Tensorflow C++ API

Table of Contents

Class tensorflow::Env

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::EnvWrapper

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::RandomAccessFile

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::Session

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::Status

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::Tensor

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::TensorBuffer

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::TensorShape

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::TensorShapeIter

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::Thread

Member Summary

Member Details

Class tensorflow::WritableFile

Member Summary

Member Details

Struct tensorflow::SessionOptions

Member Summary

Member Details

Struct tensorflow::Status::State

Member Summary

Member Details

Struct tensorflow::TensorShapeDim

Member Summary

Member Details

Struct tensorflow::ThreadOptions

Member Summary

Member Details

TensorFlow C++ Session API reference documentation




Class tensorflow::Env

An interface used by the tensorflow implementation to access operating system functionality like the filesystem etc.

Callers may wish to provide a custom Env object to get fine grain control.

All Env implementations are safe for concurrent access from multiple threads without any external synchronization.

Member Summary

Member Details


virtual tensorflow::Env::~Env()

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::NewRandomAccessFile(const string &fname, RandomAccessFile **result)=0

Creates a brand new random access read-only file with the specified name.

On success, stores a pointer to the new file in result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in result and returns non-OK. If the file does not exist, returns a non-OK status.

The returned file may be concurrently accessed by multiple threads.

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::NewWritableFile(const string &fname, WritableFile **result)=0

Creates an object that writes to a new file with the specified name.

Deletes any existing file with the same name and creates a new file. On success, stores a pointer to the new file in result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in result and returns non-OK.

The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::NewAppendableFile(const string &fname, WritableFile **result)=0

Creates an object that either appends to an existing file, or writes to a new file (if the file does not exist to begin with).

On success, stores a pointer to the new file in result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in result and returns non-OK.

The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.

virtual bool tensorflow::Env::FileExists(const string &fname)=0

Returns true iff the named file exists.

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::GetChildren(const string &dir, std::vector< string > *result)=0

Stores in *result the names of the children of the specified directory. The names are relative to "dir".

Original contents of *results are dropped.

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::DeleteFile(const string &fname)=0

Deletes the named file.

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::CreateDir(const string &dirname)=0

Creates the specified directory.

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::DeleteDir(const string &dirname)=0

Deletes the specified directory.

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::GetFileSize(const string &fname, uint64 *file_size)=0

Stores the size of fname in *file_size.

virtual Status tensorflow::Env::RenameFile(const string &src, const string &target)=0

Renames file src to target. If target already exists, it will be replaced.

virtual uint64 tensorflow::Env::NowMicros()=0

Returns the number of micro-seconds since some fixed point in time. Only useful for computing deltas of time.

virtual void tensorflow::Env::SleepForMicroseconds(int micros)=0

Sleeps/delays the thread for the prescribed number of micro-seconds.

virtual Thread* tensorflow::Env::StartThread(const ThreadOptions &thread_options, const string &name, std::function< void()> fn) TF_MUST_USE_RESULT=0

Returns a new thread that is running fn() and is identified (for debugging/performance-analysis) by "name".

Caller takes ownership of the result and must delete it eventually (the deletion will block until fn() stops running).

static Env* tensorflow::Env::Default()

Returns a default environment suitable for the current operating system.

Sophisticated users may wish to provide their own Env implementation instead of relying on this default environment.

The result of Default() belongs to this library and must never be deleted.

Class tensorflow::EnvWrapper

An implementation of Env that forwards all calls to another Env .

May be useful to clients who wish to override just part of the functionality of another Env .

Member Summary

Member Details

tensorflow::EnvWrapper::EnvWrapper(Env *t)

Initializes an EnvWrapper that delegates all calls to *t.

virtual tensorflow::EnvWrapper::~EnvWrapper()

Env* tensorflow::EnvWrapper::target() const

Returns the target to which this Env forwards all calls.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::NewRandomAccessFile(const string &f, RandomAccessFile **r) override

Creates a brand new random access read-only file with the specified name.

