
I wish I could remember the very first email message I ever sent. Unfortunately, the truth is that I’ve come to take email for granted; for instance, I easily send more email messages than I make phone calls. Because the novelty has long since worn off, the memory of that first email is as lost to me as my first phone call; but I doubt my sense of wonder was any less complete at the time. To someone who has never seen email in action before, that first message can be magical.


In this article, I’ll try to recapture some of that magic for those of you who have never created a Web site that sends email messages. We’ll see how the PHP server-side scripting language may be set up to send email, and explore how to send complex message types such as HTML email or emails with file attachments.


PHP Email Setup


Before we can send email with PHP, we need to set it up to do so, just as you need to set up your email program before it can send messages. Configuration for sending email in PHP is done with the php.ini file, so open up your Web server’s php.ini in whichever editor you normally use.


If you don’t run your own server, but instead have a PHP-equipped Web host, you can safely assume that everything in this section has been done for you, and skip ahead.


In the section entitled [mail function] in the php.ini file, you’ll find three settings: SMTP, sendmail_from, and sendmail_path. If your server runs on a Windows machine, you’ll want to set the SMTP option to point to your SMTP server (or your ISP’s SMTP server, if you’re setting up PHP on your home machine). If instead you’re setting up PHP on a Linux (or other Unix-based OS) server, you’ll want to set the sendmail_path option to point to the sendmail program on your server, passing it the -t option. You can use the SMTP option in Linux instead if you don’t have sendmail set up.

在php.ini文件中标题为[mail function]的部分中,您将找到三个设置:SMTP、sendmail_from和sendmail_path。如果您的服务器在Windows计算机上运行,则需要将SMTP选项设置为指向您的SMTP服务器(或ISP的SMTP服务器,如果您在家庭计算机上设置PHP)。如果要在Linux(或其他基于Unix的操作系统)服务器上设置PHP,则需要将sendmail_path选项设置为指向服务器上的sendmail程序,并将-t选项传递给它。如果没有设置sendmail,则可以在Linux中使用SMTP选项。

In either case, you’ll want to set the sendmail_from option to your email address, or whichever address you’d like to appear as the default ‘from’ address for emails sent from PHP scripts.


Here’s how the section might look on a typical Windows server, or on a Linux server without sendmail:


[mail function]
; Setup for Windows systems
SMTP = smtp.my.isp.net
sendmail_from = me@myserver.com
And here’s how it might look on a Linux server with sendmail:

[mail function]
; Setup for Linux systems
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
sendmail_from = me@myserver.com
With those settings in place, restart your Web server and you’re ready to go!

Sending Plain Email


It doesn’t come much easier than the procedure to send plain text email in PHP. In fact, you can do it in just one line in a PHP script:


mail('recipient@some.net', 'Subject', 'Your message here.');

The above line would send an email message to recipient@some.net with ‘Subject‘ as the subject line and ‘Your message here.‘ as the message body. As you can see, PHP’s mail function makes sending email exceedingly simple, but there are a few advanced tricks we can use to get more out of this simple function.

上述行将向发送电子邮件recipient@some.net以“Subject”作为标题,以“Your message here.”作为邮件正文。正如您所看到的,PHP的邮件函数使发送电子邮件变得非常简单,但是我们可以使用一些高级技巧来从这个简单的函数中获得更多信息。

First of all, if the mail system you configured in your php.ini file rejects a message you try to send (for example, if the ‘to’ address is not a valid email address), this function will display an error message in the user’s browser. Like most PHP functions, however, error messages may be suppressed by preceding the function name with an @ symbol. Combine this with the fact that the mail function returns either true or false depending on whether the email was accepted by the mail sending system, and you have a formula to send email with appropriate error checking:


if (@mail($to, $subject, $message)) {
echo('<p>Mail sent successfully.</p>');
} else {
echo('<p>Mail could not be sent.</p>');

Note that just because an email message could be sent doesn’t guarantee it will arrive at its destination. An email address can be valid (i.e. correctly formed) but not actually exist. For instance, you can successfully send a message to nonexistant.user@hotmail.com — that is, the mail function will return true — but the message will bounce because no such user exists. PHP provides no built-in means of detecting when this happens.


When you want to send a message to multiple recipients, you can just list their email addresses one after another, separated by commas, in the first parameter. For example:


mail('recipient1@some.net, recipient2@some.net',
'An email to two people', 'Message goes here.');





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