单表操作(修改表字段 复制表 表数据迁移) 单表查询


create table t1(id int);

desc t1;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

# add默认从最后一个字段增加
alter table t1 add name varchar(5) not null, add age int not null;

desc t1;
| Field | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(5) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| age   | int(11)    | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

# add + first在字段开头增加
alter table t1 add haha tinyint first;

desc t1;
| Field | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| haha  | tinyint(4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| id    | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(5) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| age   | int(11)    | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

# add + after指定字段进行插入
alter table t1 add y varchar(3) after id;

desc t1;
| Field | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| haha  | tinyint(4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| id    | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| y     | varchar(3) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(5) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| age   | int(11)    | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

# alter + drop指定字段进行删除
alter table t1 drop y;

desc t1;
| Field | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| haha  | tinyint(4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| id    | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(5) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| age   | int(11)    | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

# alter + modify指定字段进行属性修改
alter table t1 modify name varchar(10);

desc t1;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| haha  | tinyint(4)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| id    | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| age   | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

# alter + change 修改表的字段名
alter table t1 change name new_name varchar(10) not null;

desc t1;
| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| haha     | tinyint(4)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| id       | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| new_name | varchar(10) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| age      | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL    |       |


# \G标准输出(将字段按照每一行显示)
select * from mysql.user\G

# select默认会将输出结果拼接成一个表格形式
select host,user,password from mysql.user;
| host      | user | password                                  |
| localhost | root | *23AE809DDACAF96AF0FD78ED04B6A265E05AA257 |
| db01      | root |                                           |
| | root |                                           |
| ::1       | root |                                           |
| localhost |      |                                           |
| db01      |      |                                           |

# 复制表+表数据(创建表,将表mysql.user的输出结果打印到t2表中)
create table t2 select host,user,password from mysql.user;

desc t2;
| Field    | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| host     | char(60) | NO   |     |         |       |
| user     | char(16) | NO   |     |         |       |
| password | char(41) | NO   |     |         |       |

select * from t2;
| host      | user | password                                  |
| localhost | root | *23AE809DDACAF96AF0FD78ED04B6A265E05AA257 |
| db01      | root |                                           |
| | root |                                           |
| ::1       | root |                                           |
| localhost |      |                                           |
| db01      |      |                                           |

# 只复制表结构,where后面的条件为false,没有输出结果
select host,user,password from mysql.user where 1>10;

# create + select + where(条件为false)无结果输出
create table t3 select host,user,password from mysql.user where 1>10;

desc t3;
| Field    | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| host     | char(60) | NO   |     |         |       |
| user     | char(16) | NO   |     |         |       |
| password | char(41) | NO   |     |         |       |

select * from t3;
Empty set (0.00 sec)


# 插入数据的几种方式
create table t4(id int,name varchar(10),age int);

# 按照顺序插入数据
insert t4 values(1,"nana",18);

insert t4 values(1,"xixi",19);

# 按照字段插入数据
insert t4(name,id,age) values("haha",3,20);

# 批量插入数据
insert t4 values(2,"lala",16),(4,"dudu",19);

select * from t4;
| id   | name | age  |
|    1 | nana |   18 |
|    1 | xixi |   19 |
|    3 | haha |   20 |
|    2 | lala |   16 |
|    4 | dudu |   19 |


create table test01(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(16) not null unique,
age int not null,
email varchar(16) not null,
born_year int not null,
reg_time timestamp

desc test01;
| Field     | Type        | Null | Key | Default           | Extra                       |
| id        | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment              |
| name      | varchar(16) | NO   | UNI | NULL              |                             |
| age       | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL              |                             |
| email     | varchar(16) | NO   |     | NULL              |                             |
| born_year | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL              |                             |
| reg_time  | timestamp   | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |

insert into test01(name,age,email,born_year,reg_time) values

select * from test01;
| id | name | age | email     | born_year | reg_time            |
|  1 | nana |  18 | 12@qq.com |      1999 | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  2 | lala |  19 | 12@qq.com |      1998 | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  3 | haha |  20 | 12@qq.com |      1997 | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  4 | xixi |  21 | 12@qq.com |      1993 | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |

create table test02(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(16) not null unique,
email varchar(16) not null,
reg_time timestamp

select id,name,email,reg_time from test01;
| id | name | email     | reg_time            |
|  1 | nana | 12@qq.com | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  2 | lala | 12@qq.com | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  3 | haha | 12@qq.com | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  4 | xixi | 12@qq.com | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |

# 指定test01表中的字段,将指定的字段数据复制到test02表中
insert test02(id,name,email,reg_time) select id,name,email,reg_time from test01;

select * from test02;
| id | name | email     | reg_time            |
|  1 | nana | 12@qq.com | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  2 | lala | 12@qq.com | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  3 | haha | 12@qq.com | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |
|  4 | xixi | 12@qq.com | 2021-07-02 10:24:25 |



  • 使用select查询数据,默认会在内存生成一张虚拟表,并将虚拟表的结果显示到屏幕。
select distinct 字段1,字段2,... from.;
						distinct	去重
						where	过滤条件(分组前过滤,针对表进行筛选)
						group by	分组字段
						having	过滤条件(分组后过滤,针对组进行筛选)
						order by	排序字段
						limit	条数




  from => where => group by => having => select => distinct => order by => limit


# 创建表
create table employee(
id int not null unique auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null,
sex enum("male","female") not null default "male",  
age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,
hire_date date not null,
post varchar(50),
post_comment varchar(100),
salary double(15,2),    
office int, 
depart_id int

desc employee;
| Field        | Type                  | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id           | int(11)               | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name         | varchar(20)           | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| sex          | enum('male','female') | NO   |     | male    |                |
| age          | int(3) unsigned       | NO   |     | 28      |                |
| hire_date    | date                  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| post         | varchar(50)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| post_comment | varchar(100)          | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| salary       | double(15,2)          | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| office       | int(11)               | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| depart_id    | int(11)               | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

# 插入数据
insert into employee(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values
("sun","male",18,"20170301","猥琐欲为",1000.22,401,1),    # 以下是教学部
("哈哈","male",48,"20120321","sale",3333,402,2),   # 以下是销售部
("娜娜","male",18,"20100319","operation",20000,403,3),   # 以下是运营部

select * from employee;
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post         | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
|  1 | sun    | male   |  18 | 2017-03-01 | 猥琐欲为     | NULL         |  1000.22 |    401 |         1 |
|  2 | haha   | male   |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher      | NULL         | 10000.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  3 | xixi   | male   |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher      | NULL         |  8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  4 | dudu   | male   |  72 | 2015-03-12 | teacher      | NULL         |  3100.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  5 | biubiu | male   |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher      | NULL         |  5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  6 | lala   | female |  58 | 2021-03-23 | teacher      | NULL         |  1020.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  7 | bubu   | male   |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher      | NULL         |  1501.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  8 | bobo   | male   |  55 | 2011-03-10 | teacher      | NULL         |  8222.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  9 | 哈哈   | male   |  48 | 2012-03-21 | sale         | NULL         |  3333.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 10 | 呵呵   | male   |  55 | 2013-06-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1050.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 11 | 西西   | male   |  38 | 2014-07-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1200.31 |    402 |         2 |
| 12 | 嘟嘟   | male   |  18 | 2018-12-01 | sale         | NULL         | 10011.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 13 | 萌萌   | male   |  38 | 2010-05-02 | sale         | NULL         | 10020.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 14 | 拉拉   | male   |  58 | 2005-03-25 | sale         | NULL         |  6250.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male   |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation    | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation    | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |

# distinct去重
select distinct post from employee;
| post         |
| 猥琐欲为     |
| teacher      |
| sale         |
| operation    |

# sql语句支持数字运算(+ - * /),as相当于给字段取了一个别名(不取别名,字段名默认为salary*12)
# 也可以直接写成: select name new_name,salary*12 year_salary from employee;
select name,salary*12 as year_salary from employee;
| name   | year_salary |
| sun    |    12002.64 |
| haha   |   120003.72 |
| xixi   |    99603.72 |
| dudu   |    37200.00 |
| biubiu |    60000.00 |
| lala   |    12240.00 |
| bubu   |    18012.00 |
| bobo   |    98664.00 |
| 哈哈   |    39996.00 |
| 呵呵   |    12600.00 |
| 西西   |    14403.72 |
| 嘟嘟   |   120132.00 |
| 萌萌   |   120240.00 |
| 拉拉   |    75000.00 |
| 娜娜   |   240000.00 |
| 宝宝   |   240000.00 |
| 辣辣   |   218640.00 |
| 蟹蟹   |   600000.00 |

