Evaluation of cardiac function and efficiency using 11C-acetate PET

Evaluation of cardiac function and efficiency using 11C-acetate PET

Myocardial oxygen consumption and cardiac efficiency

Left ventricle (LV) (1)

  • MVO2 (mL O2·min-1·g-1 tissue) (2) was calculated from Kmono as

M V O 2 ( k m o n o ) = k m o n o × 0.0197 0.0027 × 100 MVO_{2}(k_{mono}) = \frac{k_{mono} \times 0.0197}{0.0027 \times 100} MVO2(kmono)=0.0027×100kmono×0.0197

  • MVO2 (mL O2·min-1·g-1 tissue) (2) was also calculated from the 1TCM washout parameter, k2, as

M V O 2 ( k 2 ) = 135 × k 2 − 0.96 100 MVO_{2}(k_{2}) = \frac{135 \times k_{2} - 0.96}{100} MVO2(k2)=100135×k20.96

  • Myocardial external efficiency (MEE) (3) was calculated as

M E E = S V × H R × ( M A P + Δ A V m e a n ) × 1.33 × 1 0 − 4 M V O 2 ( k 2 ) × L V M a s s × 20 MEE = \frac{SV \times HR \times (MAP + \Delta AVmean) \times 1.33 \times 10^{-4}}{MVO_{2}(k_{2}) \times LV Mass \times 20} MEE=MVO2(k2)×LVMass×20SV×HR×(MAP+ΔAVmean)×1.33×104

SV: stroke volume from Echocardiography
HR: heart rate
MAP: mean arterial pressure, ≈ 1 / 3 S B P + 2 / 3 D B P \approx 1/3SBP + 2/3DBP 1/3SBP+2/3DBP
Δ A V m e a n \Delta AVmean ΔAVmean: trans-aotic-value gradients, negligible if no aortic stenosis
LV mass: myocardial tissue density(1.05 g·cm-3) and LV volume

  • Work metabolic index (WMI) (4) is a simplified estimate of cardiac efficiency calculated as

W M I = S V i × H R × S B P k m o n o WMI = \frac{SVi \times HR \times SBP}{k_{mono}} WMI=kmonoSVi×HR×SBP

SVi: divide SV by the body surface area
HR: heart rate
SBP: systolic blood pressure
k m o n o k_{mono} kmono: 11C-acetate mono-exponential clearance rate

  • Myocardial blood flow (MBF) (5) was estimated using the published expression relating the 11C-acetate uptake rate K1 to MBF (ML/min/g):

K 1 = ( 1 − 0.637 e − 1.198 M B F ) × M B F K_{1} = (1 - 0.637e^{-\frac{1.198}{MBF}}) \times MBF K1=(10.637eMBF1.198)×MBF

Right ventricle (RV)

  • RV RPP (6): the product of systolic pulmonary arterial pressure and heart rate

  • Stroke work index (6): the product of stroke volume index and (mean pulmonary arterial pressure - mean right atrial pressure)

  • The power of the RV was calculated using the following quation (7):

R V p o w e r = H R × m P A P × S V × 2.22 × 1 0 − 6 RV power = HR \times mPAP \times SV \times 2.22 \times 10^{-6} RVpower=HR×mPAP×SV×2.22×106

SV: stroke volume from Echocardiography
HR: heart rate
MAP: mean arterial pressure, ≈ 1 / 3 S B P + 2 / 3 D B P \approx 1/3SBP + 2/3DBP 1/3SBP+2/3DBP
Δ A V m e a n \Delta AVmean ΔAVmean: trans-aotic-value gradients, negligible if no aortic stenosis
LV mass: myocardial tissue density(1.05 g·cm-3) and LV volume

  • RV efficiency (7) was calculated as the ratio of RV power output to MVO2:

R V e f f i c i e n c y = H R × m P A P × S V × 1.33 × 1 0 − 4 R V k m o n o × R V m a s s × 20 RV efficiency = \frac{HR \times mPAP \times SV \times 1.33 \times 10^{-4}}{RV k_{mono} \times RV mass \times 20} RVefficiency=RVkmono×RVmass×20HR×mPAP×SV×1.33×104


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