style="WIDTH: 345px; HEIGHT: 285px" align="left" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="" frameborder="0" width="468" scrolling="no" height="60">
*Feb 20, 2007
* Zhou JianGuo
* 小白
* 中国电信上海技术研究院
[root@localhost bin]# ls
[root@localhost bin]# sh
Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Choose between creating and extending a domain. Based on your selection, the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to generate a new or extend an existing domain.
->1|Create a new WebLogic domain
| Create a WebLogic domain in your projects directory.
2|Extend an existing WebLogic domain
| Extend an existing WebLogic domain. Use this option to add applications and services, or to override existing database access (JDBC) and messaging (JMS) settings. You
|can also incorporate additional functionality in your domain, for example, by including AquaLogic Service Bus.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]> 1
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Select Domain Source:
Select the source from which the domain will be created. You can create the domain by selecting from the required components or by selecting from a list of existing domain
->1|Choose Weblogic Platform components
| You can choose the Weblogic component(s) that you want supported in your domain.
2|Choose custom template
| Choose this option if you want to use an existing template. This could be a custom created template using the Template Builder.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> previous
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Choose between creating and extending a domain. Based on your selection, the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to generate a new or extend an existing domain.
->1|Create a new WebLogic domain
| Create a WebLogic domain in your projects directory.
2|Extend an existing WebLogic domain
| Extend an existing WebLogic domain. Use this option to add applications and services, or to override existing database access (JDBC) and messaging (JMS) settings. You
|can also incorporate additional functionality in your domain, for example, by including AquaLogic Service Bus.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]> 1
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Select Domain Source:
Select the source from which the domain will be created. You can create the domain by selecting from the required components or by selecting from a list of existing domain
->1|Choose Weblogic Platform components
| You can choose the Weblogic component(s) that you want supported in your domain.
2|Choose custom template
| Choose this option if you want to use an existing template. This could be a custom created template using the Template Builder.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Application Template Selection:
Available Templates
|_____WebLogic Server (Required)x
|_____Workshop for WebLogic Platform [2]
Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Configure Administrator Username and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *User name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | |
3| *Confirm user password: | |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "User name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Configure Administrator Username and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
"*User password:" = []
Enter new *User password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]>
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Configure Administrator Username and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *User name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | *************** |
3| *Confirm user password: | |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "User name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
5 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Configure Administrator Username and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
"*User password:" = [***************]
Enter new *User password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]>
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Configure Administrator Username and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *User name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | ******** |
3| *Confirm user password: | |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "User name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
5 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Configure Administrator Username and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
"*Confirm user password:" = []
Enter new *Confirm user password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]>
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Configure Administrator Username and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *User name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | ******** |
3| *Confirm user password: | ******** |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "User name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
5 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Domain Mode Configuration:
Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.
->1|Development Mode
2|Production Mode
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Java SDK Selection:
1|JRockit SDK 1.5.0_04 @ /home/bea/bea/jrockit90_150_04
->2|Sun SDK 1.5.0_04 @ /home/bea/bea/jdk150_04
3|Other Java SDK
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Choose Configuration Option:
*Do you want to modify any of the preconfigured settings or defaults in your template?
*To keep the default or template settings, and proceed directly to name and create your domain, leave No selected.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Select the target domain directory for this domain:
"Target Location" = [Enter new value or use default "/home/bea/bea/user_projects/domains"]
Enter new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> /home/bea/bea/user_projects/domains/test
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Edit Domain Information:
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | base_domain |
Enter value for "Name" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Edit Domain Information:
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | 1 |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Edit Domain Information:
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | 1 |
Enter value for "Name" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> test
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Edit Domain Information:
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | test |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
<---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Creating Domain...
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
**** Domain Created Successfully! ****
[root@localhost bin]# cd ..
[root@localhost common]# ls
bin deployable-libraries eclipse eval help lib nodemanager p13n quickstart templates wlst
[root@localhost common]# cd ..
[root@localhost weblogic92]# ls
beehive common javelin platform samples server uninstall workshop
[root@localhost weblogic92]# cd ..
[root@localhost bea]# ls
beahomelist jdk150_04 jrockit90_150_04 license.bea logs registry.xml user_projects utils weblogic92 workshop92
[root@localhost bea]# cd user_porjects
-bash: cd: user_porjects: No such file or directory
[root@localhost bea]# cd user_projects
[root@localhost user_projects]# ls
[root@localhost user_projects]# cd domains
[root@localhost domains]# ls
base_domain test
[root@localhost domains]# cd test
[root@localhost test]# ls
[root@localhost test]# cd test
[root@localhost test]# ls
autodeploy bin config console-ext init-info lib security servers user_staged_config