
1 引言

2 遗传算法理论
2.1 遗传算法的生物学基础
2.2 遗传算法的理论基础
2.3 遗传算法的基本概念
2.4 标准的遗传算法
2.5 遗传算法的特点
2.6 遗传算法的改进方向
3 遗传算法流程
4 关键参数说明


% this program is designed for optimal substation placement
function SP_main()

display('______________________________________ RESULTS STARTED _____________________________________');

global T L FinalTransPow FinalLoad FinalTransCap TransTypes AuxTransCap AuxTransPow K2 K3 MaxT
global SelCaseRow FinalTrans_x FinalTrans_y FinalLoad_x FinalLoad_x FinalLoad_y BrTransIndex
global AuxFinalTrans_x AuxFinalTrans_y AuxFinalLoad_x AuxFinalLoad_x AuxFinalLoad_y AuxFinalLoad
global FinalTLDistances VarCheckPrg
global finaltranspow finaltranscap
global PowerFactor UtilizationFactor TransformersTypes KWTransformersTypes
global InstallCosts OpenCircuitLosses ShortCircuitLosses
global CurrentTr_x CurrentTr_y
K2 = 0.0035e-3;
K3 = 0.64;
% determination of load centers & the vector of load values
DATA = xlsread('DATA.xls','Loads');
CANDIDATES = xlsread('DATA.xls','Candidates');
CURRENT_TRANSFORMERS = xlsread('DATA.xls','Current_Transformers');
DESIGN_CONSTANTS = xlsread('DATA.xls','Design_Constants');
TRANSFORMERS_TYPES = xlsread('DATA.xls','Transformers_Types');
ExcelLoad_x = DATA(:,1);
ExcelLoad_y = DATA(:,2);
ExcelLoads = DATA(:,3);
ExcelCandidates_x = CANDIDATES(:,1);
ExcelCandidates_y = CANDIDATES(:,2);
PowerFactor = DESIGN_CONSTANTS(1,1);
UtilizationFactor = DESIGN_CONSTANTS(1,2)/100;
TransformersTypes(1,:) = sort(TRANSFORMERS_TYPES(:,1));
KWTransformersTypes = ceil(UtilizationFactor*PowerFactor*TransformersTypes);
InstallCosts(1,:) = sort(TRANSFORMERS_TYPES(:,2));
OpenCircuitLosses(1,:) = sort(TRANSFORMERS_TYPES(:,3));
ShortCircuitLosses(1,:) = sort(TRANSFORMERS_TYPES(:,4));
Loads(1,:) = ExcelLoads(:,1);
Load_x(1,:) = ExcelLoad_x(:,1);
Load_y(1,:) = ExcelLoad_y(:,1);
Candidates_x(1,:) = ExcelCandidates_x(:,1);
Candidates_y(1,:) = ExcelCandidates_y(:,1);
    CurrentTr_x = CURRENT_TRANSFORMERS(:,1)';
    CurrentTr_y = CURRENT_TRANSFORMERS(:,2)';
    CurrentTrCap = CURRENT_TRANSFORMERS(:,3)';
    CurrentTrPow = ceil(UtilizationFactor*PowerFactor*CurrentTrCap);
    CurrentTr_x = [];
    CurrentTr_y = [];
    CurrentTrCap = [];
    CurrentTrPow = [];
% initialize transformer locations and powers
% one transformer in every load center. initially we assume the first
% transformer for all candidate points.
TransTypes = length(TransformersTypes);
LoadCenters = length(ExcelLoads);
CurrentTrNo = length(CurrentTr_x);
CandidateNo = length(ExcelCandidates_x);
for count1=1:CurrentTrNo,
    if CurrentTrPow(1,count1) >= ceil((400*UtilizationFactor*PowerFactor))
        LimitedCurrentTrPow(1,count1) = KWTransformersTypes(1,6);
        LimitedCurrentTrPow(1,count1) = KWTransformersTypes(1,1);
Trans_x = [CurrentTr_x Candidates_x]; 
Trans_y = [CurrentTr_y Candidates_y];
TransCap = [LimitedCurrentTrPow (KWTransformersTypes(1,1) + zeros(1,length(ExcelCandidates_x)))];
CandidateCenters = length(TransCap); % current + candidate transformers
TransPow = zeros(1,CandidateCenters);
% calculation of the distances between transformers
% this is a matrice with dimensions: (LoadCenters)*(CandidateCenters)
Distances = zeros(LoadCenters,CandidateCenters);
for count1=1:LoadCenters,
    for count2=1:CandidateCenters,
        Distances(count1,count2) = sqrt((Load_x(1,count1)-Trans_x(1,count2))^2 + (Load_y(1,count1)-Trans_y(1,count2))^2);
CanDistances = zeros(CandidateCenters);
for count1=1:CandidateCenters,
    for count2=1:count1,
        CanDistances(count1,count2) = sqrt((Trans_x(1,count1)-Trans_x(1,count2))^2 + (Trans_y(1,count1)-Trans_y(1,count2))^2);
        CanDistances(count2,count1) = CanDistances(count1,count2);
% the distances are pairly compared with 100, if they are smaller than 100
% the transformer with smaller value of load is detached.
for count1=1:CandidateCenters,
    for count2=1:CandidateCenters,
        if (CanDistances(count1,count2) <= 100) & (count1 ~= count2) & (count1 > CurrentTrNo)
            TransCap(1,count1) = 0;
            TransPow(1,count1) = 0;
% this function step-up the transformers size until it can feed the total
% loads connected to it.
% for count1=1:TransTypes,
%     for count2=1:LoadCenters,
%         if (TransCap(1,count2) < Loads(1,count2)) && (TransCap(1,count2) ~= 0)
%             TransCap(1,count2) = SP_stepup(TransCap(1,count2));
%         end;
%     end;
% end;
% in this subsection, the coordinations of the final possible transformers
% are saved in FinalTrans_x & FinalTrans_y and their values in
% FinalTransCap. similarly, the coordinations of the loadcenters to be
% attached to transformers are saved in FinalLoad_x & FinalLoad_y and their
% values in FinalLoad.
T = 1; L = LoadCenters;
for count1 = 1:CandidateCenters,
    if (TransCap(1,count1) ~= 0)
