使用 ebpf 深入分析容器网络 dup 包问题

本文主要讲述了借助 ebpf 工具 skbtracer 分析了容器网桥模式下出现 dup 包问题的根本原因, skbtracer 工具的使用使得原本比较复杂的分析过程变得非常高效且流程化。目前,skbtracer 工具正在不断打磨发展,后续会越来越傻瓜化智能化,希望能够借本次分享推广此分析方法及思路,让更多的人了解、使用 skbtracer 工具。



但是,想要非常精通网络真的不是一件容易的事情。我们知道,内核技术门槛非常高,尤其是内核中最复杂的子系统——内核网络子系统,有了容器网络的加持使得该系统涉及到了 2 层转发,3 层转发,iptable,ipvs,NameSpace 交叉变化,面对如此复杂的环境,即使是专业的网络专家,解决问题的时候也是非常头大的。再加上由于业务的发展迅速使得网络问题变得更加频繁棘手,以及技术壁垒居高不下,开发运维人员在此花费重大人力也不一定能根治问题本身,更多时候只能绕道去尝试通过各种内核参数等等去解决问题。

既然把黑盒般的内核研究透彻是一件难于上青天的事情,那么我们是否可以尝试开发出一种工具旨在让 Linux 主机网络对一般开发运维人员来说成为一个彻底的白盒?答案是肯定的,本文正是利用这样的一款工具分析一个完全黑盒的容器网络问题。

1 问题描述

用户在使用 TKE 的过程中,发现同一个节点上的 Pod1 通过 Service(ClusterIP)访问 Pod2, Pod1 通过 UDP push 的每一条消息会在 Pod2 上出现两次。当尝试在 Pod1 eth0 <—> veth1 <—> cbr0 <—> veth2 <—> Pod2 eth0 路径上的每个网络接口上分别抓包后,发现在 Pod1 eth0,veth1 上数据包都仅有一个,但在cbr0,veth2,Pod2 eth0 都能抓到两个完全相同的包。

进一步扩展场景发现,当满足如下条件时,就会出现 dup 包:

  1. Pod1 与 Pod2在同一个 Node 。

  2. Pod1 通过 Service 访问 Pod2 。

  3. 容器网络为桥接模式且需要桥打开混杂模式。如 TKE 网络的 cbr0 需要打开混杂模式。

并且,这些条件都很容易满足,从一个 Kubernetes 的 issue[1] 可以看出,早在 1.2.4 版本,此问题就存在。

2 思路


Duplicate UDP packets between pods
Duplication of packets seen in bridge-promiscuous mode when accessing a pod on the same node through service ip
Resolve cbr0 hairpin/promiscuous mode duplicate packet issue

唯一找到一个似乎可以规避该问题的方案[2],也同样没有分析出原因,而是强行在 2 层通过 ebtable 丢包处理进行解决。


  • 修改内核代码,在数据包经过的路径上跟踪处理细节

    • 优点:实现比较直接。

    • 缺点:不灵活,需要反复修改,重启内核;需要对协议栈非常熟悉,知道数据包处理的关键路径。

  • 插入内核模块,hook 关键函数

    • 优点:不用修改、重启内核。

    • 缺点:不灵活。由于很多内部函数不能直接调用,通过该方式进行分析会导致代码量大,容易犯错。

  • 通过 Linux 内核提供的 ebpf 去 hook 关键路径函数

    • 优点:轻量,安全,易于编写及调试。

    • 缺点:ebpf 不支持循环,有些功能需要通过比较 trick 的方式实现;ebpf 当前属于比较新的技术,很多特性需要高版本内核的支持才更加完善,具体可参考 BPF Features by Linux Kernel Version[3]。

考虑到以上分析思路,笔者已实现了基于 bcc[4] 的容器网络分析工具 skbtracer,旨在一键排查网络问题(主机网络,容器网络)。

3 工具说明

skbtracer 工具基于 bcc 框架,由 skbtracer.py 和 skbtracer.c 两个文件组成,C 代码是具体的 ebpf 代码,负责抓取过滤内核事件,Python 代码负责简单参数解析以及抓取事件的结果输出。该工具当前已支持跟踪路由信息、丢包信息以及 netfilter 处理过程,其中数据流跟踪功能正在完善,后续也将会在排查问题过程中不断完善强大,争取能够让一般用户也能把内核协议栈当作白盒观测。

