How to Check or Verify PC Motherboard BIOS SLIC Version is SLP OA 2.0 or 2.1 for OEM Activation


System-Locked Pre-installation (SLP) is the mechanism used by big royalty OEM computer manufacturers to factory activate pre-installed Windows operating system on branded desktop PC, laptop, notebook, netbook and nettop computer so that activation process of Windows is done transparently and automatically once end-user first starts the computer. The offline OEM-style pre-activation that bypass Windows Product Activatin (WPA) is implemented to reduce the chance of annoying mass PC buyers from having to deal with activation after buying the computer.

There are now three different version of SLP, namely SLP 1.0 for Windows XP and Windows Server 2008, SLP 2.0 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, and SLP 2.1, which supports Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and has backward-compatibility support for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 too.

For OEM activation to work and able to authenticate OEM licensing for Windows, three (3) components or criteria must exist and fulfill:

  1. Full SLIC table in BIOS
  2. OEM certificate (xrm-ms) which corresponds with OEMID and OEMTableID (Windows Marker) in SLIC table.
  3. OEM-SLP product key

SLP OEM Activation 2.1 works in very much the similar way of OEM Activation (OA) 2.0, with no change to activation technology, and OEM does not require to change factory process to accommodate new SLP 2.1 OEM activation. The only changes is Windows Marker version is now version 2.1 instead of 2.0. Even the digital certificate, which has file extension of .xrm-ms, signed by Microsoft with OEM’s SLIC public key (0x9C bytes) with Microsoft’s private key together with OEMID of SLIC table, is unchanged.

OEM Activation 2.1 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

The second part of SLIC table, Windows Marker (0xB6 bytes) is created and signed by OEM with OEMTableID and OEMID together with OEM private key that matches OEM’s SLIC public key. OATools released by Microsoft will now write a new version 2.1 of OEMTables, hence a new Windows Market in different binary format for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 OEM activation. Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 accept both Windows Marker formats (OA version 2.0 and OA version 2.1), but not vice versa.

Thus, aside from new OEM-SLP product key (leaked Windows 7 Ultimate OEM-SLP product key) which is required for each edition of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 in order to complete the OEM activation process, whether or not the SLIC 2.1 exists in the BIOS will determine whether the installed Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 can achieve instant offline activation on system boot up.

How to Determine, Check and Verify Whether SLIC in BIOS is OA 2.1 Capable for OEM Activation

Download and install RW-Everything Read & Write Utility. Run RW-Everything, then click on Access pull down menu, follow by ACPI Tables. In the opened ACPI Table window, click on SLIC tab. The display will look something like the illustration below, or see SLIC 2.0 and 2.1 example here.

SLIC 2.0 Table in BIOS
A ACPI Tables Dump with SLIC 2.0

SLIC for OA 2.1
A BIOS SLIC Table Dump of OA 2.1

If the 4 bytes in highlighted area are 00 00 00 00, the SLIC is version 2.0
If the 4 bytes in highlighted area are 01 00 02 00, the SLIC is version 2.1.

If you’re having SLIC 2.0 in BIOS, try to wait for computer manufacturer if it will release new BIOS update that includes SLIC 2.1 table. Else, it’s possible to modify the BIOS (hardmod or biosmod) to include the SLIC 2.1 (assistance available at Windows 7 forum), or uses a OEM-BIOS emulator which commonly known as Windows 7 Loader, which in turn made use by various activators and toolkit to emulate a SLIC 2.1 on boot up.


Thinkpad Marker Slic2.1 附件包含了必备的slic2.1和工具!希望这个对大家有帮忙。 1、如何Marker? 注意:刷过破解版bios的朋友,务必先刷成官方bios!已经是官方bios的略过此步。在这里还是假设你不是太菜鸟,知道怎么刷bios。 1)首先确定自己Thinkpad机型对应的slic2.1型号(后缀为.bin的文件格式)。打开Lenovo网站搜寻对应型号的bios下载页,比如看到T400 2676的bios的信息如下: 支持操作系统: Windows 7 版本: 3.09-1.03/3.10-1.03 发布时间: 2009-10-17 文件名称为:7uuj35us.exe T400 2676的Bios文件名称以7u打头,所以T400 2676对应的Slic2.1为文件名里含有7u的文件,比如TP-7U.bin。 2)使用SLIC_Dump_ToolKit查看自己的BIOS是否有原生的slic并选择正确的slic文件:有原生Slic2.0的用户,注意选择182 bytes的Slic2.1表(本人港行T400 2767R84用的就是182 bytes的slic2.1表)。无Slic的用户,注意选择374 bytes的Slic2.1表。 如果不确定有没有原生slic,无所谓,182 bytes的和374 bytes都试试吧,成功了的就是对的(如果选错了型号是不能marker的,没有风险)。 3)使用UltraISO将dos.img镜像写入U盘,即制作好了启动盘。此时U盘中有三个文件: DRVSPACE.BIN IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS 4)把Marker.exe复制到已经制作好的USB启动盘中。 5)把前面确认的对应自己Thinkpad型号的slic2.1文件,比如本人的港行T400 2767R84的slic2.1文件为7u.bin,将这个文件复制到已经制作好的可启动U盘中。这时你的U盘里面应该有下面这五个文件,一切准备就绪: DRVSPACE.BIN IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS Marker.exe 7U.bin 6)重启电脑按F12选择用U盘启动进入DOS,执行如下命令(注意空格和将命令行中的文件改成和你的slic2.1文件名称一样,在这里是本人的Slic2.1文件为7u.bin): marker.exe /w:7u.bin /z 执行速度快如闪电! 如果成功则显示“Programming Done!!!”“**** Success: Process completed (00) ****”等信息,恭喜你! 如果失败则会提示slic型号不对等信息,这时需要重复步骤2)-5)确认更新正确的slic2.1文件,再继续努力。 2、成功marker slic2.1后重启进入Windows 7,可以使用SLIC_Dump_ToolKit查看Slic2.1信息。 如果你安装的就是对应的Lenovo OEM版,则重启后自动激活。 如果没有自动激活(比如你安装的是MSDN版),则导入证书和系列号即可激活。操作如下(现在网上有高手制作了证书和系列号自动导入程序,下载来用就可以了,不用像下面这么麻烦,所以建议你别看了): 1)点击桌面左下角Windows图标启动开始菜单,在“搜索程序和文件”的空行里面敲入cmd,在出现的程序栏上上面的cmd.exe点击鼠标右键选择“管理员身份运行”启动命令行模式。 2)在出现的命令行内输入slmgr.vbs -ilc 证书路径\证书文件名,例如slmgr.vbs -ilc D:\OEM\lenovo.xrm-ms,稍等片刻系统就会有提示导入成功。这里假设Lenovo的证书路径和名称如上。 3)输入slmgr.vbs -ipk 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM 来导入系列号(这里是Lenovo泄漏的旗舰版OEM系列号),成功后输入slmgr.vbs -ato。 4)检查是否己正确激活。 3、尽情享受正版的快乐吧。 4、注意事项 Marker现在已知可以使用在X200s/t,T400/500,R400上,其他机型未知。不可用在其他品牌机型上!




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