GC - Category of Garbage Collector

2.1 Low Pause Collectors

2.1.1 Parallel Copying Collector

The Parallel Copying Collector is similar to the Copying Collector [1], but instead of using one thread to collect young generation garbage, the collector allocates as many threads as the number of CPUs to parallelize the collection. The parallel copying collector works with both the concurrent collector and the default mark-compact collector.

Single Threaded & Parallel Collection
Figure 1 - Single Threaded & Parallel Collection

The parallel copying collection is still stop-the-world, but the cost of the collection is now dependent on the live data in the young generation heap, divided by the number of CPUs available. So bigger younger generations can be used to eliminate temporary objects while still keeping the pause low. The degree of parallelism i.e., the number of threads collecting can be tuned. This parallel collector works very well from small to big young generations.

The figure (Fig. 1) illustrates the difference between the single threaded and parallel copy collection. The green arrows represent application threads, and the red arrow(s) represent GC threads. The application threads (green arrows) are stopped when a copy collection has to take place. In case of the parallel copy collector, the work is done by n number of threads compared to 1 thread in case of the single threaded copy collector.

2.1.2 Concurrent Collector

The concurrent collector uses a background thread that runs concurrently with the application threads to enable both garbage collection and object allocation/modification to happen at the same time. The collector collects the garbage in phases, two are stop-the-world phases, and four are concurrent and run along with the application threads. The phases in order are, initial-mark phase (stop-the-world), mark-phase (concurrent), pre-cleaning phase (concurrent), remark-phase (stop-the-world), sweep-phase (concurrent) and reset-phase (concurrent). The initial-mark phase takes a snapshot of the old generation heap objects followed by the marking and pre-cleaning of live objects. Once marking is complete, a remark-phase takes a second snapshot of the heap objects to capture changes in live objects. This is followed by a sweep phase to collect dead objects - coalescing of dead objects space may also happen here. The reset phase clears the collector data structures for the next collection cycle. The collector does most of its work concurrently, suspending application execution only briefly.

Concurrent Collection
Figure 2 - Concurrent Collection

The figure (Fig. 2) illustrates the main phases of the concurrent collection. The green arrows represent application threads, and the red, GC thread(s). The small red arrow represents, the brief stop-the-world marking phases, when a snapshot of the heap is made. The GC thread (big red arrow) runs concurrently with application threads (green arrows) to mark and sweep the heap.

Note: If "the rate of creation" of objects is too high, and the concurrent collector is not able to keep up with the concurrent collection, it falls back to the traditional mark-sweep collector.

2.2 Throughput Collectors

2.2.1 Parallel Scavenge Collector

Parallel Collection
Figure 3 - Parallel Collection

The parallel scavenge collector is similar to the parallel copying collector, and collects young generation garbage. The collector is targeted towards large young generation heaps and to scale with more CPUs. It works very well with large young generation heap sizes that are in gigabytes, like 12GB to 80GB or more, and scales very well with increase in CPUs, 8 CPUs or more. It is designed to maximize throughput in enterprise environments where plenty of memory and processing power is available.

The parallel scavenge collector is again stop-the-world, and is designed to keep the pause down. The degree of parallelism can again be controlled. In addition, the collector has an adaptive tuning policy that can be turned on to optimize the collection. It balances the heap layout by resizing, Eden, Survivor spaces and old generation sizes to minimize the time spent in the collection. Since the heap layout is different for this collector, with large young generations, and smaller older generations, a new feature called "promotion undo" prevents old generation out-of-memory exceptions by allowing the parallel collector to finish the young generation collection.

The figure (Fig. 3) illustrates the application threads (green arrows) which are stopped when a copy collection has to take place. The red arrow represents the n number of parallel threads employed in the collection.

2.2.2 Mark-Compact Collector

The parallel scavenge collector interacts with the mark-sweep-compact collector, the default old generation collector. The mark-compact collector is the traditional mark-compact collector, and is very efficient for enterprise environments where pause is not a big criterion. The throughput collectors are designed to maximize the younger generation heap while keeping the older generation heap to the needed minimum - old generation is intended to very long-term objects only.

Mark-Compact Collection
Figure 4 - Mark-Compact Collection

The figure (Fig. 4) illustrates a stop-the-world, old generation mark-sweep-compact collection. The application threads (green arrows) are stopped during the collection. The old generation collection single threaded.

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