
USE eagle;
set hive.execution.engine=spark;
USE eagle;
USE view_huanju;
USE kaixindou;
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION urldecode AS ‘com.hiido.hive.udf.URLDecodeUDF’;

— tmp0

create temporary table tmp0 AS
coalesce(t1.media_source,’Organic’) media_source,
coalesce(t1.adgroup,’其他’) adgroup
(select ver,case when appkey=’7c74186bd3a1e25806e3e2a11c1f30b7’ then ‘android’ else ‘ios’ end sys,nation,uid,hdid, case when is_new_user=1 then ‘新用户’ else ‘老用户’ end user_type
from eagle.hago_wh_dw_appheartbeat_uid_info_original_day
where dt=’ date)t0leftjoin(selectuid,hdid,mediasource,adgroupfromhagouidafchannelwheredt= d a t e ′ ) t 0 l e f t j o i n ( s e l e c t u i d , h d i d , m e d i a s o u r c e , a d g r o u p f r o m h a g o u i d a f c h a n n e l w h e r e d t = ′ {date}’ group by uid, hdid, media_source, adgroup) t1
on t0.uid=t1.uid;

— tmp1
create temporary table tmp11 as
select ver,
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’,t1.uid,null)) show_num
,count(if(function_id=’show’,1,null)) show_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’,t1.act_uid,null)) showed_num
,count(distinct if(function_id=’head_click’,t1.uid,null)) head_click_num
,count(if(function_id=’head_click’,1,null)) head_click_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’say_hi’,t1.uid,null)) say_hi_num
,count(if(function_id=’say_hi’,1,null)) say_hi_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’like_click’,t1.uid,null)) like_click_num
,count(if(function_id=’like_click’,1,null)) like_click_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’1’,t1.uid,null)) im_show_num
,count(if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’1’,1,null)) im_show_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’2’,t1.uid,null)) dp_show_num
,count(if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’2’,1,null)) dp_show_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’3’,t1.uid,null)) message_show_num
,count(if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’3’,1,null)) message_show_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’4’,t1.uid,null)) friend_show_num
,count(if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’4’,1,null)) friend_show_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’5’,t1.uid,null)) add_show_num
,count(if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’5’,1,null)) add_show_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’6’,t1.uid,null)) apply_show_num
,count(if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’6’,1,null)) apply_show_cnt
,count(distinct if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’7’,t1.uid,null)) matched_show_num
,count(if(function_id=’show’ and ent_id=’7’,1,null)) matched_show_cnt
from (
select uid
,get_json_object(urldecode(moreinfo),’ .functionid)functionid,getjsonobject(urldecode(moreinfo), . f u n c t i o n i d ′ ) f u n c t i o n i d , g e t j s o n o b j e c t ( u r l d e c o d e ( m o r e i n f o ) , ′ .act_uid’) act_uid
,get_json_object(urldecode(moreinfo),’ .entid)entidfromviewhuanju.viewothermbsdkprotocoloriginalwheredt= . e n t i d ′ ) e n t i d f r o m v i e w h u a n j u . v i e w o t h e r m b s d k p r o t o c o l o r i g i n a l w h e r e d t = ′ {date}’ and eventid=’20023793’ and uid>0
) t1
left join (
select uid, ver, sys, nation, user_type, media_source, adgroup from tmp0 where uid>0
) t2
on t1.uid=t2.uid
group by ver, sys, nation, user_type, media_source, adgroup;

create temporary table tmp1 AS
select coalesce(ver,’all’) ver
,coalesce(sys,’all’) sys
,coalesce(media_source,’all’) media_source
,coalesce(adgroup,’all’) adgroup
,coalesce(user_type,’全部用户’) user_type,
sum(show_num) show_num,
sum(show_cnt) show_cnt,
sum(showed_num) showed_num,
sum(head_click_num) head_click_num,
sum(head_click_cnt) head_click_cnt,
sum(say_hi_num) say_hi_num,
sum(say_hi_cnt) say_hi_cnt,
sum(like_click_num) like_click_num,
sum(like_click_cnt) like_click_cnt,
sum(im_show_num) im_show_num,
sum(im_show_cnt) im_show_cnt,
sum(dp_show_num) dp_show_num,
sum(dp_show_cnt) dp_show_cnt,
sum(message_show_num) message_show_num,
sum(message_show_cnt) message_show_cnt,
sum(friend_show_num) friend_show_num,
sum(friend_show_cnt) friend_show_cnt,
sum(add_show_num) add_show_num,
sum(add_show_cnt) add_show_cnt,
sum(apply_show_num) apply_show_num,
sum(apply_show_cnt) apply_show_cnt,
sum(matched_show_num) matched_show_num,
sum(matched_show_cnt) matched_show_cnt
from tmp11
group by nation,ver,sys,user_type,media_source,adgroup
grouping sets((nation),(nation,ver),(nation,sys),(nation,user_type),(nation,media_source),(nation,adgroup),

