代码训练营 Day4 | 24. 两两交换链表中的节点 | 19.删除链表的倒数第N个节点 | 142.环形链表II

24. 两两交换链表中的节点

  1. 两两交换链表中的节点难点在于搞清楚要先让那两个节点进行交换,以及交换的顺序是怎么样的?
  2. 以题目为例: 我们的操作指针指向2,需要先保存操作指针前一个节点,以及操作指针后一个节点,也就是说需要用temp保存节点1和节点3
  3. 让指针2 指向 指针1, 再让 指针1 指向指针3
    1. 原链表: 1->2->3->4
    2. 目前: 2->1->3->4
    3. 我们已经换掉了前两个节点,但是3和4还没有换
  4.  当完成上面交换操作之后,让操作指针移动到下个要操作的节点前一位,这里也就是移动到节点1
  5. 使用while循环重复上述操作即可;while循环的遍历条件需注意:
    1. current.next != null && current.next.next != null
    2. 这两个顺序是有差别的,一定要让current,next写在前面,如果让current.next.next在前面先进行判断的话很有可能会遇到 空指针而引发报错
    3. current.next在前面遇到空的话会利用 逻辑运算符 短路特性 从而直接返回False跳出循环
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
class Solution(object):
    def swapPairs(self, head):
        :type head: ListNode
        :rtype: ListNode
        we need let 2 point to 1 first, then let 1 point to 3,
            after we doing this, move our pointer to the node 3 before(original linklist)
        in order operate the linklist like this, 
        we should use temp to store the node before current node, and after current node

        # create dummy_head
        dummy_head = ListNode(next=head)
        current = dummy_head

        # while loop will condition shoudl be cur->next && cur->next->next == None
        # we should let current.next write first, otherwise it might appear Error, empty pointer
        while(current.next is not None and current.next.next is not None):
            # store the node before current pointer(save node 1 address)
            temp = current.next
            # store the node after current pointer(save node 3 address)
            temp1 = current.next.next.next

            # let current move to node 2
            current.next = current.next.next
            # start swap
            # let node 2 point to node 1
            current.next.next = temp
            # let node 1 point to node 3
            temp.next = temp1

            # move our current pointer to node 3 position, to swap 3 and 4
            current = current.next.next

        # return our head
        return dummy_head.next 

19. 删除链表的倒数第N个节点

  1. 首先我们要达到链表的末尾,其次要能获取到要移除节点的前一个节点(链表中不能删除元素,只能通过修改要删除节点的前一个节点地址指向下下个节点,从而达到删除的目的)意味着我们要使用双指针(快慢指针); 因为两个指针要移动到的地方不一样
  2. 这里我们需要让fast指针移动 n+1步数,如果只是移动n步的话,等下我们fast和slow指针一起移动slow指针指向的位置不是要移除节点的前一个,而是指向要移除的节点,所以这里fast要先走n+1步
  3. 判断fast指针有没有达到链表的尾部,让fast和slow指针一起移动
  4. 让slow指针指向下下个节点达成删除节点目的
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
class Solution(object):
    def removeNthFromEnd(self, head, n):
        :type head: ListNode
        :type n: int
        :rtype: ListNode

        use two pointer method
            let fast pointer move nth+1 step ahead, and then fast and slow pointer move togther
        # create dummy_head
        dummy_head = ListNode(next=head)
        # create two pointer, fast and slow
        fast = dummy_head
        slow = dummy_head

        # let fast move nth+1 step ahead
        for _ in range(n):
            fast = fast.next
        # this is + 1 step,purpose is let slow can reach the node before nth node(remove node)
        fast = fast.next

        # fast and slow pointer move toghter
        while fast:
            fast = fast.next
            slow = slow.next
        # slow point to the node before nth node
        slow.next = slow.next.next

        return dummy_head.next

142. 环形链表 II(双指针)

  1. 判断环是否存在:

    1. 使用快慢指针判断链表是否有环
    2.  如果没有环是个直线,快慢指针永远不可能相遇
    3. 如果快慢指针相遇了,说明有环

      1. 快指针每次走两个节点,慢指针走一个节点; 从起点出发

      2. 快慢指针一定相遇,在环中快指针其实就是在追慢指针(可以想象成跑步套圈)

      3. 快指针对于慢指针来说是每次以一个节点速度去靠近慢指针;所以永远不可能跳过慢指针而是两个指针相遇

  2. 环存在,判断入口:(下面为数学证明,可以跳过;结论为一个指针在起点一个指针在fast和slow指针相交点,两者一起移动最后会在环的入口相遇)

    1. 从起点到入口处设为x

      2. 从入口位置到相遇位置设为y

      3. 从相遇位置到入口位置设为z

          1. slow pointer = x+y ; 速度

          2. fast pointer = x+y+n(y+z); n代表快慢指针相遇之前快指针在环里走了几圈的圈数 ; 速度

          3. 通过 distance / velocity * time来列出下面等式,因为时间相同路程相同所以速度可以列为一样

          4. 2(x+y) = x+y+n(y+z)

              1. x+y = n(y+z)

              2. x = n(y+z)-y

              3. n >= 1因为快指针肯定要最少跑了一圈才能追上慢指针

              4. x = ny+nz-y

              5. x = (n-1)y+nz

              6. x = (n-1)y+(n-1)z+z; 这里后面的(n-1)z+z其实就是nz只不过是拆开的

              7. x = (n-1)(y+z)+z

              8. 当n等于1的时候;快指针转了一圈和慢指针相遇了

              9. x = z

  3. 通过上述可知,一个指针在起点一个指针在z点,两者一起移动最后会在环的入口相遇


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def detectCycle(self, head):
        :type head: ListNode
        :rtype: ListNode
        1.slow pointer = x+y ; 速度
        2. fast pointer = x+y+n(y+z); n代表快慢指针相遇之前快指针在环里走了几圈的圈数 ; 速度
        3. 通过 distance / velocity * time来列出下面等式,因为时间相同路程相同所以速度可以列为一样 
        4. 2(x+y) = x+y+n(y+z)
            1. x+y = n(y+z)
            2. x = n(y+z)-y
            3. n >= 1因为快指针肯定要最少跑了一圈才能追上慢指针
            4. x = ny+nz-y
            5. x = (n-1)y+nz
            6. x = (n-1)y+(n-1)z+z; 这里后面的(n-1)z+z其实就是nz只不过是拆开的
            7. x = (n-1)(y+z)+z
            8. 当n等于1的时候;快指针转了一圈和慢指针相遇了
            9. x = z
        5. 通过上述可知,一个指针在起点一个指针在z点,两者一起移动最后会在环的入口相遇

        # use two pointer
        fast = head
        slow = head

        # we don't need to check fast.next.next is none or not, if fast.next || fast is none we end loop
        while(fast is not None and fast.next is not None):
            # we let fast move two step each time, we let fast pointer cheese slow pointer
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next

            # fast and slow met,means it has cycle; detemine cycle is exist or not
            if(fast == slow):
                # record position where those two pointer met; which is position z
                index1 = fast
                # record linklist start positionl; which is position x
                index2 = head

                # since we know that index1 and index2 move same speed, at some point x=z; that means index1=index2
                while(index1 != index2):
                    index1 = index1.next
                    index2 = index2.next
                # finished loop, means index1 = index2; that's our first node in our cycle
                return index1
        # if we didn't return after inside while loop excute, that means we don't have cycle
        return None





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