Summary of Alpha Phase Issues

Which course does this assignment belong to
Where are the requirements for this assignment
The goal of this assignmentDocumenting the exact process of software creation
Team nameWizards of Codes
Team ProjectCampus course management and check-in system


I、Vision and Objectives 





VI、Team Roles, Management, Co-operation 



I、Vision and Objectives 

1. What problem does our software solve? Is it clearly defined? Is there a clear description of typical users and typical scenarios?
The software is designed to provide campus management and check-in systems. From the perspective of task assignment, it involves user interface design, real-time course update, back-end security, interface implementation, etc. It is necessary to ensure that definitions are clear, especially in terms of user experience and system functionality, to meet the needs of typical users and scenarios.

2. Did we achieve our goals (how many of the planned features did we achieve? Was it delivered on schedule?) 
Some tasks have been completed, such as responsive design, user interface architecture, etc. But there are still some tasks under way, and some are facing difficulties. It is necessary to assess the consistency between actual progress and the original plan, especially in the area of product presentation interface design.

3. Has the quality of the team's software engineering improved compared to the previous phase? Where is the improvement, how much is it, and how is it measured?
Some team members focus on improving design details, interface aesthetics, real-time information presentation, device adaptation, etc. The improvement in quality can be evaluated by metrics such as interface aesthetics, user experience improvements, and so on.

4. The number of users, the acceptance of important functions and our prior expectations consistent? Are we any closer to our goal?
There is no specific user feedback or user volume data. In future development, we need to pay attention to user feedback on the implemented features and their acceptance of the product. This helps you determine how close you are to your goal.

5. What are the lessons learned from? If history were to be repeated, what improvements would we make?
We believe that some tasks still need to be further improved after completion, such as improving interface interactivity, dealing with database operation issues, strengthening back-end security, etc. Lessons learned might include more comprehensive testing, earlier user feedback, closer collaboration, and more. When history is replayed, consider addressing issues earlier to ensure high-quality delivery of the project.


1. Do you have enough time to plan?
At the beginning of the Alpha sprint, our schedule was a little tight and time was not enough, but we generally had enough time after adjustment.
2. How did the team resolve the different opinions of colleagues on the plan during the planning stage?
Team members differ in their difficulty and improvement points for each task. During the planning phase, it may be necessary to hold regular meetings to promote open communication, share different opinions, and find common solutions.

3. Did you finish all the work you had planned? If there's something unfinished, why?
Some of our tasks have been completed, such as user interface architecture, database operations, etc. However, there are still some missions in the works, due to design difficulties, technical issues, etc. We need to carefully analyze the reasons for not completing the task and make adjustments accordingly in the future plan.

4. Do you find yourself doing things that in hindsight were unnecessary or of little value?
At present, I have not found doing anything unnecessary. However, as the project progresses, it may be necessary to evaluate continuously to ensure that each task is actually contributing to the project goals.

5. Is there a clearly defined and measured deliverable for each task?
Each task has a relatively clear description and improvement points, which helps to have a consistent understanding of the task's goals and completion criteria.

6. Is the whole process of the project going according to plan? What happened to the project?
Although some of our tasks have been completed, we still face some challenges, such as the difficulty of designing the curriculum display interface, and the back-end security testing has not yet been carried out. Project implementation may encounter technical problems or other unpredictable circumstances, need to adjust the plan according to the actual situation.

7. Is there a buffer zone in the plan, and does it work?
We have not considered the setting of buffers, but may need to consider whether to include appropriate buffers in future plans to better accommodate unpredictable changes that may occur in project execution.

8. What changes will be made to the future plan? (e.g. Definition of buffer zone, overtime)
Future plans may need to be adjusted based on experience in project execution. Consider whether you need more buffer zones, whether you need more team collaboration to improve productivity, and so on.

9. What have we learned? If history were to be repeated, what improvements would we make?
The team learned about user experience, security, performance optimization, and more through the tasks in the project. In the future, we can build on these experiences to further improve the team's workflow, increase the level of team collaboration, and pay more attention to detail, quality, and user needs in project management. If we could do it again, we would solve design challenges in advance, have closer team collaboration, clearly define and evaluate task priorities, and have more timely testing and feedback mechanisms.