On success, stores a pointer to the new file in result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in result and returns non-OK. If the file does not exist, returns a non-OK status.

The returned file may be concurrently accessed by multiple threads.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::NewWritableFile(const string &f, WritableFile **r) override

Creates an object that writes to a new file with the specified name.

Deletes any existing file with the same name and creates a new file. On success, stores a pointer to the new file in result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in result and returns non-OK.

The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::NewAppendableFile(const string &f, WritableFile **r) override

Creates an object that either appends to an existing file, or writes to a new file (if the file does not exist to begin with).

On success, stores a pointer to the new file in result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in result and returns non-OK.

The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.

bool tensorflow::EnvWrapper::FileExists(const string &f) override

Returns true iff the named file exists.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::GetChildren(const string &dir, std::vector< string > *r) override

Stores in *result the names of the children of the specified directory. The names are relative to "dir".

Original contents of *results are dropped.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::DeleteFile(const string &f) override

Deletes the named file.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::CreateDir(const string &d) override

Creates the specified directory.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::DeleteDir(const string &d) override

Deletes the specified directory.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::GetFileSize(const string &f, uint64 *s) override

Stores the size of fname in *file_size.

Status tensorflow::EnvWrapper::RenameFile(const string &s, const string &t) override

Renames file src to target. If target already exists, it will be replaced.

uint64 tensorflow::EnvWrapper::NowMicros() override

Returns the number of micro-seconds since some fixed point in time. Only useful for computing deltas of time.

void tensorflow::EnvWrapper::SleepForMicroseconds(int micros) override

Sleeps/delays the thread for the prescribed number of micro-seconds.

Thread* tensorflow::EnvWrapper::StartThread(const ThreadOptions &thread_options, const string &name, std::function< void()> fn) override

Returns a new thread that is running fn() and is identified (for debugging/performance-analysis) by "name".

Caller takes ownership of the result and must delete it eventually (the deletion will block until fn() stops running).

Class tensorflow::RandomAccessFile

A file abstraction for randomly reading the contents of a file.

Member Summary

Member Details


virtual tensorflow::RandomAccessFile::~RandomAccessFile()

virtual Status tensorflow::RandomAccessFile::Read(uint64 offset, size_t n, StringPiece *result, char *scratch) const =0

Reads up to "n" bytes from the file starting at "offset".

"scratch[0..n-1]" may be written by this routine. Sets "result" to the data that was read (including if fewer than "n" bytes were successfully read). May set "result" to point at data in "scratch[0..n-1]", so "scratch[0..n-1]" must be live when "*result" is used.

On OK returned status: "n" bytes have been stored in "result". On non-OK returned status: [0..n] bytes have been stored in "result".

Returns OUT_OF_RANGE if fewer than n bytes were stored in "*result" because of EOF.

Safe for concurrent use by multiple threads.

Class tensorflow::Session

A Session instance lets a caller drive a TensorFlow graph computation.

