* time(&timer); returns the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), measured in seconds
* 如果timer非空,也会把值放入timer
time_t timer = time(NULL); //获取具体的时间,以秒计
* clock()返回进程运行以来的clock tick数,linux下CLOCKS_PER_SEC=1,000,000
* 也就是说返回微妙数,不过从我观察看,其最低三位一般是0,也就是说它能做到毫秒级别的精度
* 多用于计算时间差
clock_t t;
int f;
t = clock();
printf ("Calculating...\n");
f = frequency_of_primes (2500000);
printf ("计算小于 2,500,000的素数的个数 is: %d\n",f);
t = clock() - t;
printf ("It took me %ld clicks (%f seconds) unit %ld.\n",t,((float)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
* double difftime (time_t end, time_t beginning);
* 返回end-beginning的秒数,保存为浮点型数据
struct tm {
int tm_sec; /* seconds 0-59*/
int tm_min; /* minutes 0-59*/
int tm_hour; /* hours 0-23*/
int tm_mday; /* day of the month 1-31*/
int tm_mon; /* month 0-11*/
int tm_year; /* year 真实年份-1900*/
int tm_wday; /* day of the week */
int tm_yday; /* day in the year */
int tm_isdst; /* daylight saving time */
* time_t mktime (struct tm * timeptr);
* 把tm结构体转换为time_t格式的时间,tm_wday与tm_yday的值被忽略,其他域值即使超出有效返回,也会被合理转换,如tm_mday超过31时,也会被转换为之后月份的某一天
* timeptr指向的值有可能会被改变:如果tm_wday与tm_yday越过其有效范围或者与其他域的值不符,则会被调整为正确的值
* struct tm * localtime (const time_t * timer);
* 把time_t时间转换为tm时间,非线程安全
* 其线程安全版本为:struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *timep, struct tm *result);
* size_t strftime (char* ptr, size_t maxsize, const char* format, const struct tm* timeptr );
* maxsize 包含结束符'\0'的长度
* format: %F表示YYYY-MM-DD,等效于%Y-%m-%d;%T表示HH:MM:SS,等效于%H:%M:%S
linux time.h整理
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