类型 | 前缀 | 示例 |
Array | arr | arrShoppingList |
Boolean | bln | blnIsPostBack |
Byte | byt | bytPixelValue |
Char | chr | chrDelimiter |
DateTime | dtm | dtmStartDate |
Decimal | dec | decAverageHeight |
Double | dbl | dblSizeofUniverse |
Integer | int | intRowCounter |
Long | lng | lngBillGatesIncome |
Object | obj | objReturnValue |
Short | shr | shrAverage |
Single | sng | sngMaximum |
String | str | strFirstName |
类型 | 前缀 | 示例 |
AdRotator | adrt | adrtTopAd |
Button | btn | btnSubmit |
Calendar | cal | calMettingDates |
CheckBox | chk | chkBlue |
CheckBoxList | chkl | chklFavColors |
CompareValidator | valc | valcValidAge |
CustomValidator | valx | valxDBCheck |
DataGrid | dgrd | dgrdTitles |
DataList | dlst | dlstTitles |
DropDownList | drop | dropCountries |
HyperLink | lnk | lnkDetails |
Image | img | imgAuntBetty |
ImageButton | ibtn | ibtnSubmit |
Label | lbl | lblResults |
LinkButton | lbtn | lbtnSubmit |
ListBox | lst | lstCountries |
Panel | pnl | pnlForm2 |
PlaceHolder | plh | plhFormContents |
RadioButton | rad | radFemale |
RadioButtonList | radl | radlGender |
RangeValidator | valg | valgAge |
RegularExpression | vale | valeEmail_Validator |
Repeater | rpt | rptQueryResults |
RequiredFieldValidator | valr | valrFirstName |
Table | tbl | tblCountryCodes |
TableCell | tblc | tblcGermany |
TableRow | tblr | tblrCountry |
TextBox | txt | txtFirstName |
ValidationSummary | vals | valsFormErrors |
XML | xmlc | xmlcTransformResults |
类型 | 前缀 | 示例 |
Connection | con | conNorthwind |
Command | cmd | cmdReturnProducts |
Parameter | parm | parmProductID |
DataAdapter | dad | dadProducts |
DataReader | dtr | dtrProducts |
DataSet | dst | dstNorthWind |
DataTable | dtbl | dtblProduct |
DataRow | drow | drowRow98 |
DataColumn | dcol | dcolProductID |
DataRelation | drel | drelMasterDetail |
DataView | dvw | dvwFilteredProducts |
The name of an event-handling subroutine will consist of the ID of the control that rasied the event followed by the type of event being handled. For example, a subroutine named btnSubmit_Click handles the Click event of a Button control named btnSubmit.
When a control that raises an event is not assigned an ID, the type of the control is used instead of the ID. For example, the subroutine named Button_Click handles the Click event of a Button control without an ID.