When a Session is created with a given target, a new Session object is bound to the universe of resources specified by that target. Those resources are available to this session to perform computation described in the GraphDef. After extending the session with a graph, the caller uses the Run() API to perform the computation and potentially fetch outputs as Tensors.


```c++ tensorflow::GraphDef graph; // ... Create or load graph into "graph".

// This example uses the default options which connects // to a local runtime. tensorflow::SessionOptions options; std::unique_ptr session(tensorflow::NewSession(options));

// Create the session with this graph. tensorflow::Status s = session->Create(graph); if (!s.ok()) { ... }

// Run the graph and fetch the first output of the "output" // operation, and also run to but do not return anything // for the "update_state" operation. std::vector outputs; s = session->Run({}, {"output:0"}, {"update_state"}, &outputs); if (!s.ok()) { ... }

// Map the output as a flattened float tensor, and do something // with it. auto output_tensor = outputs[0].flat(); if (output_tensor(0) > 0.5) { ... }

// Close the session to release the resources associated with // this session. session->Close()


A Session allows concurrent calls to Run() , though a Session must be created / extended by a single thread.

Only one thread must call Close() , and Close() must only be called after all other calls to Run() have returned.

Member Summary

Member Details

virtual Status tensorflow::Session::Create(const GraphDef &graph)=0

Create the graph to be used for the session.

Returns an error if this session has already been created with a graph. To re-use the session with a different graph, the caller must Close() the session first.

virtual Status tensorflow::Session::Extend(const GraphDef &graph)=0

Adds operations to the graph that is already registered with the Session .

The names of new operations in "graph" must not exist in the graph that is already registered.

virtual Status tensorflow::Session::Run(const std::vector< std::pair< string, Tensor > > &inputs, const std::vector< string > &output_tensor_names, const std::vector< string > &target_node_names, std::vector< Tensor > *outputs)=0

Runs the graph with the provided input tensors and fills outputs for the endpoints specified in output_tensor_names. Runs to but does not return Tensors for the nodes in target_node_names.

The order of tensors in outputs will match the order provided by output_tensor_names.

If Run returns OK(), then outputs->size() will be equal to output_tensor_names.size(). If Run does not return OK(), the state of outputs is undefined.

REQUIRES: The name of each Tensor of the input or output must match a "Tensor endpoint" in the GraphDef passed to Create().

REQUIRES: outputs is not nullptr if output_tensor_names is non-empty.

virtual Status tensorflow::Session::Close()=0

Closes this session.

Closing a session releases the resources used by this session on the TensorFlow runtime (specified during session creation by the SessionOptions::target field).

virtual tensorflow::Session::~Session()

Class tensorflow::Status

Member Summary

Member Details


Create a success status.


tensorflow::Status::Status(tensorflow::error::Code code, tensorflow::StringPiece msg)

Create a status with the specified error code and msg as a human-readable string containing more detailed information.

tensorflow::Status::Status(const Status &s)

Copy the specified status.

void tensorflow::Status::operator=(const Status &s)

bool tensorflow::Status::ok() const

Returns true iff the status indicates success.

tensorflow::error::Code tensorflow::Status::code() const

const string& tensorflow::Status::error_message() const

bool tensorflow::Status::operator==(const Status &x) const

bool tensorflow::Status::operator!=(const Status &x) const

void tensorflow::Status::Update(const Status &new_status)