– tmp2
create temporary table tmp2 as
select coalesce(ver,’all’) ver
,coalesce(sys,’all’) sys
,coalesce(media_source,’all’) media_source
,coalesce(adgroup,’all’) adgroup
,coalesce(user_type,’全部用户’) user_type
,sum(dau) dau
(select ver
,count(distinct uid) dau
from (
select uid, ver, sys, nation, user_type, media_source, adgroup from tmp0 where uid>0
) a
group by ver,sys,nation,user_type,media_source,adgroup) t1 —
group by ver,sys,nation,user_type,media_source,adgroup
grouping sets((nation),(nation,ver),(nation,sys),(nation,user_type),(nation,media_source),(nation,adgroup),

— union all result
select ‘ date:ymddt,ver,sys,nation,usertype,datatype,mediasource,adgroup,shownum,showednum,headclicknum,sayhinum,likeclicknum,imshownum,dpshownum,messageshownum,friendshownum,addshownum,applyshownum,matchedshownumfromtmp1unionallselect d a t e : y − m − d ′ d t , v e r , s y s , n a t i o n , u s e r t y p e , ′ 人 数 ′ d a t a t y p e , m e d i a s o u r c e , a d g r o u p , s h o w n u m , s h o w e d n u m , h e a d c l i c k n u m , s a y h i n u m , l i k e c l i c k n u m , i m s h o w n u m , d p s h o w n u m , m e s s a g e s h o w n u m , f r i e n d s h o w n u m , a d d s h o w n u m , a p p l y s h o w n u m , m a t c h e d s h o w n u m f r o m t m p 1 u n i o n a l l s e l e c t ‘ {date:y-m-d}’ dt
,’次数’ data_type
,show_cnt showed_cnt
from tmp1
union all
select ‘ date:ymddt,t1.ver,t1.sys,t1.nation,t1.usertype,datatype,t1.mediasource,t1.adgroup,concat(round(shownum/dau100,2),,nullshowednum,concat(round(headclicknum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(sayhinum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(likeclicknum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(imshownum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(dpshownum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(messageshownum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(friendshownum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(addshownum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(applyshownum/shownum100,2),,concat(round(matchedshownum/shownum100,2),fromtmp1t1leftjointmp2t2ont1.ver=t2.verandt1.sys=t2.sysandt1.nation=t2.nationandt1.usertype=t2.usertypeandt1.mediasource=t2.mediasourceandt1.adgroup=t2.adgroupunionallselect d a t e : y − m − d ′ d t , t 1. v e r , t 1. s y s , t 1. n a t i o n , t 1. u s e r t y p e , ′ 人 数 占 比 ′ d a t a t y p e , t 1. m e d i a s o u r c e , t 1. a d g r o u p , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( s h o w n u m / d a u ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , n u l l s h o w e d n u m , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( h e a d c l i c k n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( s a y h i n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( l i k e c l i c k n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( i m s h o w n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( d p s h o w n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( m e s s a g e s h o w n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( f r i e n d s h o w n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( a d d s h o w n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( a p p l y s h o w n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ , c o n c a t ( r o u n d ( m a t c h e d s h o w n u m / s h o w n u m ∗ 100 , 2 ) , ′ f r o m t m p 1 t 1 l e f t j o i n t m p 2 t 2 o n t 1. v e r = t 2. v e r a n d t 1. s y s = t 2. s y s a n d t 1. n a t i o n = t 2. n a t i o n a n d t 1. u s e r t y p e = t 2. u s e r t y p e a n d t 1. m e d i a s o u r c e = t 2. m e d i a s o u r c e a n d t 1. a d g r o u p = t 2. a d g r o u p u n i o n a l l s e l e c t ‘ {date:y-m-d}’ dt
,’次数占比’ data_type
,null show_num
,null showed_num
,concat(round(head_click_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) head_click_num
,concat(round(say_hi_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) say_hi_num
,concat(round(like_click_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) like_click_num
,concat(round(im_show_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) im_show_num
,concat(round(dp_show_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) dp_show_num
,concat(round(message_show_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) message_show_num
,concat(round(friend_show_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) friend_show_num
,concat(round(add_show_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) add_show_num
,concat(round(apply_show_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) apply_show_num
,concat(round(matched_show_cnt/show_cnt*100,2),’%’) matched_show_num
from tmp1 t1

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