js如何提取form 中的内容实现预览!


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

<script language = "JavaScript">
<!--hide this script from old browsers
document.write('<B>Prompt mode is now working.</B><BR>')
document.write('<PRE><B>Help status:  </B>')
helpon = false  // ...true or false
document.write('<input type="radio" name="radiohelp"  value="true" onClick = " helpon = true"> ON ')
document.write('<input type="radio" name="radiohelp"  value="false" checked onClick = " helpon = false"> OFF <BR>')
document.write('<B>HTML mode:    </B>')
modeindex = 0   // ...0=simple, 1=sample, 2=prompt
document.write('<input type="radio" name="radiomode"  value="Copyright 1996  Ray Daly" checked onClick = " modeindex = 0 "> Simple ')
document.write('<input type="radio" name="radiomode"  value="Copyright 1996  Ray Daly" onClick = " modeindex = 1"> Sample ')
document.write('<input type="radio" name="radiomode"  value="Copyright 1996  Ray Daly" onClick = " modeindex = 2"> Prompt <BR></PRE>')
document.write('<TABLE CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0">')
document.write('<TR><TH><input type="button" value=" Start " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jStart)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" End " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jEnd)">')
document.write('</TH><TH><input type="button" value="页面显示" onClick="preview(this.form)">')
document.write('</TH><TH><input type="button" value="保存" onClick="Save(this.form)">')
document.write('</TH><TH><input type="button" value="关于" onClick="About(this.form)">')
document.write('</TH></TR><TR><TH><input type="button" value=" B " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jBold)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value="  I  " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jItalics)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" PRE " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jPre)">  ')
document.write('</TH><TH><input type="button" value=" H1 " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jH1)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" H2 " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jH2)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" H3 " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jH3)">  ')
document.write('</TH><TH><input type="button" value=" OL " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jOL)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" UL " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jUL)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" LI " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jLI)">  ')
document.write('</TH><TH><input type="button" value=" DL " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jDL)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" DT " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jDT)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" DD " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jDD)"><BR>')
document.write('</TH></TR><TR><TH><input type="button" value=" P " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jPara)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" BR " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jBreak)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" HR " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jRule)">  ')
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document.write('</TH><TH><input type="button" value=" L" onClick="HjButton(this.form,jImageL)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value=" Image " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jImage)">')
document.write('<input type="button" value="R" onClick="HjButton(this.form,jImageR)">  ')
document.write('</TH><TH><input type="button" value="     Center     " onClick="HjButton(this.form,jCenter)">  ')
function HjReset (form) {                // ...required because RESET does not reset values, just GUI
               helpon = false
               modeindex = 0
               form.TEXT.value = ""
function HTMLtag (buttonname, insertmode, inserttext, tagstart, tagmiddle, tagend, sampletext, sampletext2, helptext) {
        // ...this fuction defines the object HTMLtag
        this.buttonname = buttonname
        this.insertmode = insertmode   
                // ...1=none 2=standard input 3=lists (UL and OL) 4=DL list 5=anchor
        this.inserttext = inserttext    // ...prompt when asking for insert text
        this.tagstart   = tagstart
        this.tagmiddle  = tagmiddle
        this.tagend     = tagend
        this.sampletext = sampletext    // ...sample text placed between tags in TextArea
        this.sampletext2= sampletext2
        this.helptext   = helptext
