RFC5883 翻译



Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                           D. Katz Request for Comments: 5883                                       D. Ward Category: Standards Track                               Juniper Networks ISSN: 2070-1721                                                June 2010



Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Multihop Paths






This document describes the use of the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol over multihop paths, including unidirectional links.




Status of This Memo




This is an Internet Standards Track document.


This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).    It represents the consensus of the IETF community.              It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.


Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5883. Copyright Notice


Copyright (c) 2010 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors.                   All rights reserved.


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  1. Introduction




The Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol [BFD] defines a method for liveness detection of arbitrary paths between systems.

The BFD one-hop specification [BFD-1HOP] describes how to use BFD

across single hops of IPv4 and IPv6.




BFD can also be useful on arbitrary paths between systems, which may span multiple network hops and follow unpredictable paths. Furthermore, a pair of systems may have multiple paths between them that may overlap. This document describes methods for using BFD in such scenarios.




1.1.  Conventions Used in This Document


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [KEYWORDS].


  1. Applicability




Please note that BFD is intended as an Operations, Administration,

and Maintenance (OAM) mechanism for connectivity check and connection

verification.  It is applicable for network-based services (e.g.

router-to-router, subscriber-to-gateway, LSP/circuit endpoints, and

service appliance failure detection).  In these scenarios it is

required that the operator correctly provision the rates at which BFD

is transmitted to avoid congestion (e.g link, I/O, CPU) and false

failure detection.  It is not applicable for application-to-

application failure detection across the Internet because it does not

have sufficient capability to do necessary congestion detection and

avoidance and therefore cannot prevent congestion collapse.  Host-to-

host or application-to-application deployment across the Internet

will require the encapsulation of BFD within a transport that

provides "TCP-friendly" [TFRC] behavior.


请注意 BFD被期望成一个对于连通性检查和连接验证的运行,管理和维护机制(OAM)。它适用于网络基础服务(例如:路由到路由的,用户到网关的,LSP/电路端点的,服务器的故障检测)。在这些场景中,要求运行者正确的提供BFD被传送的速率以避免阻塞(链路的,I/O的,CPU的)和错误的故障探测。它不适用于因特网上应用到应用的故障探测,因为它没有足够的能力来做必要的阻塞发现和保护,因此不能阻止阻塞崩溃。因特网上主机到主机或者应用到应用的部署需要BFD封装在提供TCP友好的运输机中。


  1. Issues




There are three primary issues in the use of BFD for multihop paths. The first is security and spoofing; [BFD-1HOP] describes a lightweight method of avoiding spoofing by requiring a Time to Live (TTL)/Hop Limit of 255 on both transmit and receive, but this

obviously does not work across multiple hops.  The utilization of BFD

authentication addresses this issue.、


多跳BFD的使用有三个主要问题。第一个是安全和欺骗;[BFD-1HOP]描述了一种避免欺骗的轻负荷方法,就是要求收发报文的(TTL)/Hop Limit 设为255。但这明显不能再多跳上工作。BFD加密认证用以解决此问题。


The second, more subtle, issue is that of demultiplexing multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of systems to the proper BFD session. In particular, the first BFD packet received for a session may carry




a Your Discriminator value of zero, resulting in ambiguity as to which session the packet should be associated.                           Once the discriminator values have been exchanged, all further packets are

demultiplexed to the proper BFD session solely by the contents of the

Your Discriminator field.


第二个,更微妙的问题是如何将同一对系统上多重会话的分用到适当会话上。尤其是对于一个会话,第一个被接收的报文的Your discriminatory0,导致不能明确这个包应该关联到哪个会话上。一旦discriminator值被改变,所有未来的包仅依靠Your Discriminator字段的内容来分到合适的BFD会话。



[BFD-1HOP] addresses this by requiring that multiple sessions

traverse independent physical or logical links -- the first packet is

demultiplexed based on the link over which it was received.  In the

more general case, this scheme cannot work, as two paths over which

BFD is running may overlap to an arbitrary degree (including the

first and/or last hop).




Finally, the Echo function MUST NOT be used over multiple hops. Intermediate hops would route the packets back to the sender, and connectivity through the entire path would not be possible to verify.




  1. Demultiplexing Packets




There are a number of possibilities for addressing the demultiplexing issue that may be used, depending on the application.




4.1.  Totally Arbitrary Paths




It may be desired to use BFD for liveness detection over paths for which no part of the route is known (or if known, may not be stable). A straightforward approach to this problem is to limit BFD deployment to a single session between a source/destination address pair. Multiple sessions between the same pair of systems must have at least one endpoint address distinct from one another.




In this scenario, the initial packet is demultiplexed to the appropriate BFD session based on the source/destination address pair when Your Discriminator is set to zero.


