

Community support is available at urlrewrite google group.

Read examples of usage and a    sample of the ant task report.    If you have any suggestions/examples for this manual please post them to the    group.


  1. Add Maven dependency below or add        urlrewritefilter-4.0.3.jar        directly into your WEB-INF/lib directory.          
  2. Add the following to your WEB-INF/web.xml (add it near the top above your        servlet mappings (if you have any)): (see filter        parameters for more options)       
  3. Add urlrewrite.xml         into your WEB-INF directory. (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ for Maven users)
  4. Restart the context.

You can visit    (or whatever the address of your local webapp and context)    to see output (note: this page is only viewable from localhost).

Filter Parameters

There are a few advanced filter parameters for enabling conf file reloading etc. There are self-explanatory.


    <!-- set the amount of seconds the conf file will be checked for reload
    can be a valid integer (0 denotes check every time,
    -1 denotes no reload check, default -1) -->

    <!-- if you need to the conf file path can be changed
    it is specified as a path relative to the root of your context
    (default /WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml) -->

    <!-- sets up log level (will be logged to context log)
    can be: slf4j, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO (default), WARN, ERROR, FATAL,
    sysout:{level} (ie, sysout:DEBUG)
    if you are having trouble using normal levels use sysout:DEBUG
    (default WARN) -->

    <!-- you can change status path so that it does not
    conflict with your installed apps (note, defaults
    to /rewrite-status) note, must start with / -->

    <!-- you can disable status page if desired
    can be: true, false (default true) -->

    <!-- you may want to allow more hosts to look at the status page
    statusEnabledOnHosts is a comma delimited list of hosts, * can
    be used as a wildcard (defaults to "localhost, local,") -->
        <param-value>localhost, dev.*.myco.com, *.uat.mycom.com</param-value>

    <!-- you may want to allow more hosts to look at the status page
    statusEnabledOnHosts is a comma delimited list of hosts, * can
    be used as a wildcard (defaults to "localhost, local,") -->
        <param-value>localhost, dev.*.myco.com, *.uat.mycom.com</param-value>

    <!-- defaults to false. use mod_rewrite style configuration file (if this is true and confPath
    is not specified confPath will be set to /WEB-INF/.htaccess) -->

    <!-- load mod_rewrite style configuration from this parameter's value.
            note, Setting this parameter will mean that all other conf parameters are ignored.
                RewriteRule ^/~([^/]+)/?(.*) /u/$1/$2 [R]
                RewriteRule ^/([uge])/([^/]+)$ /$1/$2/ [R]

    <!-- defaults to false. allow conf file to be set by calling /rewrite-status/?conf=/WEB-INF/urlrewrite2.xml
            designed to be used for testing only



Note, setting logLevel to slf4j will cause the built in logging to    call slf4j as if it was the logging framework,    obviously you will need to have the jar for slf4j in your classpath.

Configuration File WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml

<urlrewrite>                   <rule>                   <outbound-rule>                   <class-rule>
<name>                   <note>                   <condition>                   <from>                   <to>                   <set>                   <run>                  
Back References                   Variables                   Functions              

Configuration is done via a simple XML file that lives in your WEB-INF folder. It should be named    urlrewrite.xml.    It may be helpful to read the UrlRewriteFilter DTD    (Document Type Definition). Please also make sure you look at the examples. A simple    configuration file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE urlrewrite
    PUBLIC "-//tuckey.org//DTD UrlRewrite 4.0//EN"


       <to type="redirect">/very/newdir/$1</to>

    <rule match-type="wildcard">
       <to type="redirect">/roller/history/$1</to>


The urlrewrite.xml file must have a root element called "urlrewrite" and must contain    at least one "rule" element.

A "rule" must contain a "from" and a "to", and can have zero or more "condition" elements and zero or more and/or    "set" elements.

When a "rule" is processed against an incoming request, all the "condition" elements must be met, then    the "from" will be applied to the request URL and the final URL generated by applying the    "to" to the "from" pattern. So long as the rule has matched then the "set" will be run.

When executing a rule the filter will (very simplified) loop over all rules and for each do something like this psuedo code:

Pattern.compile(<from> element);
pattern.matcher(request url);
matcher.replaceAll(<to> element);
if ( <condition> elements match && matcher.find() ) {
    handle <set> elements (if any)
    execute <run> elements (if any)
    perform <to> element (if any)

<urlrewrite> element

The top level element.