本文提供的 skbtracer 需要 4.15 及以上内核才能正常运行,推荐使用 ubuntu18.04 或其他更高版本。你可以参照以下步骤进行 skbtracer 工具体验:

1. 运行镜像
docker run --privileged=true -it ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/monkeyyang/bpftool:v0.0.1
2. 运行工具
root@14bd5f0406fd:~# ./skbtracer.py -h
usage: skbtracer.py [-h] [-H IPADDR] [--proto PROTO] [--icmpid ICMPID]
                   [-c CATCH_COUNT] [-P PORT] [-p PID] [-N NETNS]
                   [--dropstack] [--callstack] [--iptable] [--route] [--keep]
                   [-T] [-t]
Trace any packet through TCP/IP stack
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H IPADDR, --ipaddr IPADDR
                        ip address
  --proto PROTO         tcp|udp|icmp|any
  --icmpid ICMPID       trace imcp id
  -c CATCH_COUNT, --catch-count CATCH_COUNT
                        catch and print count
  -P PORT, --port PORT  udp or tcp port
  -p PID, --pid PID     trace this PID only
  -N NETNS, --netns NETNS
                        trace this Network Namespace only
  --dropstack           output kernel stack trace when drop packet
  --callstack           output kernel stack trace
  --iptable             output iptable path
  --route               output route path
  --keep                keep trace packet all lifetime
  -T, --time            show HH:MM:SS timestamp
  -t, --timestamp       show timestamp in seconds at us resolution
      skbtracer.py                                      # trace all packets
      skbtracer.py --proto=icmp -H --icmpid 22  # trace icmp packet with addr= and icmpid=22
      skbtracer.py --proto=tcp  -H -P 22        # trace tcp  packet with addr=
      skbtracer.py --proto=udp  -H -P 22        # trace udp  packet wich addr=
      skbtracer.py -t -T -p 1 --debug -P 80 -H --proto=tcp --kernel-stack --icmpid=100 -N 10000
3.  抓取10个UDP报文
root@14bd5f0406fd:~# ./skbtracer.py  --proto=udp  -c10
time       NETWORK_NS   INTERFACE    DEST_MAC     PKT_INFO                                 TRACE_INFO
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] nil          00a8177f422e U:>       ffff949a8df47700.0:ip_output
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] eth0         00a8177f422e U:>       ffff949a8df47700.0:ip_finish_output
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] eth0         00a8177f422e U:>       ffff949a8df47700.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] nil          09c67eff9b77 U:>       ffff949a8e655000.0:ip_output
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] eth0         09c67eff9b77 U:>       ffff949a8e655000.0:ip_finish_output
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] eth0         09c67eff9b77 U:>       ffff949a8e655000.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] eth0         5254006c498f U:>       ffff949a2151bd00.0:napi_gro_receive
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] eth0         5254006c498f U:>       ffff949a2151bd00.0:__netif_receive_skb
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] eth0         5254006c498f U:>       ffff949a2151bd00.0:ip_rcv
[12:51:01 ][4026531993] eth0         5254006c498f U:>       ffff949a2151bd00.0:ip_rcv_finish
第三列:skb->dev 所指设备
/* Packet types */
#define PACKET_HOST        0       /* To us        */
#define PACKET_BROADCAST    1       /* To all       */
#define PACKET_MULTICAST    2       /* To group     */
#define PACKET_OTHERHOST    3       /* To someone else  */
#define PACKET_OUTGOING        4       /* Outgoing of any type */
#define PACKET_LOOPBACK        5       /* MC/BRD frame looped back */
#define PACKET_USER        6       /* To user space    */
#define PACKET_KERNEL        7       /* To kernel space  */
/* Unused, PACKET_FASTROUTE and PACKET_LOOPBACK are invisible to user space */
#define PACKET_FASTROUTE    6       /* Fastrouted frame */
enum {
    NFPROTO_INET   =  1,
    NFPROTO_IPV4   =  2,
    NFPROTO_ARP    =  3,
    NFPROTO_IPV6   = 10,