在这种场景中当Your Discriminator0时,根据源/目的地址对来分用会话。


This approach is appropriate for general connectivity detection between systems over routed paths and is also useful for OSPF Virtual Links [OSPFv2] [OSPFv3].


这种方法适用于一般通过路由路径的系统间的连接性探测,也可以用于OSPFV虚拟链路 [OSPFv2] [OSPFv3]


4.2.  Out-of-Band Discriminator Signaling




Another approach to the demultiplexing problem is to signal the discriminator values in each direction through an out-of-band mechanism prior to establishing the BFD session.                                                  Once learned, the discriminators are sent as usual in the BFD Control packets;         no packets with Your Discriminator set to zero are ever sent.                            This method is used by the BFD MPLS specification [BFD-MPLS].


另一种解决分发问题的方法是通过带外机制在每个方向上发送discriminator值来建立BFD会话。一旦学习完,discriminators在通常的BFD控制包中被发送;没有Your Discriminator设为0的包被发送。这种方法被用于BFD MPLS规则中[BFD-MPLS].






This approach is advantageous because it allows BFD to be directed by other system components that have knowledge of the paths in use, and from the perspective of BFD implementation it is very simple.




The disadvantage is that it requires at least some level of BFD- specific knowledge in parts of the system outside of BFD.




4.3.  Unidirectional Links




Unidirectional links are classified as multihop paths because the return path (which should exist at some level in order to make the link useful) may be arbitrary, and the return paths for BFD sessions protecting parallel unidirectional links may overlap or even be identical.            (If two unidirectional links, one in each direction, are to carry a single BFD session, this can be done using the single-hop approach.)





Either of the two methods outlined earlier may be used in the unidirectional link case, but a more general solution can be found strictly within BFD and without addressing limitations.


上面两种方法4.1 4.2的方法)都可以用于单向链路情况,但是有更一般的办法,它完全在BFD之内,并且没有寻址限制。


The approach is similar to the one-hop specification, since the unidirectional link is a single hop.                           Let’s define the two systems as the Unidirectional Sender and the Unidirectional Receiver.                     In this approach, the Unidirectional Sender MUST operate in the Active role (as defined in the base BFD specification), and the Unidirectional Receiver MUST operate in the Passive role.





In the Passive role, by definition, the Unidirectional Receiver does not transmit any BFD Control packets until it learns the discriminator value in use by the other system (upon receipt of the

first BFD Control packet).  The Unidirectional Receiver demultiplexes the first packet to the proper BFD session based on the physical or logical link over which it was received.                            This allows the receiver to learn the remote discriminator value, which it then echoes back to

the sender in its own (arbitrarily routed) BFD Control packet, after which time all packets are demultiplexed solely by discriminator.





  1. Encapsulation




The encapsulation of BFD Control packets for multihop application in IPv4 and IPv6 is identical to that defined in [BFD-1HOP], except that the UDP destination port MUST have a value of 4784.                                                This can aid in the demultiplexing and internal routing of incoming BFD packets.







  1. Authentication




By their nature, multihop paths expose BFD to spoofing.  As the number of hops increases, the exposure to attack grows.                 As such, implementations of BFD SHOULD utilize cryptographic authentication over multihop paths to help mitigate denial-of-service attacks.





7.  IANA Considerations



Port 4784 has been assigned by IANA for use with BFD Multihop



8.  Security Considerations


As the number of hops increases, BFD becomes further exposed to attack.  The use of strong forms of authentication is strongly encouraged.


No additional security issues are raised in this document beyond those that exist in the referenced BFD documents.


9.  References


9.1.  Normative References


[BFD]      Katz, D. and D. Ward, "Bidirectional Forwarding

Detection", RFC 5880, June 2010.


[BFD-1HOP] Katz, D. and D. Ward, "Bidirectional Forwarding Detection

(BFD) for IPv4 and IPv6 (Single Hop)", RFC 5881, June



[KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.


9.2.  Informative References


[BFD-MPLS] Aggarwal, R., Kompella, K., Nadeau, T., and G. Swallow, "Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for MPLS Label Switched Paths (LSPs)", RFC 5884, June 2010.

[OSPFv2]   Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, April 1998. [OSPFv3] Coltun, R., Ferguson, D., Moy, J., and A. Lindem, "OSPF

for IPv6", RFC 5340, July 2008.




[TFRC]     Floyd, S., Handley, M., Padhye, J., and J. Widmer, "TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC): Protocol Specification", RFC

5348, September 2008. Authors’ Addresses

Dave Katz

Juniper Networks

1194 N. Mathilda Ave.

Sunnyvale, CA  94089-1206



Phone: +1-408-745-2000

EMail: dkatz@juniper.net



Dave Ward

Juniper Networks

1194 N. Mathilda Ave.

Sunnyvale, CA  94089-1206



Phone: +1-408-745-2000

EMail: dward@juniper.net





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