Rosie's Frankly Speaking

To tell you the truth, I haven’t stood on the stage for a long time and spoke English to so many people. I’m a little nervous, and I’m very resistant to it. But I can’t help it. You’ve all done a good job. I can’t give up halfway. Okay, next, my sharing is starting. Today I want to talk about my English study and life those days.在这里插入图片描述

About half a month ago, the Intermediate Software Designer Examination was over. But it also means that another new journey has begun. We are learning English again. Every morning we meet in the conference room to learn about the little tortoise of Hong En. After watching the video, we discuss and retell it. In the process of learning, we have found each other’s gifts and shortcomings. The following examples rank in no particular order.

For example, in my opinion, Cookie’s listening is very good. She can tell us the little details that we neglect every time. Although her expression is not very accurate, as a standard, we are not good at English. As long as she can say a word, I can know What she want to say? No way, I am so strong. Jerry, a very serious guy, as the main character, he is very strict with himself every day. His listening and expressing abilities are improving. Arielle, she has a very beautiful voice, but she doesn’t like to get up early. Oh! What a pity! Without her, it’s very boring the whole morning. Allison, there is no special description, because she is so excellent that I do not want to make an evaluation, basically never absent, expressed very well. Funny and so on.

And me? The progress of this stage I have made is that I have done very few things before, that is, when everyone is not here on time, the computer is ready. we use my computer to learn. After a period of time, I feel very good. I am leaving the comfort zone, that is, waiting for someone to bring the computer and leave after learning. I thank you very much for the days when you didn’t have computers, which helped me grow up.

Last night, I watched several videos of speeches, I tried to make an excellent speech, but I failed; I tried to recite a wonderful poem, like this:

The Furthest Distance in the world Tagore
The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
Yet you don’t know that
I love you.

but the time was too short to conform to the rules of performance today, so I gave up again; finally, I chose to confess. I want to confess something to you. Actually, not only this time, but also the other times. I am particularly worried about the day of acceptance, because I really don’t know what to say. I still remember my last speech. I didn’t perform very well. This time, I think so. So embarrassed!!! I’m really in pain. I don’t know what to share with you. I spent almost the whole night preparing this speech yesterday. I just wanted to talk about my mental state. It was so bad that I almost cried. Please help me you guys. What should I do next time?

That’s all I have to say. If I’m really bad and you think so, please let me know with rapturous applause. Thank you for listening. That’s the end of my speech.

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