        FinalTransCap(1,T) = TransCap(1,count1);
        FinalTransPow(1,T) = 0;
        FinalTrans_x(1,T) = Trans_x(1,count1);
        FinalTrans_y(1,T) = Trans_y(1,count1);
        T = T+1;
MaxT = T-1;
% MinL = L-1;
% if ((MaxT > 23) & (VarCheckPrg == 1))
%     warndlg('MATLAB unable to solve! Try smaller number of loads',' DSP Warning');
%     display('MATLAB unable to solve! Try smaller number of loads');
%     return;
% end; 
AuxTransCap = FinalTransCap;
AuxTransPow = FinalTransPow;
AuxFinalTrans_x = FinalTrans_x;
AuxFinalTrans_y = FinalTrans_y;
AuxFinalLoad_x = Load_x;
AuxFinalLoad_y = Load_y;
AuxFinalLoad = Loads;
% calculation of Distances beetween transformers and loads in a (MinL*MaxT) matrice. 
for count1=1:LoadCenters,
    for count2=1:MaxT,
        TLDistances(count1,count2) = sqrt((AuxFinalLoad_x(1,count1)-AuxFinalTrans_x(1,count2))^2 + (AuxFinalLoad_y(1,count1)-AuxFinalTrans_y(1,count2))^2);
TotalLevels = 0;
LowLim = CurrentTrNo;
MaxLim = LowLim + (MaxT-CurrentTrNo);
for count5=LowLim:MaxLim,
    TotalLevels = TotalLevels + ceil(nchoosek(MaxT,count5));
ScalingFactor = ceil(TotalLevels/20);
TotalLevels = ceil(TotalLevels/ScalingFactor);
Index = 0;
TMat = [(CurrentTrNo+1):MaxT];
% if ((TotalLevels < 20) & (VarCheckPrg == 1))
%     warndlg('Try smaller Scaling Factor!',' DSP Warning');
%     display('Try smaller Scaling Factor!');
%     return;
% end;
% if ((TotalLevels > 300) & (VarCheckPrg == 1))
%     warndlg('Try bigger Scaling Factor!',' DSP Warning');
%     display('Try bigger Scaling Factor!');
%     return;
% end;
% if ((VarCheckPrg == 1) & ((TotalLevels <= 300) & (TotalLevels >= 20)))
%     warndlg('No problem in running program. Push "Run DSP"',' DSP Warning');
%     LEVELS = TotalLevels;
%     LEVELS
%     display('No problem in running program. Push "Run DSP"');
%     return;
% end;
close all;
cfinaltranscap = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinaltranspow = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinaltrans_x = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinaltrans_y = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinalload = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinalload_x = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinalload_y = cell(TotalLevels,1);
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for count1=0:(MaxLim-LowLim),   % MAIN for. NOTE: "count1" stands for the number of new trans.
    T = LowLim + count1;        % "LowLim" stands for the number of current transformers.
    numberOfVariables = LoadCenters;
    L = numberOfVariables;
    SelCaseMat = nchoosek(TMat,count1);
    SIZE = size(SelCaseMat);
    RowNumber = SIZE(1,1);
    for count2=1:ScalingFactor:RowNumber,
        Index = Index + 1;
        Level = Index;
        SelCaseRow = [[1:CurrentTrNo] SelCaseMat(count2,:)];  % SelCaseRow should be sent to SP_create.m. It is a selection of transformers
        % modifying FinalTrans_x,y & FinalLoad_x,y & FinalLoad &
        % FinalTransPow & FinalTransCap
        finaltranscap = zeros(1,MaxT) -1;
        finaltranspow = zeros(1,MaxT) -1;
        finaltrans_x = zeros(1,MaxT) -1;
        finaltrans_y = zeros(1,MaxT) -1;
        for count3=1:T,
            finaltranscap(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3)) = AuxTransCap(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3));
            finaltranspow(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3)) = AuxTransPow(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3));
            finaltrans_x(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3)) = AuxFinalTrans_x(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3));
            finaltrans_y(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3)) = AuxFinalTrans_y(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3));
        FinalTransCap = finaltranscap;
        FinalTransPow = finaltranspow;
        FinalTrans_x = finaltrans_x;
        FinalTrans_y = finaltrans_y;
        cfinaltranscap{Index} = finaltranscap;
        cfinaltranspow{Index} = finaltranspow;
        cfinaltrans_x{Index} = finaltrans_x;
        cfinaltrans_y{Index} = finaltrans_y;
        finalload = Loads;
        finalload_x = Load_x;
        finalload_y = Load_y;
%         Li = 0;
%         for count3=1:LoadCenters,
%             if (size(find(FinalTrans_x==Load_x(1,count3)))==[1 0] | size(find(FinalTrans_y==Load_y(1,count3)))==[1 0])
%                 Li = Li + 1;
%                 finalload(1,Li) = Loads(1,count3);
%                 finalload_x(1,Li) = Load_x(1,count3);
%                 finalload_y(1,Li) = Load_y(1,count3);
%             end;
%         end;
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1 matlab版本

2 参考文献
[1] 包子阳,余继周,杨杉.智能优化算法及其MATLAB实例(第2版)[M].电子工业出版社,2016.


