没有应用场景上下文做编程语言的比较就是一场关公战秦琼的乱斗而已,而语言的比较一次又一次的比较,并非开发者无聊,而是这的确关乎开发者时间精力的投入和未来可能的回报.现在估计问的最多的就是做Android开发还是iOS开发,仅次于它的就是选Node.js还是Erlang?众说纷纭,自己看吧,甚至Joe Armstrong等牛人也也加入了讨论!



A comparison between Misultin, Mochiweb, Cowboy, NodeJS and Tornadoweb


发表时间May 2011
恰如其名,这篇文章比较了 Misultin, Mochiweb, Cowboy, NodeJS and Tornadoweb,看比较图吧,评论也精彩:

In the webpage that will be displayed when you go to http://localhost:3000, you can set a number of messages to be sent to the server via socket.io.
In my computer nodejs processes 10k messages in 1250ms, and erlang version does the same in 1050ms.
With 100k messages, erlang handles them in 70secs, and node drops the connection thus failing the test.

We know that benchmarks aren't really that useful, since they differ from real production code. But this one served me to decide to go with erlang instead of node for a game I will be developing. Not being able to handle 100k messages is a no-no, given that erlang is able to handle them without problem.
Node.js vs Erlang: SyncPad’s Experience
2010年2月2日的文章,SyncPad’s 的开发者比较Node.js和Erlang的方案.应该说作者在Node.js上是遇到不少问题的;CPU飙高,内存泄漏,在node.js还是下了很多功夫的甚至尝试了multi-node:

Node.js v. Erlang
January 25, 2012的文章
原文在墙外: http://ksdlck.com/post/16493417514/node-js-v-erlang 
Node  and  Erlang  both set out to solve an issue that developers of a particular class of systems routinely face: dealing with massive concurrency.

In the end, Node and Erlang find their way to almost the same place. They are both dynamic languages, with similar native datastructures, and one can see that Node’s ubiquitous EventEmitter is, in many ways, isomorphic to Erlang’s message passing scheme. Libraries like hook.ioprovide some semblance of the agnosticism with which one treats the location of an adressee in Erlang. Hotplugging of code is possible with no particular hassle, but—arguably as it should be—the responsibility of the programmer to do in such a way as to not break the application. They both are ideall suited to workloads that are primarily bottlenecked on IO, and both excel at shifting data from one place to another.

Node.js vs Erlang is the wrong battle.
My main goal was to set out and exemplify a major difference in how a system like Node.js handles requests compared to Erlang. I think I have succeeded. It underpins the idea that you need to solve problems depending on platform. In Node.js, you will need to break up long-running jobs manually to give others a chance at the CPU (this is essentially cooperative multitasking). In Erlang, this is not a problem — and a single bad process can’t hose the system as a whole. On the other hand, I am sure there are problems for which Node.js shines and it will have to be worked around in Erlang.

Erlang vs node.js
Posted by David N. Welton on Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Good enough" concurrency, combined with a language that is at least an order of magnitude more popular than Erlang, and a fast runtime, combined with ease of use in general (it's way easier to get started with node.js than with most Erlang web stuff) make for a system that's likely to do fairly well in terms of diffusion and popularity, and is going to "eat some of Erlang's lunch". Or perhaps, rather than actually taking users away from Erlang, it's likely to attract people that might have otherwise gone to Erlang.

Felix's Node.js Convincing the boss guide

Felix Geisendörfer, an early node.js core contributor and co-founder of transloadit.com.

But please be careful here, since JavaScript is a dynamic / garbage collected language, your response times may sometimes vary depending on how often and long the garbage collection kicks in (at which point your program is stopped). So don't try to build hard realtime systems in node, that require consistent response times. Erlang is probably a better choice for these kinds of applications.


Node.js or Erlang
Node.Js in Erlang style?

Learning Erlang vs learning node.js
这里的讨论包含了很多学习的指导,其中提到了这篇妙趣横生的 An Open Letter to the Erlang Beginner (or Onlooker) http://ferd.ca/an-open-letter-to-the-erlang-beginner-or-onlooker.html

Google Group围观地址:node.js compared to erlang  
在这个讨论中,惊现神人:Erlang之父Joe Armstrong 以及Nabble – Erlang 的作者Max Lapshin等等