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struct BSTreeNode // a node in the binary search tree
int m_nValue; // value of node
BSTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node
BSTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node
// Covert a sub binary-search-tree into a sorted double-linked list
// Input: pNode - the head of the sub tree
// asRight - whether pNode is the right child of its parent
// Output: if asRight is true, return the least node in the sub-tree
// else return the greatest node in the sub-tree
BSTreeNode* ConvertNode(BSTreeNode* pNode, bool asRight)
return NULL;
BSTreeNode *pLeft = NULL;
BSTreeNode *pRight = NULL;
// Convert the left sub-tree
pLeft = ConvertNode(pNode->m_pLeft, false);
// Connect the greatest node in the left sub-tree to the current node
pLeft->m_pRight = pNode;
pNode->m_pLeft = pLeft;
// Convert the right sub-tree
pRight = ConvertNode(pNode->m_pRight, true);
// Connect the least node in the right sub-tree to the current node
pNode->m_pRight = pRight;
pRight->m_pLeft = pNode;
BSTreeNode *pTemp = pNode;
// If the current node is the right child of its parent,
// return the least node in the tree whose root is the current node
pTemp = pTemp->m_pLeft;
// If the current node is the left child of its parent,
// return the greatest node in the tree whose root is the current node
pTemp = pTemp->m_pRight;
return pTemp;
// Covert a binary search tree into a sorted double-linked list
// Input: the head of tree
// Output: the head of sorted double-linked list
BSTreeNode* Convert(BSTreeNode* pHeadOfTree)
// As we want to return the head of the sorted double-linked list,
// we set the second parameter to be true
return ConvertNode(pHeadOfTree, true);
// Covert a sub binary-search-tree into a sorted double-linked list
// Input: pNode - the head of the sub tree
// pLastNodeInList - the tail of the double-linked list
void ConvertNode(BSTreeNode* pNode, BSTreeNode*& pLastNodeInList)
if(pNode == NULL)
BSTreeNode *pCurrent = pNode;
// Convert the left sub-tree
if (pCurrent->m_pLeft != NULL)
ConvertNode(pCurrent->m_pLeft, pLastNodeInList);
// Put the current node into the double-linked list
pCurrent->m_pLeft = pLastNodeInList;
if(pLastNodeInList != NULL)
pLastNodeInList->m_pRight = pCurrent;
pLastNodeInList = pCurrent;
// Convert the right sub-tree
if (pCurrent->m_pRight != NULL)
ConvertNode(pCurrent->m_pRight, pLastNodeInList);
// Covert a binary search tree into a sorted double-linked list
// Input: pHeadOfTree - the head of tree
// Output: the head of sorted double-linked list
BSTreeNode* Convert_Solution1(BSTreeNode* pHeadOfTree)
BSTreeNode *pLastNodeInList = NULL;
ConvertNode(pHeadOfTree, pLastNodeInList);
// Get the head of the double-linked list
BSTreeNode *pHeadOfList = pLastNodeInList;
while(pHeadOfList && pHeadOfList->m_pLeft)
pHeadOfList = pHeadOfList->m_pLeft;
return pHeadOfList;
- /*
- * convert the binary tree to double link
- * calls treeToDLink()
- * return the head node of the double link
- */
- template <class T>
- BinaryTreeNode<T>* BSTree<T>::convertToDLink()
- {
- treeToDLink(root);
- BinaryTreeNode<T> *linkHead = root;
- while (linkHead->left)
- {
- linkHead = linkHead->left;
- }
- return linkHead;
- }
- /*
- * transform a tree with the root of node to doule link
- * called by convertToDLink()
- */
- template <class T>
- void BSTree<T>::treeToDLink(BinaryTreeNode<T> *node)
- {
- if (NULL == node)
- {
- return;
- }
- treeToDLink(node->left);
- treeToDLink(node->right);
- linkLeftRight(node);
- }
- /*
- * link left tree and right tree in the case of they are already double link
- * called by treeToDLink()
- */
- template <class T>
- void BSTree<T>::linkLeftRight(BinaryTreeNode<T> *node)
- {
- if (NULL == node)
- {
- return;
- }
- /* link the left tree */
- BinaryTreeNode<T> *rightMost = node->left;
- if (rightMost != NULL)
- {
- while (rightMost->right)
- {
- rightMost = rightMost->right;
- }
- rightMost->right = node;
- node->left = rightMost;
- }
- /* link the right tree */
- BinaryTreeNode<T> *leftMost = node->right;
- if (leftMost != NULL)
- {
- while (leftMost->left)
- {
- leftMost = leftMost->left;
- }
- leftMost->left = node;
- node->right = leftMost;
- }
- }
- /* another implemention */
- template <class T>
- void BSTree<T>::treeToDLink1(BinaryTreeNode<T> *node, BinaryTreeNode<T>*& pLast)
- {
- if (NULL == node)
- {
- return;
- }
- /* convert the left sub tree */
- treeToDLink1(node->left, pLast);
- /* put the current node into the link */
- node->left = pLast;
- if (pLast != NULL)
- {
- pLast->right = node;
- }
- pLast = node;
- /* convert the right sub tree */
- treeToDLink1(node->right, pLast);
- }
- template <class T>
- BinaryTreeNode<T>* BSTree<T>::convertToDLink1()
- {
- BinaryTreeNode<T> *linkHead = NULL;
- treeToDLink1(root, linkHead);
- while (linkHead->left)
- {
- linkHead = linkHead->left;
- }
- return linkHead;
- }