4 分析过程

4.1 环境说明

操作系统:ubuntu 18.01 4.15.0-54-generic
角色      nodeveth         eth0 mac地址          pod ip地址     node eth0地址
client    vethdfe06191     42:0f:47:45:67:ff
server    veth19678f6d     7a:47:5e:bb:26:b0
server2   vethe9f5bdcc     52:f5:ce:8f:62:f6
node    eth0 ip地址    eth0 mac地址        cbr0 ip地址     crb0 mac地址
node1      52:54:00:6c:49:8f      2e:74:df:86:96:4b
node2     52:54:00:b8:05:ae     6e:41:27:22:69:0e
ubuntu@VM-2-138-ubuntu:~$ kubectl get svc
NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
kubernetes       ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP    10d
ubuntu-server    ClusterIP     <none>        6666/UDP   10d
ubuntu-server2   ClusterIP   <none>        6667/UDP   5h41m
ubuntu-server 后端只有一个 Pod,对应 Pod 名为 server
ubuntu-server2 后端只有一个 Pod,对应 Pod 名为 server2

接下来用 skbtracer 工具分别输出如下场景数据包的处理细节:

  1. cbr0 开启混杂模式:client 通过 Service 访问相同 Node 的 Pod

  2. cbr0 开启混杂模式:client 通过 Service 访问不同 Node 的 Pod

  3. cbr0 开启混杂模式:client 直接访问相同 Node 的 Pod

  4. cbr0 关闭混杂模式:client 通过 Service 访问相同 Node的 Pod

  5. cbr0 关闭混杂模式:client 通过 Service 访问不同 Node的 Pod

  6. cbr0 关闭混杂模式:client 直接访问相同 Node 的 Pod

4.2 分场景输出处理细节

4.2.1 cbr0 开启混杂模式:client 通过 Service 访问相同 Node 的 Pod

root@14bd5f0406fd:~# ./skbtracer.py --route --iptable -H --proto udp
time       NETWORK_NS   INTERFACE    DEST_MAC     PKT_INFO                                 TRACE_INFO
[02:05:54 ][4026532282] nil          000000000000 U:>   ffff949a8d639a00.0:ip_output
[02:05:54 ][4026532282] eth0         000000000000 U:>   ffff949a8d639a00.0:ip_finish_output
[02:05:54 ][4026532282] eth0         000000000000 U:>   ffff949a8d639a00.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>   ffff949a8d639a00.3:__netif_receive_skb
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>   ffff949a8d639a00.3:br_handle_frame
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>   ffff949a8d639a00.0:br_nf_pre_routing
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>   ffff949a8d639a00.0:2.nat.PREROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:br_nf_pre_routing_finish
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:br_handle_frame_finish
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:deliver_clone
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:__br_forward
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_nf_forward_ip
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:2.filter.FORWARD.ACCEPT
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_nf_forward_finish
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_forward_finish
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_nf_post_routing
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:2.nat.POSTROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_nf_dev_queue_xmit
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:br_pass_frame_up
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:br_netif_receive_skb
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:__netif_receive_skb
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:ip_rcv
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:ip_rcv_finish
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:2.filter.FORWARD.ACCEPT
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:ip_output
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:ip_finish_output
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:deliver_clone
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639000.0:__br_forward
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639000.0:br_forward_finish
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639000.0:br_nf_post_routing
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639000.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:__br_forward
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:br_forward_finish
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:br_nf_post_routing
[02:05:54 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:05:54 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:__netif_receive_skb
[02:05:54 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:ip_rcv
[02:05:54 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:ip_rcv_finish
[02:05:54 ][4026532282] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639000.3:__netif_receive_skb
[02:05:54 ][4026532282] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639000.3:ip_rcv
[02:05:54 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:__netif_receive_skb
[02:05:54 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:ip_rcv
[02:05:54 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d639a00.0:ip_rcv_finish