If ok(), stores new_status into *this. If !ok(), preserves the current status, but may augment with additional information about new_status.

Convenient way of keeping track of the first error encountered. Instead of: if (overall_status.ok()) overall_status = new_status Use: overall_status.Update(new_status);

string tensorflow::Status::ToString() const

Return a string representation of this status suitable for printing. Returns the string "OK" for success.

static Status tensorflow::Status::OK()

Class tensorflow::Tensor

Represents an n-dimensional array of values.

Member Summary

Member Details


Default Tensor constructor. Creates a 1-dimension, 0-element float tensor.

tensorflow::Tensor::Tensor(DataType type, const TensorShape &shape)

Creates a Tensor of the given type and shape.

The underlying buffer is allocated using a CPUAllocator.

tensorflow::Tensor::Tensor(Allocator *a, DataType type, const TensorShape &shape)

Creates a tensor with the input type and shape, using the allocator a to allocate the underlying buffer.

a must outlive the lifetime of this Tensor .

tensorflow::Tensor::Tensor(DataType type)

Creates an uninitialized Tensor of the given data type.

tensorflow::Tensor::Tensor(const Tensor &other)


Copy constructor.

DataType tensorflow::Tensor::dtype() const

Returns the data type.

const TensorShape& tensorflow::Tensor::shape() const

Returns the shape of the tensor.

int tensorflow::Tensor::dims() const

Convenience accessor for the tensor shape.

For all shape accessors, see comments for relevant methods of TensorShape in tensor_shape.h.

int64 tensorflow::Tensor::dim_size(int d) const

Convenience accessor for the tensor shape.

int64 tensorflow::Tensor::NumElements() const

Convenience accessor for the tensor shape.

bool tensorflow::Tensor::IsSameSize(const Tensor &b) const

bool tensorflow::Tensor::IsInitialized() const

Has this Tensor been initialized?

size_t tensorflow::Tensor::TotalBytes() const

Returns the estimated memory usage of this tensor.

Tensor& tensorflow::Tensor::operator=(const Tensor &other)

Assign operator. This tensor shares other's underlying storage.

bool tensorflow::Tensor::CopyFrom(const Tensor &other, const TensorShape &shape) TF_MUST_USE_RESULT

Copy the other tensor into this tensor and reshape it.

This tensor shares other's underlying storage. Returns true iff other.shape() has the same number of elements of the given shape.

Tensor tensorflow::Tensor::Slice(int64 dim0_start, int64 dim0_limit) const

Slice this tensor along the 1st dimension.

I.e., the returned tensor satisifies returned[i, ...] == this[dim0_start + i, ...]. The returned tensor shares the underlying tensor buffer with this tensor.

NOTE: The returned tensor may not satisfies the same alignment requirement as this tensor depending on the shape. The caller must check the returned tensor's alignment before calling certain methods that have alignment requirement (e.g., flat()tensor()).

REQUIRES: dims() >= 1 REQUIRES: 0 <= dim0_start <= dim0_limit <= dim_size(0)

bool tensorflow::Tensor::FromProto(const TensorProto &other) TF_MUST_USE_RESULT

Parse other and construct the tensor.

Returns true iff the parsing succeeds. If the parsing fails, the state of *this is unchanged.

bool tensorflow::Tensor::FromProto(Allocator *a, const TensorProto &other) TF_MUST_USE_RESULT

void tensorflow::Tensor::AsProtoField(TensorProto *proto) const

Fills in proto with *this tensor's content.

AsProtoField() fills in the repeated field for proto.dtype(), while AsProtoTensorContent() encodes the content in proto.tensor_content() in a compact form.

void tensorflow::Tensor::AsProtoTensorContent(TensorProto *proto) const

TTypes<T>::Vec tensorflow::Tensor::vec()

Return the tensor data as an Eigen::Tensor with the type and sizes of this Tensor.

Use these methods when you know the data type and the number of dimensions of the Tensor and you want an Eigen::Tensor automatically sized to the Tensor sizes. The implementation check fails if either type or sizes mismatch.


