Qt Creator 12发布

Qt Creator 12 released

Qt Creator 12发布

November 23, 2023 by Eike Ziller | Comments

​2023年11月23日:Eike Ziller |评论

We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 12!

我们很高兴地宣布Qt Creator 12的发布!

New Features
Integrated Compiler Explorer

Use Tools > Compiler Explorer > Open Compiler Explorer to open an editor that integrates the Compiler Explorer from https://godbolt.org. While you write code, Qt Creator asks Compiler Explorer to compile it, generate assembly, and optionally execute it, and shows you the result, just like on their website. You can open multiple editors and configure different compilers. Save your document including the settings as a .qtce file for sharing or continuing you experiments later. The plugin is disabled by default, so first enable the plugin in Help > About Plugins > CompilerExplorer (or Qt Creator > About Plugins > CompilerExplorer on macOS).

​使用“工具”>“编译器浏览器”>“打开编译器浏览器”打开一个编辑器,该编辑器集成了https://godbolt.org.在编写代码时,Qt Creator会要求编译器资源管理器对其进行编译、生成程序集,并选择性地执行它,并显示结果,就像在他们的网站上一样。可以打开多个编辑器并配置不同的编译器。将包含设置的文档保存为.qtce文件,以便以后共享或继续进行实验。该插件在默认情况下是禁用的,因此首先在“帮助”>“关于插件”>“编译器探索”中启用该插件(或在macOS上的Qt Creator>“关于插头”>“编译探索”)。

CMake Debugging and Profiling

CMake 3.27 and later include debugging functionality via the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP). Qt Creator 12 implements debugging via DAP in Debug mode > DAP, which means that you now can set breakpoints in your project's CMake files and debug CMake's configuration process. Instead of going through the Debug mode, you can also trigger CMake debugging more directly with Debug > Start Debugging > Start CMake Debugging.

CMake 3.27及更高版本包含通过调试适配器协议(DAP)进行调试的功能。Qt Creator 12在调试模式>DAP中通过DAP实现调试,这意味着现在可以在项目的CMake文件中设置断点并调试CMake的配置过程。也可以使用Debug>Start debugging>Start CMake debugging更直接地触发CMake调试,而不是使用Debug模式。

Additionally, the new Analyze > CMake Profiler starts CMake in profiling mode (available since CMake 3.18) and opens the results in Qt Creator's trace file viewer.

此外,新的Analyze>CMake Profiler在分析模式下启动CMake(自CMake 3.18起可用),并在Qt Creator的跟踪文件查看器中打开结果。

Screen recording


Easily create recordings of (a part of) your screen for bug reports, sharing, blog posts, etc. Of course I've created the above with the ScreenRecorder plugin ;). The plugin is disabled by default, so first enable the plugin in Help > About Plugins > ScreenRecorder (or Qt Creator > About Plugins > ScreenRecorder on macOS).

​轻松创建屏幕的(一部分)记录,用于错误报告、共享、博客文章等。当然,我已经使用ScreenRecorder插件创建了上述内容;)。默认情况下,该插件处于禁用状态,因此请先在“帮助”>“关于插件”>“ScreenRecorder”中启用该插件(或在macOS上启用Qt Creator>“关于插头”>“Screen Recorder”)。

Other Improvements

The following is just an excerpt. Please have a look at our change log for further details on improvements and fixes in Qt Creator 12. Also head over to the separate blog post with more details on the improvements on the CMake integration.

​以下只是摘录。请查看我们的更改日志,了解有关Qt Creator 12中改进和修复的更多详细信息。另请参阅另一篇博客文章,详细介绍CMake集成的改进。



  • We improved the startup performance significantly on various setups.
  • ​我们在各种设置上显著提高了启动性能。



  • We updated Clangd and the Clang analyzer tools to LLVM 17.0.1
  • 我们将Clangd和Clang分析器工具更新为LLVM 17.0.1
  • The C++ refactoring operations received multiple fixes and extensions. For example, renaming operations are now also applied to documentation comments.
  • C++重构操作收到了多个修复和扩展。例如,重命名操作现在也应用于文档注释。
  • The Markdown editor got some buttons for text styles.
  • Markdown编辑器有一些文本样式按钮。
  • We added proxy support to the Copilot integration.
  • 我们为Copilot集成添加了代理支持。



  • We added project specific settings for C++ file naming and documentation comments.
  • 我们为C++文件命名和文档注释添加了特定于项目的设置。
  • The editor for CMake files received many improvements, like jumping to function, macro, target and package definitions, help tooltips and greatly expanded completion.
  • CMake文件的编辑器得到了许多改进,如跳转到函数、宏、目标和包定义、帮助工具提示和大大扩展的完成度。
  • PySide installations from the installer are now auto-detected.
  • 安装程序中的PySide安装现在自动检测。

A note for commercial users: Even though Qt Creator 12 counts as an "Upgrade" in terms of the license agreement, Qt Creator 12 is available free of charge for commercial users.

商业用户注意:尽管Qt Creator 12在许可协议中被视为“升级”,但Qt Creator12对商业用户是免费的。

Get Qt Creator 12

获取Qt Creator 12

The opensource version is available on the Qt download page under "Qt Creator", and you find commercially licensed packages on the Qt Account Portal. Qt Creator 12 is also available as an update in the online installer. Please post issues in our bug tracker. You can also find us on IRC on #qt-creator on irc.libera.chat, and on the Qt Creator mailing list.

​开源版本可在Qt下载页面的“Qt Creator”下获得,可以在Qt帐户门户网站上找到商业许可的软件包。Qt Creator 12也可用作在线安装程序中的更新。请在错误跟踪器中发布问题。也可以在IRC上的#qt-creator上找到我们,也可以在IRC.liber.hat上的qt creator邮件列表上找到我们。

You can read the Qt Creator Manual in Qt Creator in the Help mode or access it online in the Qt documentation portal.

可以在“帮助”模式下阅读Qt Creator中的《Qt Creator手册》,也可以在Qt文档门户网站中在线访问。





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