# sql语句支持字符串拼接,需要调用内置函数concat()功能
select id,concat(name,"_vip") as new_name,sex from employee;
| id | new_name   | sex    |
|  1 | sun_vip    | male   |
|  2 | haha_vip   | male   |
|  3 | xixi_vip   | male   |
|  4 | dudu_vip   | male   |
|  5 | biubiu_vip | male   |
|  6 | lala_vip   | female |
|  7 | bubu_vip   | male   |
|  8 | bobo_vip   | male   |
|  9 | 哈哈_vip   | male   |
| 10 | 呵呵_vip   | male   |
| 11 | 西西_vip   | male   |
| 12 | 嘟嘟_vip   | male   |
| 13 | 萌萌_vip   | male   |
| 14 | 拉拉_vip   | male   |
| 15 | 娜娜_vip   | male   |
| 16 | 宝宝_vip   | female |
| 17 | 辣辣_vip   | male   |
| 18 | 蟹蟹_vip   | male   |

# select结合case语句可以根据判断条件进行字符串拼接
when name="sun" then
when name="haha" then
) as new_name,age from employee;
| id | new_name | age |
|  1 | sun_vip  |  18 |
|  2 | haha_NB  |  78 |
|  3 | xixi     |  81 |
|  4 | dudu     |  72 |
|  5 | biubiu   |  28 |
|  6 | lala     |  58 |
|  7 | bubu     |  38 |
|  8 | bobo     |  55 |
|  9 | 哈哈     |  48 |
| 10 | 呵呵     |  55 |
| 11 | 西西     |  38 |
| 12 | 嘟嘟     |  18 |
| 13 | 萌萌     |  38 |
| 14 | 拉拉     |  58 |
| 15 | 娜娜     |  18 |
| 16 | 宝宝     |  18 |
| 17 | 辣辣     |  18 |
| 18 | 蟹蟹     |  18 |


# 查看所有的分组名
select distinct post from employee;
| post         |
| 猥琐欲为     |
| teacher      |
| sale         |
| operation    |


# where过滤的使用
select * from employee where id>3 and id<5;
| id | name | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  4 | dudu | male |  72 | 2015-03-12 | teacher | NULL         | 3100.00 |    401 |         1 |

select * from employee where id<3 or id>16;
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post         | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
|  1 | sun    | male |  18 | 2017-03-01 | 猥琐欲为     | NULL         |  1000.22 |    401 |         1 |
|  2 | haha   | male |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher      | NULL         | 10000.31 |    401 |         1 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation    | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation    | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |

select * from employee where id>=3 and id<=5;
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  3 | xixi   | male |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher | NULL         | 8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  4 | dudu   | male |  72 | 2015-03-12 | teacher | NULL         | 3100.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  5 | biubiu | male |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher | NULL         | 5000.00 |    401 |         1 |

# 意思是同上一样,id为3到5之间(包含3和5)
select * from employee where id between 3 and 5;
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  3 | xixi   | male |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher | NULL         | 8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  4 | dudu   | male |  72 | 2015-03-12 | teacher | NULL         | 3100.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  5 | biubiu | male |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher | NULL         | 5000.00 |    401 |         1 |

select * from employee where id=3 or id=5 or id=7;
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  3 | xixi   | male |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher | NULL         | 8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  5 | biubiu | male |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher | NULL         | 5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  7 | bubu   | male |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher | NULL         | 1501.00 |    401 |         1 |

# 关键字in集合查询,意思同上一样,id为3或者5或者7
select * from employee where id in (3,5,7);
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  3 | xixi   | male |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher | NULL         | 8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  5 | biubiu | male |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher | NULL         | 5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  7 | bubu   | male |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher | NULL         | 1501.00 |    401 |         1 |

# 模糊匹配like;%表示匹配任意多个字符
select * from employee where name like 'b%';
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  5 | biubiu | male |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher | NULL         | 5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  7 | bubu   | male |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher | NULL         | 1501.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  8 | bobo   | male |  55 | 2011-03-10 | teacher | NULL         | 8222.00 |    401 |         1 |

# 模糊匹配like;_表示匹配任意一个字符
mysql> select * from employee where name like 'bub_';
| id | name | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  7 | bubu | male |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher | NULL         | 1501.00 |    401 |         1 |