```c++ typedef float T; Tensor my_mat(...built with Shape{rows: 3, cols: 5}...); auto mat = my_mat.matrix(); // 2D Eigen::Tensor, 3 x 5. auto mat = my_mat.tensor(); // 2D Eigen::Tensor, 3 x 5. auto vec = my_mat.vec(); // CHECK fails as my_mat is 2D. auto vec = my_mat.tensor(); // CHECK fails as my_mat is 2D. auto mat = my_mat.matrix();// CHECK fails as type mismatch.

#### `TTypes<T>::Matrix tensorflow::Tensor::matrix()` <a class="md-anchor" id="TTypes_T_Matrix_tensorflow_Tensor_matrix"></a>

#### `TTypes< T, NDIMS >::Tensor tensorflow::Tensor::tensor()` <a class="md-anchor" id="TTypes_T_NDIMS_Tensor_tensorflow_Tensor_tensor"></a>

#### `TTypes<T>::Flat tensorflow::Tensor::flat()` <a class="md-anchor" id="TTypes_T_Flat_tensorflow_Tensor_flat"></a>

Return the tensor data as an `Eigen::Tensor` of the data type and a specified shape.

These methods allow you to access the data with the dimensions and sizes of your choice. You do not need to know the number of dimensions of the Tensor to call them. However, they `CHECK` that the type matches and the dimensions requested creates an `Eigen::Tensor` with the same number of elements as the tensor.


```c++ typedef float T;
Tensor my_ten(...built with Shape{planes: 4, rows: 3, cols: 5}...);
// 1D Eigen::Tensor, size 60:
auto flat = my_ten.flat<T>();
// 2D Eigen::Tensor 12 x 5:
auto inner = my_ten.flat_inner_dims<T>();
// 2D Eigen::Tensor 4 x 15:
auto outer = my_ten.shaped<T, 2>({4, 15});
// CHECK fails, bad num elements:
auto outer = my_ten.shaped<T, 2>({4, 8});
// 3D Eigen::Tensor 6 x 5 x 2:
auto weird = my_ten.shaped<T, 3>({6, 5, 2});
// CHECK fails, type mismatch:
auto bad   = my_ten.flat<int32>();

TTypes<T>::UnalignedFlat tensorflow::Tensor::unaligned_flat()

TTypes<T>::Matrix tensorflow::Tensor::flat_inner_dims()

Returns the data as an Eigen::Tensor with 2 dimensions, collapsing all Tensor dimensions but the last one into the first dimension of the result.

TTypes<T>::Matrix tensorflow::Tensor::flat_outer_dims()

Returns the data as an Eigen::Tensor with 2 dimensions, collapsing all Tensor dimensions but the first one into the last dimension of the result.

TTypes< T, NDIMS >::Tensor tensorflow::Tensor::shaped(gtl::ArraySlice< int64 > new_sizes)

TTypes< T, NDIMS >::UnalignedTensor tensorflow::Tensor::unaligned_shaped(gtl::ArraySlice< int64 > new_sizes)

TTypes< T >::Scalar tensorflow::Tensor::scalar()

Return the Tensor data as a TensorMap of fixed size 1: TensorMap<TensorFixedSize<T, 1>>.

Using scalar() allows the compiler to perform optimizations as the size of the tensor is known at compile time.

TTypes<T>::ConstVec tensorflow::Tensor::vec() const

Const versions of all the methods above.

TTypes<T>::ConstMatrix tensorflow::Tensor::matrix() const

TTypes< T, NDIMS >::ConstTensor tensorflow::Tensor::tensor() const

TTypes<T>::ConstFlat tensorflow::Tensor::flat() const

TTypes<T>::UnalignedConstFlat tensorflow::Tensor::unaligned_flat() const

TTypes<T>::ConstMatrix tensorflow::Tensor::flat_inner_dims() const

TTypes<T>::ConstMatrix tensorflow::Tensor::flat_outer_dims() const

TTypes< T, NDIMS >::ConstTensor tensorflow::Tensor::shaped(gtl::ArraySlice< int64 > new_sizes) const

TTypes< T, NDIMS >::UnalignedConstTensor tensorflow::Tensor::unaligned_shaped(gtl::ArraySlice< int64 > new_sizes) const

TTypes< T >::ConstScalar tensorflow::Tensor::scalar() const

string tensorflow::Tensor::SummarizeValue(int64 max_entries) const

Render the first max_entries values in *this into a string.

string tensorflow::Tensor::DebugString() const

A human-readable summary of the tensor suitable for debugging.

void tensorflow::Tensor::FillDescription(TensorDescription *description) const

Fill in the TensorDescription proto with metadata about the tensor that is useful for monitoring and debugging.

StringPiece tensorflow::Tensor::tensor_data() const

Returns a StringPiece mapping the current tensor's buffer.

The returned StringPiece may point to memory location on devices that the CPU cannot address directly.

NOTE: The underlying tensor buffer is refcounted, so the lifetime of the contents mapped by the StringPiece matches the lifetime of the buffer; callers should arrange to make sure the buffer does not get destroyed while the StringPiece is still used.

