 2
  • 多边形的颜色定义为randomColor(rng)

 * @function Drawing_Random_Circles
int Drawing_Random_Circles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++)
    Point center;
    center.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    center.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    circle( image, center, rng.uniform(0, 300), randomColor(rng),
            rng.uniform(-1, 9), lineType );
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
      { return -1; }

  return 0;

circle( image, center, rng.uniform(0, 300), randomColor(rng),
            rng.uniform(-1, 9), lineType );
  • 圆将被画到图像  image 上
  • 圆心由点 center 定义
  • 圆的半径为: rng.uniform(0, 300)
  • 圆的颜色为: randomColor(rng)
  • 线粗定义为 rng.uniform(-1, 9),当线粗为-1时,圆将被填充


 * @function Displaying_Random_Text
int Displaying_Random_Text( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for ( int i = 1; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    Point org;
    org.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    org.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);

    putText( image, "Testing text rendering", org, rng.uniform(0,8),
             rng.uniform(0,100)*0.05+0.1, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), lineType);
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
      { return -1; }

  return 0;

函数功能是按照随机的格式位置显示字符串“Testing test rendering”


putText( image, "Testing text rendering", org, rng.uniform(0,8),
             rng.uniform(0,100)*0.05+0.1, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), lineType);

  • 在 image 上绘制文字 “Testing text rendering” 。
  • 文字的左下角将用点 org 指定。
  • 字体参数是用一个在 [0 , 8) 之间的整数来定义。
  • 字体的缩放比例是用表达式 rng.uniform(0, 100)*0.05 + 0.1 指定,表示它的范围是 [0.1, 5.1)。
  • 字体的颜色是随机的 (记为 randomColor(rng))。
  • 字体的粗细范围是从 1 到 10, 表示为 rng.uniform(1,10) 。


 * @function Displaying_Big_End
int Displaying_Big_End( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  Size textsize = getTextSize("OpenCV forever!", CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3, 5, 0);
  Point org((window_width - textsize.width)/2, (window_height - textsize.height)/2);
  int lineType = 8;
  Mat image2;

  for( int i = 0; i < 255; i += 2 )
    image2 = image - Scalar::all(i);
    putText( image2, "OpenCV forever!", org, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3,
             Scalar(i, i, 255), 5, lineType );
    imshow( window_name, image2 );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
       { return -1; }

  return 0;

其中的for循环产生了一种 渐变的效果,实现方式也很有意思。



putText( image2, "OpenCV forever!", org, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3,
             Scalar(i, i, 255), 5, lineType );

  • 在 image2 上绘制文字 “OpenCV forever!” 。
  • 文字的左下角将用点 org 指定。
  • 字体的缩放比例固定为3
  • 字体的颜色是随i变化的, 最初i = 0的时候,颜色是Scalar(0, 0, 255),根据BGR对应可知,最初颜色是纯红色,之后i逐渐增大,导致的结果是字体颜色像白色渐变,最终变成纯白色
  • 字体的粗细固定为5




image2 = image - Scalar::all(i);
imshow( window_name, image2 );
第一句话,将Image减去 i 不断增大的全 i 图像,可以料想image必定是不断的全面往黑色靠近。。。

第二句话将减去全 i 图像的新image2显示到原来的窗口,而putText的时候是显示到image2上面的,所以



#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace cv;

/// Global Variables
const int NUMBER = 100; 
const int DELAY = 5;

const int window_width = 900;
const int window_height = 600;
int x_1 = -window_width/2;
int x_2 = window_width*3/2;
int y_1 = -window_width/2;
int y_2 = window_width*3/2;

/// Function headers
static Scalar randomColor( RNG& rng );
int Drawing_Random_Lines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Rectangles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Ellipses( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Polylines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Circles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Displaying_Random_Text( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Displaying_Big_End( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );

 * @function main
int main( int argc, char** argv )
  int c;

  /// Start creating a window
  char window_name[] = "Drawing_2 Tutorial";

  /// Also create a random object (RNG)
  RNG rng( 0xFFFFFFFF ); 

  /// Initialize a matrix filled with zeros
  Mat image = Mat::zeros( window_height, window_width, CV_8UC3 );
  /// Show it in a window during DELAY ms
  imshow( window_name, image ); 
  waitKey( DELAY );
  /// Now, let's draw some lines
  c = Drawing_Random_Lines(image, window_name, rng);
  if( c != 0 ) return 0;

