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Symbian OS uses panics to halt the flow of program execution. Unlike a leave, which can be trapped, if a panic occurs in an application running on the phone, the application will be terminated. This does not make for a good user experience, and, for this reason, panics should only be used in assertion statements, to halt code when an unrecoverable error occurs. Typically, these errors are programmatic errors and should be discovered and fixed before application shipment.

The Symbian SDK provides with a few assertion macros to verify code logic and program state. These are:

*               ASSERT, which raises a "USER 0" panic in debug builds only

*               __ASSERT_DEBUG and __ASSERT_ALWAYS allow you to specify what action to take if the condition fails, for debug only and for all builds respectively.

Or alternatively, we can always make use of User::Panic() within the code. This method panics the current thread, specifying a category name and panic number.

A few common panic codes are described below, the complete list of Symbian System Panics is located in the SDK help and online:

Symbian OS v9.x » Symbian OS reference » System panic reference[1]»




*               1 E32USER-CBase 63

*               2 E32USER-CBase 69

*               3 E32USER-CBase 71

*               4 KERN-EXEC 3

*               5 USER 13

*               6 Miscellaneous panics

*               7 Debug Panic Using Carbide C++

*               8 Related Links

[edit] E32USER-CBase 63

This panic is raised when an attempt is made to pop too many items from the cleanup stack for the current trap nest level.

HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewL(15);
// Cleanup stack contains only 1 item, buffer.
// Pop 2 items from the cleanup stack -> E32USER-CBase 63 panic

[edit] E32USER-CBase 69

All programs have their own cleanup stack, which they must create. E32USER-CBase 69 panic is raised if the cleanup stack is not created before using it. Here’s an example:

GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
// This raises E32USER-CBase 69 panic
* buffer = HBufC::NewLC(10);
return KErrNone;

[edit] E32USER-CBase 71

Anything that is pushed onto the cleanup stack inside a trap harness must be popped off before leaving the harness. E32USER-CBase 71 panic is raised when there are several nested trap harness levels, and an attempt is made to exit from one level before all the cleanup items belonging to that level have been popped off the cleanup stack. A common action that causes this panic is trapping an ‘LC’ method. Here’s an example:

TRAPD(error, pointer = CExample::SomeFunctionLC());

E32USER-CBase 71 panic is raised upon returning from the trap harness because SomeFunctionLC has placed pointer onto the cleanup stack, where it remains upon exiting this particular harness level. The panic can be avoided by popping the object from within the trap harness:

TRAPD( error, pointer = CExample::SomeFunctionLC();
::Pop(pointer) );

Now, if SomeFunctionLC leaves, pointer is destroyed as part of leave processing. If the function does not leave, then CleanupStack::Pop(pointer) is called, which avoids the panic.

Note: It is not recommended to call an LC function from inside a trap harness.

[edit] KERN-EXEC 3

KERN-EXEC 3 means a general unhandled exception. In other words, it is quite difficult to know what causes it. In this section, some suggestions are presented. A reference to an uninitialized variable:

CConsoleBase* console;
// Console initialization is commented out, causing a KERN-EXEC 3 panic
// console = Console::NewL(KTextConsoleTitle,
//   TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));

Too large a value in a formatting string that contains a pointer to a descriptor (“%S”):

_LIT(KUnitTxt, "units");
* unitTxt = KUnitTxt().AllocLC();
// The integer is too big to fit in "%d"; "%Ld" should be used instead.
TInt64 totalSize
= 12345678901;
->Printf(_L("Total size is %d %S"), totalSize, unitTxt);

[edit] USER 13

USER 13 panic is raised if an invalid variable list is passed to the AppendFormatList function when the format is %S or %s. In the following example, the panic is raised by _L macro, because %d contains only the first 32 bits of the 64 bit totalWeight. This causes the remaining 32 bits flow over and be considered as a pointer because of the %S formatting character.

_LIT(KUnitTxt, "kg");
// TInt64 type requires %Ld or %Lu as the formatting character, not %d
TInt64 totalWeight
= 150;
->Printf(_L("Total weight is %d %S"), totalWeight, &KUnitTxt);
:   This panic is raised only in debug builds.


[edit] Miscellaneous panics

Panic code



E32USER-CBase 90

An item to be popped is not the expected item.

Check the call to CleanupStack::Pop


An assertion has not been met.

Check the assertion.


[edit] Debug Panic Using Carbide C++

Open the Carbide C++ Debug Dialog.Check on the Option below.This will help to debug various panics like KERN - EXEC - 3 ,USER 130 etc very easily.Last option does work in 3rd edition so just uncheck it . :)



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ESP32 panic是指ESP32芯片在运行过程中发生了严重的错误,导致系统无法正常运行并停止工作。当ESP32发生panic时,会输出一些错误信息以帮助开发者进行故障排查。 ESP32 panic的常见原因包括: 1. 内存溢出:当程序占用的内存超过了ESP32的可用内存时,可能导致panic。 2. 任务调度错误:如果任务的优先级设置不当或者存在死锁等问题,可能导致panic。 3. 外设驱动错误:与外设交互时,如果存在配置错误或者数据传输异常,可能导致panic。 4. 中断处理错误:中断处理函数中的错误代码或者调用方式不正确,可能导致panic。 5. 软件错误:代码编写不规范或者存在逻辑错误,可能导致panic。 对于ESP32 panic的解决方法,可以采取以下步骤: 1. 查看panic信息:通过串口或者调试工具获取panic输出的详细信息,以了解具体的错误原因。 2. 分析代码:根据panic信息和代码结构,定位可能引起panic的代码段,检查是否存在潜在的问题。 3. 内存管理:检查代码中是否存在内存泄漏或者过多的内存使用,合理管理内存。 4. 任务调度优化:合理设置任务的优先级和调度策略,避免死锁和资源竞争。 5. 外设驱动检查:确保与外设的通信和配置正确无误,避免异常情况发生。 6. 中断处理函数:检查中断处理函数中的代码逻辑和调用方式,确保正确性。 7. 代码审查:仔细审查代码,查找潜在的逻辑错误和不规范编写的地方。




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