AttributePossible ValueExplanation
regex (default)All rules and thier conditions will be processed using the Java Regular Expression engine (unless            match-type is specified on a rule).
wildcardAll rules and thier conditions will be processed using the Wildcard Expression            engine            (unless match-type is specified on a rule).
header,utf8 (default)When URL is decoded request.getCharacterEncoding() will be used, if that is empty UTF-8 will be used.       
nullDo not decode at all. (note, this means the literal string null e.g. decode-using="null")
headerOnly use request.getCharacterEncoding() to decode.
[encoding]Only use a specific character encoding eg, ISO-8859-1.            See Java Charset Object            for all character encodings.       
header,[encoding]            When URL is decoded request.getCharacterEncoding() will be used, if that is empty a specific character            encoding eg, ISO-8859-1.            See Java Charset Object            for all character encodings.       
false (default)The query string will not be appended to the url that the "from" element matches against.
trueThe query string will be appended to the url that the "from" element matches against.
false (default)The context path will not be added to the url that the "from" element matches against.
trueThe context path will be added to the url that the "from" element matches against.

<rule> element

Zero or more. The basis of a rule.

AttributePossible ValueExplanation
true (default)Enable this rule.
falseDisable this rule.
regex (default)This rule and it's conditions will be processed using the Java Regular Expression engine.
wildcardThis rule and it's conditions will be processed using the Wildcard Expression engine.       

In the following example requests for /world/usa/nyc will be transparently forwarded to    /world.jsp

<rule match-type="regex">
<rule match-type="wildcard">

<outbound-rule> element

Zero or more. This is very similar to a normal rule but it is used for rewriting urls that go through    response.encodeURL().

AttributePossible ValueExplanation
true (default)Enable this rule.
falseDisable this rule.
false (default)Run encodeURL() after running this outbound rule.
trueRun encodeURL() before running this outbound rule.

May contain "run", "from", "to" and "set" element(s) also. Example:


Using the example above JSP's with the code   
<a href="<%= response.encodeURL("/world.jsp?country=usa&amp;city=nyc")    %>">nyc</a>
will output   
<a href="/world/usa/nyc">nyc</a>

Or JSTL   
<a href="<c:url value="/world.jsp?country=${country}&amp;city=${city}"    />">nyc</a>
will output   
<a href="/world/usa/nyc">nyc</a>

Note, If you are using JSTL (ie, <c:url) this will work also.

<name> element

An optional element used for documenting the name of the rule. This can be used with rule and outbound-rule.    See ant task.

    <name>World Rule</name>

<note> element

A simple optional element used for documentation of the rule. This can be used with rule and outbound-rule.    See ant task.

    <name>World Rule</name>
        Cleanly redirect world requests to JSP,
        a country and city must be specified.

<condition> element

An element that lets you choose conditions for the rule. Note, all conditions must be met for the rule to be run    (unless "next" is set to "or" obvoiusly).

Value can be any Regular Expression.

