Tafiti Search Visualization Deployment Guide

Tafiti Search Visualization Deployment Guide 

  This deployment guide is very large (~ 3-4 MB). You can download an XPS of this Wiki Page from here(NOTE: this file may get out of sync with the Wiki).
  Windows Live Account Setup
  Database setup 每 without Management Tools (SQLCMD)
  Database setup 每 with Management Tools
  Web Application Setup
  Solution Overview (Projects)
  Configuring Live ID Web Authentication
  Configuring Database Connection String
  Configuring Search API settings
  Configuring AdCenter Analytics
  Building the project
  Executing &Smoke testing
  Start the project
  Testing Shelves
  Deployment options
  Demonstration Script
  Demonstration machine configuration
  Apple Mac
  PC (Windows Vista/Windows XP)
  Demonstration Walkthrough
  FAQ / More information
  Server / Development Environment Setup / Pre-requisites Install the following on your computer (Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista or later):
  IIS 6.0 or later
  If IIS 6.0, you'll need to configure it for Silverlight (see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms752346.aspx)
  SQL Server 2005 (http://www.microsoft.com/sql/downloads/trial-software.mspx)
  NOTE: You can download SQL Express for free from hereand the SQL Express Management tools from here
  .NET Framework 2.0 (Windows Update)
  .NET Framework 3.0 (Windows Update)
  ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
  ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
  Microsoft AntiXSS Library
  Microsoft Visual Studio 2008or Visual Web Developer 2008 (free)
  Windows Live Account SetupYou will need to gain access and/or credentials from each of the following, which will be stored in the Web.config of the Web project:
  Windows Live Authentication (http://msm.live.com/app) (see the web.config for redirect URLs - http://localhost:50008/WLQuickApps.Tafiti.WebSite/Register.aspx if you are running in local debug mode)
  Time Lapse in setting up account: Instant
  Database setup 每 without Management Tools (SQLCMD)You can configure the database via the Command Line if you do not have the SQL Server Management Studio installed. This can be done via the SQLCMD command line (tutorial).
  Open a command prompt and change the directory to:
  C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/90/Tools/Binn
  To connect with the SQL instance type:
  sqlcmd 每S ./SQLExpress
  Paste the following statement and press ENTER. NOTE: These databases will be created in C:/temp if you wish for them to be created elsewhere modify the script before you paste it into the command window.CREATE DATABASE TafitiON
  PRIMARY ( NAME = N'Tafiti', FILENAME = N'c:/temp/Tafiti.mdf' , SIZE = 41984KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )
  LOG ON ( NAME = N'Tafiti_log', FILENAME = N'c:/temp/Tafiti_log.ldf' , SIZE = 22144KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)
  Quit the existing SQLCMD session by typing Quitand press ENTER
  Create the objects using the Create.sql by using the 每i (InputFile) parameter
  sqlcmd 每s ./SQLExpress 每i C:/Code/Codeplex/WLQuickApps/WLQuickApps.Tafiti/create.sql
  Database setup 每 with Management Tools (SQL Server Management Studio)If you have the SQL Server Management Studio installed you can create a new database and configure the tables.
  Open the SQL Server Management Studio
  Create a database called Tafiti
  Run the create.sqlscript found in the project root to set up the tables NOTE: be sure to run this against the Tafiti database and not the master database.
  Open the create.sqlfile in the SQL Management studio (File --> Open --> File) or CTRL+O
  Click Execute to run the script
  See the command has completed successfully
  Web Application SetupThe web application has several settings in the web.configwhich must be configured to make this application successfully execute.
  Open your development Environment (Visual Web Developer or Visual Studio 2008)
  Open the solution file
  Solution Overview (Projects)
  The solution will open with 3 projects:
  Website 每 the presentation layer
  Business 每 the business layer which stores non presentation specific logic
  Data 每 the data layer manages the persistence of objects back into the data provider (in this case SQL Server)
  Configuring Live ID Web AuthenticationBe sure to update Web.configwith the credentials obtained from the Windows Live? ID configuration steps above. You must copy and paste the Windows Live App ID and the Secret Key
  Configuring Database Connection String
  Verify the connection string is correct by default it uses ./SQLExpress with Integrated security.
  You must also copy the connection string into   
  Configuring Search API settings
  Generate a Search API developer key at http://search.msn.com/developer
  Embed the search API key in the Web.Config
  Configuring AdCenter AnalyticsIf you have an AdCenter analytics account or would like your usage of Tafiti to be reported set this field. If you don*t want to report usage of the Tafiti code set the field as blank. AdCenter Analytics accounts are not broadly available yet.
  Building the project
  Executing &Smoke testingTo test Tafiti Search Visualization you need to run the code and step over the key areas such as:
  UX Rendering 每 does the website render
  Search API Queries 每 is the search API accessible and has the API Key been successfully set
  Authentication 每 has the Windows Live? ID Web Authentication been configured correctly
  Storage 每 has the SQL database connection string and objects been created/configured correctly.
  Start the projectYou can either F5 to start debugging or right click on the default.aspx to start the local web server.
  NOTE: It may take a couple of minutes for the Search API key to become active, during this time you will see: An Error has occurred.
  Testing ShelvesA shelf is a saved set of search results. You can test these by authenticating and dragging search results to the right hand site. This will test the following piece of technology: Live ID authentication, SQL connection &SQL schema.
  NOTE: If you see this error after authentication means you are redirecting to a different port than the debugger is running on. Change this by selecting the Website project and then the property window and change the dynamic ports to FALSE and 50008
  Sign in and drag a result onto the right hand side
  Close the browser and reopen and sign in and the shelf should be fully populated.
  The shelf will be created in the database.
  Deployment options
  Copy/publish the output of the Web project to the virtual directory set up earlier for Web hosting
  Run the site in local debug mode (the Web Site has been set to non dynamic ports)






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