Installation Prerequisites and Guidelines

Before installing Sugar 5.0, ensure that you have the appropriate components installed on your server. See the  Sugar  Community Edition   Release Notes for a complete list of the supported software versions.
If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, install it and set it up to work with Sugar. For more information, navigate to Developer Wiki/Configuration and Installation/Installing SugarCRM with SQL Server.
If you have already install Sugar version 5.0, then you will need to migrate the application to use the FreeTDS driver. A pre-requisite for migration is that you are using Sugar version 5.0 with SQL Server 2005 on Apache with a PHP version 5.1.x or higher. This means that your current  php.ini file and  config.php file for SugarCRM instance should already reflect the necessary changes to run SugarCRM with SQL Server. The assumption is that there is data in the tables with multi-byte character values. You can also choose to create test data from a new 5.0 instance. This can be setup through the installation process by choosing to populate multi-byte character seed data with the installer. For more information, see  "To migrate Sugar to FreeTDS driver".
Navigate to
Download the  sugarcrm MB file listed under Sugar CE 5.0/MSSQL MB Driver.
This zip file contains the necessary  .lib.conf, and  .dll files for FreeTDS.
Backup the original  php.ini file and save it at a location from where you can retrieve it if the changes render Apache inoperable.
Modify your  php.ini file to include extension for FreeTDS and comment out the existing php_mssql.dll extension as shown below.
Change the  mssql.charset value to  utf-8. If the  mssql.charset parameter is missing, add it underneath the default_charset setting as shown below.
;default_charset = "iso-8859-1"
mssql.charset = "utf-8"
Open the  sugarcrm MB file and do the following:
Copy the appropriate  php_dblib.dll to the extensions folder of the PHP installation.
There are three separate folders for three different versions of PHP (5.1.x, 5.2.x, 6.x). The  php_dblib.dll file is the FreeTDS dynamic link library file. Your extension directory is the value for the  extension_dir key in the  php.ini file. Typically, it is located in the  ext folder. Ensure that you choose the appropriate version of the FreeTDS dynamic link library to use. They are organized according to PHP versions under the Drivers folder.
Place the  freetds.conf file in the c:\ directory of your Windows operating system.
If the SQL Server instance is listening to connections on a port other than thedefault (1433), modify the  freetds.conf file accordingly. Even if your Program Files folder that runs SQL Server or Apache resides in another directory (for example, in d: or e:), the  freetds.conf file should still go in the c:\ directory.
Copy  ntwdblib.dll and  msvcr71.dll to the Windows/SYSTEM32 folder  for  runtime extension support and verify the accuracy of the  ntwdblib.dll file.
The  msvcr71.dll file is also included in the file and should be copied into the Windows/SYSTEM32 folder as well. The subdirectories of your Apache installation directory may also contain copies of the  ntwdblib.dll file. Ensure that the versions of the  ntwdblib.dll file in those folders match the one you have placed in Windows/SYSTEM32. If you are unsure, you may also rename the  ntwdblib.dllfiles under the Apache directories to be safe.
From the command line where the  apache.exe file resides enter the following command from a DOS or SHELL terminal:
>apache.exe  - k restart
If you have problems connecting to the SQL Server database Express edition during the database configuration installation process, do the following:
localhost, 1433
Select the database you want to copy (Tasks->Copy Database). This will take you to a wizard application that will complete the process of making a backup of the existing database.
Run the  upgrade_mssql.php script in the root directory of the Sugar installation.
Run this file through the Command Line Interface. Ensure that your PATH settings are setup properly to allow for PHP command line execution. Your PHP executable may reference another php.ini file.
If so, check to make sure that the php.ini file used by the command line PHPexecutable also has the php_mssql.dll extension enabled. Run the command as follows:
> php -f upgrade_mssql.php
>cp php.ini php.bak

