Qt Creator 10 Beta版发布

Qt Creator 10 Beta released

Qt Creator 10 Beta版发布

February 16, 2023 by Eike Ziller | Comments

2023年2月16日 Eike Ziller |评论

We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 10 Beta!

我们很高兴宣布Qt Creator 10 Beta版的发布!

The more extensive change log is available for reading in our repository, and also under Help > Change Log (and Qt Creator > Change Log on macOS). Some highlights:

更广泛的更改日志可以在我们的存储库中阅读,也可以在帮助>更改日志(以及macOS上的Qt Creator>更改日志)下阅读。一些亮点:

  • You can now temporarily drag the progress details out of the way, in addition to hiding them with the button below them.

  • 现在,除了用下面的按钮隐藏进度细节之外,您还可以暂时将进度细节拖到一边。

  • We added a Call Hierachy view for language servers that support it.

  • 我们为支持它的语言服务器添加了CallHierachy视图。

  • When renaming .ui files, or renaming forms in .ui files, the C++ code is refactored accordingly.

  • 重命名.ui文件或在.ui文件中重命名表单时,会相应地重构C++代码。

  • You can search for unused C++ functions in your project with Tools > C++ > Find Unused Functions.

  • 您可以使用“工具”>“C++”>“查找未使用的函数”在项目中搜索未使用的C++函数。

  • Temporarily cancel Clangd's background indexing with the cancel button in the progress indicator. Indexing restarts when Clangd is restarted.

  • 使用进度指示器中的取消按钮暂时取消Clangd的背景索引。当Clangd重新启动时,索引将重新启动。

  • The ClangFormat plugin is now enabled by default.

  • ClangFormat插件现在默认启用。

  • We added experimental support for the QML language server.

  • 我们为QML语言服务器添加了实验支持。

  • There is a new option to apply qmlformat on QML files when saving.

  • 保存时,有一个新选项可以在QML文件上应用qmlformat。

  • The QML code model was updated to Qt 6.5, and issues with QtObject were fixed.

  • QML代码模型更新到Qt 6.5,QtObject的问题得到了解决。

  • The editor now shows the git blame entry for the current line as an annotation (opt-out in the Git settings).

  • 编辑器现在将当前行的git异常条目显示为注释(在git设置中选择退出)。

  • CMake projects now have a cmake --install based deployment method available.

  • CMake项目现在有一种基于CMake安装的部署方法可用。

  • We added the option to format CMake files with cmake-format.

  • 我们添加了用cmake-format格式化CMake文件的选项。

  • The Autorun CMake option moved from the individual tools to a global and project wide setting.

  • “自动运行CMake”选项从单个工具移动到全局和项目范围的设置。

  • The environment for the CMake configuration of a project can now be based on the build environment, and that is the default for non-preset builds.

  • 项目的CMake配置的环境现在可以基于构建环境,这是非预设构建的默认环境。

Remote Build and Run Targets
  • The remote file system can now be browsed for remote targets, for example to select a remote build directory.

  • 现在可以浏览远程文件系统以查找远程目标,例如选择远程构建目录。

  • You can also open a terminal on your remote system now.

  • 现在还可以在远程系统上打开终端。

  • We added support for handling the code model remotely via remote Clangd when building on a Docker device.

  • 在Docker设备上构建时,我们添加了通过远程Clangd远程处理代码模型的支持。

  • ClangFormat now also works on remote files in a Docker container.

  • ClangFormat现在也适用于Docker容器中的远程文件。

  • We added the option to enable the capabilities necessary for debugging with LLDB on Docker devices.

  • 我们添加了选项,以启用在Docker设备上使用LLDB进行调试所需的功能。

Get Qt Creator 10 Beta

获取Qt Creator 10测试版

The opensource version is available on the Qt download page under "Pre-releases", and you find commercially licensed packages on the Qt Account Portal. Qt Creator 10 Beta is also available under Preview > Qt Creator 10.0.0-beta1 in the online installer. Please post issues in our bug tracker. You can also find us on IRC on #qt-creator on irc.libera.chat, and on the Qt Creator mailing list.

开源版本在Qt下载页面的“预发布”下提供,您可以在Qt帐户门户上找到商业许可的软件包。Qt Creator 10 Beta版也可在在线安装程序中的预览>Qt Creator10.0.0-beta1下获得。请在我们的bug跟踪器中发布问题。您也可以在irc.libera.chat上的#qt creator上找到我们,或在qt creator邮件列表上找到我们。

You can read the Qt Creator Manual in Qt Creator in the Help mode or access it online in the Qt documentation portal.

您可以在帮助模式下阅读Qt Creator中的Qt Creaor手册,或在Qt文档门户中在线访问。





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