4.2.2 cbr0 开启混杂模式: client 通过 Service 访问不同 Node 的 Pod

root@14bd5f0406fd:~# ./skbtracer.py --route --iptable -H --proto udp
time       NETWORK_NS   INTERFACE    DEST_MAC     PKT_INFO                                 TRACE_INFO
[02:06:41 ][4026532282] nil          005ea63e937c U:> ffff949a8d639400.0:ip_output
[02:06:41 ][4026532282] eth0         005ea63e937c U:> ffff949a8d639400.0:ip_finish_output
[02:06:41 ][4026532282] eth0         005ea63e937c U:> ffff949a8d639400.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:> ffff949a8d639400.3:__netif_receive_skb
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:> ffff949a8d639400.3:br_handle_frame
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:> ffff949a8d639400.0:br_nf_pre_routing
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:> ffff949a8d639400.0:2.nat.PREROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_nf_pre_routing_finish
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_handle_frame_finish
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_pass_frame_up
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:br_netif_receive_skb
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:__netif_receive_skb
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:ip_rcv
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:ip_rcv_finish
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:2.filter.FORWARD.ACCEPT
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:ip_output
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] eth0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:2.nat.POSTROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] eth0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:ip_finish_output
[02:06:41 ][4026531993] eth0         feee1e1bcbe0 U:>    ffff949a8d639400.0:__dev_queue_xmit

4.2.3 cbr0 开启混杂模式:client 直接访问相同 Node 的 Pod

root@14bd5f0406fd:~# ./skbtracer.py --route --iptable -H --proto udp
time       NETWORK_NS   INTERFACE    DEST_MAC     PKT_INFO                                 TRACE_INFO
[02:07:21 ][4026532282] nil          000000000000 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.0:ip_output
[02:07:21 ][4026532282] eth0         000000000000 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.0:ip_finish_output
[02:07:21 ][4026532282] eth0         000000000000 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:__netif_receive_skb
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:br_handle_frame
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:br_nf_pre_routing
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.0:2.nat.PREROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.0:br_nf_pre_routing_finish
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:br_handle_frame_finish
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:br_forward
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:deliver_clone
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.3:__br_forward
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.3:br_nf_forward_ip
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.0:2.filter.FORWARD.ACCEPT
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.0:br_nf_forward_finish
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.3:br_forward_finish
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.3:br_nf_post_routing
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.0:2.nat.POSTROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.0:br_nf_dev_queue_xmit
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:br_pass_frame_up
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:br_netif_receive_skb
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:__netif_receive_skb
[02:07:21 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64b00.3:ip_rcv
[02:07:21 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.0:__netif_receive_skb
[02:07:21 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.0:ip_rcv
[02:07:21 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8eb64900.0:ip_rcv_finish

4.2.4 cbr0 关闭混杂模式:client 通过 Service 访问相同 Node 的 Pod

root@14bd5f0406fd:~# ./skbtracer.py --route --iptable -H --proto udp
time       NETWORK_NS   INTERFACE    DEST_MAC     PKT_INFO                                 TRACE_INFO
[02:08:32 ][4026532282] nil          3dc486eebf45 U:>   ffff949a2151b100.0:ip_output
[02:08:32 ][4026532282] eth0         3dc486eebf45 U:>   ffff949a2151b100.0:ip_finish_output
[02:08:32 ][4026532282] eth0         3dc486eebf45 U:>   ffff949a2151b100.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>   ffff949a2151b100.3:__netif_receive_skb
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>   ffff949a2151b100.3:br_handle_frame
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>   ffff949a2151b100.0:br_nf_pre_routing
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>   ffff949a2151b100.0:2.nat.PREROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:br_nf_pre_routing_finish
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:br_handle_frame_finish
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:br_forward
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:__br_forward
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:br_nf_forward_ip
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:2.filter.FORWARD.ACCEPT
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:br_nf_forward_finish
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:br_forward_finish
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:br_nf_post_routing
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:2.nat.POSTROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:br_nf_dev_queue_xmit
[02:08:32 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:08:32 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:__netif_receive_skb
[02:08:32 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:ip_rcv
[02:08:32 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a2151b100.0:ip_rcv_finish

