3-3. Sending a Fax

3-3. Sending a Fax


Fred: Hi, Linda, I don’t knowhow to send a fax to a client. Could you do me a favor?


Linda: No problem. Actuallyit’s very easy to operate. You see, the only thing for you to do is to put thepaper that you want to send on the fax machine and dial the number.


F: Shall I wait till theother side answers?


L: Not necessarily. Afteryou dial the number, you’ll hear a sound from the counterpart (/'kaʊntɚpɑrt/, 对方,与对方地位相当的人).


F: Then I press the “start”button, is that right?


L: That’s right, you’ve gotit. Congratulations.


F: Thank you much.


L: You’re welcome. Now,let’s try it. Fax this paper, please.


F: OK, how fast the fax is.


L: Yes, it is.


F: Look, a fax is comingin. What is it?


L: Oh, it’s a fax fromheadquarters.


F: It is so light that Ican barely read it. How can that be?


L: I think the fax machineis out of toner. I can change the toner cartridge. That should solve theproblem. And if the fax is unreadable, we’d better ask the counterpart tore-fax it.


F: I see. Are there otherproblems that may happen?


L: Well, if you find someof the pages missing, the fax machine might be out of paper. And if you meetother problems that you can’t solve, just call 356 and they’ll send someone tolook at it. Meanwhile, you can have your documents re-faxed to our other fax machine.


F: Got it. Thanks a lot,Linda.


L: No problem.

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void SerialApp_ProcessMSGCmd( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pkt ){ uint8 stat; uint8 seqnb; uint8 delay; switch ( pkt->clusterId ) { // A message with a serial data block to be transmitted on the serial port. case SERIALAPP_CLUSTERID1: // Store the address for sending and retrying. osal_memcpy(&SerialApp_RxAddr, &(pkt->srcAddr), sizeof( afAddrType_t )); seqnb = pkt->cmd.Data[0]; // Keep message if not a repeat packet if ( (seqnb > SerialApp_RxSeq) || // Normal ((seqnb < 0x80 ) && ( SerialApp_RxSeq > 0x80)) ) // Wrap-around { // Transmit the data on the serial port. if ( HalUARTWrite( SERIAL_APP_PORT, pkt->cmd.Data+1, (pkt->cmd.DataLength-1) ) ) { // Save for next incoming message SerialApp_RxSeq = seqnb; stat = OTA_SUCCESS; } else { stat = OTA_SER_BUSY; } } else { stat = OTA_DUP_MSG; } // Select approproiate OTA flow-control delay. delay = (stat == OTA_SER_BUSY) ? SERIALAPP_NAK_DELAY : SERIALAPP_ACK_DELAY; // Build & send OTA response message. SerialApp_RspBuf[0] = stat; SerialApp_RspBuf[1] = seqnb; SerialApp_RspBuf[2] = LO_UINT16( delay ); SerialApp_RspBuf[3] = HI_UINT16( delay ); osal_set_event( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_RESP_EVT ); osal_stop_timerEx(SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_RESP_EVT); break; // A response to a received serial data block. case SERIALAPP_CLUSTERID2: if ((pkt->cmd.Data[1] == SerialApp_TxSeq) && ((pkt->cmd.Data[0] == OTA_SUCCESS) || (pkt->cmd.Data[0] == OTA_DUP_MSG))) { SerialApp_TxLen = 0; osal_stop_timerEx(SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_SEND_EVT); } else { // Re-start timeout according to delay sent from other device. delay = BUILD_UINT16( pkt->cmd.Data[2], pkt->cmd.Data[3] ); osal_start_timerEx( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_SEND_EVT, delay ); } break; case SERIALAPP_CONNECTREQ_CLUSTER: SerialApp_ConnectReqProcess((uint8*)pkt->cmd.Data); case SERIALAPP_CONNECTRSP_CLUSTER: SerialApp_DeviceConnectRsp((uint8*)pkt->cmd.Data); default: break; }}每行代码注释


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