REQUIRES: DataTypeCanUseMemcpy( dtype() ).

Class tensorflow::TensorBuffer

Member Summary

Member Details

tensorflow::TensorBuffer::~TensorBuffer() override

virtual void* tensorflow::TensorBuffer::data() const =0

virtual size_t tensorflow::TensorBuffer::size() const =0

virtual TensorBuffer* tensorflow::TensorBuffer::root_buffer()=0

virtual void tensorflow::TensorBuffer::FillAllocationDescription(AllocationDescription *proto) const =0

T* tensorflow::TensorBuffer::base() const

Class tensorflow::TensorShape

Manages the dimensions of a Tensor and their sizes.

Member Summary

Member Details

tensorflow::TensorShape::TensorShape(gtl::ArraySlice< int64 > dim_sizes)

Construct a TensorShape from the provided sizes. REQUIRES: dim_sizes[i] >= 0

tensorflow::TensorShape::TensorShape(std::initializer_list< int64 > dim_sizes)

tensorflow::TensorShape::TensorShape(const TensorShapeProto &proto)

REQUIRES: IsValid(proto)


Create a tensor shape with no dimensions and one element, which you can then call AddDim() on.

void tensorflow::TensorShape::Clear()

Clear a tensor shape.

void tensorflow::TensorShape::AddDim(int64 size)

Add a dimension to the end ("inner-most"). REQUIRES: size >= 0

void tensorflow::TensorShape::AppendShape(const TensorShape &shape)

Appends all the dimensions from shape.

void tensorflow::TensorShape::InsertDim(int d, int64 size)

Insert a dimension somewhere in the TensorShape. REQUIRES: 0 <= d <= dims() REQUIRES: size >= 0

void tensorflow::TensorShape::set_dim(int d, int64 size)

Modifies the size of the dimension d to be size REQUIRES: 0 <= d < dims() REQUIRES: size >= 0

void tensorflow::TensorShape::RemoveDim(int d)

Removes dimension d from the TensorShape. REQUIRES: 0 <= d < dims()

int tensorflow::TensorShape::dims() const

Return the number of dimensions in the tensor.

int64 tensorflow::TensorShape::dim_size(int d) const

Returns the number of elements in dimension d. REQUIRES: 0 <= d < dims()

gtl::ArraySlice<int64> tensorflow::TensorShape::dim_sizes() const

Returns sizes of all dimensions.

int64 tensorflow::TensorShape::num_elements() const

Returns the number of elements in the tensor.

We use int64 and not size_t to be compatible with Eigen::Tensor which uses ptrdiff_t.

bool tensorflow::TensorShape::IsSameSize(const TensorShape &b) const

Returns true if *this and b have the same sizes. Ignores dimension names.

bool tensorflow::TensorShape::operator==(const TensorShape &b) const

void tensorflow::TensorShape::AsProto(TensorShapeProto *proto) const

Fill *proto from *this.

Eigen::DSizes< Eigen::DenseIndex, NDIMS > tensorflow::TensorShape::AsEigenDSizes() const

Fill *dsizes from *this.

Eigen::DSizes< Eigen::DenseIndex, NDIMS > tensorflow::TensorShape::AsEigenDSizesWithPadding() const

Same as AsEigenDSizes() but allows for NDIMS > dims() in which case we pad the rest of the sizes with 1.

TensorShapeIter tensorflow::TensorShape::begin() const

For iterating through the dimensions.

TensorShapeIter tensorflow::TensorShape::end() const

string tensorflow::TensorShape::DebugString() const

For error messages.

string tensorflow::TensorShape::ShortDebugString() const

static bool tensorflow::TensorShape::IsValid(const TensorShapeProto &proto)

Returns true iff proto is a valid tensor shape.

Class tensorflow::TensorShapeIter

Member Summary

Member Details

tensorflow::TensorShapeIter::TensorShapeIter(const TensorShape *shape, int d)

bool tensorflow::TensorShapeIter::operator==(const TensorShapeIter &rhs)

bool tensorflow::TensorShapeIter::operator!=(const TensorShapeIter &rhs)

void tensorflow::TensorShapeIter::operator++()

TensorShapeDim tensorflow::TensorShapeIter::operator*()

Class tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils

Static helper routines for TensorShape. Includes a few common predicates on a tensor shape.

Member Summary

Member Details

static bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::IsScalar(const TensorShape &shape)

static bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::IsVector(const TensorShape &shape)

static bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::IsLegacyScalar(const TensorShape &shape)

static bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::IsLegacyVector(const TensorShape &shape)

static bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::IsVectorOrHigher(const TensorShape &shape)

static bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::IsMatrix(const TensorShape &shape)

static bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::IsMatrixOrHigher(const TensorShape &shape)

static TensorShape tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::MakeShape(const T *dims, int n)

Returns a TensorShape whose dimensions are dims[0]dims[1], ..., dims[n-1].

static string tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::ShapeListString(const gtl::ArraySlice< TensorShape > &shapes)

static bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::StartsWith(const TensorShape &shape0, const TensorShape &shape1)

Class tensorflow::Thread

Member Summary

Member Details


virtual tensorflow::Thread::~Thread()

Blocks until the thread of control stops running.

Class tensorflow::WritableFile

A file abstraction for sequential writing.

The implementation must provide buffering since callers may append small fragments at a time to the file.

Member Summary

Member Details


virtual tensorflow::WritableFile::~WritableFile()

virtual Status tensorflow::WritableFile::Append(const StringPiece &data)=0

virtual Status tensorflow::WritableFile::Close()=0

virtual Status tensorflow::WritableFile::Flush()=0

virtual Status tensorflow::WritableFile::Sync()=0

Struct tensorflow::SessionOptions

Configuration information for a Session .

Member Summary

Member Details

Env* tensorflow::SessionOptions::env

The environment to use.

string tensorflow::SessionOptions::target

The TensorFlow runtime to connect to.

If 'target' is empty or unspecified, the local TensorFlow runtime implementation will be used. Otherwise, the TensorFlow engine defined by 'target' will be used to perform all computations.

"target" can be either a single entry or a comma separated list of entries. Each entry is a resolvable address of the following format: local ip:port host:port ... other system-specific formats to identify tasks and jobs ...

NOTE: at the moment 'local' maps to an in-process service-based runtime.

Upon creation, a single session affines itself to one of the remote processes, with possible load balancing choices when the "target" resolves to a list of possible processes.

If the session disconnects from the remote process during its lifetime, session calls may fail immediately.

ConfigProto tensorflow::SessionOptions::config

Configuration options.


Struct tensorflow::Status::State

Member Summary

Member Details

tensorflow::error::Code tensorflow::Status::State::code

string tensorflow::Status::State::msg

Struct tensorflow::TensorShapeDim

Member Summary

Member Details

int tensorflow::TensorShapeDim::size

tensorflow::TensorShapeDim::TensorShapeDim(int64 s)

Struct tensorflow::ThreadOptions

Options to configure a Thread .

Note that the options are all hints, and the underlying implementation may choose to ignore it.

Member Summary

Member Details

size_t tensorflow::ThreadOptions::stack_size

Thread stack size to use (in bytes).

size_t tensorflow::ThreadOptions::guard_size

Guard area size to use near thread stacks to use (in bytes)

TensorFlow C++ Session API reference documentation

TensorFlow's public C++ API includes only the API for executing graphs, as of version 0.5. To control the execution of a graph from C++:

  1. Build the computation graph using the Python API.
  2. Use tf.train.write_graph() to write the graph to a file.
  3. Load the graph using the C++ Session API. For example:

    // Reads a model graph definition from disk, and creates a session object you
    // can use to run it.
    Status LoadGraph(string graph_file_name, Session** session) {
     GraphDef graph_def;
         ReadBinaryProto(Env::Default(), graph_file_name, &graph_def));
     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(NewSession(SessionOptions(), session));
     return Status::OK();
  4. Run the graph with a call to session->Run()




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