AttributePossible ValueExplanation
header (default)If used, the header name must be specified in the "name" attribute.
methodThe method of the request. GET, POST, HEAD etc.
portThe port that the web application server is running on.
time    Current time at the server (this will be the number of seconds since 00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC otherwise known as unix    time).   
i.e. (new Date()).getTime()
This can be used for making sure content goes live only at a time you set.
year    Current year at the server.   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.YEAR)
month    Month at the server. January is 0   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.MONTH)
dayofmonth    Day of the month at the server. March first is 1   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)
dayofweek    Day of the week at the server. Saturday is 1, Sunday is 7   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
ampm    AM or PM time at the server.   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.AM_PM)
hourofday    The hour of the day (24 hour clock) at the server. 10pm is 22   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)
minute    The minute field of the current time at the server.   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.MINUTE)
second    The second field of the current time at the server.   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.SECOND)
millisecond    The millisecond field of the current time at the server.   
i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)
attribute    Will check the value of a request attribute (don't confuse this with parameter!), name must be set when    using this type.   
i.e. request.getAttribute([name])
auth-type    Will check the value of a request attribute (don't confuse this with parameter!)   
i.e. request.getAuthType()
character-encoding    The character encoding of the imcoming request.   
i.e. request.getCharacterEncoding()
content-length    The length of the imcoming request (can be useful if you want to deny large requests).   
i.e. request.getContentLength()
content-type    The type of the imcoming request. (this is probably not that useful)   
i.e. request.getContentType()
context-path    The context path of the imcoming request.   
i.e. request.getContextPath()
cookie    The value of a cookie, note, name must be specified to use this   
i.e. request.getCookies() the find we the one with [name] specified and check the value.
parameter    A tidier way of checking request parameters than looking for them in the query string. This will check for the    parameter in GET or POST, note, name must be specified.   
i.e. request.getParameter([name])
path-info    i.e. request.getPathInfo()
path-translated    i.e. request.getPathTranslated()
protocolThe protocol used to make the request, e.g. HTTP/1.1   
i.e. request.getProtocol()
query-stringThe query string used to make the request (if any), e.g. id=2345&name=bob   
i.e. request.getQueryString()
remote-addrThe IP address of the host making the request, e.g.   
i.e. request.getRemoteAddr()
remote-hostThe host name of the host making the request, e.g. 123qw-dsl.att.com (note,    this will only work if your app server is configured to lookup host names, most aren't).   
i.e. request.getRemoteHost()
remote-userThe login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, e.g. bobt   
i.e. request.getRemoteUser()
requested-session-idReturns the session ID specified by the client, e.g. 2344asd234sada4   
i.e. request.getRequestedSessionId()
requested-session-id-from-cookieWhether the requested session ID is from a cookie or not   
i.e. request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()
requested-session-id-from-urlWhether the requested session ID is from the URL or not   
i.e. request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()
requested-session-id-validWhether the requested session ID is valid or not   
i.e. request.isRequestedSessionIdValid()
request-uriReturns the part of this request's URL from the protocol name up to the query    string in the first line of the HTTP request   
i.e. request.getRequestURI()
request-urlReconstructs the URL the client used to make the request. The returned URL    contains a protocol, server name, port number, and server path, but it does not include query string parameters.   
i.e. request.getRequestURL()
session-attribute    (note, name must be set)   
i.e. session.getAttribute([name])
session-isnew    Weather the session is new or not.   
i.e. session.isNew()
server-name    The host name of the server to which the request was sent (from the host header not the machine name).   
i.e. request.getServerName()
scheme    The scheme used for the request, e.g. http or https   
i.e. request.getScheme()
user-in-role    (Note, the value for this cannot be a regular expression)   
i.e. request.isUserInRole([value])
(can be anything)If type is header, this specifies the name of the HTTP header used to run the value        against.
and (default)The next "rule" and this "rule" must match.
orThe next "rule" or this "condition" may match.
equal (default)Equals. The operator to be used when the condition is run, the regular expression matches or the values are        equal.
notequalNot equal to. (i.e. request value != condition value). Note, this operator only work with    numeric rule types.
greaterGreater than. (i.e. request value > condition value). Note, this operator only work with    numeric    rule types.
lessLess than. (i.e. request value < condition value). Note, this operator only work with numeric    rule types.
greaterorequalGreater to or equal to. (i.e. request value >= condition value). Note, this operator    only    work with numeric rule types.
lessorequalLess than or equal to. (i.e. request value <= condition value). Note, this operator only    work with numeric rule types.


<condition name="user-agent" operator="notequal">Mozilla/[1-4]</condition>

<condition type="user-in-role" operator="notequal">bigboss</condition>

<condition name="host" operator="notequal">www.example.com</condition>

<condition type="method" next="or">PROPFIND</condition>
<condition type="method">PUT</condition>

<from> element

You must always have exactly one from for each rule or outbound-rule. Value can be a regular expression in the    Perl5 style. Note, from url's are relative to the context.

AttributePossible ValueExplanation
false (default)This value will be matched using case insentitive match. ie, "/WellingtoN" will match "/wellington".       
trueThis value will be matched using case sentitive match. ie, "/aAa" will NOT match "/aaa".       



<to> element

Value can be a regular replacement expression in the Perl5 style.

AttributePossible ValueExplanation
forward (default)Requests matching the "conditions" for this "rule", and the URL in the "from" element will be internally            forwarded            to the URL specified in the "to" element. Note: In this case the "to" URL must be in the same context as            UrlRewriteFilter. This is the same as doing:           
RequestDispatcher rq = request.getRequestDispatcher([to value]);           
rq.forward(request, response);
passthroughIdentical to "forward".
redirectRequests matching the "conditions" and the "from" for this rule will be HTTP redirected.            This is the same a doing:           
HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect([to value]))
permanent-redirectThe same as doing:           
response.setHeader("Location", [to value]);

(note, SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY is HTTP status code 301)
temporary-redirectThe same as doing:           
response.setHeader("Location", [to value]);

(note, SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY is HTTP status code 302)
proxyThe request will be proxied to the full url specified.  commons-http and commons-codec must both be in the            classpath to use this feature.       
false (default)The rest of the "rules" will be processed if this one succeeds.
trueNo more "rules" will be processed if this one is a match.
false (default if under rule)response.encodeURL([to])            will be run on the to url before performing the rewrite.
true (default if under outbound-rule)response.encodeURL([to])            will NOT be called.
 If your application server is configured to allow "cross context" communication then this attribute can be used            to forward (and only forward, not redirect or other "to" types) requests to a named servlet context.           