  /// Go on drawing, this time nice rectangles
  c = Drawing_Random_Rectangles(image, window_name, rng);
  if( c != 0 ) return 0;

  /// Draw some ellipses
  c = Drawing_Random_Ellipses( image, window_name, rng );
  if( c != 0 ) return 0;

  /// Now some polylines
  c = Drawing_Random_Polylines( image, window_name, rng );
  if( c != 0 ) return 0;

  /// Draw filled polygons
  c = Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons( image, window_name, rng );
  if( c != 0 ) return 0;

  /// Draw circles
  c = Drawing_Random_Circles( image, window_name, rng );
  if( c != 0 ) return 0;

  /// Display text in random positions
  c = Displaying_Random_Text( image, window_name, rng );
  if( c != 0 ) return 0;

  /// Displaying the big end!
  c = Displaying_Big_End( image, window_name, rng );
  if( c != 0 ) return 0;

  return 0;

/// Function definitions

 * @function randomColor
 * @brief Produces a random color given a random object
static Scalar randomColor( RNG& rng )
  int icolor = (unsigned) rng;
  return Scalar( icolor&255, (icolor>>8)&255, (icolor>>16)&255 );

 * @function Drawing_Random_Lines
int Drawing_Random_Lines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;
  Point pt1, pt2;

  for( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    pt1.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
    pt1.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );
    pt2.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
    pt2.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );

    line( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), 8 );
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey( DELAY ) >= 0 )
      { return -1; }

  return 0;

 * @function Drawing_Rectangles
int Drawing_Random_Rectangles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  Point pt1, pt2;
  int lineType = 8;
  int thickness = rng.uniform( -3, 10 );

  for( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    pt1.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
    pt1.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );
    pt2.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
    pt2.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );

    rectangle( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), MAX( thickness, -1 ), lineType );

    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey( DELAY ) >= 0 )
      { return -1; } 

  return 0;

 * @function Drawing_Random_Ellipses
int Drawing_Random_Ellipses( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    Point center;
    center.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    center.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    Size axes;
    axes.width = rng.uniform(0, 200);
    axes.height = rng.uniform(0, 200);

    double angle = rng.uniform(0, 180);

    ellipse( image, center, axes, angle, angle - 100, angle + 200,
             randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(-1,9), lineType );
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 ) 
      { return -1; }

  return 0;

 * @function Drawing_Random_Polylines
int Drawing_Random_Polylines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for( int i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++ )
    Point pt[2][3];
    pt[0][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    pt[0][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[0][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[0][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2); 
    pt[0][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    pt[0][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);

    const Point* ppt[2] = {pt[0], pt[1]};
    int npt[] = {3, 3};
    polylines(image, ppt, npt, 2, true, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType);
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
      { return -1; }
  return 0;

 * @function Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons
int Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    Point pt[2][3];
    pt[0][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    pt[0][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[0][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[0][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2); 
    pt[0][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    pt[0][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    pt[1][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2); 
    pt[1][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);

    const Point* ppt[2] = {pt[0], pt[1]};
    int npt[] = {3, 3};
    fillPoly( image, ppt, npt, 2, randomColor(rng), lineType );
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
       { return -1; }
  return 0;

 * @function Drawing_Random_Circles
int Drawing_Random_Circles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++)
    Point center;
    center.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    center.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
    circle( image, center, rng.uniform(0, 300), randomColor(rng),
            rng.uniform(-1, 9), lineType );
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
      { return -1; }

  return 0;

 * @function Displaying_Random_Text
int Displaying_Random_Text( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  int lineType = 8;

  for ( int i = 1; i < NUMBER; i++ )
    Point org;
    org.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
    org.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);

    putText( image, "Testing text rendering", org, rng.uniform(0,8),
             rng.uniform(0,100)*0.05+0.1, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), lineType);
    imshow( window_name, image );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
      { return -1; }

  return 0;

 * @function Displaying_Big_End
int Displaying_Big_End( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
  Size textsize = getTextSize("OpenCV forever!", CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3, 5, 0);
  Point org((window_width - textsize.width)/2, (window_height - textsize.height)/2);
  int lineType = 8;
  Mat image2;

  for( int i = 0; i < 255; i += 2 )
    image2 = image - Scalar::all(i);
    putText( image2, "OpenCV forever!", org, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3,
             Scalar(i, i, 255), 5, lineType );
    imshow( window_name, image2 );
    if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
       { return -1; }

  return 0;

再次强烈推荐OpenCV的文档! 大笑





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


