Greetings and Introduction (2)


Section 5  Useful Sentence Patterns & Drills
第五节  实战句型& 举一反三

1So glad to do…                            e.g. I am so glad to cooperate with you, guys!




很高兴……                       例:很高兴和你们合作!

2Would you like to…               e.g. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

have a catalog

have a price list

have some samples

你要不要……                        例:你要不要今晚和我共进晚餐呢?




3So firstly, let me do…            e.g. So firstly, let me give you a typical example.

first of all

let me begin by doing…

first and foremost

首先,让我……                例:首先请让我给你举一个典型的例子。

4A is doing business with B.     e.g. My father is doing business with a HongKong company.




AB 有生意往来。             例:我父亲在和一个香港公司做生意。




5Mainly…         e.g. I came here today mainly to make an inquiry about your goods.




主要……                               例:今天我来这里主要是就你的货物进行询盘。

6What about…                        e.g. What about having an interview with Mr. Smith?

meeting the CEO of our company

talking to our staff

discussing with the designers

……怎样                               例:和史密斯先生进行一个面试怎样?




7I am considering…                 e.g. I’m considering about the price that you offered yesterday.




我正考虑……                        例:我正在考虑你昨天提供的价格。




8I have heard…                e.g. I’ve heard that you’re getting married tomorrow, is that true?

I have learned about that

I knew that

A little bird told me that

听说……                        例:听说你明天结婚,是真的吗?

9Though…                       e.g. I’ve been learning English for years, still cannot speak it though.




尽管,但是……             例:尽管我已经学英语多年,但是仍然不会说。

10I appreciate…               e.g. I really appreciate everything that you have done for me.

your help

your time

your company

很感激……                   例:很感激你为我所做的一切。




Section 6 Exercises
第六节  练习

I. Substitution exercises.

1. How do you do? I represent Guangzhou Textile Import and Export Company, and welcome you to ____.

Supply the above sentence with the followings:

Guangdong Shanghai Shenzhen Lasa Beijing

2. ____, I’d like you to meet our department’s manager, Mr., Li Ming.

Supply the above sentence with the followings:

Mr. Yang Hong Ms Anna Schmid Mr. Lee Stolman

Ms Laura Smith Ms Chen Hua

3. ____ has assigned me to be your host here in Beijing.

Supply the above sentence with the followings:

the manager of the Oriental Trade Company

the general manager of Oriental Carpeting Exhibition Center

the dean of the foreign affairs office of Guangdong University of Technology

Miss Liu, the Chairman of the Board of Direction

the Project Advisor Mr. Wadely

4. Let me introduce ____.

Supply the above sentence with the followings:

Mr. Chen Weihua, the Chairman of China National Chemicals Imp. & Exp. Corp

Mr. Mark Yang, the Director of China National Offshore Oil Corporation

our manager, Zhang Hong

our new representative Mr. Li

the Director of China Liaohua United Foreign Trade Company Ltd

II. Please translate the following into English orally.

A :请问,您是格林·史密斯先生吗?

B :是的,我是。

A :您好,史密斯先生,很高兴认识您。我是陈宏。

B :您好,陈宏。

A :旅途如何?累不累?

B :很好,但是飞行很久有点儿累,不过没关系。

A :让我帮您拿行李。

B :谢谢,它们很重。

A :这边请,我的车在外面等着呢。我们先去宾馆,您登记入住,然后差不多是晚饭时间,我们一起用晚餐。

B :太好了,我非常喜欢中国菜。

A :这六天您都会吃到中国菜。今晚我们吃个便餐,然后您可以早点回宾馆休息。

B :听起来不错。谢谢您考虑得这么周到。

III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions:

P: Good morning. My name is Peter. I’m ____ the U.S. Here is my business ____.

L: Pleased to ____ you, Mr. Peter. My name is Li.

P: Pleased to meet you too, Mr. Li.

L: Won’t you sit ____?

P: Thank you.

L: May I offer you a ____ of tea?

P: Certainly. I like you Jasmine tea very much.

L: Well, from you business card, I can see that you ____ in oil-drilling equipment.

P: Yes, as matter of fact, we have ____ ____ this business for more than twenty years. Mr. Wang from your ____ office in Washington has referred me to you in the ____ that I might be of some help in your oil industry.

L: Currently we have a strong ____ in opening up more new oil fields. We could consider buying from you if the ____ incorporated in your equipment is advanced and the trade _____ favorable.

P: I have brought with ____ a series of catalogs for our latest models. My engineer ____ accompanying me ____ the trip. He can meet ____ technicians and answer any questions about our products.

L: That’ an interesting idea. We shall, first of all, study your _____ and get in touch ____ our customers. If they are interested, we’ll arrange ____ further discussion.

P: Very good. I’m staying in Beijing Hotel. My room is 315.

L: We’ll let you know their ____ as soon as possible.

P: Good-by!

IV. Dialogue situations.

1. You are assistant Manager of Legent Computer Corp. Ltd. Your boss, the General Manager, has asked you to go to the airport to meet an important customer of your company. Mr. Darren Miller from the Silicon Valley, California, the United States. You have never met this Mr. Liller before, and now you’re at the airport waiting for him with a sign board. When you meet each other, you identify yourself, say hello to him and start an informal talk about his flight, about the weather in Canton, give a brief introduction to Canton and so on.

2. You represent Guangzhou Light Industrial Product Import and Export Corporation, and you are assigned to meet an American business personRonald Vannburg, Marketing Manager of wholesaler, Vallery View Companyat the airport. You and Wannberg have never met each other before, so you say greetings, ask him how his flight was and show him to the car. Now you act this out with another student in the class.

3. You represent Guangzhou Metals & Minerals Imp. & Exp. Corp. You’re here at the airport to meet a client of yoursMr. Asel Foley. After you meet each other, you introduce yourself, ask him about the journey and accompany him to his hotel. On the way to the hotel, you ask about the weather now in Guangzhou and you give him a brief orientation to the city. For example, you can tell your guest about Beijing’s population, traffic, culture, food, hotels, building, etc. You can talk about a lot of things that cross your mind to keep the conversation going.

4. You represent the Oriental Carpeting Exhibition Center. You are now at the airport to meet a visit businessperson, Mar Lee Stoltman from Boston, the United States. You have never met him before, so you have a sign board in your hand. After you meet each other, you say greetings, ask him how his flight was and show him to the car. Now you act this out with another student in the class.

Section 7  Enjoy Yourself (Jokes)
第七节  欣赏(幽默小故事)

Jack’s Answer

The teacher is asking an arithmetic question: “Jack, if you found three dollars in your right pocket and four dollars in your left pocket, what would you have?” “I must have somebody else’s pants on.”


老师正在问一道算术题:“杰克,如果你在你右边口袋里发现了 3 美元,左边口袋里发现了 4 美元,你一共有多少呢?”“我肯定是穿着别人的裤子。”

Money Refunded

A couple took their three-year-old son to the movies with them. On the way, the usher said they’d have to leave if the baby cried. “But we’ll refund you money” he added.

After watching the movie for a half-hour, the husband turned to his wife. “Well, what do you think?” he asked.

“It’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen!” the wife replied.

“Me too,” he agreed, “shake little Tom.”



I Don’t Want to Be the First One

Boby: Dad, I’m too tired to do my homework.

Dad: Now, my boy, hard work never killed anyone yet.

Boby: Well, I don’t want to run the risk of being the first.





What’s Going to Be?

Neighbor: What’s your daughter going to be when she graduates?

Mother: An old lady!




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