jStart = new HTMLtag ( "Start", "2", "Enter the document TITLE", " <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>", "",               "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>",
        "Title of the document (eg. HTMLjive Page)", "" ,
        "Tags for start of document and the TITLE go here.  Use the END button when your document is complete." )
jEnd = new HTMLtag ( "End", "1", "", " </BODY></HTML>", "", "",
        "", "" ,
        "This puts in the closing tags when your document is complete." )
jBold = new HTMLtag ( "B", "2", "Enter the text to be BOLD", " <B>", "", "</B>",
        "This will be bold", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <B> and the </B> will be BOLD" )
jItalics = new HTMLtag ( "I", "2", "Enter the text to be ITALICIZED", " <I>", "", "</I>",
        "This will be in italics", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <I> and the </I> will be ITALICIZED" )
jPre = new HTMLtag ( "PRE", "2", "Enter the text to be PREformatted", " <PRE>", "", "</PRE>",
        "This will be PREformatted", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <PRE> and the </PRE> will be PREformatted" )
jPara = new HTMLtag ( "P", "2", "Enter the text for a PARAGRAPH", " <P>", "", "</P>",
        "Start of a PARAGRAPH that continues until the start of next PARAGRAPH.", "" ,
        "The text placed after the <P> will be a separate PARAGRAPH until the next <P>" )
jBreak = new HTMLtag ( "BR", "1", "", " <BR>", "", "",
        "", "" ,
        "This tag forces a line break, start of the next line." )
jRule = new HTMLtag ( "HR", "1", "", " <HR>", "", "",
        "", "" ,
        "This tag puts a (horizontal rule) line on the page." )
jH1 = new HTMLtag ( "H1", "2", "Enter the text for the HEADLINE", " <H1>", "", "</H1>",
        "This will be a top level HEADLINE", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <H1> and the </H1> will be the HEADLINE." )
jH2 = new HTMLtag ( "H2", "2", "Enter the text for the HEADLINE", " <H2>", "", "</H2>",
        "This will be a next to top level HEADLINE", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <H2> and the </H2> will be the HEADLINE." )
jH3 = new HTMLtag ( "H3", "2", "Enter the text for the HEADLINE", " <H3>", "", "</H3>",
        "This will be a third from top level HEADLINE", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <H3> and the </H3> will be the HEADLINE." )
jCenter = new HTMLtag ( "Center", "2", "Enter the text to be CENTERED", " <CENTER>", "", "</CENTER>",
        "This will be a CENTERED", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <CENTER> and the </CENTER> will be the CENTERED." )
jOL = new HTMLtag ( "OL", "3", "Enter FIRST item for (Numbered) ORDERED LIST", " <OL><LI> ", "</LI><LI> ", "</LI></OL>",
        "This is one item in the numbered list", "Next item in the numbered list" ,
        "Create an ORDERED LIST by placing multiple items between <LI> and </LI>" )
jOL.inserttext2 = "Enter NEXT item for ORDERED LIST"
jUL = new HTMLtag ( "UL", "3", "Enter FIRST item for (Plain) UNORDERED LIST", " <UL><LI> ", "</LI><LI> ", "</LI></UL>",
        "This is one item in the plain list", "Next item in the plain list" ,
        "Create an ORDERED LIST by placing multiple items between <LI> and </LI>" )
jUL.inserttext2 = "Enter NEXT item for UNORDERED LIST"
jLI = new HTMLtag ( "LI", "2", "Enter the text for an item in a LIST", " <LI>", "", "</LI>",
        "This is an item in a LIST", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <L1> and the </L1> will one item in a LIST.  Requires OL or UL." )
jDL = new HTMLtag ( "UL", "4", "Enter item for DEFINITION LIST", " <DL><DT>", "</DT> <DD>", " </DD></DL>",
        "Item to be defined", "Definition of the item" ,
        "DEFINITION LISTS have two elements: item and definition.  Enter the item." )
jDL.inserttext2 = "Enter the definition "
jDL.tagmiddle2='</DD> <DT>'
jDT = new HTMLtag ( "DT", "2", "Enter item for a DEFINITION LIST", " <DT>", "", "</DT>",
        "This is item for a DEFINITION LIST", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <DT> and the </DT> will one item in a LIST.  Requires DL." )
jDD = new HTMLtag ( "DD", "2", "Enter definition for a DEFINITION LIST", " <DD>", "", "</DD>",
        "This is definition in a DEFINITION LIST", "" ,
        "The text placed between the <DD> and the </DD> will one item in a LIST.  Requires DL." )
jImageL = new HTMLtag ("Image", 2, "Enter the URL (e.g., sample.gif)", ' <IMG SRC="', "", '" ALIGN=LEFT>',
        "URL to graphic (e.g. sample.gif)" , "",
        "Enter the URL for the graphic (e.g., sample.gif) for LEFT alignment" )
jImage = new HTMLtag ("Image", 2, "Enter the URL (e.g., sample.gif)", ' <IMG SRC="', "", '">',