4.2.5 cbr0 关闭混杂模式client 通过 Service 访问不同 Node 的 Pod

root@14bd5f0406fd:~# ./skbtracer.py --route --iptable -H --proto udp
time       NETWORK_NS   INTERFACE    DEST_MAC     PKT_INFO                                 TRACE_INFO
[02:09:08 ][4026532282] nil          000000000000 U:> ffff949a8e655b00.0:ip_output
[02:09:08 ][4026532282] eth0         000000000000 U:> ffff949a8e655b00.0:ip_finish_output
[02:09:08 ][4026532282] eth0         000000000000 U:> ffff949a8e655b00.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:> ffff949a8e655b00.3:__netif_receive_skb
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:> ffff949a8e655b00.3:br_handle_frame
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:> ffff949a8e655b00.0:br_nf_pre_routing
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:> ffff949a8e655b00.0:2.nat.PREROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:br_nf_pre_routing_finish
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:br_handle_frame_finish
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:br_pass_frame_up
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:br_netif_receive_skb
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:__netif_receive_skb
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:ip_rcv
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:ip_rcv_finish
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:2.filter.FORWARD.ACCEPT
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] cbr0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:ip_output
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] eth0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:2.nat.POSTROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] eth0         2e74df86964b U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:ip_finish_output
[02:09:08 ][4026531993] eth0         feee1e1bcbe0 U:>    ffff949a8e655b00.0:__dev_queue_xmit

4.2.6 cbr0 关闭混杂模式:client 直接访问相同 Node 的 Pod

root@14bd5f0406fd:~# ./skbtracer.py --route --iptable -H --proto udp
time       NETWORK_NS   INTERFACE    DEST_MAC     PKT_INFO                                 TRACE_INFO
[02:09:36 ][4026532282] nil          000000000000 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:ip_output
[02:09:36 ][4026532282] eth0         000000000000 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:ip_finish_output
[02:09:36 ][4026532282] eth0         000000000000 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:__netif_receive_skb
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:br_handle_frame
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:br_nf_pre_routing
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:2.nat.PREROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] cbr0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:br_nf_pre_routing_finish
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:br_handle_frame_finish
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:br_forward
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] vethdfe06191 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:__br_forward
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:br_nf_forward_ip
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:2.filter.FORWARD.ACCEPT
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:br_nf_forward_finish
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:br_forward_finish
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.3:br_nf_post_routing
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:2.nat.POSTROUTING.ACCEPT
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:br_nf_dev_queue_xmit
[02:09:36 ][4026531993] veth19678f6d 7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:__dev_queue_xmit
[02:09:36 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:__netif_receive_skb
[02:09:36 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:ip_rcv
[02:09:36 ][4026532360] eth0         7a475ebb26b0 U:>    ffff949a8d570300.0:ip_rcv_finish

5 数据处理流程结合内核代码现象分析解释

对比各种场景的处理流程,发现 brhandleframe_finish 函数关键处理流程在不同场景有不同的处理结果,首先分析下这个函数:

/* note: already called with rcu_read_lock */
int br_handle_frame_finish(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
    struct net_bridge_port *p = br_port_get_rcu(skb->dev);
    enum br_pkt_type pkt_type = BR_PKT_UNICAST;
    struct net_bridge_fdb_entry *dst = NULL;
    struct net_bridge_mdb_entry *mdst;
    bool local_rcv, mcast_hit = false;
    const unsigned char *dest;
    struct net_bridge *br;
    u16 vid = 0;
    if (!p || p->state == BR_STATE_DISABLED)
        goto drop;
    if (!br_allowed_ingress(p->br, nbp_vlan_group_rcu(p), skb, &vid))
        goto out;
    nbp_switchdev_frame_mark(p, skb);
    /* insert into forwarding database after filtering to avoid spoofing */
    br = p->br;
    if (p->flags & BR_LEARNING)
        br_fdb_update(br, p, eth_hdr(skb)->h_source, vid, false);
    local_rcv = !!(br->dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC);
    dest = eth_hdr(skb)->h_dest;
    if (is_multicast_ether_addr(dest)) {
        /* by definition the broadcast is also a multicast address */
        if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(dest)) {
            pkt_type = BR_PKT_BROADCAST;
            local_rcv = true;
        } else {
            pkt_type = BR_PKT_MULTICAST;
            if (br_multicast_rcv(br, p, skb, vid))
                goto drop;
    if (p->state == BR_STATE_LEARNING)
        goto drop;
    BR_INPUT_SKB_CB(skb)->brdev = br->dev;
        (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_ARP) ||
         skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_RARP))) {
        br_do_proxy_suppress_arp(skb, br, vid, p);
    } else if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) &&
           skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IPV6) &&
           br->neigh_suppress_enabled &&
           pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct ipv6hdr) +
                 sizeof(struct nd_msg)) &&
           ipv6_hdr(skb)->nexthdr == IPPROTO_ICMPV6) {
            struct nd_msg *msg, _msg;
            msg = br_is_nd_neigh_msg(skb, &_msg);
            if (msg)
                br_do_suppress_nd(skb, br, vid, p, msg);
    switch (pkt_type) {//当前的处理场景pkt_type只可能为BR_PKT_UNICAST
        mdst = br_mdb_get(br, skb, vid);
        if ((mdst || BR_INPUT_SKB_CB_MROUTERS_ONLY(skb)) &&
            br_multicast_querier_exists(br, eth_hdr(skb))) {
            if ((mdst && mdst->host_joined) ||
                br_multicast_is_router(br)) {
                local_rcv = true;
            mcast_hit = true;
        } else {
            local_rcv = true;
    case BR_PKT_UNICAST: //根据数据包的目的mac地址查询该发往哪个设备
        dst = br_fdb_find_rcu(br, dest, vid);
    if (dst) {
        unsigned long now = jiffies;
        if (dst->is_local) //目的mac地址是桥设备(cbr0),则把数据包往3层协议栈传递
            return br_pass_frame_up(skb);
        if (now != dst->used)
            dst->used = now;
        br_forward(dst->dst, skb, local_rcv, false); //目的 mac 地址是桥接的其他 port,则在桥上直接转发出去
    } else {
        if (!mcast_hit)
            br_flood(br, skb, pkt_type, local_rcv, false);
            br_multicast_flood(mdst, skb, local_rcv, false);
    if (local_rcv) //关键点:开启混杂模式的情况下,此包再次被送入3层协议栈
        return br_pass_frame_up(skb);
    return 0;
    goto out;


5.1 为何 client 通过 Service 访问相同节点 Pod 有 dup 包?

对比内核函数 brhandleframefinish 和 brforward 以及 4.2.1 中工具的输出结果,可知流程如下:

在 brhandleframe_finish 函数内已经做完 DNAT 处理,目的 mac 地址是同 Pod 的 mac 地址,数据包有两条并行路线。

路线1:brforward() —> deliverclone() —> br_forward() —> 直接发给了 Service 后端的 Pod。

路线2:brpassframeup()—>netifreceiveskb(cbr0)—>iprcv()—>ip_output()—>发给 Service 后端的 Pod 。

5.2 为何 client 直接访问相同节点 Pod 没有 dup 包?

仔细对比可以发现,4.2.3 这条数据的处理与 4.2.1( 访问 Service )类似,数据包也有两条路径,第一条路径完全一致,第二条路径基本一致,只不过是在 iprcv() 函数处的 skb->pkttype 有区别:

  • 4.2.1 的 skb->pkttype == PACKETHOST

  • 4.2.3 的 skb->pkttype == PACKETOTHERHOST

而 iprcv() 函数入口处会直接丢弃 skb->pkttype == PACKET_OTHERHOST 的包,因此导致第二条路径就断了。

从以下代码片段可以看出,内核函数 iprcv() 丢弃了 skb->pkttype == PACKET_OTHERHOST 的数据包:

 *     Main IP Receive routine.
int ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, struct packet_type *pt, struct net_device *orig_dev)
    const struct iphdr *iph;
    struct net *net;
    u32 len;
    /* When the interface is in promisc. mode, drop all the crap
     * that it receives, do not try to analyse it.
    if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_OTHERHOST)
        goto drop;

那么,为什么 4.2.1 和 4.2.3 两种情况中 skb->pkttype 会有差异呢?原因在于,函数 brhandleframe 会根据数据包的目的 mac 地址进行如下判断并重新给 skb->pkttype 赋值:

  • 如果目的 mac 地址是 cbr0( Pod 的默认网关),则 skb->pkttype = PACKETHOST;

  • 否则skb->pkttype = PACKETOTHERHOST。

5.3 开启混杂模式与否的哪些处理差异会导致出现 dup 包?


