Moving to Microsoft Visual C/C++ (MSVC) compiler 2022 in Qt 6.8 packages. Please test this on Qt 6.7
转到Qt 6.8包中的Microsoft Visual C/C++(MSVC)编译器2022。请在Qt 6.7上测试
May 08, 2024 by Vladimir Minenko | Comments
2024年5月8日Vladimir Minenko |评论
When you install Qt from the Qt Installer, you have a selection of target platforms. On Windows, at the time of writing, this is MinGW, MSVC as regular choices, and LLVM-MinGW as a Technology Preview. This basically specifies the environment which is used to build Qt code for that packages. Most importanly, this also de-facto specifies a version of the of the compiler which you should use for your development work, if you use pre-built Qt.
In Qt 6.7.0, for example, we support MSVC 2022, MSVC 2019, MinGW 11.2 as compilers (see this page in the Qt documentation), but we do not provide binary Qt packages built with MSVC 2022 which is the current version of MSVC. For future releases of Qt 6, we need to move faster towards more modern MSVC 2022 and start to phase out MSVC 2019 as an older version.
例如,在Qt 6.7.0中,我们支持MSVC 2022、MSVC 2019和MinGW 11.2作为编译器(请参阅Qt文档中的此页),但我们不提供使用MSVC 2022构建的二进制Qt包,MSVC 2022是MSVC的当前版本。对于Qt 6的未来版本,我们需要更快地向更现代的MSVC 2022迈进,并开始逐步淘汰旧版本的MSVC 2019。
This will be a change not only for the Qt's release team, but also for Qt's users who use these binary packages. We want to make it as smooth as possible and got a plan which we want to share here. BTW, the below changes are only related to MSVC and do not concern MinGW packages for Windows.
In one of the next bug-fix releases of Qt 6.7, possibly in Qt 6.7.2, we will add packages built with MSVC 2022 in addition to the MSVC 2019 ones as we have now. The upcoming Qt 6.8 will have packages for Windows built with MSVC 2022 only, and MSVC 2019 ones will be discontinued in packages. MSVC 2019 will still stay in the packages of future Qt 6.7 bug-fix releases as long as Qt 6.7 is supported.
在Qt 6.7的下一个bug修复版本中,可能在Qt 6.7.2中,我们将添加使用MSVC 2022构建的包,以及我们现在使用的MSVC 2019构建的包。即将推出的Qt 6.8将仅使用MSVC 2022构建Windows软件包,而MSVC 2019的软件包将停止使用。只要支持Qt 6.7,MSVC 2019仍将保留在未来Qt 6.7错误修复版本的包中。
We see this as a migration path which gives MSVC users a possibility to test Qt 6.7.x binary packages with both versions of MSVC in their projects.
我们将其视为一种迁移路径,它为MSVC用户提供了在其项目中使用两个版本的MSVC测试Qt 6.7.x二进制包的可能性。
Please test this!
Please report any reproducible problems as comments on QTBUG-124243.