On Tomcat, for instance, the application contexts in the server configuration (server.xml or            context.xml) need the option crossContext="true".  For instance, the two applications mentioned before            ("app" and "forum") have to be defined as:           

<Context docBase="app" path="/app" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"/>
<Context docBase="forum" path="/forum" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"/>
false (default) 
trueAppend the query string to the to url when redirecting or forwarding.

Note, "to" can be null ie, <to>null</to>, this will mean that the request will go no    further if the rule is matched (ie, this filter will not call chain.doFilter).

If "to" is set to -, no substitution will take place and the request will go on like nothing happened (ie, this filter will call chain.doFilter).


To elements can contain backreferences and variables.


Provides access to the grouped parts (parentheses) of the pattern from the last matched Condition    in the current rule.    N must be less than 10 and greater than 0 (i.e. %1, %2, %3 etc).


Any valid condition type can be used as a variable name. ie,    '%{port}' will be translated to '80',    '%{year}' to '2005',    '%{cookie:myCookie}' would be translated to    'myCookieValue' (assuming the user had a cookie named myCookie with the value myCookieValue).

Valid types are condition types, see condition for a full description.


Functions can be places in set and to elements.

NameExampleExample ReturnsExplanation
replace${replace:my cat is a blue cat:cat:dog}my dog is a blue dog 
replaceFirst${replaceFirst:my cat is a blue cat:cat:dog}my cat is a blue dog 
escape${escape:utf8:a b c}a+b+cEscapes/Encodes string using URLEncoder.encode using the specified encoding.
unescape${unescape:utf8:a+b+c}a b cUnescapes/Unencodes string using URLEncoder.decode using the specified encoding.
lower${lower:Hello World}hello world 
trim${trim: abc def }abc def 

<set> element

Allows you to set varous things if the rule is matched.

AttributePossible ValueExplanation
request (default)The same as request.setAttribute([name],            [value])            (note, name must be set).
sessionThe same as request.getSesison(true).setAttribute([name],            [value])            (note, name must be set).
response-headerThe same as response.setHeader([name],            [value])            (note, name must be set).
cookie            Value can be in the format "[value][:domain[:lifetime[:path]]]".            This sets a cookie on the client's browser. The cookie's name is specified by the name attribute. The domain            field is the domain of the cookie, such as '.apache.org',the optional lifetime is the lifetime of the cookie            in seconds, and the optional path is the path of the cookie (note, name must be set).       
statusThe same as response.setStatus([value])       
content-typeThe same as response.setContentType([value])       
charsetThe same as response.setCharacterEncoding([value])       
expiresWill set the Expires HTTP header by adding the time specified and current time            (this is mod_expires style). Syntax "{num type}*".            Units can be (singular or plural);            years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds.           
eg, "1 day 2 seconds", "3 hours", "1 year 1 hour"         
localeThe same as response.setLocale([value])                    specify the Locale in the format            (valid            locales are, zh, zh-CN, zh-CN-southern i.e. "-" separating the language, country and variant (if any)).       
parameterEnables you to override a request.getParameter(String) with a custom value
methodEnables you to override request.getMethod() with a custom value
(can be anything)If type is request, session, response-header, cookie this specifies the name item.

In the following example a request attribute "client" will be set to "AvantGo" or "Samsung SCH-6100", this can be    fetched in a servlet or    JSP using request.getAttribute("client").

    <condition name="user-agent">Mozilla/3\.0 (compatible; AvantGo .*)</from>
    <set name="client">AvantGo</set>
    <condition name="user-agent">UP\.Browser/3.*SC03 .* </from>
    <set name="client">Samsung SCH-6100</set>

It is also possible to use regular replacement expressions as part of the    value similar to their usage in <to> elements:

    <set name="urlrewrite.product.slug">$1</set>
    <set name="urlrewrite.product.id">$2</set>

<run> element

Allows you to run a method on an object when a rule and it's conditions are matched.

