sure there is!. It's called grdesktop. Install it using you ordinary package manager. If you like you can also compile it by hand. I noticed a dependency on rdesktop. (while installing it within a gentoo linux system) You can download the source code from a mirror on the dutch university in the city of Twente.

I presume the installation by hand is simple.

Grdesktop depends on rdesktop I guess, thus it's saver to install rdesktop first. But do as you like and see what happens.

The general recept is something like :->

tar -zxvf file-name
cd into the new directory
run something like:
sh ./configure
make install

In the end you should be stuck with a binairy called grdesktop. You can run it from a shell or make a nice little clickable item. That's all up to you.

if all I said isn't working, don't start complaining, just read the installation guide. These might be included in the for mentioned downloads but perhaps maybe not. I don't know and I don't care.