# 模糊匹配like;两个_表示匹配任意两个字符
select * from employee where name like '__';
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post      | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
|  9 | 哈哈   | male   |  48 | 2012-03-21 | sale      | NULL         |  3333.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 10 | 呵呵   | male   |  55 | 2013-06-20 | sale      | NULL         |  1050.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 11 | 西西   | male   |  38 | 2014-07-20 | sale      | NULL         |  1200.31 |    402 |         2 |
| 12 | 嘟嘟   | male   |  18 | 2018-12-01 | sale      | NULL         | 10011.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 13 | 萌萌   | male   |  38 | 2010-05-02 | sale      | NULL         | 10020.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 14 | 拉拉   | male   |  58 | 2005-03-25 | sale      | NULL         |  6250.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male   |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |

# 意思同上一样,表示匹配名字为两个字符的数据
select * from employee where char_length(name)=2;
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post      | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
|  9 | 哈哈   | male   |  48 | 2012-03-21 | sale      | NULL         |  3333.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 10 | 呵呵   | male   |  55 | 2013-06-20 | sale      | NULL         |  1050.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 11 | 西西   | male   |  38 | 2014-07-20 | sale      | NULL         |  1200.31 |    402 |         2 |
| 12 | 嘟嘟   | male   |  18 | 2018-12-01 | sale      | NULL         | 10011.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 13 | 萌萌   | male   |  38 | 2010-05-02 | sale      | NULL         | 10020.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 14 | 拉拉   | male   |  58 | 2005-03-25 | sale      | NULL         |  6250.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male   |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |

# regexp正则匹配
select * from employee where name regexp '^b';
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  5 | biubiu | male |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher | NULL         | 5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  7 | bubu   | male |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher | NULL         | 1501.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  8 | bobo   | male |  55 | 2011-03-10 | teacher | NULL         | 8222.00 |    401 |         1 |

# 查询数据为null的字段,针对null不能用=号,需要使用is
select * from employee where post_comment = null;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

select * from employee where post_comment is null;
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post         | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
|  1 | sun    | male   |  18 | 2017-03-01 | 猥琐欲为     | NULL         |  1000.22 |    401 |         1 |
|  2 | haha   | male   |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher      | NULL         | 10000.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  3 | xixi   | male   |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher      | NULL         |  8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  4 | dudu   | male   |  72 | 2015-03-12 | teacher      | NULL         |  3100.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  5 | biubiu | male   |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher      | NULL         |  5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  6 | lala   | female |  58 | 2021-03-23 | teacher      | NULL         |  1020.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  7 | bubu   | male   |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher      | NULL         |  1501.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  8 | bobo   | male   |  55 | 2011-03-10 | teacher      | NULL         |  8222.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  9 | 哈哈   | male   |  48 | 2012-03-21 | sale         | NULL         |  3333.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 10 | 呵呵   | male   |  55 | 2013-06-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1050.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 11 | 西西   | male   |  38 | 2014-07-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1200.31 |    402 |         2 |
| 12 | 嘟嘟   | male   |  18 | 2018-12-01 | sale         | NULL         | 10011.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 13 | 萌萌   | male   |  38 | 2010-05-02 | sale         | NULL         | 10020.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 14 | 拉拉   | male   |  58 | 2005-03-25 | sale         | NULL         |  6250.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male   |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation    | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation    | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |

group by分组

  首先明确一点:分组发生在where之后,即分组是基于where之后得到的记录而进行的 指定表中的字段名,将指定字段名的数据进行分类
  可以按照任意字段分组,但是分组完毕后,比如group by post,只能查看post字段,如果想查看组内信息,需要借助于聚合函数


# 查看mysql默认的sql_mode
select @@global.sql_mode;

# 由于没有设置only_full_group_by,于是也可以有结果,默认都是组内的第一条记录,但其实这是没有意义的
 set global sql_mode='only_full_group_by';

# 设置成功后,一定要退出,然后重新登录方可生效

# 设置完成后,我们重新进入mysql数据库,不借助聚合函数查看表中数据默认会报错
select * from employee group by post;
ERROR 1055 (42000): 'db01.employee.id' isn't in GROUP BY

group by必须配合聚合函数使用

# 求每个组的平均工资
select post,avg(age) from employee group by post;
| post         | avg(age) |
| operation    |  18.0000 |
| sale         |  42.5000 |
| teacher      |  58.5714 |
| 猥琐欲为     |  18.0000 |

# 求男人和女人的平均工资
select sex,max(salary) from employee group by sex;
| sex    | max(salary) |
| male   |    50000.00 |
| female |    20000.00 |