AttributePossible valueExplanation
class The class you want to run a method on. Must be a fully qualified name.
method (optional)run (default)The method you want to run, the method must have the parameters (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)            e.g. run(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
Note, if init(ServletConfig) or destroy() is found they will be run at when            creating            or destroying an instance.       
neweachtime (optional)false (default)One instance for each UrlRewriteFilter instance.
trueA new instance of the class will be created before running each time set to true.

When the rule in the following example is matched, WorldServlet.goGet(HttpServletRequest,    HttpServletResponse)    will be invoked, the request will then be forwarded to /world-presentation.jsp.

    <run class="com.blah.web.WorldServlet" method="doGet" />

Note, you can specify init-param's the same way you would for a servlet.

<run class="com.blah.web.MyServlet" method="doGet">

If the method being called throws an Exception the original exception will be re-thrown as if it were the original    if it extends RuntimeException (eg, NullPointer), other exceptions are wrapped in a ServletException and thrown    so your container can handle them.

<class-rule> element

Allows you to run a method every time a request come in for 100% dynamic rules. See the org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.sample package for an example.

classThe class you want to run a method on. Must be a fully qualified name.
method (optional, default matches)The method you want to run, the method must have the parameters (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)            e.g. run(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
Note, if init(ServletConfig) or destroy() is found they will be run at when            creating or destroying an instance.       
last (optional, default trueIf false more rules will be processed following this rule even if it is matched (so that a better match may be found).


<class-rule class="com.blah.web.MyRuleClass" />


  • When you want to put an "&" in a rule you must enter it as the XML entity "&amp;"
  • For simplicity you might want to start all from's with a ^ and end them with a $.       
    In regular expressions ^ specifies the start of        the string and $ specifies the end.       
    ie, a request for /my/url/path will NOT match        <from>^/url/$</from> but it will match <from>/url/</from>
  • If using <outbound-rule> remember all urls in your code must be encoded e.g.        <a href="<%= response.encodeURL("/some/olddir/b.jsp") %>">my link</a>
  • Regular expressions are complex and a bit tricky at times, read        regular expression syntax for            Java.
  • If you find regular expressions difficult use Wildcards.
  • "Context" is important.  If you have an app with the context "/myapp" and you request the url        "/myapp/somefolder/somepage.jsp", the container tells UrlRewriteFilter that the url is "/somefolder/somepage.jsp".        This can be confusing, but basically your rules and conditions should not contain the context path        (it will be handled by the container).

Wildcard Matching Engine

The wildcard matching engine can be used instead of regex. It is supported in conditions and rules    where match-type is set to wildcard (or default-match-type is set on the    urlrewrite element

e.g. /big/url/* will match /big/url/abc.html but will NOT    match /big/url/abc/dir/ or /big/url/abc/.

/big/url/** will match /big/url/abc.html, /big/url/abc/dir/ and    /big/url/abc/.

You can also use Regular expression style variable replacement, each match of a * will    be available for use in to and set elements using simple $1$2 variables.

e.g. /my/big/url/* will match /my/big/url/abc.html and $1    will be set to abc.html.

Added in 3.0

Ant Task

An Ant task has been written to allow validate the conf file and generation    of documentation. You can view a sample.

Paste the following into your build.xml file, then change the dest    and conf to point to the correct places. Note, the urlrewrite jar    file will need to be in your classpath.

<target name="urlrewrite-doc" depends="compile"
    description="UrlRewriteFilter validation and documenting">

<taskdef name="urlrewritedoc" classpath="lib/urlrewritefilter-4.0.3.jar"
    classname="org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.UrlRewriteDocTask" />
    dest="urlrewrite-conf-overview.html" />

mod_rewrite Style Configuration

Sample web.xml snippet:


     <!-- defaults to false. use mod_rewrite style configuration file (if this is true and confPath
     is not specified confPath will be set to /WEB-INF/.htaccess) -->

             # redirect mozilla to another area
             RewriteCond  %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}  ^Mozilla.*
             RewriteRule  ^/no-moz-here$                 /homepage.max.html  [L]




OR alternately set modRewriteConf to true in filter parameters and add a WEB-INF/.htaccess file with    your mod_rewrite style configuration in it.


    <!-- defaults to false. use mod_rewrite style configuration file (if this is true and confPath
    is not specified confPath will be set to /WEB-INF/.htaccess) -->



Sample: WEB-INF/.htaccess

# redirect mozilla to another area
RewriteCond  %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}  ^Mozilla.*
RewriteRule  ^/no-moz-here$                 /homepage.max.html  [L]




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