Installing Sugar

Install Sugar Community Edition with the Sugar Setup Wizard.
Click the  SugarCE 5.0.0 to download it.
Locate your  webroot directory  on your Web server. This is the directory on your web server where publicly accessible files are made available by your Web server. Common locations for Web root includes:
/var/www/html/ ( Linux/Apache)
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ ( Windows/IIS)
Set permissions on the Sugar files. The following directories, all subdirectories, and files must be made writable by your Web server user:
The system user that your Web server uses to access files in your Webroot variesdepending on your operating system configuration. Common Web server users include:
After you copy the Sugar files into your Web root, you can use the Sugar Setup Wizard. The URL  http:// <yourServer>/<yourSugarDirectory>/install.php on your machine corresponds to the Sugar URL that you will use to access the Sugar Setup Wizard.
For example:  http://localhost/Sugar-Full_5.0/install.php
You can perform a typical installation or a custom installation. While typical installation is recommended, you can choose custom installation for the following reasons:
The Welcome page displays on the screen. This screen lists the requirements to help determine if you can successfully install Sugar. Read this page before proceeding with the installation.
Click  Next.
The Installer displays the  Sugar License Agreement screen.
The installers checks the system for compatibility and then displays the Installation Options screen. At any time prior to accepting the Confirm Setting menu, you can modify any of your settings. To modify any settings, click the Back button to get back to the appropriate screen.
Select  Typical Install and click  Next.
The  Database Type Selection screen displays next.
Select the database that is installed on your system and click  Next.If you select MySQL, the Installer displays the following  Database Configuration screen.
If your database server is running on the same machine as your Web server, the host name is typically set to  localhost. If you do not have a database name or user name, Sugar allows you to create them at this time.
Enter the database name. The Installer displays  sugarcrm as default name for the database but you can specify a new name for the database.
The system will use this information to generate a new database user that the Sugar application will use to communicate with the database. This new user information will be displayed under "System Credentials" on the Summary page at the end of the installation process.
For My SQL and SQL Server database, by default, Sugar selects the Admin User as the database administrator. But you can specify a different user as the database administrator. To select an existing user, select  Provide existing user. To create a new database user, select  Define user to create.  Enter the database user name and password in the fields that display below. Reenter the password to confirm it.
From the Demo Data drop-down list, select  Yes to specify that you want to populate the database with the Sugar Demo data. Or else, select  No.
The system verifies the database credentials. If you chose to install Demo data when it already exists from a previous installation, the system asks you to confirm if it is OK to drop current tables.
Click  Accept to drop current tables or else click  Cancel and select  No from the Demo Data drop-down list.
Click  Next.
The Installer validates the credentials of the specified administrator. If a database with the specified name already exists, it displays a dialog box asking you to either accept the database name or choose a new database. Click  Accept to accept the database or else click  Cancel and enter a new name in the Database Name field.
The  Site Configuration screen displays on the page .
The Installer displays the  Locale Settings screen which lists the default settings for your locale.
Click  Next.
The Installer displays the  Confirm Settings screen. This screen displays a summary of the settings that you specified.
To include the database password and the Sugar password in the printout, click  Show Passwords and then click  Print Summary. When you click  Show  Passwords, the system displays the passwords and changes the button name to  Hide Passwords. You can click this button to hide the passwords again.
The  Perform Setup page displays the installation progress on the screen.
To register your Sugar instance with SugarCRM, enter the necessary information and click  Send Registration; or else click  No Thanks to skip registration.
The Sugar log-in page displays on the screen. You can now log into Sugar with theusername and password that you specified during installation.
The Welcome page displays on the screen. This screen lists the requirements to help determine if you can successfully install Sugar. Read this page before proceeding with the installation.
Click  Next.
Select  Custom Install and click  Next.
The Installer displays the  Database Type Selection  screen.
If you select  MySQL, the Installer displays the following  Database Configuration screen.
The Installer displays  sugarcrm as default name for the database but you can specify a new name for the database.
The system will use this information to generate a new database user that the Sugar application will use to communicate with the database. This new user information will be displayed under "System Credentials" on the Summary page at the end of the installation process.
Sugar selects the Admin User as the database administrator. But you can specify adifferent user. To select an existing user, select  Provide existing user. To create a new database user, select  Define user to create.  Enter the database user name and password in the fields that display below. Reenter the password to confirm it.
Select  Yes from the Demo Data drop-down list to specify that you want to populate the database with the Sugar Demo data. Or else, accept  No as the default value.
The system verifies the database credentials. If you chose to install Demo data when it already exists from a previous installation, the system asks you to confirm if it is OK to drop current tables.
Click  Accept to drop current tables or else click  Cancel and select  No from the Demo Data drop-down list.
Click  Next.
The Installer displays the  Confirm Settings screen. This screen displays a summary of the settings that you specified .
Click  Install.
The  Perform Setup page displays the installation progress on the screen.
The Installer displays the  Registration page on the screen.
To register your Sugar instance with SugarCRM, enter the necessary information and click  Send Registration; or else click  No Thanks to skip registration.
The Sugar log-in page displays on the screen. You can now log into Sugar with theusername and password that you specified during installation.




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