        "URL to graphic (e.g. sample.gif)" , "",
        "Enter the URL for the graphic (e.g., sample.gif)" )
jImageR = new HTMLtag ("Image", 2, "Enter the URL (e.g., sample.gif)", ' <IMG SRC="', "", '" ALIGN=RIGHT>',
        "URL to graphic (e.g. sample.gif)" , "",
        "Enter the URL for the graphic (e.g., sample.gif) for RIGHT alignment" )
jAnchor = new HTMLtag ("Anchor", 5, "Enter the URL (e.g., http://www.yahoo.com)", ' <A HREF="', '"> ', '</A>',
        "http://www.yahoo.com", "Yahoo (description here)",
        "Enter the URL (e.g., http://www.yahoo.com/index.html) followed by the description." )
jAnchor.inserttext2 = "Enter description (e.g., Yahoo)"
function About (form) {
        alert('建站资源网panda  http://www.jzzy.com')
function Save (form) {
        alert('No SAVE function is available.  You must "cut & paste" your document into another application.')
function HjButton (form,selection) {    // ...all HTML button call this routine
        if (helpon) {
                if (confirm(selection.helptext)){
                        addHTML (form,selection)
                addHTML (form,selection)
function addHTML (form,selection) {
        // ...add text to value ot TextArea
        cancel = false
        if (modeindex==2) {     // ...insert mode
                if (selection.insertmode != 1 ) {       // ...if none, skip it all
                        addText += addHTMLinsert (selection, addText, form)
                        if (addText == selection.tagstart) {
                                cancel = true
        if (modeindex==1) {     // ...sample mode
                addText = addText + selection.sampletext + selection.tagmiddle + selection.sampletext2
        if (modeindex==0) {     // ...simple mode
                addText += selection.tagmiddle
        addText += selection.tagend
        if (cancel == false) {  // ...put text into TextArea unless canceled
                form.TEXT.value += addText
function addHTMLinsert (selection, addText, form) {
        // ...insert mode
        // ...addText alread as .tagstart, cancel=false
        // ...insertmodes 1=none, 2=insert, 3=lists (UL and OL), 4=DL list, 5=anchor
        if (selection.insertmode ==2) {         // ...simple insert (eg.<B>...</B>
                i = ""
                i = prompt (selection.inserttext, "")
                if ((i != null) && (i != "")) {                 // ...if input add
                        addText = i
                        addText = ""
        if (selection.insertmode == 3) {        // ...UL and OL lists
                addText = ""
                i = ""
                i = prompt (selection.inserttext, "")
                if ((i != null) && (i != "")) {
                        addText = i
                        while ((i != null) && (i != "")) {      // ...get next until null
                                i=prompt (selection.inserttext2, "")
                                if ((i != null) && (i != "")) {
                                        addText=addText + selection.tagmiddle + i
        if (selection.insertmode == 4) {        // ...DL list
                i= "dummy"
                j = i
                addText = ""
                count = 0
                while ((i != null) && (i != "") && (j != null) && (j !="")) {   // ...get next until null
                        i = ""
                        i = prompt (selection.inserttext, "")
                        // ... used for debugging form.TEXT.value += "-->" + i + "<--"
                        if ((i != null) && (i != "")) {
                                j = ""
                                j=prompt (selection.inserttext2, "")
                                if ((j != null) && (j != "")) {
                                        if (count > 1){
                                                addText += selection.tagmiddle2

                                        addText=addText +i + selection.tagmiddle + j
        if (selection.insertmode == 5) {        // ...Anchor
                addText = ""
                i = ""
                i = prompt (selection.inserttext, "")
                // ... used for debugging form.TEXT.value += "-->" + i + "<--"
                if ((i != null) && (i != "")) {
                        j = ""
                        j=prompt (selection.inserttext2, "")
                        if ((j != null) && (j != "")) {
                                addText=i + selection.tagmiddle + j
        return addText


function preview(form) {


<!-- done hiding from old browsers -->


<b>HTMLjive Document:</b><br>


<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE= "Erase and Restart Document" onClick="HjReset(this.form)">



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