 1. Do we have enough resources to accomplish the tasks?

 Yes, there are enough resources online for us to learn and we have servers.

2. How are the time and other resources required for each task estimated and with what precision?

We estimate the time required for the task according to the ability of different members and the difficulty of the task. And adjust and reschedule the time according to the completion of the project. 

3. Are there sufficient time, manpower and software/hardware resources for testing? Do you underestimate the difficulty of resources that don't require programming (art design/copywriting)? 

The manpower and software/hardware resources are still sufficient, but it does underestimate the resources that don't need to be programmed, the artwork part we don't have much experience in, and our interactive interface is still rather rudimentary, which is a part that might be improved during the beta sprint. 

4. Do you ever feel that what you do could be done by someone else (more efficiently)? 

No, everyone does the right job, and although everyone takes a different amount of time to complete the task, they all already have a good understanding of the part they are responsible for. 



1. When and by whom was the design work done? Is it the right time, the right person? 

In the campus management and check-in system project, the design work includes aspects of user interface design, system architecture design, and possibly database design. At the beginning of the project, the user interface design was taken care of by the student in charge of UI/UX design, the system architecture design was mainly done by the student in charge of architecture, and the database design was taken care of by the student in charge of database management, and the result was discussed by all of us after the design was completed. 

2.Was there any ambiguity encountered in the design work and how did the team resolve it?

Yes, there may be conflicting permission needs for different users (students, staff, administrators), e.g., certain functions require both student access and administrator approval. Our solution is to conduct a detailed user rights analysis, discuss with the team and stakeholders, and find a solution that balances the needs of all parties. A flexible permissions management system may be required to accommodate all types of users.

3. Does the team utilize unit tests, test-driven development (TDD), UML, or other tools to aid in design and implementation? Are these tools effective? What are the differences between the UML documentation at the beginning of the project and the current state? How did these differences arise? Should the UML document be updated? 

We used postman for debugging and was effective in helping us find the problem.

4. What features generated the most bugs and why? What important bugs were found after the release? Why didn't we think of these scenarios during design/development? 

The venue booking section generated the most bugs, and there were times when the interface didn't open properly. Omissions occurred because of the large amount of code, and also because of the omissions caused by being too eager to complete tasks during the development phase. 

5. How was the Code Review (Code Review) conducted and was the code specification strictly enforced?

The goal of the review is firstly to identify potential errors, and secondly to achieve performance optimization, and then the time is selected to conduct regular code review, and timely feedback and discussion are conducted after the review. 

6. What have we learned? If history were to repeat itself, what would we do differently?

We learned that we should implement features with the assurance that nothing will go wrong, and that we shouldn't rush things. If we could do it all over again, we would review the code more carefully and try to make sure there are no bugs. 



1. does the team have a test plan? Why not?

Our team has a testing program and postman is our main testing tool. 

2. Was a formal acceptance test performed?

The project has not been fully accepted and we have only tested it within the team.

3. Does the team have testing tools to help with testing?

Yes, the main tool used is postman.

4. How does the team measure and track the effectiveness of the software? Are these testing efforts useful in terms of what the software actually does?

The team started by clearly defining key performance metrics and testing whether these metrics aligned with the project's performance goals and user experience expectations. These testing efforts have proven to be useful as they enable the team to identify and resolve potential performance issues in a timely manner, ensuring that the software will run consistently and efficiently in real-world operations to meet user expectations and needs.

5. What unforeseen issues were discovered during the release process?

Designed applets can't get in.

6. What have we learnt? If history were to repeat itself, what would we do to improve? 

We recognise the importance of testing, and functional testing verifies that the system's features are working properly according to the requirements specification. This helps to ensure that the basic operation and core functionality of the school administration and sign-in system is reliable. If we were to do it all over again, we would have done more testing and improved the project in time to reduce testing errors. 


VI、Team Roles, Management, Co-operation 

1. How is each role of the team determined and is it the best for everyone?

Everyone plays to their strengths according to the division of labour they are good at.

2. Do team members help each other?

 Team members monitor each other and help each other.

3.  How do team members solve problems when there are issues with project management and co-operation?

Priority is given to listening to the team LEADER, and voting if there is still a disagreement and there is some validity to it.

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