function glv1 =glvf(Re, f, wie)
——`根据参考椭球的长半轴、扁率和自转角速率确定相应参考椭球的其它参数`%PSINS Toolbox global variable structure initialization. ——`对工具箱的全局变量进行初始化`%% Prototype: glv =glvf(Re, f, wie)
——`Re:长半轴、f:扁率、wie:自转角速率;glv:椭球参数的结构体`% Inputs: Re - the Earth's semi-major axis
% f - flattening
% wie - the Earth's angular rate
% Output: glv1 - output global variable structure array
%% See also psinsinit.%Copyright(c)2009-2014, by Gongmin Yan, All rights reserved.% Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi An,P.R.China
global glv ——`全局变量glv`if~exist('Re','var'), Re =[]; end ——`如果变量Re不存在就使其为空`if~exist('f','var'), f =[]; end ——`如果变量f不存在就使其为空`if~exist('wie','var'), wie =[]; end ——`如果变量wie不存在就使其为空`ifisempty(Re), Re =6378137; end ——`如果变量Re为空就给其赋值`ifisempty(f), f =1/298.257; end ——