# 统计每个部门的人数
select post "部门",count(id) "部门人数" from employee group by post;
| 部门         | 部门人数     |
| operation    |            4 |
| sale         |            6 |
| teacher      |            7 |
| 猥琐欲为     |            1 |



# count统计数量
select count(*) from employee;
| count(*) |
|       18 |

mysql> select count(*) from employee where id>15;
| count(*) |
|        3 |

# max求最大值
mysql> select max(salary) from employee;
| max(salary) |
|    50000.00 |

# min求最小值
mysql> select min(salary) from employee;
| min(salary) |
|     1000.22 |

# avg求平均值
mysql> select avg(salary) from employee;
| avg(salary) |
| 9901.563889 |

# sum求和
mysql> select sum(salary) from employee;
| sum(salary) |
|   178228.15 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select sum(salary) from employee where id>15;
| sum(salary) |
|    88220.00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


  select查询执行命令的优先级从高到低:where > group by > having  

  where 发生在分组group by之前,因而where中可以有任意字段,但是绝对不能使用聚合函数
  having发生在分组group by之后,因而having中可以使用分组的字段,无法直接取到其他字段,可以使用聚合函数
# 查询各岗位内包含的员工个数小于2的岗位名、岗位内包含员工名字、个数
select post,count(*) from employee group by post having count(id)>2;
| post      | count(*) |
| operation |        4 |
| sale      |        6 |
| teacher   |        7 |

# 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资
 select post,avg(salary) "平均工资" from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000;
| post      | 平均工资     |
| operation | 27055.000000 |

# 查询各岗位平均薪资大于1000且小于10000的岗位名、平均工资
select post,avg(salary) "平均工资" from employee group by post having avg(salary)>1000 and avg(salary)<10000;
| post         | 平均工资     |
| sale         |  5310.718333 |
| teacher      |  5306.231429 |
| 猥琐欲为     |  1000.220000 |

order by查询排序

# 升序(按照工资从低到高排序)
# select * from employee order by salary asc; 		默认为升序,asc可忽略不写
select * from employee order by salary;
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post         | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
|  1 | sun    | male   |  18 | 2017-03-01 | 猥琐欲为     | NULL         |  1000.22 |    401 |         1 |
|  6 | lala   | female |  58 | 2021-03-23 | teacher      | NULL         |  1020.00 |    401 |         1 |
| 10 | 呵呵   | male   |  55 | 2013-06-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1050.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 11 | 西西   | male   |  38 | 2014-07-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1200.31 |    402 |         2 |
|  7 | bubu   | male   |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher      | NULL         |  1501.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  4 | dudu   | male   |  72 | 2015-03-12 | teacher      | NULL         |  3100.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  9 | 哈哈   | male   |  48 | 2012-03-21 | sale         | NULL         |  3333.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  5 | biubiu | male   |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher      | NULL         |  5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
| 14 | 拉拉   | male   |  58 | 2005-03-25 | sale         | NULL         |  6250.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  8 | bobo   | male   |  55 | 2011-03-10 | teacher      | NULL         |  8222.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  3 | xixi   | male   |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher      | NULL         |  8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  2 | haha   | male   |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher      | NULL         | 10000.31 |    401 |         1 |
| 12 | 嘟嘟   | male   |  18 | 2018-12-01 | sale         | NULL         | 10011.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 13 | 萌萌   | male   |  38 | 2010-05-02 | sale         | NULL         | 10020.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male   |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation    | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation    | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |

# 降序(按照工资从高到低排序)	desc
select * from employee order by salary desc;
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post         | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation    | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male   |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation    | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 13 | 萌萌   | male   |  38 | 2010-05-02 | sale         | NULL         | 10020.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 12 | 嘟嘟   | male   |  18 | 2018-12-01 | sale         | NULL         | 10011.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  2 | haha   | male   |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher      | NULL         | 10000.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  3 | xixi   | male   |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher      | NULL         |  8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  8 | bobo   | male   |  55 | 2011-03-10 | teacher      | NULL         |  8222.00 |    401 |         1 |
| 14 | 拉拉   | male   |  58 | 2005-03-25 | sale         | NULL         |  6250.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  5 | biubiu | male   |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher      | NULL         |  5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  9 | 哈哈   | male   |  48 | 2012-03-21 | sale         | NULL         |  3333.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  4 | dudu   | male   |  72 | 2015-03-12 | teacher      | NULL         |  3100.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  7 | bubu   | male   |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher      | NULL         |  1501.00 |    401 |         1 |
| 11 | 西西   | male   |  38 | 2014-07-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1200.31 |    402 |         2 |
| 10 | 呵呵   | male   |  55 | 2013-06-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1050.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  6 | lala   | female |  58 | 2021-03-23 | teacher      | NULL         |  1020.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  1 | sun    | male   |  18 | 2017-03-01 | 猥琐欲为     | NULL         |  1000.22 |    401 |         1 |