static int br_pass_frame_up(struct sk_buff *skb)
    /* Bridge is just like any other port.  Make sure the
     * packet is allowed except in promisc modue when someone
     * may be running packet capture.

cbr0 开启混杂模式后,内核处理逻辑认为当前正在进行 cbr0 抓包,需要让数据包经过 cbr0,因此调用 brpassframeup 把包 clone 一份传给 cbr0 设备(原始包是直接转发给对应 port ),cbr0 收到包后,从 2 层协议栈转 3 层协议栈走到 iprcv 函数(如 5.2 所述,iprcv 在 skb->pkttype == PACKET_HOST 时会继续往后处理),而后 3 层协议栈继续走 IP 转发,又再次把这个 clone 的包发给了目的 Pod。

5.4 为何在 netfilter 处理处,skb dev 会发生突变?


/* Direct IPv6 traffic to br_nf_pre_routing_ipv6.
 * Replicate the checks that IPv4 does on packet reception.
 * Set skb->dev to the bridge device (i.e. parent of the
 * receiving device) to make netfilter happy, the REDIRECT
 * target in particular.  Save the original destination IP
 * address to be able to detect DNAT afterwards. */
static unsigned int br_nf_pre_routing(unsigned int hook, struct sk_buff *skb,
                      const struct net_device *in,
                      const struct net_device *out,
                      int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))

该注释表明,在 netfilter 处理处 skb dev 发生突变,是由于桥模式下调用 iptable 规则,会让规则认为当前的处理接口就是 cbr0 。

5.5 为何有时候能抓到两份包,有时候只能抓到一份?

关于抓包的问题,本次不做具体场景分析。抓包原理是应用层开启抓包后动态往协议栈注册 tpacket_rcv 回调函数,回调函数内部调用 bpf filter 判断满足抓包条件后会 clone 一份 skb 放到 ring buffer,此回调函数会在如下两点被调用:

  • devhardstart_xmit (抓接口发出包的点)

  • _netifreceiveskbcore(抓接口收包的点)

只要数据包经过这两个函数,就会被 tcpdump 抓取到。


6 解决方案

经过以上分析发现,当前问题是开启混杂模式后,目的端收到了两份 UDP 报文(其实 TCP 也是两份,只不过是 TCP 协议栈在接收端做了处理,并认为是重传报文)。出现该问题的关键点在于,为了使 cbr0 能够抓到数据包,brhandleframefinish 多 clone 出了一份 skb,往上走到了 Node 节点的 iprcv。

因此,要解决这个问题,只需要把这个包提前丢掉,不让其进入目的 Pod 即可。当前 KBS 社区有人提出使用 ebtable 规则丢包[5],通过在 veth 设置 ebtable 规则,把源地址是 Pod 网段,源 mac 是cbr0 的包丢掉:

ebtables -t filter -N CNI-DEDUP
ebtables -t filter -A OUTPUT -j CNI-DEDUP
ebtables -t filter -A CNI-DEDUP -p IPv4 -s 2e:74:df:86:96:4b -o veth+ --ip-src -j ACCEPT
ebtables -t filter -A CNI-DEDUP -p IPv4 -s 2e:74:df:86:96:4b -o veth+ --ip-src -j DROP

经测试,该方式能够有效防止目标 Pod 收到两份报文。也许有人会疑问:为何这个 patch 很早就被合并进了 Kubernetes 的 master 主分支,现在这个问题又冒出来了呢?原因是 Kubernetes 后来引入了网络 CNI 插件机制,把原本放到 Kubenet 中实现的网络功能移植到 CNI 插件实现,而对应的插件并没有把这个特性移植过去。


本文借助 ebpf 工具 skbtracer 分析了容器网桥模式下出现 dup 包问题的根本原因并讨论了解决方案, 整个分析过程工具的输出内容信息量较大,但是能够简化原本复杂的分析过程。本文仅涉及到了与问题相关的部分结论,并没有覆盖所有网络处理细节,但是工具的输出结果可以多多交叉对比,能从中收获很多惊喜,你会发现:哦~原来如此。


  1. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/25793

  2. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/28717

  3. https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/docs/kernel-versions.md

  4. https://github.com/iovisor/bcc

  5. https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins/pull/42/commits/5e17bdf609ff76a5f7b382e3e58b561e4db1736b






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


