1 算法介绍

传统的超分辨重建算法往往采用梯度下降法进行求解,迭代时步长往往通过经验确定。而且不同的图像的最优步长往往不相同。步长过大会导致发散,步长过小会导致收敛缓慢。本算法基于对正则化超分辨重建算法实现的基础上,对步长的选取进行了优化,推导出了每次迭代时的最优步长大小,并将其自适应化,改进了超分辨算法的收敛性,从而能够在更短的时间内取得更加精确的重建结果。相关具体内容请参考对应的论文:Yingqian Wang, Jungang Yang, Chao Xiao, and Wei An, "Fast convergence strategy for multi-image superresolution via adaptive line search," IEEE Access, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 9129-9139.

2 部分代码


% @article{wang2018fast,
% title={Fast Convergence Strategy for Multi-Image Superresolution via Adaptive Line Search},
% author={Wang, Yingqian and Yang, Jungang and Xiao, Chao and An, Wei},
% journal={IEEE Access},
% volume={6},
% pages={9129--9139},
% year={2018},
% publisher={IEEE}
% }

%% %%%%%%%%Copyright (c) 2018, All rights reserved.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

clear all

filename = 'Set';
files = dir(fullfile( filename,'*.bmp'));
file_num = 2; % different number corresponds to defferent test images in 'Set'
reg_term = 1; %regularization term: 1-BTV, 2-Tikhonov

Image =imread([filename,'\',files(file_num).name]);
SZ = size(size(Image));

if (SZ(2)==2) % turn grayscale image to RGB image
for qw = 1:3
IMAGE (:,:,qw) = Image;
IMAGE = Image;

%% Image Degradation
D = [1,1;-2,1;-1,-3;3,-2]; % Shearing shift
Gau = fspecial( 'gaussian', [3 3], 1); % Gaussian bluring kernel
spf = 2; % sampling factor
sigma2 = 1; % variation of noise
LR = ImDegrate(IMAGE,D,Gau,spf,sigma2); % image degradation function

%% Turn RGB to YCbCr, and only SR the Y component
[~, ~, ~, M] = size(LR);
for w = 1:M
LR(:,:,:,w) = rgb2ycbcr(uint8( squeeze(LR(:,:,:,w))));

maxiter = 10; % maximum number of iteration

y1(:,:,:) = LR(:,:,1,:);
y2(:,:,:) = LR(:,:,2,:);
y3(:,:,:) = LR(:,:,3,:);

HRitp1 = imresize(y1(:,:,1), spf, 'bicubic'); % bicubic interpolation
HRitp1 = ImWarp(HRitp1, -D(1,1), -D(1,2)); % shift recovering

I1 = Wang_SR(HRitp1, y1, D, Gau, spf, maxiter, reg_term); %Our proposed SR method

HRitp2 = imresize(y2(:,:,1), spf, 'bicubic');
HRitp2 = ImWarp(HRitp2, -D(1,1), -D(1,2));
I2 = HRitp2;

HRitp3 = imresize(y3(:,:,1), spf, 'bicubic');
HRitp3 = ImWarp(HRitp3, -D(1,1), -D(1,2));
I3 = HRitp3;

ImZ(:, :, 1) = I1;
ImZ(:, :, 2) = I2;
ImZ(:, :, 3) = I3;

ImZ = ycbcr2rgb(uint8( ImZ)); % Turn YCbCr to RGB

figure; imshow( uint8( ImZ ) ); title('Wang et al.');
figure; imshow( uint8( IMAGE ) ); title('groundtruth');

%% Evaluation

If = double(ImZ); %output image
Is = double(IMAGE); %reference image

for color = 1:3
Ifc = If(:,:,color); Isc = Is(:,:,color);
rmse = rmse+rmsec/3;

for color = 1:3
Ifc = If(:,:,color); Isc = Is(:,:,color);
maxIs = max(max(Isc));
minIs = min(min(Isc));
PSNRc = 10*log10((row*col*(maxIs-minIs)^2)/sum(sum((Ifc-Isc).^2)));
psnr = psnr+PSNRc/3;

for color = 1:3
Ifc = uint8(If(:,:,color)); Isc = uint8(Is(:,:,color));
ssimc = cal_ssim(Ifc, Isc, 0, 0);
ssim = ssim + ssimc/3;

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3 仿真结果



4 参考文献

[1] Wang Y ,  Yang J ,  Xiao C , et al. Fast Convergence Strategy for Multi-image Superresolution via Adaptive Line Search[J]. IEEE Access, 2018:1-1.

5 代码下载