# 按多列排序,先按照age排序,如果age相同,则按照薪资排序
select * from employee order by age,salary desc;
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post         | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation    | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation    | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male   |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation    | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 12 | 嘟嘟   | male   |  18 | 2018-12-01 | sale         | NULL         | 10011.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  1 | sun    | male   |  18 | 2017-03-01 | 猥琐欲为     | NULL         |  1000.22 |    401 |         1 |
|  5 | biubiu | male   |  28 | 2014-03-18 | teacher      | NULL         |  5000.00 |    401 |         1 |
| 13 | 萌萌   | male   |  38 | 2010-05-02 | sale         | NULL         | 10020.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  7 | bubu   | male   |  38 | 2015-05-20 | teacher      | NULL         |  1501.00 |    401 |         1 |
| 11 | 西西   | male   |  38 | 2014-07-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1200.31 |    402 |         2 |
|  9 | 哈哈   | male   |  48 | 2012-03-21 | sale         | NULL         |  3333.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  8 | bobo   | male   |  55 | 2011-03-10 | teacher      | NULL         |  8222.00 |    401 |         1 |
| 10 | 呵呵   | male   |  55 | 2013-06-20 | sale         | NULL         |  1050.00 |    402 |         2 |
| 14 | 拉拉   | male   |  58 | 2005-03-25 | sale         | NULL         |  6250.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  6 | lala   | female |  58 | 2021-03-23 | teacher      | NULL         |  1020.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  4 | dudu   | male   |  72 | 2015-03-12 | teacher      | NULL         |  3100.00 |    401 |         1 |
|  2 | haha   | male   |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher      | NULL         | 10000.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  3 | xixi   | male   |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher      | NULL         |  8300.31 |    401 |         1 |

limit 限制查询的记录数

# 默认初始位置为0 
select * from employee order by salary desc limit 3;
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post      | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |

# 从第0开始,即先查询出第一条,然后包含这一条在内往后查5条
select * from employee order by salary desc limit 0,5;
| id | name   | sex    | age | hire_date  | post      | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
| 18 | 蟹蟹   | male   |  18 | 2008-03-20 | operation | NULL         | 50000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 15 | 娜娜   | male   |  18 | 2010-03-19 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 16 | 宝宝   | female |  18 | 2015-04-05 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male   |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |
| 13 | 萌萌   | male   |  38 | 2010-05-02 | sale      | NULL         | 10020.00 |    402 |         2 |

# 从第5开始,即先查询出第6条,然后包含这一条在内往后查5条 
select * from employee order by salary desc limit 5,5;
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
| 12 | 嘟嘟   | male |  18 | 2018-12-01 | sale    | NULL         | 10011.00 |    402 |         2 |
|  2 | haha   | male |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher | NULL         | 10000.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  3 | xixi   | male |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher | NULL         |  8300.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  8 | bobo   | male |  55 | 2011-03-10 | teacher | NULL         |  8222.00 |    401 |         1 |
| 14 | 拉拉   | male |  58 | 2005-03-25 | sale    | NULL         |  6250.00 |    402 |         2 |

regexp 使用正则表达式查询

# 匹配出名字以la开头的数据
select * from employee where name regexp "^la";
| id | name | sex    | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary  | office | depart_id |
|  6 | lala | female |  58 | 2021-03-23 | teacher | NULL         | 1020.00 |    401 |         1 |

# 匹配出名字以a结尾的数据
select * from employee where name regexp "a$";
| id | name | sex    | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
|  2 | haha | male   |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher | NULL         | 10000.31 |    401 |         1 |
|  6 | lala | female |  58 | 2021-03-23 | teacher | NULL         |  1020.00 |    401 |         1 |

# 匹配出名字以"辣"开头,任意一个字符结尾的数据
select * from employee where name regexp "辣{1}";
| id | name   | sex  | age | hire_date  | post      | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |
| 17 | 辣辣   | male |  18 | 2009-03-15 | operation | NULL         | 18220.00 |    403 |         3 |




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


